Pope Francis I Soars in Popularity Polls

A recent article on Yahoo News reported that Pope Francis is soaring in the popularity polls.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll showed today that 92 percent of American Catholics view Pope Francis favorably, as do 69 percent of all Americans.

And Pope Francis I was just named Time magazine’s Man of the Year.

If you’ve read our Antichrist In The Temple Deception and The Antichrist Is Hidden In Plain Sight studies, then you know that the Roman Catholic Church is the Antichrist beast of Revelation, and the Pope, the Son of Perdition.

Pope Francis I is drawing the world to himself by acting humble and all-inclusive.

Previous Popes proclaimed that salvation is only through the Roman Catholic Church, and they have not retracted those statements, so it’s still their belief.

They have already misled 1.2 billion Catholics into believing a false message of salvation by works, through the Papal Church.

But now Pope Francis is telling Muslims that they worship the same God, as to draw Muslims to him.

He has even told atheists that if they’re good enough, they can go to heaven.

He is preparing the world for the New World Order, where there will be one religion that unites all people…

except those people they call heretics, who profess that salvation is only through Christ Jesus.

In the New World Order, true Christians will become the enemy of the world.

And Pope Francis may offer forgiveness of sins and the promise of heaven, to his flock of 1.2 billion Catholics… if they will do the work of god and kill Christians.

If that seems far-fetched, just know that previous Popes have made the same offer, and it was an effective strategy in killing Christians during the Dark Ages.

The Albigenses Christians were referred to in Pope Innocent’s Sunday morning messages as “servants of the old serpent“.

Pope Innocent promised Catholics a heavenly kingdom if they took up their swords against these unarmed populaces.

On July 22, 1209, Roman Catholic “crusaders” butcher approximately 20,000 men, women, and children at the French city of Beziers.

The whole city was sacked, and when someone complained that Catholics were being killed as well as “heretics”, the papal legates told them to go on killing and not to worry about it for “the Lord knows His own.”*

To see the truth, read Roman Catholic Beliefs that explains what the Bible says about the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope

* Source: “THE INQUISITION: A Study in Absolute Catholic Power” http://www.mtc.org/inquis.html

3 thoughts on “Pope Francis I Soars in Popularity Polls”

  1. Pope Frances is popular because most people do not know who Christ Jesus truly is in fact, because they are not born again of the Holy Spirit, they are only water baptised sinners who do the act of repentance for Sin and are much like the Jews who do not know the Father or the Son let alone the Holy Spirit and that’s why they claim to be Judaic Christians, this is worthless in fact.
    It’s Christian Israel in fact, not Judaic Christians because that means that Christ does not abide in you. but a Christian who is a Israel means that they are a servant of God In Christ Jesus, Jacob was given that Name Israel because of who is was by the Angel, a messenger from God.
    A Christian may believe or have little faith but a Christian Israel means you are a Servant of Christ Jesus and Blessed as one who lives in him and not of the world and has nothing to do with the damned Jews who are just as lost as a goose.
    Christ Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and we must abide in him only, it’s not just a religion, it’s a way of life abiding in him and his Holy Spirit only.
    Pope Frances will not save anyone, not even himself, only God has that power to give such, just as the Jews can not save, it’s just nonsense to think that they can, let alone such is in fact blasphemy and an attack on Jesus Christ.

    • Agreed! Pope Frances will not save anyone, and he will lead many astray as they revere (mark on forehead) and obey (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast Pope.


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