Walid Shoebat is a fraud, a wolf in the church, who is being used to deceive Christians.
This report in no way supports the actions of radical Muslims. The topic is the credibility of Walid Shoebat’s claims to be an ex-terrorist; and his manipulation
of Bible prophecy.
Walid is a Roman Catholic like his wife and he points to Islam as the enemy, to deflect blame away from the Popes of Rome, which the Protestant Reformers rightly identified as the antichrist beast of Revelation, the Little Horn of Daniel, and the Son of Perdition.
Revelation 13 describes the leaders of the Roman beast, the Popes of Rome, and the Jesuit General.
Revelation 17 describes the Catholic Church, with her purple and scarlet colors, and golden cup.
Radical Muslims are an enemy to be sure, but they are ultimately controlled by the Jesuits of Rome through the CIA. Of course, Walid isn’t telling you any of that.
Wikipedia, the Jerusalem Post, CNN, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Reporter Eileen Fleming of WeAreWideAwake.org, and many others, all proclaim that Walid Shoebat is a fraud, who is making lots of money by promoting hate towards Muslims.
Many Christians are embracing his message because some Muslims leaders oppose the Zionist state of Israel, and because some radical Muslims are killing Christians.
The deceiver is pitting Christians against Muslims, and Muslims against Christians.
The enemy is pushing the world towards WW III, which will pit christian America and Israel, against Muslims countries, where many on both sides are killed.
The enemy is causing strife between religions, so that in his New World Order, people will long for a one-world religion, that joins everyone together in the name of peace.
The deceiver is using people like Walid Shoebat to promote hatred towards Muslims, which will lead the world into WW III, when Muslim countries and Israel will attack each other.
On this Facebook post, Walid is promoting wiping out Mecca and Muslims, as a peace solution.
Reporter Eileen Fleming has researched Walid extensively, interviewing many of his family members. She learned from one of Walid’s many Palestinian American relatives, Kamal Younis, who checked his facts with other relatives and everyone of them agreed that;
“Walid’s entire biography is a manufactured fabrication. His handlers have taken one point and have twisted it and built up a fictional story.”
“The biggest act of ‘terror’ he ever committed was to glue Palestinian flags on street posts. But, when he was in jail he met someone who invited him to join a group against Israel. In 1977 Walid and his friends put packages behind a bank, but there were no explosives in it.”
“Walid claimed on CNN that he met Sheikh Jamal and was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and claimed he had been a member of a U.S. sleeper cell terrorist group. All his relatives doubt this greatly, but we do believe he is being paid big money to keep saying bad things about Muslims.”
“None of Walid’s relatives are extremists, only Walid is. It’s apparent Walid is involved in a smear campaign with fundamental Christian Zionists to convince Jews and Christians that Islam is out to get them.”
You can read her full report on Veterans Today @ http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/17/cnn-catches-up-to-the-new-fourth-estate-regarding-walid-shoebat/
Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, calls Shoebat a scandalous outrage.
In a telephone interview, Weinstein said that they had been tracking Shoebat for over two years, and in the process of the investigation, contacted CIA, Mossad and other organisations, “No one had ever heard of him.”
Mikey Weinstein said, “It’s an absolute outrage. Shoebat says that Islam must die…it’s old school racism and prejudice.”
Weinstein expressed anger at the fact that not only had Shoebat been paid with federal tax payer funds for his speaking appearances, but that he had also been present at an event organized by the Department of Defense.
When you look at his claims about being an ex-PLO terrorist, he is exposed as a fraud.
According to Wikipedia, Shoebat claims to have been a “Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorist.”
But his family says that he was never in the PLO.
Shoebat claims that he threw a bomb at Bank Leumi, an Israeli bank, in Bethlehem.
But the police and the Tel Aviv headquarters of Bank Leumi have no record of a firebombing at its now-demolished Bethlehem branch.
In addition Shoebat’s uncle also denies that such an attack took place.
Shoebat claims that he was held in an Israeli jail ‘for a few weeks’ for inciting anti-Israel demonstrations.
But the police say that he was never held in jail.
The Jerusalem Post states that Shoebat has profited from his story that he was formerly a Muslim terrorist who has rejected Islam for Christianity.
When the Post asked Shoebat whether the Walid Shoebat Foundation is a registered charity, he said that it was registered in Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Charitable Trusts and Organizations Section said it had no record of such a charity.
When asked again, Shoebat claimed it was registered under a different name, but that he was not aware of the Foundation’s registered name, nor any other details, which were known only to his manager.
Dr. Joel Fishman of the Allegheny County Law Library in Pennsylvania expressed doubts about Walid Shoebat Foundation’s donation process. He noted that if the money were being given to a registered charity, the charity would have to make annual reports to the state and federal government
The Jerusalem Post grilled Shoebat over his claims and the fact that the purported bombing attempt was never reported in the media at the time.
Cornered, Shoebat answered that he wasn’t aware of any coverage as he had “been in hiding for the next three days”.
This is despite the fact that in 2004, he had told Britain’s Sunday Telegraph that he “was terribly relieved when [he] heard on the news later that evening that no one had been hurt or killed by [his] bomb.”
On July 13, 2011, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° reported an investigative piece into Walid Shoebat’s claim to authority based on being a former terrorist. You can watch this CNN report:
The report found that according to Israeli government officials, the bank that Walid Shoebat claimed to have attacked, and his own relatives, no record of his supposed terrorist history existed.
A two-week term in an Israeli jail, another of Shoebat’s claims was also unsubstantiated, with Israel having no record he was ever jailed.
His cousin, interviewed in the report, stated that he had never known Shoebat to have ties to any movement, and that his claims of being a former terrorist were “for his own personal reasons”.
According to CNN, their reporters in the United States, Israel and the Palestinian territories found no evidence to support Shoebat’s claims and “neither Shoebat nor his business partner provided any proof of Shoebat’s involvement in terrorism”
Walid Shoebat teaches that all Muslims should be suspect and profiled. He teaches that they must be eliminated.
His teachings against Muslims are not of Christ, for you shall know them by their fruit, and his is one of rotten fruit of hatred.
This stands in direct opposition to what our Lord taught us. The world sees Christians hatred towards Muslims and not the love of Christ.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another… Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Therefore “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:14-21
Christians blindly trust Shoebat because he claims to be a Christian.
Walid Shoebat was born in Bethlehem, raised in Jericho in a strong Muslim family.
When he “converted” from Islam to Christianity, it was through the Roman Catholic Church. Please understand that most Catholics believe in salvation by works through the Papal Church, which is not true salvation.
If you’ve read any of the studies on the website, then you know that the top leaders of the Catholic Church are the antichrist beast of Revelation 13, the Little Horn of Daniel 7, and the office of the Papacy, is the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2.
Shoebat is a defender of the Roman Catholic Church. In an article on his website, he said,
“The Vatican has been slandered for centuries without a shred of biblical evidence. They call it the Harlot of Babylon, the killers of the saints, the woman drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus Christ.
And for historic evidence they say that the Catholic Church eliminated the Manichaeans, Arians, Cathars, Priscillianists, Paulicians, Bogomiles and Albigensians.
But can anyone quote a single historian who confirms or proves that these groups were Bible believing Christians?“
At the St. Bartholomew’s Eve Massacre, 10’s of thousands of Huguenot Christians were killed, and Papal Rome celebrated, calling it a” great victory.”
But look at what Walid is saying by proclaiming that these people groups were not Bible believing Christians. He’s saying that it was okay for the Catholic Church to kill people whom they deemed as heretics. Show me the Bible verse that supports that.
It’s ironic that he wants proof that the Roman Catholic Church caused millions of Christians to be killed, but there is no proof that he was an ex-PLO terrorist.
Let’s focus on the bigger picture, so that we can see the truth about the deceptions of the enemy.
The Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church are using the United States Intelligence agencies and military, to overthrow the leaders of countries and to bring them into submission to the New World Order.
While doing this, they are causing Muslims to hate ‘christian’ America, so that it seeks revenge.
During the Iraq wars, 100’s of thousands of Iraqi civilians were killed. The military used depleted uranium in the munitions, which is now causing massive cases of cancer and birth defects.
They demonized Muammar Gaddafi to justify removing him from power and killing him. Gaddafi nationalized their oil resources to fund free education, waterways to provide access to clean water, support to farmers to grow food for the country, and he was the protector of South Africa. Now the country is desolated and the Libyan people are suffering, under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Syria is being demonized, falsely accused of using gas on civilians, etc. Before it was a place of peace where 5% of the population was Christian. Now it is war-torn and many Syrians line up every day for food. And the Christians are being displaced and persecuted.
Obama empowers the military to drop drone bombs on Pakistan and other countries, under the guise of killing suspected terrorists; but for every target, 10 civilians are killed.
The point is that these actions are causing Muslims to hate christian America, so they kill Christians, as it’s their only way to exact revenge.
The Jesuits use the intelligence agencies and military of the United States, to train, fund and arm, the Sunni Al Qaeda and ISIS rebels.
They use them to cause chaos in countries that they want to take control of, they use them to kill Christians and Shiite Muslims, and they use them to cause Christians to hate Muslims.
So it is the Jesuits who are using the Muslims rebels to kill Christians.
But Walid isn’t telling you that, because he is married to a Catholic, and he no doubt is a servant of Rome.
Can you see how both Muslims and American Christians are being played by the deceiver, to promote his goals?
Walid Shoebat points to the Muslims as the enemy, as the antichrist system.
But the truth is that the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church work behind the scenes, to cause Muslim radicals (Al Qaeda operatives) to kill Christians.
The Jesuits also control America and its military, so they are pitting these two forces against each other using the Hegelian Dialectic, in order to create their desired outcome, their New World, where there is only one religion.
And when that happens, all of the world will make war against the people that they deem as heretics, the true followers of Christ, who will be accused of being “Spiritual Racists.”
Walid manipulates Bible prophecy to point to an Islamic antichrist.
In referring to the third trumpet of Revelation 8:10, Walid teaches that it is pointing to Islam.
“Take note of the fact that the death of one-third of the earth’s population occurs during the rise of the eighth empire, which will be an Islamic alliance with Turkey as the head. Satan, who is the fallen star, and the destroyer who is unleashed, will precede the “mountain” (empire) that will cause one-third of mankind to die.”
But the true fulfillment of the third trumpet of Revelation 8 represents our Lord sending Attila the Hun to war against the Roman Empire.
A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. God sent this great burning star, Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” He came from the area around a river in Illyricum which in Greek is called “Apsynthos” (Wormwood). Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 A.D., and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers.
Read about the fulfillment of the Revelation seals, trumpets and bowls.
Walid says that the Ottoman Empire will be re-empowered to be the antichrist beast 2, but the Word of God say that the Ottoman Empire would be dried up in the 6th bowl of Revelation.
The 6th Bowl was poured out to dry up the Ottoman Empire, the people (river) of the Euphrates who had been released during the 6th Trumpet. During the 18th and 19th centuries, they lost control of the territories that they had occupied, such as Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. They lost control of Palestine to General Allenby of Great Britain in 1917 A.D.
He teaches that salvation by “faith alone” was from the Roman Catholic Church, not the Protestant Reformers.
But in the 16th century, in response to the Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church Council of Trent CANON 9 proclaimed: “If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema(damned).”
And the fulfillment of Revelation 11, is when the Lord had Martin Luther read the Holy Scriptures, to see who was the true church and the false church.
Luther found that the message of salvation by the sacraments through the Papal Church was not true salvation, and that they were in fact Gentiles who were delegated to the outer court of the Temple of God, the Church of Christ. They were the false apostate Church, a Harlot Church. Read The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 Bible Study.
He teaches that all roads lead to Turkey, not Rome, as to deflect blame away from them.
He defends the Catholic Crusades, calling them Christian Crusades, and is calling for more Crusades in the name of Christ.
But the Crusades are a Roman Catholic Church thing, NOT a Christian thing. The Roman Catholic Church empowered the Muslims to go conquer Jerusalem, and to kill Christians and Jews. The Muslims were supposed to turn Jerusalem over to the Pope, but they did not, and instead built the Dome of the Rock.
They Muslims conquered part of the old Roman Empire, which was primarily Catholic or Orthodox, both of which believe in salvation through the sacraments, and both revere Mary as their intercessor. So they were not true Christians.
The religion of Catholicism has killed more people than the religion of Islam.
Historians estimate that the Roman Catholic Church killed over 50 million ‘heretics”, mostly Jews and true Christians.
Here is what Walid Shoebat and his son Theodore are not telling you. The Roman Catholic Church helped Mohammed become the leader of Islam and they helped write the Qur’an. The iron/clay feet of the statue in Daniel 2 is the Roman Church and the Arabs, which both have historically killed Jews and the true followers of Christ.
Read this new Bible prophecy study called Islam In Bible Prophecy.
Walid’s son Theodore Shoebat is a Roman Catholic who is following in his footsteps of manipulating Scripture to point to Islam and Muslims.
UPDATE: The following videos were removed from YouTube by Theodore, as they prove that he is a rabid Catholic, and defender of the Pope. I left them on this page so that you can see what the topic was, and that he removed them.
In this video he says that the Virgin Mary is involved in warfare.
In this video he defends the Roman Catholic Eucharist, which proclaims that the wafer becomes the literal body of Christ.
In this video Theodore defends the Catholic icons/idols.
Here he defends praying to the souls of saints.
In this video he proclaims that Mary will return with Jesus at the second coming.
Clearly he is a Catholic who will never tell you the truth, that the Jesuits of Rome are the enemy of Christ and His followers.
Theodore promotes militant behavior and a new Crusade to kill Muslims.
Let’s be really clear about something.
If a Muslims kills a Christian, then the sovereign Lord allowed it, and that martyr will be honored in Christ’s kingdom.
If Muslims overrun America, then the sovereign Lord allowed it, as He consistently uses pagan people groups to execute His judgment on His disobedient people.
We are called to stand up against the evil system and expose the antichrist beast. We can defeat the enemy with the truth of the Word of God, which is the rod of iron.
But please stop promoting a culture of hatred of any people group, whether it’s Muslims, Jews, or any other.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?” Matthew 5:43-46
When you put all the facts together, Walid Shoebat is a liar about being an ex-PLO member; he is a defender of the antichrist Roman Catholic Church; and he is promoting a doctrine of hatred of Muslims.
His fruit is rotten and no Christian should have any part of him, lest they partake in his deception. Please share this page with others to expose him.
To learn who the antichrist beast of Revelation is, which makes war with Christians, read the End Times Deception home page.
Additional sources that show that Walid Shoebat is a fraud:
the beast hate the great harlot and burn her with fire ( rev 17:16) how can rome hate rome ??? your interpretation contradict itself or maybe you have explanation?
In calling her a Harlot, Revelation 17 is speaking about the ecclesiastical power of the Roman Church. The sea beast of Revelation 13 spoke of the civil power of the Roman Catholic Church, which was in power for 1,260 years from 538-1798 A.D. The earth beast of Revelation 13 is the Jesuits of Rome, who took control of the Vatican in 1798. So they are the beast who is using the Vatican to gather the world under their power. The Jesuit leaders pretend to be Christian (lamb-like), but they worship/serve Satan (the dragon). And when they control the world in their One World Government, they will desolate the Roman Catholic Church and burn her with fire. They will do it for revenge, but it will serve as a judgment from God against the Harlot Church. Try reading the home page of this website, it explains all of this.
I am Indonesian who every menutes life in the same time and same place with Moslem. You are absolutely wrong !
Walid is correct ! What the Holly Bible and Jesus say about THE ANTICHRIST is totally suitable with ISLAM.
Althought my Muslim friends seems to be friendly with me, I know precisely that they hate Christians and ofcource hate me. Because I do believe in the Trinity.
What the most important for them is to deny the idea of the TRINITY. While knowledge about The Father, The Son and The Holly Spirit is the central of Christianity. They e.g. Moslem, hate THE TRINITY.
There is a man from Indonesia e.g. Mr. Bambang Noorsena. He was a Moslem but now believe in Jesus (Find him in Youtube). He know very well how Moslem think about The Trinity. He don’t agree with western-style-christianity.
Don’t be stupid ! Learn from Asian about theology is better for you !
I’m not denying that Muslims are a threat, and that they are not against Christ and His followers.
But Walid Shoebat manipulates Bible verses to point to Islam and Muslims, when all of Revelation points to Rome. Try reading the home page of this website before calling me stupid. Try going through the studies on the fulfillment of Revelation.
Of course Walid won’t tell you that because he is a Roman Catholic, who defends Rome.
Here is a study series that shows the the Roman Church helped write the Qur’an and prop up the illiterate Mohammed as their prophet. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/islam-in-bible-prophecy/
Islam is just a daughter of the Harlot Mother Church of Rome!
I learn from the Scriptures, thanks, not Walid, not an Asian.
A view of a protestant
Daniel 7 4th beast and Revelation 13 beast actually islam not rome.
1. Only islam ever controlled babylon, persia, greece territory (rev 13:2), rome never reached persian
2. islam attack holy people – jew and christian
3. islam created its own law – shariah law
4. islam created its own time – hijriah calendar
5. islam insult god – claim Jesus only a man
6 islam holy place – built mosque in salomon temple
7. islam still exist now but rome not, beast only wounded not dead
10 horns represent 10 early islamic leaders small horn subdue 3 horns represent internal conflict (the beast wounded but healed). after mohamed his 4 successor are abu bakr, umar (both father in law), utman and ali (both are son in law) all 4 are close relative. problem arised after utman replace by ali, muawiyah whose blood related to utman but not to ali refuse and start rebellion. after several major defeat ali appointed his son hassan as 5th caliph but muawiyah (founder of umayah caliphate) came with massive troops and demand title for himself. hassan and his brother husein (second imam of shiah) surrender and suffer public humilation by muawiyah later husein killed in karbala by umayah forces this marked conflict between sunni and shiah. small horn is muawiyah and 3 subdue horns are ali, hassan and husein. under umayah caliphate islam spread its territory from spain to persia and build mosque in jerusalem.
First beast represent established islam before dead of mohamed which controlled many troops while second beast represent islamic jihad/spirit of islam while they still in small number. 2 horns represent first 2 caliphate thats rashidun and umayah caliphate. it is known that islam alway claims to be believed in prophet isa/jesus (look like a lamb) but at same time follow mohamad and pagan deity allah whos deny jesus divinity (speak like dragon).
under rashidun and umayah caliphate islam expand its territory (rev 13:12) with war/sword (rev 13:10) they commit forced religious convertion with death penalty or paying high taxes (jizyah) so non converter will become very poor (unable to buy/sell – rev 13:16). those who embrace islam will receive marked in head (belief the idea of pagan deity) and work in way of islam (hand mark). the mark of the beast 666 which greece numerical known as tri score number is allah name, a converter/mualaf must said syahadat word which meantion name of beast/allah (rev 13:17) . name allah is a name for male deity for female is al lat just like christiano for male and christiana for female. when islam defeating christian byzantium they use cannon which created explotion just like fire come down from heaven (rev 13:13). small horn muawiyah taken control majority islamic territory 660 AD and established new secular caliphate system that applied until fall ottoman caliphate at the end of WW1-officially WW1 end when league of nation held its first meeting 1920 ( 1260 years )
Problem with rome interpretation
1. rome never reached persian
2. rome not exist now, the beast only wounded not dead
3. The pope/vatican is not small horn but is the great harlot – the babylon prostitute
4. heruli destoryed by lombard in tribe war not by pope while ostrogots and vandal destroyed by east rome empire (ortodox not catolic)
5. if 7 hills represent vatican city how can new rome/european hate her??? most european are catolic….this doesnt make sense
6 7 hill represent another 7 hills that is istanbul which islam turkey now a member of european community (the beast/islam hate her/babylon/vatican)
7. 2 legs represent sunni and shiah not west or eastern rome, all 3 beast located in middle east how can 4th beast is in europe???
The Augustinians of the Catholic Church helped write the Qur’an and prop up the illiterate Mohammed as their prophet. They wrote it in such a way as to cause Muslims to kill Jews and the saints. And they wrote it to make it seem like the fulfillment of the antichrist, to deflect blame away from them.
Here is an Islam In Bible Prophecy study series that explains it http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/islam-in-bible-prophecy/
wake up bro, your full attention to roman catholic distract you from real beast try to clear your mind. rome/vatican didn’t fullfill all clues from revelation and daniel but islam did.
On this website I have provided a verse by verse explanation of Revelation 13 and 17, all of which point to Rome.
So if you think I am wrong, then please provide a verse by verse explanation of Revelation 13 and 17, to show how Islam fulfills EVERY VERSE.
my previous posts already explained rev 13 and daniel 7. regarding rev 17
maybe i will add
1. 7 hills is city of istanbul was belong to christian now muslim to fullfill the beast warring and defeat the saint (christian byzantium) where the woman sit(EU/vatican) – turkey is a member of European community
2. 5 fallen, one is. one will come
– egypt
– asyrian
– babyon
– persia
– greek
– roman
– islamic caliphate
all represent paganism
3. the beast (islam) hate her (EU/vatican) and kill many christian in moslim world but EU accept the beast (drink the blood of saints – rev 17:6) even pope order each catolic home to help 1 family of moslim immigrant.
now it is your turn to explain why the beast (rome vaticah) hate the great harlot (rome vatican) ??? i challenge you to explain based your own interpretation.
Revelation 17:10 “There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time.”
At the time that John wrote Revelation, five forms of the Roman kingdom had come and gone; 1) Kings, 2) Consuls, 3) Dictators, 4) Decemvirs, and 5) Military Tribunes.
The sixth form of the Roman government was the Imperial head, commencing with Octavian, better known as Augustus Caesar. This form of government existed in John’s day and was in power until the last Emperor was removed in 476 A.D.
During the ‘short space‘ until the 8th head would arrive; the seventh head of the Roman beast was the Dukedom of Rome. Renowned historian Edward Gibbons tells us that Italy was divided unequally between the kingdom of the Lombards and the Exarchate of Ravenna.
John was being told that the Harlot described in verses 1-6, the Roman Catholic Church, would rise to power after the seven forms of government of the Roman Empire.
The Popes of Rome were empowered by Eastern Emperor Justinian in 538 A.D., which was a ‘short space‘ after the last Roman Emperor was removed in 476 A.D.
This matches Paul’s warning in 2 Thessalonians 2, that the Son of Perdition would rise to power when the ‘restrainer,’ the Roman Emperors, were removed.
Paul and John had to hide their message, as they couldn’t write that the Roman Empire would be destroyed, as that would have invited more persecution from Rome.
Revelation 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.
The Roman Catholic Church is the eighth, which came to power when the Roman Empire collapsed and the last Roman Emperor was removed in 476 A.D.
The Popes took the title of Pontifex Maximus, the title of the Roman Emperors, which can be traced back in different forms to the ancient Babylon. The Babylonian Kings served as both king and priest of the pagan Babylonian Mystery religion.
As priests, they bore the title “Pontifex Maximus” or “Supreme Pontiff,” meaning “supreme pathfinder” or “bridge maker,” representing “the path or connection between this life and the next.” They ruled upon the throne of Satan, which is the throne of Nimrod as the “hidden god.”
Dear David
As I said I will adress your statements when I have done enough research around it.
The version I have inherited from my grandfather when he died. How old it is I do not know. It has been a tradition to receive a Bible at the age of 15 in our family. Since he died before my 15th birthday I got his after my own wish 🙂
Also I must ask. Do you support Israel?
Dear Hannah, that is neat to receive your grandfather’s Bible. It should say in the first few pages what version it is.
I support the true nation of Israel, which is made up of Jews and Gentiles who believe in the atoning work of the Messiah.
1 Peter 2:9 tells us that we are the holy nation, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:”
Romans 2:28-29 tells us that a Jew is one inwardly, whose heart is circumcised.
“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.”
Romans 9:6-8 says Abraham’s fleshly descendants ARE NOT the children of God.
“For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are NOT the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.”
Galatians 3:7 tells us that ONLY those who are of faith are the children of God.
“Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.”
Galatians 3:16 tells us that the seed of Abraham is Jesus Christ.
“Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say,“And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “and to your Seed,” who is Christ.”
Galatians 3:28-29 tells us that followers of Christ (Jew and Gentile) are Abraham’s seed who receive the promises made to Abraham.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Paul is clearly telling us that true Israel, true Jews, believe by faith, and so inherit the promises made to father Abraham.
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9
Everyone who believes in Christ by faith, are the Chosen People of God. They will inherit Holy Jerusalem when Christ returns.
The promise is yet to be fulfilled. It has not been fulfilled by Zionist Israel, which was created by the enemy to deceive the world.
I do not support the Zionist state of Israel in the Middle East for many reasons, which are listed on this study. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/christians-should-not-support-israel/
Many ear David.
Thank you for your comments. I would like to point out that we all have oppinions regarding end-times, or which current situation reflect the true meanings of the Revelation. To me you seem like a nice guy and tries to explain your own views in a correct manner. However, your logic does not seem very different from Walids…
He believes Islam is antichrists biggest weapon, but you believe its the Roman Church. Do not be so guick to disgrace someone else when, indeed you too, are trying to influnce YOUR opinion on others by slamming Walid! So in short words; you do exactly the same thing you accuse that Walid is doing…? Walid harshly criticize Islam, you harshly criticize Catholicism. Who is the biggest Wolf? Nobody. You would claim its Walid, but Walid would refute you and say you are blind by Islamic propaganda which its goal is to bl
ame anyone else then Islam. Again – for Walid you are doing the same thing you accuse him of!!!
Just to be said, I am an evangelist, but I do believe Walid is not wrong. At first I did not believe in him. However, I picked up the Bible during one of his lecturers and it is astonishing to read in that context. As a professor in Sociology I am very, VERY, struct regarding objective reading and interpretation. It is in my nature too, I believe, to always question things more than once. From a religious point of view, a child of Christ, I believe in Walid. As a sociologist, I have conducted research which also support Islam as one of civilisations greatest threats. My current research is Islam view of women in charge of Aslym children, when men is abscence from the islamtic natural role as leader, either for family or entire group. A woman in Islam is worth NOTHING. Jesus forgave Maria Magdalen and kept her by His side. Islam will kill her.
Please read the Quran and have the Bible open at your side at the same time. It is the true Antichrist.
We must see the links between biblical prophecy, versus and meaning together with history and geography for truly understand how we should behave as lamb of Christ in an increasingly evil world. Islam denies everything Christ and humans believe in. Everything. Although I am not convinst by Catholicism, I do believe in Christ our saviour and from a religious as well as a sociological and historical point of view – Islam is the opposite. The true Antichrist.
Believe in Christ. Believe in Walid.
God bless you all.
Many hugs
God bless you all
Hannah, try reading the home page on this website which proves without a doubt that Revelation points to the Popes and Jesuits of Rome, as the enemy of Messiah and His Church. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/
Walid takes verses out of context and manipulates them to point to modern day Islam, when they are talking about the Assyrians of the Old Testament, who God sent to judge the House of Israel.
Read Romanism and the Reformation by Henry Grattan Guinness and you will see that All Roads Lead To Rome.
The Catholic Church helped write the Qur’an and prop up the illiterate Mohammed as their prophet. They wrote the Qur’an to cause Muslims to kill the same people as the Catholic Church killed, Jews and the saints. They wrote the Qur’an as to cause it to appear to be a fulfillment of prophecy, as to deflect blame away from themselves.
The Jesuits control many Muslim countries, they created/trained/armed/funded Al Qaeda and ISIS, to carry out their Inquisition, and to help overthrow the leaders of countries who don’t bow down to their authority. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/islam-in-bible-prophecy/
Read my ‘Witnesses Against The Papal Antichrist’ study to see that people since the 10th century have been proclaiming that the Popes of Rome are the Son of Perdition and the Antichrist of Revelation.
I suspect that you, like Walid, are a Catholic who seeks to deflect blame away from the Pope and the Jesuits.
Dear David.
I hope you read in my comment that I am indeed not of the Catholic church. I see myself as an Evangelist. Please do not make a good conversation into something bad. As I also wrote I respect you for your views, its just that I do not share that point of view. Should I not be allowed that without you accusing me of being a liar?
Anyway, back to what you addressed above. I have read your links. I do accept some of your points that the Catholic church has been part of some suspect situations. New evidence also shows Catholic involvement in mafia organisation on Sicily. However, not all part of Catholic church is to blame. Also many Evangalical churches has been part of suspect situations and should definitely not be associated with Christianity, for ex KKK. That does not mean mainstream Evangalical church are bad and should be labelled as Antichrist cult! II follow onesimple rule as a Christian, and that is – if friends do not deny the Trinity, accept Christ as the way, truth and life – they are friends to me. You are an intelligent man, you know the Bible, so you should be able to answer this easy question; how can the Catholic church be Antichrist when the Bible clearly says that the Antichrist DENY the Trinity (John 2:22). The Catholic church do not. How are they Antichrist?
Furthermore, John in Revelation 17 says:
“One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters. With her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.” Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns”.
Rome is not in a desert. Mecca is.
Have you tried to look at Walids view, with the Bible in hand and analyse the verses? I have and I find it convincing. I hope you are honest with me if you do say you have looked at Walids accusations in an objective point of view. If you have not, perhaps you should try.
Please answer my two points I made above. And plwase – no insults.
Thank you, and God bless you.
Many hugs
Dear Hannah, it is not an insult to suggest that maybe you’re a Catholic, so you look to prove that the antichrist is not the Pope. That’s what most Catholics do, and naturally so.
I have no malice towards Catholics. I pray for them to see the truth, and to have a covenant relationship with the Father through the Son.
1 John 2:22 says that the antichrist would deny the Father and the Son. Popes have proclaimed to be God on earth, which denies the Father His rightful place. Speaking of, they claim the name of Holy Father, which is forbidden in Matthew 23:9 “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Once again, they deny the Father by taking His title.
Pope Nicholas I said, “I am in all and above all, so that God himself, and I, the vicar of God, hath both one consistory…and I am able to do almost all that God can do…I then, being above all…seem by this reason, to be above all gods.”
Pope Pius V blasphemed, “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.”
Pope Innocent III said “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God.”
Pope Leo XIII declared, “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”
They deny the Son by claiming to be Jesus Christ in the flesh. They proclaim to forgive sins, which only the Son can do. They proclaim to provide salvation, which only the Son can do.
Pope Boniface VIII said “We declare, assert, define and pronounce to be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every creature altogether necessary for salvation… I have the authority of the King of Kings. I am all in all, and above all, so that God Himself and I, the Vicar of Christ, have but one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do. What therefore, can you make of me but God?”
Pope Pius IX said, “I alone… am the successor of the apostles, the vicar of Jesus Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life…”
Pope Pius X declared, “The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, he is Jesus Christ Himself, under the veil of the flesh. Does the Pope speak? It is Jesus Christ who is speaking, hence, when anyone speaks of the Pope, it is not necessary to examine but to obey.”
Pope Pius XII said, “…recognize the Holy, Catholic, Roman Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither sanctity nor salvation can be found. Call them to the unity of the one fold, granting them the grace to believe every truth of our holy faith and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.”
As for Revelation 17:3, the proper rendering of the verse says ‘wilderness’ not ‘desert’.
I’ll let Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible explain it:
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness – This wilderness into which the apostle was carried is the desolate state of the true Church of Christ, in one of the wings of the once mighty Roman empire. It was a truly awful sight, a terrible desert, a waste howling wilderness; for when he came hither he: –
Saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns – No doubt can now be entertained that this woman is the Latin Church, for she sits upon the beast with seven heads and ten horns, which has been already proved to be the Latin empire, because this empire alone contains the number 666. See on Re 13:18 (note). This is a representation of the Latin Church in her highest state of antichristian prosperity, for she Sits Upon the scarlet coloured beast, a striking emblem of her complete domination over the secular Latin empire. The state of the Latin Church from the commencement of the fourteenth century to the time of the Reformation may be considered that which corresponds to this prophetic description in the most literal and extensive sense of the words; for during this period she was at her highest pitch of worldly grandeur and temporal authority. The beast is full of names of blasphemy; and it is well known that the nations, in support of the Latin or Romish Church, have abounded in blasphemous appellations, and have not blushed to attribute to themselves and to their Church the most sacred titles, not only blaspheming by the improper use of sacred names, but even by applying to its bishop those names which alone belong to God; for God hath expressly declared that he will not give his glory to another, neither his praise to graven images.
And from John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
into the wilderness; by which may be meant either the wilderness of the people, the world, the church hereafter described, being a worldly one, and consisting of worldly men; or Gentilism, the Gentile world is often in the prophecies of the Old Testament called a wilderness; the Romish church having much of Heathen worship, and Heathen customs and practices in it, hence its votaries are called Gentiles, Re 11:2 or this circumstance may be mentioned, and the thing so represented to John, because that a wilderness is a solitary place, and fit for retirement and meditation; and where he might, without any interruption, take a full view of the following sight, and make proper observations upon it; and it is worth notice, that this is the place where the true church and became out of sight, in the room of which this apostate church appears: or, as others have thought, John is had into the wilderness, where the true church was hid and nourished, and the false one is there shown him, that seeing both together, he might compare them, and observe the difference between them; to all which may be added, that a wilderness is a fit place for such a beast as hereafter described to be seen in:
and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast; the beast is the same with that in Re 13:1 as the description shows, and is no other than the Roman empire as Papal; the “scarlet” colour is expressive of its imperial dignity, its power and authority, it received from the dragon; and also of this beast’s cruelty and tyranny, and of its shedding the blood of the saints: the woman sitting upon it is the great city of Rome, as is manifest from Re 17:18 or the Romish antichrist, the apostate church of Rome, represented by a woman, as the true church is, Re 12:1 but in a very different form, and is the same with the second beast in Re 13:11 and the false prophet; and as the two beasts respect the same, under different considerations, namely, the Papacy, in its civil and ecclesiastic capacity, so this strange phenomenon, a woman sitting on such a beast, means one and the same thing as the horse and his rider in the seals, though in different views; the woman designs the Romish church, with the pope at the head of it, and the beast the Roman Papal empire as civil, by which the former is supported and upheld, bore up on high, and exalted in the manner it has been: moreover, as purple and scarlet are the colours of garments wore by the pope, and cardinals, hence the woman in the next verse is said to be “arrayed in purple and scarlet colour”, so even the very beasts on which they rode were covered with scarlet.
I’ve listened to enough videos from Walid to know that He teaches false prophecy fulfillment explanations, that he takes passages out of context, to help make his case against Islam.
And Islam is antichrist. But the Qur’an was written by the Catholic Church. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/islam-in-bible-prophecy/
But Islam does not fulfill the verse by verse descriptions in Revelation 13 and 17. Only the Popes and Jesuits of Rome do.
I hope that helps.
Blessings to you,
Dear David.
Thank you for responding. You have come up with many arguments, good arguments as well thank you, but unfortunately I have not examined these texts and literature you present. Therefor I cannot give you a proper answer back or come up with any counter claims. But I assure you I will look into it 🙂
However, I will like to address and comment on one section;
Pope Pius XII said, “…recognize the Holy, Catholic, Roman Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither sanctity nor salvation can be found. Call them to the unity of the one fold, granting them the grace to believe every truth of our holy faith and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.
The Pope only stated that his church, the Catholic church, are the true Christ Church. Even though I disagree with this statement, he’s only stating that people should follow Catholicism. Not very different from what my pastor says about the Evangelival church… And is not true that salvation is not to be found outside the True Church? Because the True Church is where people will find Jesus. Come to church and find the Word of Jesus. Because it is only through the True Church you will find him. Now, both you and I are agree that we find the Word of God through the Evangelical church. But the difference between you and me, i think and please correct me if I am wrong, is that the Antichrist roots come from different places. As I have understood you, Antichrist has created Islam. This I deny without a doubt, not just from religious scripture but also from historical and archeological evidence. The sons of Ismael is not of the Catholics, but comes from Arabia. Pagan religion wich later developed into a so called “monothestic” religion. Created by a man who saw him self as the replacement of Jesus – “the last prophet”.
Furthermore, Pope Pius XII further says he is the Vicar of Jesus. Not Jesus, the vicar. Which is in truth what we says about Evangalical religious leaders?! They take a role which leads the people and tell them about the Word of Christ. What is the difference?
The Antichrist also take the seat of God and declare himself God. If this is the papcy, surely there have been many Antichrists… The Revelation prophecies would have been a reality a long time ago!
I am much more confident of the view that the 12th Imam, the return of Mohammed, will find peace and declare it for 7 years, but only to break it after 3,5 years, according to the Quran. Exactly as the Bible predicts the movement of Antichrist!! Erdogan in Turkey whishes to rebuild the Jewish temple to create ” peace”. Now I am not saying he is the Antichrist but it is starting…
You do not havento respond to what I have commented since I have not been just to you and reflected on your answer above. As I said, I have not enough research on the literature to come up with an answer. When I do, I will try to answer it properly. I also promise to evaluate what you have presented in an objective way.
God bless you David, and hopefully I vome up with an answer soon.
Take care
Dear Hannah, when a Pope proclaims to be the Vicar of Christ, they are proclaimed to be the substitute Christ, they are proclaiming to replace Christ.
‘Antichrist‘ is a Greek word. ‘Vicar‘ is an English word. The words are synonymous.
They have exactly the same meaning.
‘Antichrist‘ translated into the English is ‘Vice Christ‘ or ‘Vicar of Christ.’
‘Vicar of Christ, rendered into the Greek is ‘Antichristos‘ = ‘Antichrist.’
The ordinary use of the word in the Greek is decisive on this point.
The Popes of Rome rose to power after the last Roman Emperor was removed in 476 A.D., fulfilling 2 Thessalonians 2:7
St Gelasius I, who was the Pope from 492 – 496, was the first Pope to be called the “Vicar of Christ“.
And since then each Pope has been declared the Vicar of Christ, as they have proclaimed to be Christ in the flesh.
The position of Antichrist is not just one man, it is a position, like the President of the United States or the King of England.
The Vicar of Christ, the Vice-Christ, the Antichrist, the Popes of Rome, presents himself in the stead of the true Christ and must therefore be characterized by deception, dissimulation and counterfeit.
In saying that the 12th Imam will declare peace for 7 years, only to break it after 3.5 years… you are promoting the concept of a future 7-year tribulation period, which is based on a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, from Daniel 9.
That concept is a deception from the Jesuits of Rome who created it to deflect blame away from the Popes of Rome, as the Protestant Reformers had rightly identified them as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, the antichrist of Revelation 13, and the Roman Church, they Harlot of Revelation 17.
The 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week, from 27-34 A.D., when Messiah and His disciples offered the New Covenant to the Jews for 7 years. After the 70th week, the New Covenant was also offered to the Gentiles nations.
Here is my study which proves that the covenant in Daniel 9:27 is Messiah’s New Covenant, and not an antichrist peace agreement. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/70-weeks-of-daniel-covenant-deception/
Here is my study which shows how the covenant was confirmed to the Jews for seven years, and then at the end of the 70th week of Daniel, there was an abrupt shift in the Gospel being also preached to the Gentiles. It’s not a 7-year covenant, it’s the eternal covenant of salvation by faith in the atoning work of the Messiah, which was confirmed/preached to the Jews first for seven years. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/confirming-daniel-9-covenant-with-many-for-seven-years/
And that is exactly what Walid does, he explains a false fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel, to point to the Mahdi. That is one of the reasons I know that he is a false prophet.
I say with all confidence that the 70th week of Daniel was completely fulfilled, and it was the pinnacle of human history, for in it Messiah taught the words recorded in the Gospels, in it He healed many people and raised some from the dead, in it He died as the Passover Lamb for our sins, in it He rose again, in it He ascended to heaven with the promise that He would return for His set-apart ones.
Yet Satan has cause people to assign it to the antichrist. 🙁
Just curious, when you cited Revelation 17 to say John was taken to the desert, what Bible version to you read from?
Keep learning and growing in the faith!
vatican/EU is the great harlot while the beast is islam, europen community start accepting moslim in fact pope support it…..the prostitute show herself…look it is happening now bro. i don’t care about walid shoebat interpretation he is not the first to pointing that the beast is islam.
So now you admit that the Vatican fulfills Revelation 17 as the great harlot. She, the ecclesiastical representation of Rome, rides on a beast, the beast of Revelation 13, the civil kingdom of the Popes of Rome.
Dude you can see the jewish hand in this hate creating game. They want islam and christianity to destroy each other and then they will form the nwo.
Dude, I can see the Jesuits hand in this hate creating game. The Jesuits are the earth beast of Revelation 13 which covertly controls the world, using Jews to do their dirty work, so that people blame the Jews not the Jesuits. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-earth-beast-of-revelation-13-jesuit-generals-of-rome/
Excellent post, David. Vicarious Christ is a paradoxical Roman title for the prince of Rome. It appears to my mind that you and I think along very similar lines.
to wit: The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places [sic]. Good to read the thoughts of another Christian–very refreshing.
‘- )
I put up with Wallids site been more Catholic orintated to share discussions and learn.
The biggest truth we have is history and the Bible.
Yes there are good and bad Catholics, but when you raise issues on Wallid site about the wrongs of the Popes, or their part in Nazism, especially with Croatia’s Ustaše one is shot down.
The biggest issue today for me as many churches crumble and allow Islam to be preached in Christian Churches as Christians fall away. My head of Christianity is Jesus Christ.
What brought it to the head was one female where she put Virgin Mary more important than Christ, then with Wallid backing up this female where he came out and saying I was attacking the Popes. When the Popes align themselves with Islam, there is something very wrong.
In researching history one discovers many things and if one finds issues they must be raised and disgust.
Our biggest enemy is Islam. Muhammad there are many questions to be answered.
Waraka ibn Nawfal, Kahidija related to Mohammad taught Mohammad and what role the Popes played is the big question. How many divisions of Christianity existed then been many.
How I have learnt about Constantine the Great and his vision, yet the Popes said he became a Christian on his death bed, To me he became a Christian in the Vision, not later. He had all his troop put Chr-Rho on their shields, The Labarum. in the Vision “In the sign you shall conquer”
That brings us to the Constantine’s Donation held by the Vatican, interesting article. Done after Constantine’s death far as I am concerned giving power and glory as we see in the Vatican todaytoday
Then Ashtiname of Muhammad – The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Monks of Mount Sinai
Keeping it all short Serbia and Armenia has been the Cross roads of today’s events and so much to discover just on them.
How one inventor Nikola Tesla started me asking what happened and the lies and truths started. How the big boys stopped Tesla then plays out today, Rockefeller, Ford, Morgan, Westinghouse, Edison and sonmany others. The big boys supported Germany during WW2 even Cocoa Vola with fanta.
Then we have Ratlines – CIA, Red Cross and Vatican allowing thousands of Nazis into countries. To top that is Prescott Bush with Nazism and the Bush line of Presidents. But like all things there are questions with President Kennedy and Robert. From LBJ we have not had a good President all with some sort of ties to helping Islam and Nazism. One must not forget we had a Nazis in the UN, secretary general.
This EU, UN, IMF, etc have brought on the troubles with Islam for One World Order and Revelations look better by the day.
The only true one I can trust is God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit been one. People need to come back to Christ.
Do not forget Nazism, and Islam have been brothers before WW2. Germany was also linked to Islam with the Kaiser. So much with Serbia and Armenia to discover and I still look for that link with the Young Bosnians and Black Hand that helped us into war with Islam.
Well I hope this helps, but harder with Google auto correction on Android, my errors only compounded.
Thank you for sharing so much insight! Agreed, Walid is a Roman Catholic who promotes the worship of Mary as Intercessor. That is not Biblical.
And he defends the Popes of Rome, even though what they proclaim is against the Scriptures. http://romancatholicbeliefs.org
He deflects blame away from the Pope and Jesuit General by pointing to Islam/Muslims as the antichrist.
The Catholic Church helped write the Qur’an and prop up the illiterate Mohammed as their prophet. So Islam is a daughter of the Harlot Church of Rome. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/islam-in-bible-prophecy/
In my opinion, the biggest enemy is the Jesuits of Rome, who are the earth beast of Revelation 13, who in their One World Government will seek to wipe out the saints. They control many Muslim countries, Al Qaeda and ISIS, to carry out their Inquisition, and to help overthrow leaders like President Assad in Syria, who have not bowed down to their authority, and do not have a Rothchild central bank. For the Jesuits to control the world, and determine who can buy and sell, they have to control the money supply of every country. And they are close to doing that.
I spent more than a year reading Shoebat’s posts and participating in his website’s forum. Here’s what I learned. Walid himself said, “I am trying to start a revolution…” He also stated his belief that God “takes pleasure in frying people…alive” (a reference to hell, apparently). Walid belittles and dismisses people who post scripture verses that contradict his teachings. There is no love on his forum; rather, his ardent followers behave like a ravening wolf pack… encircling any naysayers, snapping at them and wearing them down verbally until they leave in disgust. I decline to print the vile names I was called. Walid’s acolytes include very few Protestants, because most Protestants know God’s Word too well to be fooled for long. When Walid was asked whether the Holy Spirit indwelled him, he declined to answer and attacked the questioner. His son Ted has stated that all homosexuals should be destroyed. Walid and Ted Shoebat exhibit none of God’s love and they do nothing to advance the Gospel message. Whereas true Christian ministries advocate evangelization of Muslims, the Shoebats advocate eradication of Muslims. Anyone who disagrees with their philosophy is labeled a “heretic” and dismissed. They and their followers are hateful, foul-mouthed, and meaner than snot.
I initially was drawn to the Shoebats’ website because they carry news about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East… stories one does not hear in manstream media. And the Shoebats claim to be rescuing some of these people out of persecution via their “Rescue Christians” charity. I did make a small donation, but their site redirects to an alleged 501(c)(3) called Forum For Middle East Understanding (FFMU); my donation was never acknowledged and no one ever sent a receipt, so I have my doubts about the legitimacy of their fundraising.
Thank you for sharing your experience Michael! Yeah, there is no love from either Walid or Theodore. They demonstrate their hate towards homosexuals. They promote killing Muslims. They attack everyone who opposes them. I’m glad that you see the truth about them.
1 Corinthians 13:1-2 “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”
I believe you have your truth you do not wish to reason so have fun with it all 😌😌
I know prophecy fulfillment, so I know when someone is teaching false prophecy. I know all roads lead to Rome, just as the Bible tells us. Babylon is the code name for Rome. http://christianitybeliefs.org/revelation-timeline-decoded/babylon-is-the-code-name-of-rome/
I digress you are a twit who is bent on defaming the name of a Godly man. I dont know what religion you are but dude drop the conspiracy theories and get back into the word of God. I just finished reading a lot of your stuff,the internet is filled with it. You are filled with a spirit and its far from holy. My heart is open and teachable when I hear scriptural truth and not the mambo jumbo gobbledegook you so easily spew out. Seriously though do yourself an eternal favour, and let go. Praying the scales will fall from your eyes.
You attack but you did not disprove the covenant of 70th week of Daniel study, because it is not about a future one-man antichrist in a 7-year tribulation period. That is a conspiracy theory. It’s about Messiah coming to offer His covenant to the House of Israel and the House of Judah to fulfill the promise in Jeremiah 31:31-34.
Daniel 9:25 says that the Messiah will appear AFTER the 69th week, meaning in the 70th week. And HE will offer a covenant. And HE will be cut off. and HE will cause the sacrifice to end. Messiah confirmed the covenant made with Abraham when He was cut off, delivered up to be killed, and died as the Passover Lamb, which ended the need for temple sacrifices.
There ain’t no conspiracy theory there. What happened in the 70th week of Daniel was the pinnacle of human history. The real conspiracy is delegating that week to the Antichrist, when the text is not about the end times and it is not about the antichrist.
I pray that the scales of your eyes fall away, so that you can see truth. Come out of the Harlot Catholic Church and her influence, lest you partake in her plagues.
Actually David , Walid and his family are full time defenders of saving the lives of the Christians who are being persecuted and beheaded. I would much rather support the doers while the likes of your sought are poking holes in the fabric. I believe it is your sought that are deflecting the truth through your wild conspiracy theories. Considering Sir Robert Anderson was the 1st man in history to interpret Daniels 70 wk prophecy and Walids interpretation is sound biblically and eschatologically I am more inclined to believe his truth rather than your crazy theories. Perhaps you should go in again and listen to Walid with a more slightly open mind. I believe Walid has been preaching the same ole story for the last 20 or so years. His warnings have been through the aged kiln and proven. Test the spirit….always, so I do find your theories wanting and lacking of substance.
Ruth, I’m not sure how you think that Sir Robert Anderson was the 1st man in history to interpret Daniels 70wk prophecy, when countless theologians did exactly that in the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th century, before him.
Here are the commentary notes from the Protestant Reformers in the 16th century Geneva Bible:
What I teach matches what the great theologians of history have taught, the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not the futuristic deceptions that Walid teaches. He manipulates Old Testament prophecies which have been fulfilled long ago, and applies them to the Muslims, as to deflect blame away from the Popes and Jesuit Generals of Rome, who are the enemy of Messiah and His Church.
But what else would we expect a Catholic like Walid to do?
My studies lack substance? Please! They all reinforce one another. Try reading them with a teachable heart.
Please prove my “The Covenant In The 70th Week Of Daniel Is Jesus New Covenant” wrong. Read it and you will know that the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week; and that it is not a future 7-year tribulation period. All of that is a deception from the Jesuits to deflect blame.
David not Mike
The whole page isn’t about the CNN interview, so even if that was removed there is proof that his background is a lie, and that he teaches false prophecy explanations. 🙂
Mike your a twit including all your dimwitted followers. Walid believes in the life, death and resurrection of yes his saviour Jesus Christ. If you have a problem with that you should take it up with God. Instead of plagiarising information you should try researching credible sources. Even non american s know that cnn is is a puppet for the Obama Admin. I would suggest you do a lot more praying and a lot less talking. Submit or not I wont loose any sleep
Ruth, Walid is a servant of the Popes of Rome. He blames Islam for everything, including being the antichrist beast of Revelation, to deflect blame away from the Popes and Jesuits of Rome. Thanks for your suggestion, it is best for all of us to do more praying. 🙂
Dear David, beside the details of the fullfillment of the Revelation, who the leader of the anti-Christ will be, is actually cleary written, who belong to anti-Christ!! Antichrist is not a single person, but as written, many antichrists!
1 John 2:22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.
1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.
In Quran is clearly written, GOD does not have a Son and denies that Jesus (Yeshua) is not the Christ.
Quran has lot of similarities to Old and New Testament, but please be careful that the important contents are changed. I was almost deceived by Quran.
It started with Ismael instead of Isaac, change of Ten commandments, the change of Sabbath to Thursday etc., change of the Person Yeshua (Jesus).
John Lee, the Roman Bishops helped write the Qur’an and prop up the illiterate Mohamed as the prophet of Islam. They wrote the Qur’an in such a way as to make Islam and it’s leaders appear to be the antichrist of Scripture. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-iron-clay-feet-of-daniel-2/
But the beasts of Revelation 13 clearly describe the antichrist Popes of Rome http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-antichrist-sea-beast-of-revelation-13-is-the-popes-of-the-roman-catholic-church/
And the False Prophet Jesuit Generals, the Black Popes, who now control the Vatican and the White Pope. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-earth-beast-of-revelation-13-jesuit-generals-of-rome/
Revelation 11 describes the Roman Catholic Church as a gentile church and not part of the true church/temple, and it proclaims that the Roman Catholic Church would persecute the saints for 1,260 years, which it did from 538-1798 A.D. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/measuring-the-temple-of-revelation-11/
Revelation 17 clearly describes the Roman Catholic Church, with its scarlet and purple, it’s golden cup, etc. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/revelation-17-the-harlot-roman-catholic-church/
Babylon in Revelation is the code word for Rome. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/babylon-is-the-code-name-of-rome/
The Little Horn of Daniel 7 is the Popes of Rome, who rose to power among the 10 civil kingdoms that formed after the last Roman Emperor was removed in 476 A.D. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-little-horn-of-daniel-7/
The description of the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2 describes the Popes of Rome, who proclaim to be God, who proclaim to be Jesus Christ in the flesh, thereby they deny the Father and the Son. They proclaim to forgive sins and to provide salvation, which is blasphemous. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-son-of-perdition-of-2-thessalonians-2/
All roads lead to Rome! Rome controls the major Muslim countries and ISIS. Rome controls Zionist Israel. Rome controls America and almost every country in the world, via their Rothchild central banks and puppet leaders.
All of that proves that what Walid teaches is wrong, and that he is a deceiver who seeks to deflect blame away from his Roman Catholic Church.
Radical Muslims are backed by Rome and the CIA? About time you came off the LSD my friend and rejoined today’s world. ISIS broadcasting beheadings of fellow Muslims who they consider corrupted by the western world….animals. It’s time NATO took the war to ISIS, as even with mistakes concerning innocent civilians their death toll would be less than under ISIS….THEY NEED EXTERMINATING LIKE THE RABID DOGS THEY ARE.
Thanks for your comment Roger 🙂 It’s comical that you speak words against me, since it is you who is deceived, or a troll. Just search YouTube for “ISIS CIA” and you get many videos explaining it to you. You see pictures of John McCain meeting with the ISIS leader. You see the U.S. military dropping weapons to them. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=isisi+cia
And if you care about Biblical prophecy fulfillment, this website shows how the Catholic Church and Muslims have worked towards the same goals through history. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/islam-in-bible-prophecy/
NATO? Please, they are controlled by Rome. All Roads Lead To Rome.
Hi five to that😇