This End Times Deception study will focus on Michael Rood, who positions himself as a Messianic teacher.
Some Christians tend to trust Michael because he cites Hebrew sources. Michael claims that one cannot understand the New Testament from Greek, or from a Greek translation.
The irony is that his Revelation prophecy fulfillment explanations are wrong, so apparently understanding the ‘Hebrew’ version of Revelation hasn’t helped him.
I’ve used the Greek and English and I understand it just fine. That’s proven out on the Revelation Timeline Decoded website.
Who is Michael Rood?
According to a brochure Rood produced to promote his seminars, “Michael John Rood is an ordained nondenominational Christian minister.” His “ordination” is from a cult called The Way International (TWI) required only minor instruction in an unaccredited TWI program.The Way International was a free love cult that was founded by Victor Paul Wierwille, who denied the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many of Rood’s teachings and practices are drawn from this cult which was widely denounced by Christian leaders and TWI’s ex-followers alike.
Michael Rood rose to fame when he dogmatically and bombastically predicted that the prophetic “Day of the Lord” would begin on the Feast of Trumpets in the fall of 2000. Of course that didn’t happen, so he made excuses.
Should you trust someone who got his education from a cult and who has past false prophecy teachings?
He points to a futuristic one-man antichrist, but the saints have been proclaiming that it is the office of the papacy for 1,000 years; many of them paying for their witness with their blood.
Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist
The Protestant Reformers rightly identified that the office of the papacy fulfills Bible prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation.
Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast
Micheal Rood is not telling you those things, which deflects blame away from Rome.
He points to a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, the supposed 7-year tribulation period.
The concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel is a deception from the Jesuits of Rome, who created it to deflect blame away from the antichrist Popes.
There is no future 7-year tribulation period, as the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week; when Messiah and His disciples confirmed with the Jews (for seven years) that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood, as the Passover Lamb.
The seven years ended after the Jewish leaders stoned Stephen to death, marking their final rejection of their promised Messiah. Then the book of Acts clearly shows a dramatic shift, as the Gospel was also preached to the Gentile nations.
Here’s a study series which proves that the 70th week was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week.
Read The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception
He teaches that Jesus ministry was only 1 year long, instead of 3 1/2.
Here’s three events in John where it records that Jesus went to Jerusalem.
At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, John 2:13, “And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem“
John 6:4 “And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.“
At the end of Jesus’ ministry, John 13:1, “And before the feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour hath come, that he may remove out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own who are in the world–to the end he loved them.”
Michael Rood claims that John 6:4 was added later and should not be in the Bible text. He says this leaves only two Passovers, one when Jesus started His ministry, and the other when Jesus was crucified, thus the one-year ministry. So let’s look to see if there is evidence that John 6:4 was added later.
In 175 AD Irenaeus wrote an opposing response to Gnostic teachers, who claimed the ministry was one year in an attempt to have it correspond to the pagan zodiac.
(Interestingly, Michael Rood’s calendar is based in part on the Zodiac calendar, and he also needs Jesus’ ministry to be one-year in order to make his teachings work.)
Irenaeus used John 6:4 as evidence to counter the Gnostic teachers, so the passage certainly existed in Irenaeus’ copy of John. This refutes Rood’s claim that it was added later.
Not only do we have the testimony of Irenaeus in Lyons that the passage existed but P66 and P75, the two most important manuscripts we have of John’s Gospel (both date from about the 200 AD), contain the verse.
Here’s a link to the P66 where it contains a list of verses that are on the manuscript, with John 6:4 included on the list
The top Bible scholars do not say that John 6:4 should not be included. This includes Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible, Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary, John MacArthur’s Study Bible, Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary and Pulpit Commentary.
Once you throw out Michael’s argument that John 6:4 shouldn’t be included in the Bible, you can clearly see that the book of John mentions three Passovers, which proves that Jesus ministry was more than two years long.
And that destroys Michael Rood’s theory about Jesus one-year ministry.
Also of note is that his teaching is in direct opposition to the Word of God in the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy, which clearly defines a 3 1/2 year ministry of the Messiah.
It says that the Messiah would appear after the 69th week, in other words in the 70th week, which is 7 years long. His ministry started when He was baptized and anointed, and He began preaching the New Covenant to the House of Israel.
Daniel 9:27 then tells us, “But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.” It’s saying that He would be ‘cut off‘ (Daniel 9:26), meaning crucified, in the middle of the 7 years, which caused the need for the temple sacrifices to end.
In this video, Michael Rood teaches about the futuristic “confirmation of the Covenant” that initiates Daniel’s 70th week.
This is false teaching, as the covenant of the 70th week of Daniel is the covenant that Messiah came to ratify with His blood as the Passover Lamb.
Here’s more detailed studies on the 70th week of Daniel, which prove that is lasted 3 1/2 years:
Proof That Jesus 3 1/2 Year Ministry Occurred In The 70th Week of Daniel
The Anointing Of Christ Started The 70th Week Of Daniel
Some of what Michael Rood teaches is true and he makes some excellent points about the Holy Feasts of God, but he has a track record of false teachings, and I would warn people to stay away from him.
Titus 1:10-11, 13-14 warn us, “For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach…For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith, not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth“
For the record, I don’t observe Easter, Christmas, Halloween and Sun-day worship.
I observe the Heavenly Father’s seven Holy Feast days which Messiah is fulfilling to redeem His set-apart saints, and I observe the Scriptural Sabbath. I don’t eat pork or shellfish, as our Heavenly Father forbade them because they are unclean animals due to the fact that their bodies are filled with toxins from being scavengers.
I’ve come out of Babylonian-Roman Christianity and on my Come Out Of Her website I expose those man-made teachings.
Sources for additional study about Michael Rood:
Rood has continued many of the themes and practices which made TWI theologically a cult of Christianity.
While I don’t agree with Michael rood on any of his prophecy interpretations I would say the same with what I gathered from your thoughts on the subject as well.
Here is the simple truth.
The entire world is following the beast. This is truth. Very few are not doing so.
ALL of Christianity is right in the thick of it not Just Rome.
Just because you don’t follow the Holy Roman Empire as in a Roman Catholic does not mean you are still not following its doctrines.
Fact. All the apostles kept the commandments of God and faith in Yeshuah. They followed Gods law as in the Torah. They did so until the days they died.
None of them bought into this Trinity heresy. That came from Rome
Throwing the Torah away came from Rome
All of Christianity is doing that very same thing.
The book was never written for Christians it was written to the 12 tribes of Israel and those that fear God.
It was a book written to Torah observant Jews by Torah observant Jews. Who were Torah observant Jews until they died.
It was the Holy Roman Empire and Rome itself that did away with the Torah part.
When they did that they created their Jesus God that led them away form the simple truth.
You will never understand revelation until you understand who the entire book was written to.
That is the simple truth
We are to keep the commandments of God and the faith in Yeshuah
To say anything else is to call the one true God the God of Abraham a liar.
Sonny, your statements are ignorant, for you don’t know what I believe. I’ve come out of Christianity and follow Torah.
I created the Come Out Of Her studies to help people come out of the teachings of the harlot church of Rome.
That includes a study called The Holy Trinity Deception.
Sadly, most Christians believe false, futuristic prophecy fulfillment explanations; so the name of this website is fitting.
As for prophecy fulfillment, maybe you should read what I teach before voicing your opinion. Here are my websites which giver verse by verse explanations:
The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception
The Olivet Discourse Deception
Revelation Timeline Decoded
Keep learning and growing in The Way!
My church teaches acts 2:38 is how to be saved any comments please thank you. Rick A
I am very disturbed by your specific teaching that when we die, we don’t have a conscious thought until we hear the last trumpet calling us to resurrection. This terrifies me, that i’ll be lying in my body in the ground for who knows how long? what about the verse “To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD?” That means I am conscious in heaven worshipping God as saints are seen doing in the Revelation. Please comment as this is so scary. Nancy
Nancy, when you die you’re not conscious, so there’s nothing scary about it. And when you awake it will seem like the very next moment, and you will be with Messiah.
Hi Linda,
It saddens me to hear about your son behaviour. My personal opinion so time we need to reflect yourself before making blame of other. Sometimes you need to beware of cell groups people that causes in influencing a person they want them to think the way in order to be accepted. Whenever we face such unpleasant or interruption in our family relationship, we should quietly go and pray to Jehovah to seek a wisdom of knowledge of understanding instead of blasting out in anger. Ask Yeshua to bring back the love in our heart. Patiently wait for the light of Yeshua love shine within us and He will definitely let the truth to set you free.
I pray may Jehovah mercy and grace will be upon you and your son and all your loved one be reconciled in one whole family of love again.
Question: If you believe “Our Lord caused the New Testament to be written in Greek, which tells you that it is the correct foundation for understanding His Words to us.”, how would you explain the discovery of Matthew, Luke, John and Revelation that have been found written in Hebrew?
Kathy, the point isn’t that the Scriptures were only written in Greek, but that we have a collective record of the Scriptures which make up the Textus Receptus. So we can trust that it was meant to be written or translated to Greek.
Those Greek manuscripts were kept safe in Constantinople while the antichrist Popes were banning and burning the Scriptures in Western Europe. Then before Constantinople was conquered in 1453 AD by the Turks during the fulfillment of the 6th Trumpet, priests fled to Western Europe and took the Greek manuscripts with them. Then those manuscripts were used to help people translate the Scriptures into English. And with the advent of the printing press, the printed Bible, the Little Book of Revelation 10 was spread around the world.
Matthew, Luke, John and Revelation in that Little Book that fulfilled prophecy wasn’t based on the Hebrew manuscripts. It was based on the Greek manuscripts.
I read from the Aramaic-English New Testament, which gives more context. I also read from The Scriptures.
Matthew, Luke, John and Revelation being written in Hebrew is great, if you read Hebrew. If not, what source provides a translation into English?
What accuracy do you give to Rood’s teaching on ancient scribe’s mistranslation —an errant vowel point —which turned “Aisha” (Hebrew for fire) into”Isha” (Hebrew for woman ) ? Zechariah 5:7
Glad I decided to do a little research on mr. rood, and found your website.
Laurel, I’ve not looked into his teaching about that. I’m glad that you’re seeing the truth about him.
Hi folks at christianitybeliefs: I have studied awhile and agree in part, why financially support Israel? Why support the USA? They are both morally corrupt, doing and allowing things that are against the Book of Instructions!
About John 6:4. And the Pesah was near, the festival of the Yehudim (Jews). First of all, there are NO Festivals of the Jews! They were handed down at Mt. Sinai to ALL the people that were there. 2. Where was Yeshua/Christ when this was supposed to have transpired? He was teaching people on a mountainside and feeding them! If this was an important festival, He would have been at the Set-apart place! Yerushalayim. The first Pesah (Passover) He was at took place at the beginning of His ministry – right after the Miracle of changing water into wine at the wedding in Qunah of Galil. Then He was at the Feast of Tabernacles, the Feast of Hannukah, then the following year Spring, He was taken before the Feast of Pasa (Passover), Crucified as our Passover Lamb, whose “shed blood” brings salvation to the rest of us. Please understand, I am NOT Jewish, however, He was and all of the names of the nation of Israel are Hebrew!
Paula: Is there a possibility that the translators translated “Festival of the Jews”, instead of the proper term “Passover”. Your statement about Yeshua not being at the festival but in the mountainside feeding people is interesting indeed. He did go to Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication “Hannukah” which is interesting. Maybe we should all know where He was and what He was doing at all of these festivals. Fascinating. My goodness, I do love history because it is HIS Story. Amen
I think that God has made it impossible for any individual or group no matter how learned or Spirit filled to predict exactly how scriptural prophecy will be fulfilled. I think that we are given just enough information so that as events get closer or even happen we can understand what is going on to give us hope and keep us from being alarmed..
if we look at fulfilled prophecy we can now see how wonerfully and to the exact detail God fulfills His word but it would have been impossible to see it in such detail before it took place.
Any one trying therefore to articulate an exact outcome to unfulfilled prophecy is putting themselves and reputation at risk and of being proved wrong.
Never the less I don’t think that earnestly seeking to understand how such and such a prophecy will or might unfold should be discouraged. In fact I think every believer tries to interpret these events to varying degrees ,and so we should.
Michael Rood clearly made the most fundamental error in predicting an exact date for the return of Jesus. He should have known better , and hopefully won’t repeat it.
I really enjoy some of his teaching , some is borderline and some maybe . As always we have been given The Spirit and a brain hopefully being renewed by the spirit to sift out the wheat from the chaff…..Martin
Martin, I think that people dismiss that God can show someone exactly how scriptural prophecy will be fulfilled, because it relieves them of pursuing the truth. If God just gives us a little understanding, then we don’t think that we need to pursue understanding it all.
I can explain the 70th week of Daniel, and prove that is has already been fulfilled; and that it’s not a future 7-year tribulation period.
I can explain the fulfillment of Messiah’s Olivet Discourse, and show how what He described was fulfilled in that generation, just as He proclaimed that it would be.
I can explain the ‘falling away’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, who was the ‘retrainer’ and who is the ‘Son of Perdition.
I can explain how Islam and Muslims fit into Bible prophecy.
I can explain the fulfillment of Revelation; the seals, trumpets, bowls, little book, two witnesses, etc.
My explanations are the same historical fulfillment explanations that the great theologians of the 16th-20th centuries taught; which have been pushed aside by the enemy.
The question is, do you have a desire to understand? And do you have eyes to see?
Because when you pursue the truth and see it, then you understand why what Michael Rood teaches about prophecy fulfillment is false.
Keep learning and growing in The Way!
Ok yes, agreed. The timeline does seem to have been fulfilled. What i would like to know is….where exactly we are with regards to the book of revelation…..?where are we in that timeline?
Dee, here’s a link to a Revelation Fulfillment Summary study, which shows what has already been fulfilled (most of it); where we are at now on the fulfillment timeline (in the 6th bowl); and what will happen next as we await Messiah’s glorious return.
Don’t be fooled by the futuristic deceptions of the enemy, which sadly, have misled most Christans.
I didn’t read everything on this page, I stopped after the first two lies. Then I saw some ill-founded comments which prompted me to respond. I have supported Michael’s ministry for several years because I trust him and I trust the people he interviews. Michael does research into the things he talks about. When he talks on a topic, he provides evidence and, something not so common, it makes sense to anyone seeking truth without an agenda. The fact that you wish to drag him down shows that you have an agenda. Michael does not buy Lear jets or build glamorous “churches”, he draws a minimal salary and trusts Yehovah. He brings forth truth. He, along with Nehemia Gordon and a few others, has resurrected the ancient calendar of Yehovah and if you actually listened to him without a preconceived hatred of the truth, you would discover this to be empirically provable.
Yes Eric, I have a clear agenda. To show how what Michael Rood teaches about prophecy fulfillment is false.
He points to a futuristic one-man antichrist, but the saints have been proclaiming that it is the office of the papacy for 1,000 years; many of them paying for their witness with their blood.
The Protestant Reformers rightly identified that the office of the papacy fulfills Bible prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation.
Micheal Rood is not telling you those things, which deflects blame away from Rome.
He points to a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, the supposed 7-year tribulation period.
The concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel is a deception from the Jesuits of Rome, who created it to deflect blame away from the antichrist Popes.
There is no future 7-year tribulation period, as the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week; when Messiah and His disciples confirmed with the Jews (for seven years) that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood, as the Passover Lamb.
The seven years ended after the Jewish leaders stoned Stephen to death, marking their final rejection of their promised Messiah. Then the book of Acts clearly shows a dramatic shift, as the Gospel was also preached to the Gentile nations.
Here’s a study series which proves that the 70th week was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week.
You’re a perfect example of the why I created this page, because people blindly trust Michael Rood because he cites Scripture and he teaches some truths.
As for your statement about me having a ‘preconceived hatred of truth’, it’s quite the opposite thanks, and my studies prove that out.
Michael rood has destroyed my family, I raised my children in an Assembly of God church, now my son is into this whole Michael Rood cult, he says only the first 5 chapters of the Bible matter, what he calls the Torah, he lives with his gf, isn’t that a sin? He smokes pot all day long, but nobody in the Michael rood CELL of southern INDIANA thinks he is a sinner, I don’t know the Bible word for word, but somewhere it says our body is a vessel and tells us not to put bad things in the vessel, so the cult my son is involved in, is wrong, so yes Jew’s can’t eat pork, but my son is not a Jew, he is almost half Irish, not Jewish my son won’t speak to me or his siblings anymore because he has been told by the cell leader that he is one of the chosen ones and he is going to heaven but all his family r going to hell, he has it backwards, I go to church, I read my Bible, the whole Bible, and I tithe, I am going to heaven, but all those that follow the satanic Michael rood, r going to hell
Hi Linda,
It saddens me to hear about your son behaviour. My personal opinion so time we need to reflect yourself before making blame of other. Sometimes you need to beware of cell groups people that causes in influencing a person they want them to think the way in order to be accepted. Whenever we face such unpleasant or interruption in our family relationship, we should quietly go and pray to Jehovah to seek a wisdom of knowledge of understanding instead of blasting out in anger. Ask Yeshua to bring back the love in our heart. Patiently wait for the light of Yeshua love shine within us and He will definitely let the truth to set you free.
I pray may Jehovah mercy and grace will be upon you and your son and all your loved one be reconciled in one whole family of love again.
Thanks for websites. Some will help further my studies of the early Messianic community and how it changed.
Thank you for your comment Patt, I’m blessed to know that the studies have helped you. Keep learning and growing in The Way! David
You said: Daniel 9:27 then tells us, “But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.”
It’s saying that He would be ‘cut off‘ (Daniel 9:26), meaning crucified, in the middle of the 7 years, which caused the need for the temple sacrifices to end.
Congrats on understanding this is about the Messiah and not the antichrist. This is where all the nonsense comes concerning the antichrist signing a peace treaty with Israel comes from.
However, it could be taken literally. Yeshua was crucifed on a Wednesday, literally in the middle of the week. If Yeshua had a 3.5 year ministry then He missed going to Jerusalem for the 3 (Pilgrimage) Feasts as required by Torah repeatedly. We know He would never sin.
Thank you for your comment Scott. We know that one week in the prophecy points to 7 years, as we can see that 483 years passed from when the command was given to rebuild the city – until Messiah appeared in the 70th week. So the week that is being referred to represents 7 years.
As for Messiah breaking Torah, we can see that He attended three Passovers, which accounts for at least 2 years of ministry. As for the missing Passover, Scripture doesn’t declare that it tells the whole story of His ministry, so it doesn’t have to tell the story about every Passover.
John even eludes to this when he says “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.” John 21:25
So I’ll take Scripture at face value when it tell us that the 70th week pointed to 7 years, and it tells us that Messiah was cut off halfway through the 7 years.
Here’s a website that proves out the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel.
Yeshua died on a Friday…
Try researching when the Roman Empire started calling a day ‘Friday’ and then you’ll see how your statement doesn’t make sense.
When did or does the other half of the seven (3 1/2) years happen? If up to Jesus’s death and ascension is the first half (3 1/2 years) where is the second half?
Vanessa, that’s a great question. Here’s a study called “Confirming The Covenant For 7 Years” which answers it.
Just watch on the tv the show signs . He said that September was the time of Jesus return . Wrong again ….. the Bible state that no one know the date and time of Jesus return but only God . It does say to look for the signs and to know that the time is near . No more no less . It could be now or 1000 years from now but I going to be ready at any time that he come for his believers.
You would think that people would know better than to set dates! Nice catch Mark!
U r a True Christian
Ive read the Bible. Ive watched many Chistian tv preachers, I find most, if not all are just making themselves rich, I need not get into all the names, cuz you already know. I find that what Michael Rood teaches is closer to the truth than any other. Christian TV makes me sick to my stomach, their all on the same ban wagon,
give us your money & God will bless you 10 fold, 50 fold or a 100 fold, they prey on people that are in such great need with total disregard of their needs, I know, I was one of those people, I’m so frustrated right now that I have to end this here, bust everyone elses balls first then throw him to the wolves
I agree that Christian preachers are teaching things that are contrary to Scripture, and that Michael Rood helps see truths in some areas. That said, he also teaches Jewish fables, which are contrary to Scripture; such as the Scriptural calendar.
And his explanations of prophecy fulfillment are false.
Keep learning and growing in The Way!