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For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on
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Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you in Yahusha/Jesus name!
David Nikao Wilcoxson
Thank you for your Berean-like heart and the labors you have undertaken to put the truth out there. I am a Lutheran Pastor in the making with the NALC, and have been struggling with how to lead the church I will be appointed to, into the truth. As you know Lutherans have the innate desire to speak the truth. Yet, this denomination like all the others is a daughter church of the great whore of Babylon. Martin Luther, try as he may, broke away – yet, those evil men that thought to destroy him have usurped the very movement he started.
My question for you is this: How would you lead a congregation out of the false teachings of the mother of harlots who are so steeped in tradition? This is my struggle and I pray YAH will reveal how this is to be done before I am forced to walk away completely.
Thank you for your incites on this, Your Brother In Christ;
Thank you for your comment Gregg 🙂 I’m blessed to know that the studies have helped you. I appreciate your heart for wanting to share the truth with Lutherans. My heart grieves for how far Protestants have fallen from what Martin Luther and the other Reformers taught us, for we do not ‘protest’ against Rome anymore.
It’s a challenge to teach people these days because they have been so indoctrinated with Futurism. I simply teach the historical fulfillment, which invalidates the concept of a future fulfillment.
I would start by using the home page for your lessons to help them see that the fourth beast kingdom described in Daniel 2 and 7 is Rome, which we are told would endure until Messiah returns to destroy it.
Once they understand that, they can see how Satan has empowered the Roman beast to fight against Messiah and His Church. And that really is the narrative of Revelation.
I would just follow the learning track on the home page, to show them how the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Jesuits of Rome, match the description in Daniel 7, 2 Thessalonians 2, and Revelation.
For the 2 Thessalonians 2 part, here is a study about the word ‘temple’
Here is an 8-page PDF that gives the big picture of the fulfillment of prophecy, so that you/they can see what has already been fulfilled, which helps reveal the futurism deception.
Here is a 2-page PDF that gives the explanation to 2 Thessalonians 2
Then you can show them the fulfillment of the seals, trumpets and bowls of Revelation, which again are simply the narrative of Messiah countering the Satan empowered Roman beast.
Contact me anytime with questions. I will send you a personal email, so look for that.
Grace and peace and love to you in Yahusha’s mighty name!
Hello David. I have enjoyed reading your articles. It seems like the Father is really bringing a lot of these issues to the hearts and minds of His believers. The more I study, the more I realize that I don’t know anything anymore :). Anyway, I just wanted to give you a website that I think (based on your studying) you may enjoy. “Is Zionism of God?” is a lengthy but very good in-depth article. Here is the website: torahkingdomliving.com
Thank you for your comment Joy 🙂 I’m blessed to know that the studies have helped you. Yes, it seems like the Father is revealing much to His followers, during these end times. Thanks for the website, I will check it out. I cover the many reasons that Christians should not support Zionist Israel. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/christians-should-not-support-israel/ Blessings to you! David
Dear David.
I have been reading the articles on your website and find your perspective very interesting. Your ideas about prophecy fulfillment are completely different to any that I’ve come across before and they sound quite believable on the surface. But you’re asking people to change life-long beliefs and ideas based solely on your claims and opinions. Now I know this sounds harsh, and you probably have done a lot of research to come to your conclusions, but WHERE ARE THE REFERENCES! Where is the bibliography for each of your articles so that we your readers can go and check out the claims you make. I don’t know the history of the church, and how can I find the “true” history if the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit’s ARE infiltrating things and changing things to suit what they want people to believe. I am a full-time mother of a toddler and have very little time to read. I don’t have time to be trolling through all the junk publications on the Internet in order to try and find if your claims are true. I need references that I can look up and go straight to in the little time I have, so I can deduce if your claims are true. Without citing references to backup your claims, how can we your readers know that you’re not just another religious ‘zealot’ whose particular vendetta is against the Roman Catholic Church. Just like you claim (in my own interpretation of your article) that Walid Shoebat is a religious ‘zealot’ whose particular vendetta is against the Muslims. I really want to trust your writings and ideas but I’m afraid I cannot without being able to see more proof than just your own claims. By the way, have you ever read Alexander Hislop’s book The Two Babylons. Maybe that could help you with starting to back up some of your claims about the Roman Catholic Church being the Harlot of Babylon. But as to the historical timelines and events, I need you to help me out please. Thanks for your consideration.
Thank you for your comment Susan 🙂 I teach the historical fulfillment of prophecy, which is contrary to what most people teach, which is futurism. The irony of your request for references is that most every Christian theologian was a historicist up until around 200 years ago. Everyone pointed to Rome as the antichrist beast. It’s only during the last few hundred years that the Jesuits deceptions of futurism has taken hold and spread around the church through places like Dallas Theological Seminary.
Another irony is that futurists don’t have to provide references, because their explanations haven’t been fulfilled yet. They just provide a verse and their explanation.
I do understand your desire for references. I guess it all depends on what study you’re referring to, so you’re welcome to let me know.
The home page features quotes from the Popes of Rome with references, which show that they fulfill prophecy.
You can view the Witnesses against Papal Rome study to see quotes from saints from the 10th century, with references. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/historic-witnesses-against-the-antichrist-roman-beast-the-popes-of-rome/
So it’s not just my perspective that the Roman Catholic Church is the antichrist beast.
My About Page lists which theologians I have learned from, most of which wrote during the 16th-20th centuries, before the deception too hold in the Church.
“Romanism and the Reformation” by Henry Grattan Guinness gives countless references to the Roman Catholic Church.
Robert Carignola’s book “The Present Reign Of Jesus Christ” explained much of the fulfillment of Revelation.
Ralph Woodrow’s book “Great Prophecies Of The Bible” covers the second coming of Christ, Matthew 24, the 70 weeks of Daniel and the antichrist. Highly recommended reading!
Even if I list a reference from them, that really doesn’t prove much, as you may not know who they are and they could be biased as well.
When you read the whole website, you see that the whole narrative fits together. You see how the Roman Catholic Church fulfilled the prophecies of the Little Horn of Daniel, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation.
You see that Revelation is simply about the Satan-empowered Roman beast fighting against Christ and His Church.
The Roman beast has changed forms over the years from the Roman Empire to the Roman Catholic Church to the Jesuits of Rome. But Daniel told us that the Roman beast would be in power until Messiah returned to destroy it.
And some of the explanations on these studies I have never seen anyone put together before, so there are no references. History reveals the fulfillment, so we have an advantage over people from previous eras.
I have the Two Babylons book, but have not read it yet. So much to study, so little time 🙂
If you have particular questions about a study, please let me know and I can refer you to other places to read about that topic.
Keep learning and growing! David
Hi. I’ve been reading your website with interest and, of course, checking to see if it is accurate. Obviously if it doesn’t check out you lose credibility.
I therefore bring to your attention the following quote:
“We confess that the Pope has power of changing Scripture and of adding to it, and taking from it according to his will.” (38)
on this URL:
I googled the reference and it appears to have been published, but not credibly and it has been alleged to be a hoax. In the absense of proof I recommend its removal as slander could certainly be accused without credible references.
If you can publish a credible source I’d be very interested.
Thank you for your comment David 🙂 I appreciate your feedback.
The long version of the reference is “Roman Catholic Confessions for Protestants Oath, Article XI, (Confessio Romano-Catholica in Hungaria Evangelicis publice praescripta te proposita, editi a Streitwolf), as recorded in Congressional Record of the U.S.A., House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913.”
What reference(s) did you find that shows that it is not a credible quote, or that it is a hoax?
Dear David
Thank you for having such a wonderful ministry and site! I was a charismatic and born again in 1977, now 60 yoa. I discovered historicism through Adventist TV channels and became fascinated by the contrary views of the protestant reformers. I am now studying all about protestantism which was abandoned by charismatics and that is why they pander to the Papacy of Rome. They are deceived as they ignore all of church history prior to 1907. I noted that you no longer attend church. Neither am I and regretably so as I should. Is it so bad a thing?
Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your comment Georges 🙂 It’s a sad thing when you and I can’t find a Church that is holding true to Biblical historical prophecy fulfillment explanations, and who has identified the enemy of the Church, the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church, and is exposing their deceptions and calling Catholics and Protestants out of her influence. Start a home church of like-minded people to fellowship with, pray with, worship with and to endure the hardships ahead with. Blessings to you! David
Hi!!! Thank you so much for getting back with me, boy I prayed for a better understanding of the bible, because every time I spoke to people, they laughed at me and told me I made no sense and I that I should be quiet, that I might offend people( this was coming from so-called believers), I was so broken in spirit -so heart broken, I prayed every day, for an entire year, for the Lord to help me understand the truth and how to explain things better about Genesis, Adam, Jesus, end times, Global elite, Illuminati, The Roman Catholic , I was became so confused myself- I was going crazy because I couldn’t put it all together!! And than I found your website- Hallelujah!!!! Wow!!! Everything you have studied and put here is so easy to understand and makes so much sense.. I cannot thank you enough for you, you are a true blessing form the Lord and I really appreciate you. I feel so energized and strengthened thanks to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, God bless you 🙂
Thank you for your comment Arleen 🙂 Trust me when I say that my family and friends reject what is taught on these studies, because they are contrary to their programming. I didn’t know any of this four years ago, when the Spirit started waking me up. I found myself confused and overwhelmed with all of the (dis)information in books and on the internet.
Then the Spirit prompted me to look to the great Theologians who wrote Bible commentaries during the 16th-20th centuries, before the deceptions crept it. The studies on this website are the result of taking their teachings and putting them into easy to understand studies. So I simply stand on the shoulders of these great men, who I list on my About Page.
I sent you a personal email. Contact me anytime with questions or insight on the studies. I’m working on a new study series called “The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2”. And then I will work on a new series that explains Revelation in greater details.
Grace and peace and love to you in Yahshua/Jesus name, David
Hi David, if I want to copy everything so I can make a booklet to share with others and use in bible study what is the best place to start from the beginning to the end of what you have on your website, I hope I make sense. Thank you so much
Thank you for your comment Arleen 🙂 I blessed to know that you want to share the studies. On the bottom of every page is a green Print/PDF button that you can use to create a print-friendly sheet or a PDF file. The home page is the most important, as it shows that the Roman Catholic Church and Jesuits fulfill the prophecies in Daniel, 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation.
The 70th week of Daniel studies prove that it was already fulfilled from 27-34 A.D, so it is not a future 7-year tribulation period, as so many teach.
The Revelation fulfillment study shows the historical fulfillment of the seals, trumpets and bowls, where we are at on the fulfillment timeline and what will happen next.
I would start with those topics, as they show that most Bible prophecies have been fulfilled historically, so they are not future, as so many wrongly teach.
I hope that helps. Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name, David
All of you people are out of your mind.
Woe to you shepherds, you divide The Lord’s flock and do not care for them, neither feed nor heal them.
I believe you are false.
The Angel of The Lord has never been to Israel and will not arrive until called, you are out of your mind heretic.
Thank you for your comment Michael 🙂 I’ve been accused of worse. 😛 I don’t recall anything on this website that says that “the Angel of The Lord had never been to Israel”, so I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name,
Greetings David,
I have been reading the comments on your website. I have nothing more to add that has already been said. The day we live in and the deception that we are in, it is a blessing to seeing the truth and the holy spirit working through just a man. Thanks again. just a note of encouragement. In the future I am going to build a entry page to your site on my web site. Because of your site the Holy Spirit is moving me also to exposed futurism which has single handily stopped the protestant reformation. Yes Francisco Ribera Jesuit teaching has stop the mind of the people that are in these apostate churchs.
God Bless and Keep on Keeping on!!!!!
Thank you for your comment Walt 🙂 Agreed about the concept of futurism stopping the Protest! The False Prophet, the Jesuits of Rome, certainly have deceived Christians about prophecy fulfillment. I’ll send you an email so that we can connect. Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name, David
Hello David,
Thanks for your great website! I have been over the last 1.5 years diving deep into truth and of all of the 400+ websites and 50+ books I have read spanning the last 200 years, your site is the best summation of the false teachings out there and deceptions. Plus, what is interesting is at least in your overview, you’re one of the few authors of a site which state “this is what the Holy Spirit has showed me”. So keep up the good work, I am recommending your site to all my Christian friends throughout Europe.
Now on topics to research what I would love to see is:
1. Greater details on the Olivet Discourse. Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Today, EVERYBODY talks about this as pointing to the end of the world age. But my own studies and the understanding is this was a fulfillment to the ending and conclusion of the age of Israel. And that it was truly fulfilled in the years and run up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. I’ve read a synopsis of the War of the Jews by Josephus and it is mind boggling how his writings point to the fulfillment. If you send me your email address I can better explain the points I am wondering about? And send some documents etc I’d like a second eye on.
2. A study on the millennial reign of Rev 20 etc? Today, everybody is looking to a physical 1000 years on earth reign of Christ. Which actually fits with the 70th week deception. But I find such little available research to understand is this literal, is this on earth or is it the saints with Christ in heaven? What is the condition of the earth during this time etc etc? This topic is one where I believe there is deception in, but very little external studies other than what I find from the SDA’s?
Many thanks,
Hello Jamie,
Thank you for taking time the email me and for your encouraging words. 🙂
I’m blessed to know that the website has helped you.
I think that many people read it and can’t comprehend it, because it is so contrary to their futuristic programming.
I’ve come to learn that prophecy fulfillment really is pretty straight-forward, but that it’s all of the deceptions that have been programmed into people’s minds, which make it difficult to see the true fulfillment.
I appreciate that you share it with others, not for my sake, but for our Messiah’s sake, as the truth about prophecy fulfillment honors Him.
I have a list of studies to complete, one of them is the Olivet Discourse.
I have a simple faith, which causes me to simply take our Messiah at His Word.
That sounds obvious, but most people do not do that when it comes to Matthew 24:34, when He said “Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.”
I too believe that His words in the Olivet Discourse were fulfilled in the 1st century, and in fact were the fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel 9:26-27, which foretold that the city and temple would be destroyed by the people of the prince, the Romans.
If you haven’t read the Daniel 12 study on the website yet, check that out, for it gives the fulfillment of the 1,290 and 1,335 days of Great Tribulation from 66-70 A.D., when 1.1. million Jews died. And it includes some accounts from Josephus.
I have a Word document with 75 pages of notes from different resources about the fulfillment, and intend to do a concise fulfillment study on it.
So please send me any resources and questions you have on it. I sent you a personal email, so that you have my email address.
As for the millennial reign, I haven’t studied it a lot.
It’s always been odd that after the 1,000 year reign, Satan is released to gather the world against Christ, only to be captured and cast into the flames.
I’m not understanding how a physical reign fits with the 70th week deception, so maybe you can clarify.
Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name,
Thank you for your comment Billy 🙂 I understand where you’re coming from, as what is on End Times Deceptions is contrary to what most Pastors teach today. Know this, our Church forefathers taught the same things as I do up until the 1800’s, when the deceptions of the enemy took hold, and the leaven of their deceptions spread everywhere.
All of the Protestant Reformers rightly testified that the Roman Catholic Church is the antichrist beast of Revelation, the Little Horn of Daniel, and the office of the Papacy, the Son of Perdition. Over 50 million Christians were killed by the Roman Catholic Church for proclaiming true salvation through Christ alone, and for testifying against the antichrist beast.
The Lord taught me to look to Theologians who taught before all of the deceptions crept in. I read the Bible commentaries of people from the 16th-19th century, such as:
Albert Barnes’ Notes on the New and Old Testaments.
John Calvin’s Commentaries.
Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible.
Commentary from the 1599 edition of the Geneva Bible.
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible.
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible.
Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary.
Matthew Poole’s Commentary on the Holy Bible.
John Wesley’s Bible Notes.
Many of those can be found at http://www.studylight.org/com/
Read the home page on the End Times Deceptions website and you will see the true fulfillment of Daniel, 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation; which reveals that what today’s pastors are teaching is false.
The biggest deception is about a supposed future 70th week of Daniel, the 7-year tribulation. But the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled after the 69th week, when our Messiah confirmed the Abrahamic Covenant with His blood as the spotless Lamb of God. Christ and His disciples preached the Gospel to the Jew for seven years, fulfilling the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy.
So any Pastor who says that the 70th week of Daniel is a future 7-year tribulation period featuring a one-man antichrist, is either a deceiver and is deceived.
The 70th week of Daniel is about Christ’s first coming, so to say that it is about antichrist, is blasphemy. Read http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/70-weeks-of-daniel-covenant-deception/
In the 16th century, the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church created the concept of a future 70th week of Daniel, to deflect blame away from the Roman Catholic Church. For hundreds of years, the true Church didn’t believe this deception, but during the last few centuries, it has taken root and deceives the masses. You can read how the leaven of their deception spread to Dallas Theological Seminary, where it has spread around the world in this study http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/jesuit-end-times-antichrist-deception/
Keep reading the studies on the website and you will see that most Bible prophecies have been fulfilled historically since Christ’s first coming. Yet Pastors mistakenly apply most prophecy to be fulfilled during the last few years of time.
Keep learning and growing. I know it’s not easy to comprehend all of the deceptions, because of the programming we received from Pastors. I didn’t know any of this up until a few years ago. I had just blindly trusted my Pastors. I praise our Messiah for showing me His truth.
When I learned how He has worked throughout history empowering His Church to fight against the enemy, I’ve drawn much closer to Him. In these last days He wants to overthrow the enemy through His Church, but in order to do that, they need to know the truth about prophecy fulfillment, so that they can expose the deceptions of the enemy.
As for why the teachings on this website are contrary to most Pastors, keep in mind that in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Paul warned us, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”
That time has come my friend.
Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name, David
Also David, We need to be able to fellowship over the Scripture together on the Sabbath, by way of a group conference call, or something. There are SO MANY of us that have repented of sitting under false teaching, because we REALLY love The Truth, and truly want to honor Him in it! But we simply have no way to fellowship live, as that Day of YHWH (YHUH) approaches. And we dearly need to. I can not consider myself at all “Messianic” because I will not sit under that vile occultic ” star”, nor can I be absorbed into the funnel of kabbalaic ” Judaism”. Yet, I cannot sit in a Pagan- observing ” church” in false Christendom either. I do not fit into a label that in their many Deceptions, they pre- made for us. I only want the Truth, and while I acknowledge we are all continuing to search the Scriptures, and are vessels being refined, I still must choose wisely my Fellowship companions, so I am, please, wondering, asking, if we all can’t get together, at least through technology, to directly visit, share, learn, in real time, hearing each others voices. It would do many of us a world of good. Do write me directly, Will you? I’d appreciate it greatly. Thank you so much. In Yahusha’s Hand, Cherish. ( If I have weird typos, your website doesn’t do so well with my phone, so please forgive any glitches. Thanks.)
Thank you for your comment 🙂 Yes, we walk a narrow road, avoiding the pitfalls of: “christian” churches with teach false prophecy explanations, a false gospel message, and pagan celebrations; Judaism based on the Babylonian Talmud and Egyptian Kabbalah; and the Hebrew Roots Movement, which seeks to bind us. People ask me where should they should fellowship, to which I have no good answer, except start a home church of like-minded people, because that’s what people need now and will need in the future, when times get tougher. There are several groups on Facebook that observe the Sabbath together. They might meet a need for you. I’ll send you an email to connect. Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name, David
Dear Brother David,
I am amazed how on the same page we are! This doesn’t happen every day. I would like to write to you directly, as I have some thoughts and questions to run by you that are not related to the Roman Catholic Control System, nor necessarily End Times Deceptions. I have read much of your website, but haven’t had time to read all, yet noticed your saying you observe the Feast Days. While I most certainly believe passionately that we have much to learn by way of observing them, that they’re valuable, and commanded in the Old Covenant, ( and I’m certainly willing to observe them), I was once again reading at Acts 15 yesterday, and between that and Galatians, and living higher than the Law by way of the spirit of the Law living the Truth in one’s heart and through the behaviors, then what do we do with such passages? Do we again put His Believers under the yoke that the early church, Peter, Paul, even James agreed, that we should not?
Thank you for your comment 🙂 Regarding God’s Holy Feast Days, I celebrate them and treat them like a Sabbath, meaning I rest on them and reflect on their meaning. I do not observe them legalistically as Jews do, according to their rules which bind people. I do not do it for salvation. I do not bind anyone with the yoke of them, for to me there is no yoke. I do this willingly, out of love for my Messiah, who is fulfilling them. Now that I know the truth, they are a blessing to me, just like resting on the Sabbath is a blessing to me. I hope that makes sense. Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name, David
I will send you an email.
The little horn, and the Antichrist in prophecy is the Jews who testify against Jesus. It’s the Jews, Jerusalem, and Israel today that is your end times religious (Judaism), Political (Israel), financial (Jews) power that has taken over the world, and is wearing down the christian faith, and is leading the world into WWIII via deception and LIES. Jesus said that the Jews who reject him are the Children of Satan. The apostles said that those Jews who go on, and teach the rejection of Christ, ARE the antichrist. The nation of Israel was born out of the authority of the West, or “New Roman Empire.” The Jews have ascended to power through the western nations. They hate Jesus, and their doctrine teaches that nothing is better than to abolish the name of Jesus from the face of the earth. Pharisaic Judaism has remained unchanged from the times of Jesus to the present day.
But the Jews are hidden from everybody. Christians don’t even know who they are anymore. The Jews have developed a system that persecutes anybody who points them out, or tries to expose them. When Babylon, the Prostitute is conquered by Jesus in Revelation, “in HER is found the blood of the prophets (OT prophets), the saints, and all the worlds people.” The bible says over and over and over that the corrupted Talmudic Jews have the blood of the prophets on their hands. Jesus himself said that the pharisees had the blood of the prophets on their hands. Jesus then goes on to say that the Pharisees, and all Jews who reject him, do the deeds of their father, the Devil. That these jews will accept a different authority, which is Satan.
Open your eyes and pay attention to how the Jews are deluding the Christian faith, and waring it down with every passing day and year. The Jews are still waiting for their “messiah.” Their messiah will make Israel a world power, and all the nations of the world will be at peace because they have capitulated to Israel. The Jews and their Messiah will then impose the “god of Israel” on the world. But the “god of Israel” is devoid of Jesus, and is none other than Satan himself. The Jewish Messiah, that the Jews are waiting on to this very day is the precise definition of the Christian antichrist.
Open your eyes, and you will see the TRUTH that has been hidden from you. The TRUTH that Jesus and the apostles always taught. That the Jews who reject Jesus, the same Jews to this very day, ARE of the Devil, are the Children of Satan, and will cause the great apostasy, and fool everybody into pledging their allegiance to the god they follow, which is devoid of Jesus, and none other than Satan himself.
By the way, it’s well known in Jewish history, during the time of Jesus, that Jerusalem was the city that stood on 7 hills as well. The prophet Daniel says that the Antichrist will enter a temple in Jerusalem. Jesus says that this same Antichrist (Abomination that causes desolation) will stand on the Holy Site in Jerusalem. The Jews, who testify against Jesus have been trying to build the 3rd temple for 2000 years now. The 3rd temple will be a symbol that usurps Jesus on earth, since Jesus himself is the Temple. It will be a Jewish high priest or “messiah” that enters this temple as the abomination.
Open your eyes, learn about the Jews. Then you will see the TRUTH about the one who is hidden from you, and aims to deceive you (the Jews). The same TRUTH that Jesus and the Apostles taught all throughout the NT.
Thank you for your comment ‘John’ 🙂 Please open my eyes. Please provide a verse by verse explanation of Daniel 7 which describes the Little Horn, so that I can see how it is Jewish. And please provide a verse by verse explanation of Revelation 13 and 17 which describes the antichrist beast, so that I can see how it is Jewish. I look forward to your explanation.
And please show me what verses in Daniel say “that the Antichrist will enter a temple in Jerusalem.”
Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name, David