Who are Jews?

Who are the Jewish people of today related to? What does DNA science reveal about who are the ancestors of the Jews?

The answer to these questions about the history of the Jewish Ashkenazi or Khazar Jews empire will shock you, and will no doubt cause you to question everything you know about modern day Jews and the state of Israel.

We’re going to cover some ground-breaking information that is based on factual science; not someone’s opinion, not what the news reports, and not what Christian teachers say.

The title may cause you to think that this study will be “antisemitic” but as you will soon learn, that is not possible.

We need to pray for the true Jews to accept Jesus as their Messiah, but we also need to discern the truth about the leaders of Israel, the Ashkenazi Jews.

Here’s the list of Jewish witnesses that testify about the Ashkenazi people:

DNA research science from Dr. Eran Elhaik (a Jew) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, have confirmed that, “97% of the 17 million of the world’s Jews ARE NOT descendants of Abraham.”

Dr. Dan Graur, a world-famous Jewish geneticist who served on the faculty of Tel Aviv University for 22 years and is now at the University of Houston, smiles at the distress of the Zionists. Dr. Elhaik’s research is, he said, “very honest.” Graur is the recipient of the prestigious Humboldt Award, given to the world’s top biological scientist.

In 2001, genetics research by Dr. Ariella Oppenheim of Hebrew University in Tel Aviv, produced basically the same results as Dr. Elhaik. Oppenheim’s study also found that the Jews origins are in Khazaria, and that they are of Turkic bloodline. She also reported that some Palestinians have the chromosome in their blood indicating they are Cohanim and Israelite.

In 1867, the great Jewish scholar Abraham Harkavy, in “The Jews and Languages of the Slavs,” said that the Jewish Yiddish language came from the Khazars, not the Hebrews.

The 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. XI p 533, stated that ‘probably 95% of the persons included in these estimates of Jewish populations are Ashkenazim.

The Encyclopedia Judaica (1972) records, “Khazars, a national group of general Turkic type, indendendent and sovereign in Eastern Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E. During part of this time the leading Khazaras professed Judaism… In spite of the negligible information of an archaeologica nature, the presence of Jewish groups and the impact of Jewish ideas in Eastern Europe are considerable during the Middle Ages. Groups have been mentioned as migrating to Central Europe from the East often have been referred to as Khazars, thus making it impossible to overlook the possibility that they originated from with the former Khazar Empire.”

The 1973 Jewish Encyclopedia documents that approximately 90% of the world’s so-called Jews are Khazar.

A. N. Poliak, Professor of Medieval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, says that the majority of Eastern European Jews are Khazar and Japhetic in origin, not Semitic.  Immigration statistics indicate approximately 90% of the world’s so-called or self-styled ‘Jews’ living in 42 countries of the world are emigrants of Eastern European Khazar Jews.

In 1976, a prominent Jew named Arthur Koestler published a book called “The Thirteenth Tribe: The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage.” He wrote: “The large majority of Jews after World War II in the world, were of Eastern origin-and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan, but from the Volga; not from the Canaan but from the Caucausus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race. Genetically, they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

In 2007, University of Tel Aviv history teacher, Schlomo Sand, verified their Turkish-Mongol heritage in his book called “Invention of the Jewish People.”  He says that the “Jews are not a race and have no Israelite connection.”

Rabbinical Torah Jews protest the Zionist state of Israel and say that is illegitimate in the eyes of God and that it DOES NOT represent Jews or Judaism. They believe that the Ashkenazi Jews have illegitimately seized the name “Israel” and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people!

So how can there be millions of people called Jews in a state called Israel?

Let’s start with the understanding that a person can convert to the religion of Judaism and call themselves a ‘Jew’, even though they’re not an actual descendent of Abraham.

With that in mind, you will be shocked to learn that the newest DNA research science from Dr. Eran Elhaik and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, have confirmed that:

97% of the 17 million of the world’s Jews ARE NOT descendants of Abraham.

The various groups of Jews in the world today DO NOT share a common genetic origin, and their genome is largely Khazar.

In fact, DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the Khazar ‘Jews!’

Today they’re called Ashkenazi Jews, but they are a Jew by religion, not by blood.
Most of them have Turkish-Mongol DNA.\

Tay-Sachs disease affects Ashkenazi Jews, but not semitic Jews.

Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic disorder caused by a missing enzyme that results in the accumulation of a fatty substance in the nervous system; which affects chiefly Ashkenazic Jews.

What does this prove?  Semitic people never suffer from Tay-Sachs disease! Only Ashkenazi Jews do, proving that they are not semites.

Ashkenaz descend from Japheth and Gomer, not from Shem; so that are not semites. Abram (Abraham) descended from Shem, the Ashekenaz did not.

Genesis  10:3 The sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz, Riphath,  and Togarmah.

The Khazar heritage of Ashkenazi Jews is a historical fact, and hence forfeits their Biblical Right to Palestine, which is often cited by Israeli leaders and fundamental Christian supporters.

So who are the Jewish Khazars?

From 652-1016 A.D., there was a medieval kingdom of Khazaria that included part of modern day Russia, Ukraine, and a sliver of what is now Kazakhstan.


They were warriors who worshiped many false gods, making them ripe for invasion.

They were being pressured by the Holy Roman Empire in the West, Russian Orthodox Christians in the North, and from the Islamic Caliphate in the East.

Russian Prince Vladimir would force people to become Christians, or cut off their head.

In the 8th Century, under the reign of King Bulan, they adopted Judaism as their religion.  And when the king converts, everyone converts.

This was not a spiritual choice, just a way to avoid conflict with other countries.

Talmudic Rabbi’s were brought in from Babylon, to teach the people Jewish traditions.

After a few hundred years, the people were fully converted to their beliefs.

They were steeped in Judaism rituals, and became “self-styled” Jews with their clothing, beards, long hair on the side, etc…

The Khazarian Empire was a war-like people, who used to be hired out by other countries for battles, so they were already very domineering.

The Jewish Babylonian Talmud told them they could rule the world and have all of the wealth, so they embraced the global domination view of the Talmud.

Prince Vladimer of Russia did attack Khazaria, causing the Khazar Jews to flee.  Then Genghis Khan conquered the land and the rest of them fled.

The Khazar Jews settled in Russia (they pretended to be Christian to hide there), Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

The history of the Jewish Ashkenazi people is one of domination.

They would infiltrate government and financial institutions to take control through unethical actions, causing countries to pass laws to kick them out.

Here is a partial list of all the countries (and corresponding years) from which the Jews have been legally banished from, over the last thousand years:

France(1182, 1306, 1322, 1394);  Upper Bavaria(1276, 1442);  England(1276);   Saxony(1349);  Hungary(1360, 1582);  Belgium(1370);  Slovakia(1380); Austria(1420);   Cologne(1424);  Augsburg(1438);  Netherlands(1444);  Brandenburg(1446, 1510);  Warsaw(1483);  Spain(1492);  Italy(1492, 1540);  Lithuania(1495);  Portugal(1496);  Naples(1496, 1533, 1541);  Prussia(1510); Bavaria(1551);  Prague(1541, 1557);  Hamburg(1649);  Vienna(1669);  Slovakia(1744);  Bohemia(1774); Moscow(1891).

Then due to persecution in Germany and other countries, they were pressed into migrating to Palestine, which became the modern state of Israel.

Not to diminish the tragedy of so many people dying at the hands of the Germans, but since the Ashkenazi Jews aren’t the descendents of Abraham, a homeland should have been created for them in their old land of Khazaria, not in Palestine.

Many also fled to the United States.  Today, there’s an estimated 7 million Ashkenazi Jews in the United States, 6 million in Israel, and 4 million worldwide.

The Thirteenth Tribe

In 1976, a prominent Jew named Arthur Koestler published a book called “The Thirteenth Tribe: The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage,” which was a bombshell.  Though it was written to be a refutation of Hitler and the Nazis, it had incredible unintended consequences.

He wrote: “The large majority of Jews after World War II in the world, were of Eastern origin-and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan, but from the Volga; not from the Canaan but from the Caucausus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race.

Genetically, they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term anti-Semitic would be VOID OF MEANING, based on a MISAPPREHENSION shared by both killers and victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel HOAX which history has ever perpetrated.”

In 1999, Kevin Brooks wrote the book, “The Jews of Khazaria”, which provides historical information on the Khazarian culture and their conversion to Judaism.

Invention of the Jewish People - KhazarsIn 2007, University of Tel Aviv history teacher, Schlomo Sand, verified their Turkish-Mongol heritage in his book called
Invention of the Jewish People.

He says that the “Jews are not a race and have no Israelite connection.”


DNA research confirms that 97% of “Jews” are NOT descendants of Abraham.

In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, a biologist at Hebrew University, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually
all the Jews came from Khazar blood
. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1274378/

She also confirmed that the Palestinians — the very people whom the Jews have been persecuting since 1948 — had more Israelite blood than did the Jews.

Dr. Eran Elhaik and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, proved through DNA science today’s Jews are not related to Abraham, but they descended from the Khazars.

Entitled, “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses”, and published by the Oxford Journal on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, the study confirms Oppenheim’s research and the many scholarly books.

What exactly is the “Khazarian Hypothesis?” Simply stated, it holds that the Jewry genome is a mosaic of ancestries which rise primarily out of the Khazars.

Jesus said Jerusalem would be trodden down by the Gentiles until the “time of the Gentiles“ is fulfilled.

Since the “time of the Gentiles” has not been fulfilled yet, if in fact it really was true Jews who control Jerusalem, then that would make Jesus wrong.

But these Ashkenazi Jews, including every Israeli Prime Minister, are “Gentiles
who have illegitimately taken control of the land of Israel.

Knowing who are Jews and who aren’t the Jewish people of the Bible, should be common knowledge.

Why has this ground-breaking news not been revealed to the world?

The Jesuit-controlled Ashkenazi Jews are able to suppress the research books and DNA findings, because they own and control:

  • Associated Press and Reuters, which delivers the news to the world’s media.
  • Fox News, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSN, and every other major news channel.
  • Most radio stations, major newspapers and the top magazines.

Just as they invaded countries throughout history; they have infiltrated the U.S. government, financial institutions, and businesses, to take control. This topic will be covered in more detail in another study.

“Controlled opposition” figures like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc., are censored by them.  The Jesuits allow them to give you some of the truth (to make you think that they’re defending you), but they never give you the whole truth.

Rabbinical Torah Jews believe that the Zionist state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of God and that it DOES NOT represent Jews or Judaism.

Torah Jews study God’s Torah only, not the Satanic Egyptian Kaballah or the Babylonian Talmud, that the Ashkenazi Jewish leader study and revere.

They believe that the world must know that the Ashkenazi Jews have illegitimately seized the name “Israel” and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people!

They believe that contemporary sovereignty over the Holy Land belongs to those who have lived there for centuries, the Palestinians. They desire to live in peace and harmony with their Muslim Brethren, as their ancestors did.

You can read more about them at these websites:

What are the implications of these DNA findings on their control of Israel?

Since they are not of the ancestry of Abraham, they have no right to the land of Israel, or to persecute the Palestinians, whom they kicked off of the land.

In another study, we’ll focus on how the state of Israel was created by the Jesuits via the Rothchild family, and what their end-times plans are for it.

For now, just realize that all three of the major religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) look to Jerusalem as their holy place, so as the Jesuits move us towards a New World Order, they will use Jerusalem as their world headquarters.

In order to do that, they had to take control of the land.

This also helps them deceive Christians about end-times prophecy, as they have conditioned us to look to the state of Israel.

Now that you know that 97% of Jewish people are Khazar Jews, what will you do?

Will you heed what Jesus told us in Revelation 2 and 3, about “them which say they are Jews and are not?”

Will you trust Jesus declaration that “Gentiles” will trample the land, until the time of Gentiles is fulfilled?

Will you accept modern DNA science as legitimate and valuable in proving the truth of God’s Word?

Or will you return to the programming of the Jesuits?

Hitler came to power with the understanding that: “If a lie is told long enough, by enough people… even those who know it is a lie… will begin to believe it as the truth!!”

Friend, we’ve been lied to about the Jews. And Christians have blindly accepted what we’ve been taught, instead of searching out truth for ourselves.

I’m not saying that all Christian Pastors have intentionally done this, but there are many pro-Israel pastors who aren’t teaching you the truth.

This end-times deception about the Jews and Israel changes everything!

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the truth about who are the Jewish people. 

Repent of your former beliefs.

Pray for the true Israelites and Palestinians, that they would come to accept Jesus as their Messiah.

Pray for the true Israelites and Palestinians as they face persecution from the Ashkenazi Jews.

Stop your support of the nation of Israel, and refocus your support on “spiritual Israel,” your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Spread the message of these important findings, as your family in Christ needs to understand the truth.

DNA Science and the Jewish BloodlineFor more information on this vitally important topic:

Order the new book, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline.

Review Ashkenazis are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites.

Review The Jewish Conspiracy.

On the Date of the Khazars’ Conversion to Judaism and the Chronology of the Kings of the Rus Oleg and Igor. A Study of the Anonymous Khazar Letter from the Genizah of Cairo – Constantine Zuckerman  http://www.persee.fr/doc/rebyz_0766-5598_1995_num_53_1_1906

Related Israel Deception Studies:

Christians Should Not Support Israel

Regathering Of The Jews Deception



134 thoughts on “Who are Jews?”

  1. David, Can you kindly respond yes or no. Do you understand Zechariah 12-14? People keep asking me to explain it in light of your teachings.

    Thank you for your attention.
    I’m having trouble posting this.

    • Leslie, I’ve not done a thorough study of Zechariah 12-14, so I can’t add much to the discussion at this time. I printed it out along with the commentaries of my favorite theologians, to read and gain more understanding.

  2. Muslims are brethren of nobody. Even if I rejected the 97% of the Jews who reject Jesus and fixate on the Babylonian Talmud (that it was Babylonian should tell you that it was not made under the best circumstances), I wouldn’t leave that land to the Palestinians. Palestine is as much a legal myth as the racial myth of these Jews.
    The proper Jews are those who still worship God, who never exiled to Babylon, and still follow the traditions. These people are extremely rare today but they still exist. You’ve heard of them. The Samaritans.

  3. David you amaze me yet again, your knowledge of so many things in such detail is incredible, your website and 3 books you wrote are truly awesome and i even went through your website today and ran across a section i hadnt seen filled with so much great info and videos. the amazing part is how accurate you are.. i assume you have lots of staff that work for you?
    i really appreciate everything you do, your work is so awesome please keep it coming.. you have saved me years of studying and its now so much easier to teach and learn and debate with family, friends, and acquaintances from many religions. i use your studies and give out your books. i bible study with my jehovah witness friends and my jewish friends, protestant friends and often debate as much as possible with my catholic chuch buddies and mens group, they are the toughest for sure but im actually starting to win them over little by little by applying your lessons on end times deceptions and they are grand in the rcc thats for sure.
    God bless you and your family

    • Thank you for your comment! I’m blessed to know that the studies and books help you see the glory of prophecy fulfillment!

      I laughed when you said that you assume that I have lots of staff that work for me, as it’s just lil old me fulfilling the roles of writer, editor, proofreader, webmaster, video maker, social media person, meme maker, etc. 🙂

      Thank you for sharing the information. Keep learning and growing in The Way!

  4. JESUS said to love your neighbours. Love each other as i have loved You!! We are to forgive each other and pray for our enemies. Brethren please humble ones self towards the other. There is really not much love and forgiveness here. We bicker at each other like its our job to sought it out. Leave that up to the Lord for it is written. “Revenge is mine thus say’s the Lord” for He kows who are those who are in His flock and who are not but belong to their father the devil. We are the ligth and salt of the world not the darkness and pepper…. now get on with the job and share the good news. God bless you all

    • Mario, exposing the deceptions of the enemy which mislead believers is demonstrating my love for them. I am shining the light of prophecy fulfillment, so that they can see the truth and be prepared for how the end times play out and for Messiah’s return. Proving out the fulfillment of prophecy validates the authority of Scripture and the deity of Messiah, which is proclaiming the Good News! Shalom! https://bibleprophecydecoded.com

  5. Interesting article and study. Only the LORD can save us from ourselves and time is very short as we await Daniel 11:31 and the abomination of desolation. Confirmation can be seen at the torahcalendar.com but since the book of truth – promised to be open at the end of time and now open for anyone to confirm verse after verse coming true, take a look at daniel11truth while there is still a short time to repent and be saved. Thanks

  6. over half of the jews in israel are misrachi and sephardi…from iraq, iran, yeman, eithopia, egypt, morocco, spain, syria, etc. they and their ancestors were never in europe. there are two chief rabbis in israel, sephardi and ashkenazi. this article conveniently left out these ‘other’ jews.

  7. There are a thousand of these websites that do nothing but demonstrate the same type of reasoning started by the Sanhedrin, continued with the gnostics and on and on, round & round we go.
    It’s the demonic disease of Pet doctrines. It’s lack of faith on Display for all to see.

    You see, we actually all know what to do. Preach the gospel. Love one another. Love our enemies and do not go beyond what is written. We preach the Simplicity of Christ.
    So why don’t people just do that? Because they lack the faith that they are actually God’s Child, they must peddle their secret wisdom. You know, like because I believe in the secret Rapture – I’m enlightened. Or because I’m a Calvinist, only I have the real truth – showing I really am enlightened by God Himself. Or.. Because I bow to Mary, or the Mass, or young earth, or KJV only, or whatever – I truly am a real christian.

    News flash. These are the very attributes that identify someone who is weak in faith. It’s Christ PLUS your pet doctrine. Let it go. It’s worthless.

    • Yes James, we are supposed to preach the Gospel, but if you don’t understand prophecy fulfillment, the explanations that you’re giving to Jews and unbelievers falls flat, so that they can’t see proof of the Messiah of the Bible.

      The enemy has deceived the end-times saints, so that they don’t understand the prophetic proofs that validate the Word of God.

      The 70th week of Daniel, Messiah’s Olivet Discourse and Messiah’s apocalyptic vision in Revelation, all prove Messiah’s deity.

      Do you know the fulfillment? Can you explain them to a Jew, so that they see how Messiah fulfilled prophecy?

    • Yes let it go so the corrupt greedy fraudulent zionists can eventually control all others as if sheep, they to be prayed for !!! by gullible forgiving Christians, ,,, wake up and realise most wars fought have been organized by these frauds to enhance their god’ PROFIT AND USURY” Total cost to these zionists ,,, some pawns the rest that mount to millions each war are usually every other religion but theirs, Yes they sure are lovely , you go forgive them but dont count me in

  8. Can someone kindly explain the significance of why it matters? In my ignorance please forgive me. I should know. Yes I know to pray for those afflicted but are Jews special in the eyes of God. Am I condemned if I am not a Jew?

    • It matters because they are not the descendants of Abraham, so they have no right to the land. Read Isaiah and Jeremiah and you see the many bad things the Father had to say about the Jews. The tribe of the House of Judah is special because it’s the tribe in which Messiah was born, but it’s not special because of the Jews. They worshiped false gods and they rejected the promised Messiah and delivered Him up to be killed. This is why their temple was destroyed, Jerusalem desolated, and 1.1 million killed from 66-70 A.D., and the Jewish nation effectively ended. http://theolivetdiscourse.com/the-great-tribulation-of-matthew-24/

  9. this is all true…except….there are no “end times” as you see them. If you dig further you will find that they, just like they did for 30 pieces of silver, denied that ANY of the 70 AD events took place as they did. Jesus died for our sins and said IT IS FINISHED.

    Now everything, including a third temple, is INSIDE of us. God’s kingdom comes down to us. This is Jesus’ “second coming”….his Holy Spirit.

    Lots and lots to say but one would have to know if anyone is open to hearing about it. My book won’t be ready for about a year, but I can tell you now you’ll all be shocked.

  10. I am glad to read something which confirms what I often have in my heart. Revelation 2:9, 3:9. ‘They are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan’. Actually is obvious if you see the ‘Magan David’ as symbol of the flag instead of ‘Menorah’. 40 years ago after being a born-again Christian and active in part time ministries, it was no questions for me to support Israel following the ‘Mainstream Christianity’ teaching, but then the change in my heart, which told me that the foundation/formation of ‘State Israel’ was political AND had nothing to do with ABBA’s will. It is ‘similar’ to what Abraham and Sarah did, in order to fullfill the promise of ABBA to have many descendants. They made ‘their human logical decision’ about Hagar (since they were old and no descendant at all). For those, who didn’t aware about the deception, they did same like ‘Abraham and Sarah’. If it is true what I heard, then the ‘Invasion of Gog and Magog’ happened same time with the foundation of ‘State Israel’, NOT from Russia etc as the mainstream trying to teach all the time. According to DNA, many of the ‘Jews’ also descendants of Romans Empire, who converted to Judaism, not just from Khazar’s empire. Many brothers and sisters see me as anti-semite which it is not true. Is a very difficult topic since the Muslims are trying to use this fact for their purposes too.

    • Thank you for your comment Ron! Zionist Israel is one of the enemy’s biggest end-time deceptions. And Zionist Christians are missing the big picture about what took place in the first century. In the days when the Roman Empire was at its height of power, Messiah setup the kingdom of His Father.

      Daniel 2:44 foretold that Elohim would setup His kingdom, not at the end when Messiah returns, but during the days of the kings.

      “And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.“

      Daniel 7:13-14 foretold that the Son of Man would come in the clouds of heaven!

      “I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days (high priests?), And they brought Him near before Him. Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, Which shall not pass away, And His kingdom the one Which shall not be destroyed.”

      Messiah caused the city of Jerusalem to be desolated, and then He setup Holy Jerusalem, which is made up of His saints.

      Messiah caused the Jewish temple to be destroyed; and then He setup the true temple that is made without hands, in which the Father dwells; as He is the cornerstone, the disciples are the foundation, and the saints are the little stones which make up the walls.

      Messiah caused the High Priest, the Sanhedrin and the Jewish priest system to be removed from power; and He became our High Priest, and He made His saints the priests who offer spiritual sacrifices.

      Messiah used the Roman army to effectively end the Jewish nation; and His holy nation, which is made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, was created.

      Oh what a glorious day, when Messiah returns, and we enter into the fullness of that kingdom; with all of the saints of history!

      If you want to read a Bible study about Messiah setting up the kingdom of His Father, here’s a link. http://theolivetdiscourse.com/messiah-set-up-his-kingdom/

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!

  11. Wow! Just wow! I separated myself from “churchianity” 20 years ago. Only recently though , I decided to read the whole bible for myself. As I read , I flip from this book to that book , putting things together so they make sense. Prophesy hooking up with history. I end up with many questions , doing hours of research and firmly believe that the Holy Spirit is leading me to the many truths I asked to know about. This is one of those truths. I can’t explain the process that brought me to this website , but it has confirmed what I suspected about the nation state of Israel and the blind acceptance and support by the Christian “church”. Thank you for this article. Very well done and easy to understand.

    • Thank you for your comment Denise! It was an amazing journey to learn the truth about the Jews in Israel, which is a huge deception to most Christians.

      Most people called Jews are fake Jews; Edomites who integrated with the Jews before Messiah’s first advent; and Khazar Jews converted to Judaism and are are using Babylonian Talmudic Judaism to serve serve the god of mammon.

      Here’s another study that has the witness of many Torah Jews, who protest against the fake Zionist Jews. Christians Should Not Support Israel http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/christians-should-not-support-israel/

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!

    • Thank you for your comment Denise! It was an amazing journey to learn the truth about the Jews in Israel, which is a huge deception to most Christians.

      Most people called Jews are fake Jews; Edomites who integrated with the Jews before Messiah’s first advent; and Khazar Jews converted to Judaism and are are using Babylonian Talmudic Judaism to serve serve the god of mammon.

      Here’s another study that has the witness of many Torah Jews, who protest against the fake Zionist Jews. Christians Should Not Support Israel

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!

  12. It is good to find other Christians who are standing up for the truth of God’s word. I have challenged many Christians over their idolatry towards Satan’s counterfeit, modern day Israel. I often quote Isaiah 11:11 and ask the question if the scripture says “In that day” (The day of the Lord) and that he will call them “a second time” who then is the Lord referring to. It cannot be the modern state of Israel, those people are known not as the 12 tribes of Israel, they are Ashkenazim and Sephardi. Some claim that they descend from Aaron, yet who tested Aaron’s DNA? and where is his body for scientific proof? Not a popular concept for many and causes a lot of outrage. The disgusting worship of a nation under the banner of Christianity is very disheartening, however it is a sign of the last days. 2 Timothy 4:3
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires. We are seeing this today everywhere.

    • Thank you for your comment Ros! It’s sad to watch people be deceived about the Zionist state of Israel, and the fake Jews. And it’s such an emotional issue, that they won’t listen to logical, Scripture explanations. They won’t even list to all of these Jews on this page, who oppose Zionist Israel 🙁

    • Being subservient to the government doesn’t help; but I don’t think that most Pastors know the truth about the Ashkenazi Jews; and they’ve been taught at seminary to support Israel.

  13. Being a Jew is a religious identity. The Ashkenazi Jews have European DNA. The source of that DNA is Germany, Lithuania, Poland, etc. Jews have been dispersed throughout the world for over 2,000 years. A Jew from one side of the planet has nothing in common with a Jew from the other side of the planet. The only commonality is their faith.

    Even if an Ashkenazi Jew had ancestors from the ME, they would have been over a 1,000 years removed from it. It’s ridiculous to assert ME ancestry when all the DNA evidence shows European.

    That being said, there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. That was a made up term. These people are Arabs. Backwards Muslim Arabs. And to suggest that if Israel is attacked it should only respond with proportionality is absurd.

    Should we have fought the Indians with bows and arrows to make it an even fight. We had advanced weaponry in the form of guns. That’s why we won.

    • Are you an Ashkenazi ‘Jew’, Biagio? You speak like one.

      It all falls into place for me now – the Israeli ‘Star of David’ which has nothing to do with David, but is a hexagram… HEXagram, as in a curse-symbol, with 6 points, 6 triangles and a 6-sided hexagon…. Khazar invaders and warmongers pretending to be ‘Jews, but are not’. Quite clearly, the Rothschilds and the Illuminati are completely insane.

      I am extremely grateful to the author of this article and website for exposing the end-times deceptions!

      • It is quite clear that he is KHAZAR ZI0NIST SCUM,you filthy Zi0nist are dirtier then the ARABS,at least they DON,T STEAL and MURDER and pretend to be the victim.

    • The people you call Indian did NOT start the killing the white devil’s did! It started with drugging them and stilling their property,land and deception just like they do Now with other people’s if They want what they have. Straight up satanically wicked. Of course some are truly born again Christians so they are Not party to that wickedness.

    • LYING jew,there is no such thing as Palestinians,really, ZI0NIST PIG,these PEOPLE have been LIVING there for millennia,You filth from KHAZARIA are nothing but MURDERING THIEVES always have been,you day will come,fking SHEKEL TRADER.


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