Christians Should Not Support The Zionist State Of Israel

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you, because many believers have been teaching false doctrine regarding the Jews and Israel.

If you read it based on your current understanding, then your previous programming will cause you to dismiss it as anti-semitic (which you will see, is not possible.)

What you will see is that most of the sources on this page are from Jewish people.

Be sure to read it all the way through, as it reveals who is a true Israelite, who is a true Jew, and who are the promised children of Elohim.

Consider the following facts to see why Christians should NOT support the state of Israel. Rather we should pray for Jews to come to know their Messiah, who has already come and ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood as the Passover Lamb.

The Jews are forbidden from possessing the land.

The Jews were removed from the promised land when Elohim sent the Babylonians and then the Romans, against them; because of their disobedience to Elohim, and their worship of foreign gods.

“And you, even of yourself, shall let go of your inheritance which I gave you. And I shall make you serve your enemies in a land which you have not known, for you have kindled a fire in My displeasure which burns forever.” Jeremiah 17:4

Many Torah Jews know this, which is why they protest against Zionist Israel, saying that it is illegitimate.

The Carnegie Endowment scholar and former editor of Foreign Policy, David Rothkopf says, “American Jews now have a duty to oppose Israel.”

For American Jews we have gone from a duty to support Israel to a duty to question Israel to a duty to oppose Israel.

How many abuses must take place? How many laws like this that claim racism as the national character and ethnic purity as its goal?… my point is that at some point my duty as an American (and as a Jew) is to actively oppose an ethno-nationalist regime that is systematically undermining the human rights of people within its borders & threatening peace and int’l values.

Israeli Professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan said in a speech, “Israel has reached an unimaginable peak of evil. And indeed many people all over the world find it hard to imagine that this is so.”

Who could imagine Jewish thugs, wearing black boots and helmets, armed with guns and batons, lashing dogs at small children and old people, or letting asylum seekers die of thirst in the desert and prisoners die of hunger strikes, punishing them and their families by sending them to confinement;

who would conceive of Jewish doctors driving a wounded man out of hospital and letting him die of thirst on a deserted road, who would think of Jewish soldiers breaking the neck of a young girl with a pink scarf for protesting against oppression.

Who could imagine the education of Jewish girls as consisting of beating up and harassing women and children, or a Jewish soldier girl receiving a badge of courage for murdering a Palestinian boy who went to fetch his birthday cake.

The only possible conclusion must be that Israeli evil has nothing to do with Judaism and that what is manifested in Israeli behavior is not Jewishness. 

Rabbinical Torah Jews believe that the Zionist state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of God and that it DOES NOT represent true Jews or Judaism.

They believe that the Zionists have illegitimately seized the name “Israel” and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people!

They believe that contemporary sovereignty over the Holy Land belongs to those who have lived there for centuries, the Palestinians.

In this interview, Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, rabbi of Beis Medrash of Bayswater, explains the motives behind the claims of Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders to represent all Jews. He explains how Zionism, starting from Theodor Herzl, unilaterally arrogated to itself the right to speak in the name of world Jewry. Rabbi Shapiro explains the motives behind this and the danger it poses to the Jewish people.

In this interview, Rabbi Weiss is sharply critical in his remarks of the ideology of Zionism, who wrongly claim to represent Jews.

Rabbi Weiss is sharply critical in his remarks of the ideology of Zionism, who wrongly claim to represent Jews.

“Don’t let the Zionist media fool you. There are hundreds of thousands of fervently anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jews throughout the world, and we will never surrender to the Zionist idea…… Even secular Zionism has been a catastrophe for the Jewish people, but religious Zionism, combining two opposites into an unstable mixture, is leading the Jewish people to moral depravity. It is the complete inverse of the Jewish mission to be a light to the nations and bring peace to the world.” – True Torah Jews

You can read more about them at these websites:
True Torah Jews  /  Jews United Against Zionism

The Arab nation never harmed the Jew until the advent of Jewish nationalism. The Zionists are heretics.” Rabbi Amram Blau 1894-1974

Since Torah Jews believe that the state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of Elohim, we should not support them either.

Dr. Hajo Meyer, Auschwitz survivor, said:

“If we want to stay really human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals,” Meyer said. The hate of the Jews by the Germans “was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews,” he observed. “The brainwashing of the Jewish Israeli populations is going on for over sixty years. They cannot see a Palestinian as a human being.”

“My message for the Palestinians is that they should not give up their fight,” he replied. “If they give up, they might lose their self-esteem with the ongoing humiliations by the Israeli Nazis. Fight with human means. It is justified to show to the Israeli Zionists that you are a force to reckon with. Fight with stones, with weapons. Yes, also with weapons. If you don’t fight, you lose your self-esteem and will not be respected by the Israelis.”

“If we Western democratic societies don’t support the Palestinians in their fight, we must feel ashamed if the Palestinians are annihilated. The US and the European Union must show their teeth,” he added.


Dr. Chuck Baldwin, who ran for President of the United States, teaches why Zionist Israel is Hell’s Greatest Hoaxes On America.

Here is a short highlight that was taken from the two part sermons that are listed below.

Hell’s Greatest Hoaxes On America (Part 1)

Hell’s Greatest Hoaxes On America (Part 2)

 Steven Ben-Denoon of Israeli News Live proclaims that top ISIS agents are Israel MOSSAD.

It is a shame to receive such news that Israeli Operatives are Leading ISIS in Mosul. This report comes after the fact that INL had once before reported from sources in the Israeli Military that had first shared this information with us.

Simon Elliot, who is no doubt Israeli MOSSAD, leads ISIS; with the alias Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

MOSSAD Simon Elliot leader of ISIS

Here is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with John McCain.

Jews Step Forward to denounce the Zionist state of Israel


Ten Myths About Israel

In Ten Myths About Israel, Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, who lives in exile in Britain, deals in this book with the myths of Zionism and exposes them as legends consisting of half-truths and fabrications of history. The Zionist narrative has only little to do with historical reality and truth.

The author points out that the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1947/48 was “ethnic cleansing.”

Likewise, the 1967 June war, which is also called the Sixth Day War, was not an act of self-defense of the “little David” against an overpowering “Goliath,” but an Israeli attack on which the Israeli security establishment has minutely prepared for years.

He explores the claim that Palestine was an empty land at the time of the Balfour Declaration, as well as the formation of Zionism and its role in the early decades of nation building.

DNA studies confirm that 97% of people who call themselves Jews, ARE NOT descendants of Abraham.

In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim (a Jew), a biologist at Hebrew University, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood.

The newest DNA research science from Dr. Eran Elhaik (a Jew) and his associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, has confirmed that:

The various groups of Jews in the world today DO NOT share a common genetic origin, and their genome is largely Khazar.

In fact, DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the Khazar ‘Jews!’

These DNA research results should cause you to question everything you know about modern day Jews and the state of Israel.

Today they’re called Ashkenazi Jews, but they are a Jew by religion, not by blood. Most of them have Turkish-Mongol DNA.

The 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. XI p 533, stated that ‘probably 95% of the persons included in these estimates of Jewish populations are Ashkenazim.

The 1973 Jewish Encyclopedia documents that approximately 90% of the world’s so-called Jews are Khazar. A. N. Poliak, Professor of Medieval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, says that the majority of Eastern European Jews are Khazar and Japhetic in origin, not Semitic.  Immigration statistics indicate approximately 90% of the world’s so-called or self-styled ‘Jews’ living in 42 countries of the world are emigrants of Eastern European Khazar Jews.

Jesus words that Jerusalem will be “trampled by Gentiles” are confirmed, as 97% of the so-called Jews in Israel are Gentiles.

To read a more in-depth study about this, click on Jews Who Are Not Jews.

Since they’re not the descendents of Abraham, then they don’t have a right to
the land or to persecute the Palestinians, who they kicked off of the land.
And Christians should not support them.

Miko Peled, the son of the late Israeli general Mattityahu Peled, proclaims that the Zionist leaders of Israel are not Jewish.

Miko Peled is an Israeli writer and activist and the author of “The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine.”

Mike has proclaimed that, “Israel is a racist criminal state that uses “security” as an excuse to murder innocent Palestinians and assassinate Palestinian political leaders, intellectuals and clergy. This has been going on for over six decades.”

Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament.

In Judaism's Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old TestamentIn Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament.

It is the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees, which arose in Babylon with the commitment of the formally oral traditions of the elders to writing, in the wake of the crucifixion of Israels Messiah and the destruction of the Temple.

Basing his findings on authoritative Judaic sources, Hoffman demonstrates that Judaism is a man-made religion of tradition and superstition, which represents the institutionalized nullification of Biblical law and doctrine.



Quotes from Jews about Zionist Israel

Michael Selzer

“Zionism is a complex phenomenon, adequately understood by only a small percentage of its critics and by even a smaller percentage of its supporters.”

Sigmund Freud

“It would have seemed more sensible to me to establish a Jewish homeland on a less historically-burdened land. I can raise no sympathy at all for the misdirected piety which transforms a piece of a Herodian wall into a national relic, thereby offending the feelings of the natives.”

Erich Fromm

“The claim of the Jews to the Land of Israel cannot be a realistic political claim. If all nations would suddenly claim territories in which their forefathers lived two thousand years ago, this world would be a madhouse.”

Albert Einstein

“I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from the practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain — especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight without a Jewish state.”

Paul Wellstone

“Palestinians must no longer be subjected to the daily, often humiliating reminders that they lack basic freedom and control over their lives.”

Henry Hurwitz editor of The Menorah Journal

“We rub our eyes, some of us who were life long Zionists, and we hang our heads in shame. No, we must speak with frankness: this present Israel is not what we dreamed and hoped for and worked for, we who followed Herzl or Ahad Ha’Am, Brandeis or Weizmann.”

Isaac Asimov

“As usual, I found myself in the odd position of not being a Zionist… I just think it is more important to be human and to have a human heritage; and I think it is wrong for anyone to feel that there is anything special about any one heritage of whatever kind.”

I.F. Stone

“… Israel is creating a kind of moral schizophrenia in world Jewry. In the outside world the welfare of Jewry depends on the maintenance of secular, non-racial, pluralistic societies. In Israel, Jewry finds itself defending a society in which mixed marriages cannot be legalized, in which the ideal is racial and exclusionist. Jews might fight elsewhere for their very security and existence — against principles and practices they find themselves defending in Israel.”

Nahum Goldmann

“When Zionism first appeared on the world scene most Jews opposed it and scoffed at it. Herzl was only supported by a small minority.”

American Jewish Council 1944

“Jewish nationalism tends to confuse our fellowman about our place and function in society and diverts our own attention from our historic role to live as a religious community wherever we may dwell.” .…the concept of a theocratic state is long past. It is an anachronism. The concept of a racial state “the Hitlerian concept” is repugnant to the civilized world, as witness the fearful global war in which we are involved.”

Immanuel Wallerstein

“What the Israeli governments do not realize is that neither Hamas nor Hizbullah need Israel. It is Israel that needs them, and needs them desperately. If Israel wants not to become a Crusader state that is in the end extinguished, it is only Hamas and Hizbullah that can guarantee the survival of Israel. It is only when Israel is able to come to terms with them, as the deeply-rooted spokespersons of Palestinian and Arab nationalism, that Israel can live in peace……. Both Palestinian and world public opinion is moving towards the one-state solution. And this is of course the end of the Zionist project. The three-element strategy of Israel is decomposing. The iron fist no longer succeeds, much as it didn’t for George Bush in Iraq…….And will world public opinion continue to look sympathetically on Israel? It seems not. Can Israel now switch to an alternative strategy, of negotiating with the militant representatives of the Arab Palestinians, as an integral constituent of the Middle East, and not as an outpost of Europe? It seems quite late for that, quite possibly too late.”

Richard Cohen

“The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself.”

Norman Finkelstein

“They used to say Palestinians fight like heroes, now they say heroes fight like Palestinians….People have to liberate themselves because liberation is not a single act. It’s a question of eternal vigilance…..Why should these Palestinians, who have lived in Jerusalem for hundreds of years, be evicted from their homes so that Jews from Brooklyn can live in them?”

Richard Falk

“I think that my life’s work in a sense has been associated with helping or identifying with those who are victims of injustice. If we look at the world today, there are many victims of injustice. But I think the Palestinians stand out as the most victimized people in the world. And symbolically, their struggle is one that engages people of conscience everywhere in the world in a manner that resembles the way the anti-apartheid movement worked effectively to undermine South Africa’s claims of sovereignty and legitimacy. And I hope that this small role that I play contributes to that kind of process on behalf of the Palestinian.”

Gabriel Kolko

“The result of the creation of a state called Israel was abysmal. Jews from Poland have nothing in common with Germans and neither has anything to do with those from the Arab world. It is nationality, not religion, that counts most. Jews in Israel, especially the Germans, largely ghettoized themselves by their place of origin during the first generation, when a militarized culture produced the mixed new breed called sabras — an essentially anti-intellectual personality far different from the one the early Zionists, who were mostly socialists who preached the nobility of labor, expected to emerge. The large majority of Israelis are not in the least Jewish in the cultural sense, are scarcely socialist in any sense, and daily life and the way people live is no different in Israel than it is in Chicago or Amsterdam. There is simply no rational reason that justifies the state’s creation….The outcome is a small state with a military ethos that pervades all aspects of Israel’s culture, its politics and, above all, its response to the existence of Arabs in its midst and at its borders. From its inception, the ideology of the early Zionists — of Labor Zionism as well as the rightist Revisionism that Vladimir Jabotinsky produced — embodied a commitment to violence, erroneously called self-defense, and a virtual hysteria. As a transcendent idea, Zionism has no validity because the national differences between Jews are overwhelming.”

Murray Polner

“Back in the 1980s the major American Jewish welfare organization adopted as its fundraising slogan “We are One.” The implication was that American Jews were a united bloc. But we are not “one” and never have been. Ideologically, we are everything from anarchists to Zionists, working people to the gilded rich. Noam Chomsky is as Jewish as Irving Kristol, and Norman Finkelstein as Jewish as Alan Dershowitz. We are neither angels nor saints. And we are certainly not monolithic, despite perennial efforts to paint anyone critical of various aspects of Israeli policies as “self-hating” Jews.”

Tony Judt

“My own inclination, then, would be to focus elsewhere. If the Jews of Europe and North America took their distance from Israel (as many have begun to do), the assertion that Israel was “their” state would take on an absurd air. Over time, even Washington might come to see the futility of attaching American foreign policy to the delusions of one small Middle Eastern state. This, I believe, is the best thing that could possibly happen to Israel itself. It would be obliged to acknowledge its limits. It would have to make other friends, preferably among its neighbors.”

Henry Siegman, a former national director of the American Jewish Congress and of the Synagogue Council of America

“Israel has crossed the threshold from ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’ to the only apartheid regime in the Western world. The inevitability of such a transformation has been held out not by “Israel bashers” but by the country’s own leaders.”

Uri Avnery

“What will be seared into the consciousness of the world will be the image of Israel as a blood-stained monster, ready at any moment to commit war crimes and not prepared to abide by any moral restraints. This will have severe consequences for our long-term future, our standing in the world, our chance of achieving peace and quiet. In the end, this war is a crime against ourselves too, a crime against the State of Israel.”

Joseph Glatzer

“The point of view I have in regards to Israel/Palestine is based on nothing more than having a conscience and knowing the difference between right and wrong…. Finding out that my Orange County Right-Wing Republican fetishized ideal of Israel wasn’t what I thought it was was truly earth-shattering for me. I couldn’t believe Israel wasn’t actually the defender of democracy in the Middle East as I was raised to believe …White phosphorous melting the faces off children, just because they were guilty of attending a UN school. Civilians waving white flags were shot; the UN warehouse of food aid for the victims was bombed and exploded by Israel…When I hear people attack Palestinians and deny their Nakba, I now take it personally. I feel it in my heart. It’s not just a statistic anymore…”

Rabbi Daniel Landes, Director of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem

“We Religious Zionists Are in Deep Trouble. ‘Krazy Kookniks’ are now the cutting edge or logical extension of normative Religious Zionism, which today is overtly messianic, narrowly nationalistic, and in its Orthodoxy, essentially isolationist……The religious Zionist magic moment in Shabbat services is the prayer for the State of Israel – edging out the attention once given to the iconic Jewish prayer, the Shema – which describes Israel as “the first flowering of our deliverance.” Rather than hope, religious Zionism threatens to become, in the souls and actions of its adherents, a dangerous dogma of a deaf and dumb Impatient Messianism that talks to no one but knows just “what to do” to those who stand in its way, Arab or Jew.”

The Israeli army uses three internationally banned weapons in its military agression against the unarmed civilian population of Palestine.

Israel uses Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME). DIME weapons spread inert metal atoms that penetrate the human body and are difficult to get out of human tissue.

The second internationally banned weapon used by Israel is armor piercing bombs.

The third internationally banned weapon used by Israel is white phosphorous, which mixes with oxygen to form a transparent wax and causes fires and thick, white smoke. When the human body is exposed to white phosphorus, it burns the skin and flesh; only the bones remain.

The use of such banned weapons against humans is a flagrant violation of international law, especially the fourth Geneva convention.

Shulamit Aloni, former Minister in the Israeli government, says that using accusations of anti-semitism is a trick, which Zionists always use.

Palestinians are fighting for their lives; Israel is fighting for the occupation.

Amira Hass Palestinians Fighting For Their LivesThat we notice there’s a way on only when Jews are murdered does not cancel out the fact that Palestinians are being killed all the time.The Palestinians are fighting for their life, in the full sense of the word.

We Israeli Jews are fighting for our privelege as a nation of masters, in the full ugliness of the term. We are doing everything in our power to make their lives unbearable.”
Amira Hass, Oct 07, 2015 – Haaretz

Michael Chabon - Israels occupation of Palestine is the most grievous injustice I've ever seen

Their Babylonian Talmud is anti-christ and anti-christian.

The Ashkenazi Jewish leaders believe that their Babylonian Talmud supersedes the Bible in authority, and it says blasphemous things such as:

Jesus is in hell, being boiled in “hot excrement.” Gittin 57a
Jesus’ mother was a whore who played the harlot with carpenters.” Shabbath 104b
Christians are allied with hell, and Christianity is worse than incest.” Abodah Zara 17a
Just the Jews are humans, the non-Jews are no humans, but cattle.” Kerithuth 6b

Since their Babylonian Talmud is clearly anti-Christ and anti-Christian, Christians should not support them.


Their Egyptian Kaballah is based on witchcraft and astrology.

Gershow Scholem (1897-1982), Professor of Kabbalah at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said that the Kabbalah contains a great deal of black magic and sorcery, to invoke the powers of devils to disrupt the natural order.

Since their Egyptian Kaballah is based on witchcraft and astrology, which Elohim forbids, Christians should not support them.

The six-sided star on their flag represents 666 and Satan.

King David never used a star, so that’s just a lie to cover what it really represents.

Solomon fell away from Elohim and he built altars to and worshiped false gods, such as Ashtoreh and Remphran. He used the star in his seal as a symbol of protection.

It is the supreme symbol of satanic tyranny against Elohim and humanity, and has long been used in Egypt and Babylon magic, occultism, witchcraft and the casting of zodiacal horoscopes by astrologers.

666-hexagramThe 6 points, 6 triangles, and the 6 sides of the hexagram = 666!

The hexagram is on the flag of Israeli, because the Satan-led, Jesuit-controlled,  Rothchild family, owns and controls Israel. Read The Star Of David Deception

Since the hexagram on their flag represents 666 and Satan, it identifies Israel’s Ashkenazi Jewish leaders as antichrist, and Christians should not support them.


The Rothchild family finances and controls the state of Israel.

This Hasidic Jew tells you the truth about Zionist “Israel” which was created for the Jesuit Rothchild family.

Israel was created by the Jesuit Rothschilds as a nation-state to hide their money, and an opportunistic group – the Zionists – who would front for them.

The Jesuits use the powerful Israel military to control the Middle East.


The “regathering” of Israelites has already been fulfilled.

The “regathering” that so many teachers attribute to the modern state of Israel, was fulfilled BEFORE Jesus first coming.

Elohim said that the Israelites would be regathered, not just the Jews.  The Jews are only 1/12th of the tribes of Israel, which descended from Jacob/Israel.

Jeremiah 31:31 says “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.”

The Jews (tribe of Judah) were released from their Babylonian captivity, and allowed to return to Jerusalem, to rebuild the city and the temple.

People from the other Israelite tribes (tribe of Israel) also returned and lived in Galilee, where Messiah found many of His disciples.

Messiah confirmed that the house of Israel had been regathered in Matthew 15:24, when He said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

In Hebrews 8:8-10, Paul confirmed that this prophecy had been fulfilled, as the New Covenant Gospel was preached to the House of Israel and the House of Judah, through Jesus and His disciples.

To read more about why there is no need for a regathering in the end times, click on Regathering Of The Jews Deception

Because the regathering of Israelites already happened before Jesus first coming, we should not look for another Elohim-ordained regathering. This confirms that the modern state of Israel is illegitimate, and Christians should not support it.


Bless Israel, be blessed; curse Israel, be cursed” manipulates God’s Word.

The Word of Elohim says in Genesis 12, “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you ALL the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

False teachers wrongly insert the name “Israel” (the modern nation of Israel), in place of “you” (Abraham).

It DOES NOT say “Israel”, as there is no Israel. Abraham is NOT a physical Israelite or Jew, as they were descendants of his grandson, Jacob/Israel.

Elohim had just told Abraham to leave Ur and all his comforts, and Elohim was reassuring him that He will protect him, provide for him and bless him.

The name “Israel” represents people who have a spiritual covenant relationship with God by faith, like Abraham. 

The angel wrestled with Jacob “spiritually” to help him come to the end of himself, his life of deception, and his living “out of the flesh“; and into a real relationship with Elohim, where he trusted Elohim to live through him.

The word “Israel” in the Bible DOES NOT mean the modern nation of Israel.
Israel represents a people who trust in Elohim by faith, not a place.

The name “Israel” has been hijacked by people who aren’t even descendants of Abraham, so Christians should not support them.


God’s chosen people” are those who have a Covenant relationship with Him.

“Just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.” Galatians 3:6-9

It can’t be more clear!!! Abraham’s spiritual descendants, those who believe by faith in the atoning work of Yahusha/Jesus, are Elohim’s Chosen People, who have blessed the earth with the Gospel.

Romans 2:28-29 tells us that a Jew is one inwardly, whose heart is circumcised.
For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.”

Romans 9:6-8 says Abraham’s fleshly descendents ARE NOT the children of Elohim.
For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are NOT the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.”

Galatians 3:7 tells us that ONLY those who are of faith are the children of Elohim.
Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.”

Galatians 3:16 tells us that Messiah is the seed of Abraham.
Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “and to your Seed,” who is Christ.” 

Galatians 3:28-29 tells us that followers of Messiah (Jew and Gentile) are Abraham’s seed who receive the promises made to Abraham.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Because Elohims’s promises are to His spiritual descendants, Christians should not support the unbelieving leaders of the state of Israel.


The Jews have been expelled from places 345 times since 100 A.D.

They were kicked out of countries for being deceitful, lying, ritual murder, ritual murder of a child, crucifying a child; killing, stealing and destroying. That is once every 5.56 years.  Here is a list with sources.


So what reasons do you have to support the Jews and the state of Israel?

Do they thank Elohim for restoring them after 1,878 years of exile?

Do you hear Israel’s leaders mention the Elohim of the Bible?

Are they bearing fruit for Elohim ?

Is there any evidence to show why Christians should support them?

Friend, you’ve read all of the evidence.

It’s time to acknowledge that Christians have been greatly deceived by Satan.

Until you see this truth, you won’t be able to discern end times prophecy, because most of the false teaching are based around the creation of the modern state of Israel.


Why has the modern state of Israel been created and filled with Fake Jews?

The Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church needed to take control of the Middle East, in order to be able to push Islamic countries into the New World Order.

If you haven’t read our study that identifies the Roman Catholic Church as the beast of Daniel and Revelation, click on The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation

They will use Jerusalem as their New World Order headquarters, as it’s the central place that ties in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

After wars between America, Israel and Islamic countries; they will unite all religions into one in the name of peace, which will have the effect of making Christians (spiritual Israel) the enemies of the world.

Their modern state of Israel serves to deceive Christians about end-times prophecy, so they can’t discern the truth.

It has caused Christians in America to support Israel, regardless of their actions.  We give them 3 Billion Dollars a year, provide military support and veto any action against them by other countries.


Satan used the Rothchild family to create the Zionist state of Israel.

Rothchild six pointed star on red shieldThe Ashkenazi Jew (Jesuit-controlled) Rothchild family coat of arms includes the hexagram, as they practice Babylonian Judaism and worship Satan.

They are ultra-wealthy because their banking schemes have stolen the wealth of the nations, including the U.S. via the Federal Reserve Bank (which they share private ownership).

They bought a great deal of property from the Turks and Arabs, to create early Jewish settlements in Palestine.

Then the Jesuits instigated WWII and the killing of Jews, to help justify the creation of the state of Israel.

To get support from the U.S., they bribed President Truman with 2 Million Dollars to approve the U.N. resolution.

They are the reason for the hexagram six-sided star on Israel’s flag, as it represents 666 and Satan.  The Menorah has always represents the Jews of the Bible.


The Israeli Supreme Court building was funded and designed by the Rothchild family, and it features many Satanic, Illuminati symbols.

The most prominent symbol is the green pyramid with the all seeing eye on it, which represents Satan, the god of this earth.  There is also many Illuminati symbols in the building, and an obelisk, which represents Sun worship, which ultimately is Satan worship.

Israeli Supreme Court building with masonic symbols


The Israeli military attacked the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967, killing 34 and injuring 174.

On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel, killing 34 Americans and wounding another 174.

The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died. For more information:


The Israeli MOSSAD was complicit in the destruction of the towers on 9/11.

The false narrative about 19 hapless Muslims with box cutters causing three steel-framed buildings to fall on 9/11 is a lie.  Steel-framed buildings do not collapse on top of themselves, at near free-fall speeds, and end up as a pulverized dust pile.  They obviously were destroyed with explosives.  Building 7 was not hit by a plane, yet it was caused to collapse six hours after the planes hit.

The link is to a study that gives many references about people who were involved that are Jewish.  They are there because you need to see that the Israeli Mossad (and CIA) was behind the False Flag event.

Here is what Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu really thinks about Americans.


Benjamin Netanyahu on America


Don’t you see the cruel irony my friend?

They say that they are Elohim’s chosen people, but their leaders represent Satan.

They cry out about anti-Semitism, but they aren’t even Semites.

They get Zionist Christians to support them, but they hate Jesus and Christians.

And they are controlled by the Beast of the Roman Catholic Church, which will seek to kill all Christians in their New World Order.


Satan has deceived Christians about who is ‘Israel’ and who is a ‘Jew’, so that Christian Zionists are unknowingly playing a major role in supporting his diabolical plan for a one-world system, which he will control.

He’s DECEIVED ALMOST THE WHOLE WORLD into believing that they’re the “chosen people” returning to their “promised land”. But they are IMPOSTORS!

Anyone who believes that the ZIONIST STATE of Israel set up by this One World Conspiracy is the same as the NATION of ISRAEL referred to in Scriptures, IS MISERABLY DECEIVED the way Christ warned us in Scriptures that “MANY would be”.

ANY Christian preacher who actively teaches this FALSE DOCTRINE is also either miserably deceived or he is outright LYING, and may Elohim have mercy on him.

Elohim’s Word prophesied that in the last days imposters would erroneously and falsely claim to be “Jews.” These imposters would persecute their enemies, especially the Christians.

But Elohim will have his revenge: “Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; Behold I will make them to come and worship at thy feet and know that I have loved thee.” (Revelation 3:9)


Boycott products from Israel

The Jesuit-Rothchild District of Columbia gives the Zionist state of Israel billions of Dollars every year, to fund their military system; and sticks Americans with the bill.

There’s not much we can do about that, but we can refuse to buy Israeli-made products, which can be identified by the number 729 at the start of the bar code.

Boycott products from Israel

Related Study: Jews Who Are Not Really Jews




















408 thoughts on “Christians Should Not Support The Zionist State Of Israel”

  1. I agree with your last comment. However, you state ” Romans11:26-27 is not referring to the modern state of Israel. Whoever said it was?? It speaks of a time when there will be a return of the Jewish people to their Messiah, as prophesied in Zechariah, as the entire context of Romans 11 shows. Paul is looking into the future. Jacob never refers to gentiles in their unbelieving state but to Jews – again, read the context of the quotation.

    • I see so many Christians quote Romans 11:25 and say that it is talking about the modern state of Israel. Agreed that Jacob is referring to unbelieving Jews. And when Paul wrote Romans there were many unbelieving Jesus. I do not believe that Paul is looking to the end times. He is simply declaring that those who believe by faith are the true Israel, which of course are saved.

      • Hi. Just read this blog and it is good. I am supposedly of Jewish ancestors, yet as a Christian I know that something is not right with what some prophecy today, especially when certain factors are taken into consideration. A good video to watch is Tens of thousands of Jews protest the state of Israel in New York City on YouTube.

  2. Quite right Eddie. Replacement “theology” tries to use verses like” there is no Jew nor Greek slave nor free ” , as a way of proving that Paul thought that God was done with the Jews. Apart from Romans 11 which you rightly point out, they are also not very fond of Romans 15 verse 25-27 ” For it pleased those from Macedonia and Archaia to make some contribution to the poor among the set apart ones in Jerusalem. For they were pleased, for they are their debtors. For if the gentiles partook of their spiritual matters, their duty is also to serve them in material matters ”
    I doubt that those deceived by replacement theology would like the idea of realizing they are debtors to the believing Jews still ( especially in material matters !

    • The words ”there is no Jew nor Greek slave nor free” actually proves that the Jews were not done away with, just like Paul said. It’s telling us that all who believe by faith in the atoning work of Messiah, are saved. The ‘church’ was founded on Jews, such as the 3,000 who believed on the day of Pentecost.

      Romans 11:26-27 is not referring to the modern state of Israel, nor is it referring to the whole physical House of Israel. It is proclaiming the same story as that of Jacob, who became Israel, when he believed by faith.

      And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.”

      Those who don’t believe are as Jacob, lost in their sins. Those who do believe are as Israel, saved by grace.

      We have all been made one in Messiah, Jews and Gentiles. We pray that in these end times, that many unbelieving Jews and Gentiles, proclaim their believe in Messiah.

  3. There is no twisting of words in the case, and I am fully aware of your point. I stated , and do so again , that you have avoided any reference to the DNA studies to which I have referred you because their implication will not suit your position. I say again, it was a wise decision.

    • I did not put aside the DNA studies and you know it, so quit twisting my words. I was making the point that aside from the DNA tests, there is plenty of evidence. SMH!

  4. “Rabbinical Torah Jews do not support the state of Israel?” Again, whilst some don’t the majority do. That is why Israel has a Chief Rabbinate representing all three Jewish communities. The term ” rabbinical Torah Jews ” is incorrect, probably because you are unfamiliar with it. In fact it is a contradiction in terms. Rabbinical Judaism places equal , if not more weight on expositions of the scriptures rather than the scriptures themselves. That is what the Lord Jesus criticised them for.The term “rabbinical” has nothing to do with Zionism per se. That is why Kaaraite Judaism stands in opposition to Rabbinical Judaism because it puts the Bible first.

    • Yet you ignore the Jews who do not benefit from the Zionist state of Israel, who are not biased. Thanks for all of your comments, Google loves them 🙂

      • Now how does this connect to Rabbinical Judaism, which was the subject under discussion?? Your point was that Rabbinical Jews do not support the state of Israel. I showed you that a) this assertion is erroneous, and b) the rabbinical Judaism is not the best example of Torah based Jewish thinking.

        • This page isn’t about what Jews believe about the Torah, it is about Jews who proclaim that the Zionists in Israel have no right to speak for Jews. You claim to support the Jews, maybe you should listen to their message.

  5. You are wise to put DNA studies aside, for the reasons I have already proved to you. The fact that there are Jews who do not believe in the state of Israel does not obviate the far greater proportion of Jews who do. Therefore, that is also not an argument.

    • You twist my words Paul, and just focus on what you want to focus on, and ignore the testimony of many Jews against the Zionists of Israel. My point that even without the DNA evidence, there is plenty of evidence to condemn the state of Israel. Of course the people called Jews don’t testify against the Zionists, they get Billions of Dollars of support from America.

  6. You claim that Raoul ignores the DNA studies on the subject. So far, the only ones you have placed before him include one which practically says the opposite of what you claim, and another that has been discredited by all the main scholars and geneticists. Have you read the studies to which I referred you? And what do they say?

    • DNA studies aside, there are enough testimonies from Jews, to understand that the Zionists of Israel are not the descendants of Abraham, and they have no right to the land or to persecute the Palestinians. Have you listened to their message?

      Rabbinical Torah Jews believe that the Zionist state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of God and that it DOES NOT represent true Jews or Judaism.

      They believe that the Zionists have illegitimately seized the name “Israel” and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people!

      They believe that contemporary sovereignty over the Holy Land belongs to those who have lived there for centuries, the Palestinians.

  7. A great article! Dear Stacy: Let’s suppose that the current Jews are really the true descendants of Abraham. For the good order: I don’t believe they are. But again, let’s suppose that they are. Even then, the Jews are not God’s chosen people and have no right on Palestine. Nowhere in the Bible can we find something of a second restoration of the Jews to Palestine in the end times! Furthermore, the apostle Paul teaches that there is no difference whatsoever between Jews and non-Jews. Jews and non-Jews who together believe in Jesus Christ, the Messiah, are one in Him. And all Jews and non-Jews who are out there, without Christ, are treated as equal by the Lord. So, we have this picture: Christian Jews and non-Jews are all equal before God as His children; Jews and non-Jews out there, without Christ, are also equal before God: they all are sinners! God makes no distinction between Jewish and non-Jewish believers; He makes also no distinction between non-believing Jews and non-Jews. And this is the true “black-white, biblical” picture! Nowadays, however, many deluded Christians are telling us that believing Jews within the Church are “Messianic Jews” among non-Jewish Christians. That’s, of course, completely wrong; Jews and non-Jew are both one in Christ. So, even if the current Jews are really the true descendants of Abraham (what I don’t believe), the theology of those Christians (Christian Zionists) is completely wrong. They keep saying that the Jews are God’s chosen people because they are Jews. And it is here that the racist and demonic nature of their unholy doctrine becomes very clear. But their unholy doctrine crashes down as it is very clear now, that the current Jews are not really Jews at all. For short: the so-called “Jewish” Khazarians have destroyed the nasty Christian Zionist doctrine once and for good!

    • Thank you for your comment Ton 🙂 The evil one has caused the followers of Christ to not realize who they are, God’s Chosen People.

      The remnant has always been the Chosen One’s. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Daniel, the prophets, etc., all trusted by faith that the promised Messiah would atone for their sins.

      The vast majority of the Israelites chose to worship other gods and were not saved.

      John the Baptist, the disciples who were of the House of Israel and the House of Judah, Paul the Apostle, the 3,000 Jews who were saved on Pentecost, etc., all trusted by faith in the atoning work of Christ on the cross.

      The vast majority of the Jews rejected Him as their Messiah and were lost.

      Today the remnant believes in Christ’s atoning work alone, but the majority of people reject Him and are lost.

      Jews forbid one another to read the New Testament, so they blind themselves to the truth about their Messiah.

      There has always been a remnant who believed. The only thing that has changed is that Jesus offered His New Covenant, where He put His law in our minds and wrote it on our hearts. His remnant, His Chosen People, have always trusted by faith.

      Everything that was promised to Abraham and his descendants is offered to them in the New Covenant.

      A remnant has always believed by faith and were saved. The rest tried to be saved by the law and they were lost. That’s true of the Israelites, the Jews, and Gentiles today.

      The promises that were made to Abraham are ultimately to those who believe by faith, not his physical descendants.

      Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Daniel, etc. all believed that the Messiah would come and atone for their sins. We look back on that event.

      Why do Christians focus on Jews in Israel, when the Word of God says that Jesus made both – Jews and gentiles, one church?

      Ephesians 2:14-22 “For He Himself is our peace, who has made both (Jew and Gentile) one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

      Romans 2:28-29 tells us that a Jew is one inwardly, whose heart is circumcised.

      “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.”

      Romans 9:6-8 says Abraham’s fleshly descendants ARE NOT the children of God.

      “For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are NOT the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.”

      Galatians 3:7 tells us that ONLY those who are of faith are the children of God.

      “Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.”

      Galatians 3:16 tells us that the seed of Abraham is Jesus Christ.

      “Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say,“And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “and to your Seed,” who is Christ.”

      Galatians 3:28-29 tells us that followers of Christ (Jew and Gentile) are Abraham’s seed who receive the promises made to Abraham.

      “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

      Paul is clearly telling us that true Israel, true Jews, believe by faith, and so inherit the promises made to father Abraham.

      “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

      Everyone who believes in Christ by faith, are the Chosen People of God. They will inherit Holy Jerusalem when Christ returns.

      The promise is yet to be fulfilled. It has not been fulfilled by Zionist Israel, which was created by the enemy to deceive the world.

    • Nowhere in the Bible can we find a reference to a second return of the Jews to Israel??
      Isaiah 11:11-12 ” And it shall come to pass in that day, the LORD shall set His hand A SECOND TIME to recover the remnant of His people, which shall be left from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, Cush, and from Elam, and from shinar, and from hamath, and from the Islands of the Sea. And he shal set up an ensign for the nations , AND SHALL ASSEMBLE THE OUTCASTS OF ISRAEL AND GATHER THE DISPERSED OF JUDAH FROM ALL CORNERS OF THE EARTH”

  8. Hello Brother David. I have been looking at your website. I came across this page about Israel. I will refrain from saying much about some of your other ‘insights’ supposedly received by you as direct revelations from the LORD.

    In the prophet Jeremiah chapter 31 we are told that the New Covenant would be made with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah and not with the Church. Beleiving Gentiles are grafted into the ‘root’ (Israel) Furthermore, Abraham’s physical decendants were promised the land of Israel as “an everlasting possesion.” ‘Palestine’ is a Myth and a lie of the Devil! The Bible calls the land of Israel, ISRAEL! Yeshua Himself called the Land Israel! (Matthew 10:23) It is a historical fact that the Romans renamed the land of Israel ‘Palestine’ The word coming from the word “Phillistine”

    I have no problems with what Paul writes; “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.”

    Circumcision of the heart by the Ruach Ha Kodesh in both the Tenakh and the New Testament is the pre-requisite for enterance into the Kingdom of God as Yeshua clearly explained to Nichodemus in John chapter 3. Having said this in no way cancells out the LORD’s promises to restore the Land of Israel to the Jewish people. A restoration that was born in 1948.

    In Ezekiel 37 you have a clear description of the national and spiritual restoration of Israel in the Last Days. Ezekiel 38-39 follow after Ezekiel 37. The passages are chronological. There is much I could write from scripture concerning the restoration of Israel. According to Ezekiel 37 they are gathered back into the land in unbelief and in the land they are reconciled to their long lost brother Yeshua Ha Mashiach. After the time of Jacob’s Trouble all Israel will be saved. What I am writing in this poat is not even the tip of the great Iceberg of scripture that supports the spiritual and restoration of Israel as a nation in the Last Days.

    As to your interpretations of Bible Prophecy concerning Rome creating Islam you are approaching Echatology with a western mindset. Rome is only part of MYSTERY BABYLON. The nations mentioned in Biblical eschatology are virtually all islamic today. ‘Allah’ was around centuries before the Roman Catholic Church. If you go to Judges chapter eight and read the NASB translation you will find that Gideon removed THE CRESCENT ORNAMENTS from around the necks of the enemies camels. The souce of MYSTERY BABYLON is not Rome but Nimrod and Semiranis at the tower of Babel.

    The Crescent moon (male god) and the star (the female goddess) go all the way back to the satanic worship practiced in the cities in the Babylon and Assyria of Nimrod who was himself the first major type of Antichrist in the Bible. In Biblcal Eschatology the King of Babylon and the King of Assyria are major types of the Antichrist. They were Middle-Eastern potentates and not European ones at all.

    I have looked at your Eschatology and I find it Biblically deficient. Western commentators have seen Rome as MYSTERY BABYLON but they are reading into a Jewish book with a western system of Eschatology that missinterprets and does not do justice to the way a first century Jewish believer would approach Bible Prophecy. Furthermore, they are not seeing the nations mentioned specifically by name in the Bible are virtually all Islamic today.

    My genuine concern dear brother is your stance on Israel. Even though at present Israel is primarily a secular nation with a lot of religion and have a false Rabbinic Judaism (Not the Judaism of Moses and Torah) they are still the LORD’s covenant people. Besides if the LORD cannot be depended upon to keep His promises to Israel then how can we depend on Him to keep His promises to the Church? Again it needs to be said clearly that the New Covenant was cut with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah and not with the Church. We have Augustine and Co to thank for replacement theology! On the Day of Pentecost David’s fallen tabernacle was restored. The first Church was Jewish. Having said this in no way negates or does away with the LORD’s promises, sworn in a covenmant of blood with Abraham to restore the nation of Israel in the Last Days.

    I am genuinely sad to see you stance on Israel and quite frankly my dearest brother you are the one who is on very dangerous ground spiritually to in effect disparage and denigrate Israel as you have done on this website. When Yeshua comes back you may well find yourself on the wrong side! You have been baraking for the wrong team! I refrain from saying anymore at this point. It would seem that this article actually ‘smacks’ of Antisemitism!

    At first I was interested in your views but as I read through your website and came to the article denigrating Israel I had trouble curbing my anger! Furthermore, to say “the LORD told me” is to make yourself accountable to the LORD for what you have prophesied in His name. If you are wrong then you will be “counselling rebellion against the LORD” The LORD took the life of the false prophet Hananiah because he had prophesied falsely and was was preaching “rebellion against the LORD! ” (These are the LORD’s words not mine)

    It may well be dear brother that you are the one leading the LORD’s people astray concerning Israel! Do you in fact understand the sacredness of a blood covenant in Bible times and what it meant to those who cut it? Do you understand at all the Jewish way of approaching and understanding Biblical Eschatology? I do think you are to a great degree a stranger to the covenants of promise and a stranger to the Commonwealth of Israel!

    As to the ‘Palestinian’ issue you may like to read the latest update on our website titled “The Palestinian’ Myth” Link:

    You may choose not to publish this post. That is your perogative. I was not going to write any response until I saw this article on Israel. Undoubtably there will be others who will react much stronger than I have and have Biblical proof as well to refute your seemingly ‘Antisemitic’ position.

    Anyway you are my brother in Ha Mashiach. Shalom to you always in and only through Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

    • Dear Brother Raoul, I have never said any of this information on this page is a direct word from the Lord. It’s filled with the witness of many Jews against the Zionists, the fake Jews.

      Regarding the promise in Jeremiah 31, that has already been fulfilled, as some from the House of Israel had regathered in Galilee, which is the first place that Messiah ministered in, and it is where He found His disciples. Messiah drew the two houses back together, to form one house, the House of Israel, which is now made up of all who believe in the atoning work of Messiah. Here is my study which proves the regathering already happened

      You declare that the Romans called the land Palestine, but then proclaim that it never existed. Makes no sense. After the Babylonians and Romans desolated Jerusalem and the Jews, people from the House of Israel remained in the land called Palestine. Seems like they are Palestinians to me friend. Here is my study on Palestine

      The land promise was an IF/THEN covenant. IF you obey, THEN you can possess the land. Please show me how the leaders of Israel have obeyed the Father. If you have not the Son, you have not the Father.

      And you are ignoring the many witnesses from Jews, that the majority of people called Jews, are Jews by religion, not because they are the descendants of Abraham; which means that they have no right to the land or to persecute the Palestinians.

      As for prophecy pointing to Rome, my many studies on Daniel, 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation, all prove that Rome is the last beast of Daniel. It has changed forms over the years from the Roman Empire, to the Roman Catholic Church, to the Jesuits of Rome; but all roads lead to Rome.

      I don’t teach replacement theology. I simply teach that Messiah offered a New Covenant which was ratified with His blood. In His covenant all are gathered into one body, one Church. That includes people from the House of Israel, people from the House of Judah, and Gentiles. That is what the Old Testament proclaimed, that Messiah would come for the House of Israel and the House of Judah, and that He would also graft in gentiles, so that all would praise His name.

      Most of the Jews in Israel are not the descendants of Abraham, so they are not Semites; so it is impossible for this page to be anti-Semitic. Besides that, most of the witnesses are Jewish, so your accusation is invalid.

      Do I understand the Jewish way of approaching the Bible? You mean the same Jews who the Father berated through His prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah? Who the Father sent the Babylonians to desolate and take captive? You mean the Jews who Messiah berated in Matthew 23, saying there were of the devil? Who the Messiah sent the Roman army to desolate? Seriously? I do not look to Jews, but to the Scriptures!

      I dare say you defend people who are from the Synagogue of Satan. Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

      The true nation of Israel is made up of the followers of Messiah. “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” 1 Peter 2:9

      I will pray for you that Ruach Elohim will grant you eye salve to see the truth, for you have been deceived by the enemy. Shalom in Yahusha’s mighty name!

      • Raoul is quite right. The Romans renamed the province of Judea, Syria Palestina, a reference to the ancient Philistines , the traditional enemies of the Jews, as punishment for the 2nd Jewish Revolt in 132 AD. Nonetheless, Raoul is also historically quite correct in saying that there never was a Palestine, as historically it never existed as a sovereign state except when in Jewish hands . During Ottoman times it was merely a province of Southern Syria. Palestinians often claim descent from the Philistines, which would make their distant homeland in Crete, from whence they emanated. In reality, they come from multiple sources in the Middle East.” Everyone knows that half of the Palestinians are from Egypt, and the other half from Saudi Arabia>” This was said in an interview on Egyptian television by the leader of Hamas himself.

        • Here are some quotes from David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, about a place called PALESTINE:

          “Everybody sees the problem in the relations between the Jews and the Arabs. But not everybody sees that there’s no solution to it. There is no solution! . . . The conflict between the interests of the Jews and the interests of the Arabs in PALESTINE cannot be resolved by sophisms. I don’t know any Arabs who would agree to PALESTINE being ours—even if we learn Arabic . . .and I have no need to learn Arabic. On the other hand, I don’t see why ‘Mustafa’ should learn Hebrew. . . . There’s a national question here. We want the country to be ours. The Arabs want the country to be theirs.” (One Palestine Complete, p. 116)

          “The Arab community in PALESTINE is an organic, inseparable part of the landscape. It is embedded in the country. The Arabs work the land, and will remain.” Ben-Gurion even held that the Palestinian Arabs had full rights in PALESTINE, “since the only right by which a people can claim to possess a land indefinitely is the right conferred by willingness to work.” They had the same opportunity to establish that right as the Zionists did. (Shabtai Teveth, p. 5-6)

          “There is a conflict, a great conflict.” not in the economic but the political realm. “There is fundamental conflict. We and they want the same thing: We both want PALESTINE. And that is the fundamental conflict.” (Shabtai Teveth, p. 166)

          “Within then the next twenty years, we must have a Jewish majority in PALESTINE.” (Shabtai Teveth, p. 43)

          “PALESTINE is not an empty country . . . on no account must we injure the rights of the inhabitants.” Ben-Gurion often returned to this point, emphasizing that Palestinian Arabs had “the full right” to an independent economic, cultural, and communal life, but not political. (Shabtai Teveth, p. 37-38)

          • That is not an argument at all. It was always so -named as a geographical area from 132 AD, but never existed as a sovereign state. Israel was the only sovereign state that took up that area during the thousand year period of the Jewish monarchy, and now. Those are undisputed facts and it is waste of time trying to dispute them. RHODESIA was , and still is, in history, named often as an entity, but it never existed under international law.

          • So did the Indians who lived in the land now known as the United States of America have a sovereign state? They were here before anyone supposedly ‘discovered’ the land. And they were systematically killed and the land stolen. So saying that Palestine never existed because they were not a sovereign state, is inaccurate.

          • Again, no argument at all. The Indians had lived there with full control over their own affairs before the “Americans” came and stole the land from them. The geographical area of Palestine was never under it’s own control from the fall of Israel to it’s rebirth.That is the very definition of a sovereign state -having supreme and independent power of and in a state.

          • I would also add to the comment below, that my great great grandfather, Joshua Hughes-Games, the Archdeacon of the Isle of Man visited the Holy Land in 1890. I have seen his diaries, and he was amazed at the desolation of the country.

      • Hello Brother David. 1. Jeremiah 31:31 speaks of the New Covenant cut in the blood of Yeshua with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah. The covenant was made with Israel and not with the Church. The faithful Church shares in the blessings of the New Covenant. Gentile believers are grafted into the ‘root’ which is Israel according to Romans 9-11 where Paul deals with this subject.

        Of course a true Jew is one circumcised in heart by the Ruach Ha-Kodesh and their praise is from God not men. On the Day of Pentecost David’s fallen tabernacle was restored. This was the former rain of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh. However, the latter rain of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh will see Israel as a nation saved at the end of the Time of Jacobs Trouble (Jeremiah 30:1-7) In that day ‘All Israel will be saved!”

        2. The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. It was always called the Land of Israel from the time Jacob wrestled with his Messiah and consequently had his name changed to Israel. Before that from the conquest of the land by Joshua it was the land of Canaan. The whole land of Israel was never called ‘Palestine’ in the Bible. I have already mentioned how the the Romans came up with the name ‘Palestine.’


        3. It is obvious you do not understand the way the writers of both testaments handled Eschatology. Prophecy from the Jewish perspective is “a pattern” i.e., multiple and partial fulfillments all having a similar pattern to them with an ultimate fulfillment at the end. This is clearly the way prophecy is handled in the Bible. It is a Jewish book and not a western book and it needs to be understood with a Jewish way of understanding enlightened by the Ruach Ha-Kodesh.

        4. As I mentioned from the passage in Ezekiel 37 that Israel would be gathered to the Land in unbelief in the Last days and then after they were back in the Land be revived spiritually. The text is clear. The Valley of dry bones comes together (1948) The breath of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh revives the Jewish people after they are back in the land of Israel. This will happen at the end of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

        The spiritual and national restoration of Israel as a nation is all through the writings of the prophets. To try to ‘spiritualise’ texts relating to Israel as a nation and apply them to the Church is like trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole. You may whittle down the peg theologically speaking but in the end it will not fit. How you can ignore the many prophecies in the Tenakh clearly foretelling the restoration of Israel to their own land in the Last days is indeed a spiritual deception in itself!

        My dear brother if anyone is deceived in relation to the restoration of Israel as a nation it is you. Those who touch Israel in the way you are doing touch the Apple of God’s eye. No one is diminishing the value of the Body of Ha Mashiach the faithful Church but remember you do not support the “root” (Israel) but the “root” supports you (Gentile believers). If the root has gone so are the branches both the cultivated and the uncultivated branches connected to the root. Paul teaches this in Romans 9-11.

        Election has to do with nations. If you are a believer then you are part of the elect! Shalom.Brother Raoul

        • Hello Brother Raoul. Saying that the land of Israel has always belonged to the Jewish people is inaccurate. The land was given to the 12 tribes. The tribe of Judah is just one of the 12 tribes. Last time I checked Elohim sent the Assyrians to remove the House of Israel; He sent the Babylonians to desolate the city and temple and take Jews captive or kill them; He sent the Roman army to desolate the temple and city, desolate the Jews with 1.1 million dying from 66-70 A.D. Doesn’t sound like it belongs to them to me.

          You are the one who is deceived about who the Jews in Israel are. You ignore Messiah’s words in Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

          You ignore the DNA studies and witness from Jew who testify that most of the people called Jews are not the descendants of Abraham.

          You ignore the Torah Jews who proclaim that the Zionists have no right to the land of Israel or to speak for Jews.

          You ignore the testimony of Miko Peled, the son of the late Israeli general Mattityahu Peled, who proclaims that the Zionist leaders are Israel are not Jewish.

          You ignore the satanic six-sided hexagram on the Israeli flag, which was put there by the Satan-worshiping Rothchild family, who owns most of Israel; who paid for and designed the Israeli Supreme Court building that has the masonic, satanic pyramid with an all-seeing eye on it.

          So don’t tell me that I am deceived about the nation of Israel. It is you who has been blinded by the enemy. It is you who supports these people who don’t proclaim the Messiah.

          As for understanding the ‘Jewish’ perspective on prophecy, no thanks, I’ve read Isaiah and Jeremiah and what the Father said about the Jews. I know what their Babylonian Talmud says about Messiah, about Mary and about His followers.

          If you really understood prophecy fulfillment, you would know that Revelation is not about the Jews. It is about Messiah’s Church, which is made up of Jews and Gentiles.

          You friend are supporting the enemy and you will stand before your Messiah and be held accountable for it. We should pray for Jews to read the Scriptures and find their Messiah, but we should not support the Zionist state of Israel.


  9. ” The Roman Church was established by cryto-Jews.” The only glaring problem with this statement is that you claim that most Jews are Khazars. The Khazars, Central Asian people with Mongolian eyes and short, upturned typically Mongolian noses, only arrived in Europe in the 9th Century.) Tell us please when the Roman Church was established, and who were the crypto Jews of Rome if they were not Khazars?

  10. You get all of these idiots on here who know absolutely nothing, then someone comes along with the REAL truth and then you try to discredit it or avoid the real issue, that it is the jews! (Those who say they are, but are not) aka the synagogue of satan. For some reason you keep pointing your finger away from the jews, yet this page is called, “why Christians shouldn’t support Israel.” Makes me wonder exactly WHO your allegiance is to.

    • My allegiance is to Messiah only! Not a church, not the Zionists. If you can’t have a civil discussion without calling people names, then I will not allow your posts. It would seem that your allegiance is to Rome and you’re twisting truth to deflect blame away from them. Just like a good Jesuit would do.

  11. Rome IS Jewish!!! Created by crypto-jews. EVERYTHING IS JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED! The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion have been precisely followed! The Talmud and the kabbalah are the most satanic books in the world. YOU’RE twisting it, (just like a true jew) , by claiming the jews are the front for the church when in fact it’s the other way around! You sir, have been figured out.

    • I’m twisting it? I’ve been figured out? Seriously, have you read the many studies on my website that go verse by verse, which point to Rome? Show me where the controlling powers in Revelation 13 point to the Jews?

  12. I think we’re TRYING to say the same thing, but what was explained in my last comment is that Rome is jewish! From it’s inception! A lot of the popes were crypto-jews! Probably even tho one’s today.

    • No doubt we are! It’s just that people like Texe Marrs only point to the Jews as the evil ones, instead of pointing to the Jesuits, who control the Jews and the Zionist state of Israel.


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