You gotta be kidding me! Paul Begley is a false prophecy teacher, who teaches a false antichrist, a false 70th week of Daniel, false Revelation fulfillment, etc.
Why would he teach false prophecy explanations?
Because he’s a crypto-Catholic, who seeks to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast Popes of Rome and the false prophet Jesuit General.
And because makes money selling hype via YouTube, DVD’s and books.
Below are the titles of his recent videos, which an explanation of why what he is teaching about prophecy fulfillment is false.
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert: “Beast Kingdom” Published on Oct 16, 2018
Once again Paul is pointing to a supposed futuristic one-man antichrist, which deflects blame away from the antichrist beast Popes of Rome.
He’s pointing to the supposed rise of Daniel’s beast kingdom in the end times, but the last kingdom is the Roman beast kingdom, which Satan has used to try to wipe out the Scriptures and the Saints.
Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert Wormwood Revealed Published on Oct 13, 2018
Here’s the true fulfillment of the 3rd Trumpet – A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. God sent this great burning star,Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” He came from the area around a river in Illyricum which in Greek is called “Apsynthos” (Wormwood). Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 A.D., and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers.
Read Revelation 8 – 3rd Trumpet
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert Breaking of the 7th Seal Published on Oct 12, 2018
Here’s the true fulfillment of the 7th Seal – It represents the Lord sealing His servants before He sounds the 7 trumpets of judgment against the Pagan Roman Empire.
Read Revelation 7 – Sealing of the 144,000
Read Revelation 8 – 7th Seal Silence
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert Breaking Of The 6th Seal Published on Oct 11, 2018
Here’s the true fulfillment of the 6th Seal – Earthquakes in the prophecy represent great political upheavals. Eastern Emperor Constantine defeated Diocletian’s army in 312 A.D., which ended the persecutions. Diocletian (the Sun) was so panic stricken, he died insane. Constantine defeated emperors Maxentius and Licinius to become sole ruler of both west and east by 324 A.D. The Roman leaders (stars) fell and their power receded as a scroll. The mountains and islands that were moved out of place, were the countries and people that were affected by this political change.
Read Revelation 6 – 6th Seal Earthquake
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert The White Horse Rider Is Coming Published on Oct 9, 2018
Here’s the true fulfillment of the 1st Seal – The white horse represents the conquering Roman Empire, from 96 – 180 A.D., as it was a time of its greatest expansion and their military conquests were celebrated by riding white horses in their victory parades. Cretan Roman Emperors Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, each had a bow as their symbol. The crown represents the laurel wreathes of victory that were worn by the Caesars after their armies had won a military battle.
Read Revelation 6 – 1st Seal White Horse
Paul Begley The Coming Tribulation Published on Oct 8, 2018
The prophetic times of tribulation have already been fulfilled during the last 2,000 years.
Read Times Of Great Tribulation In Daniel And Revelation
The Final Peace Deal Middle East / Irvin Baxter / Paul Begley Published on Sep 29, 2018
This whole discussion is based on the false narrative of an Israel peace agreement starting the supposed futuristic 70th week of Daniel, the 7-year tribulation period. But the 70th week of Daniel was already fulfilled, and in it the promised Messiah ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood as the Passover Lamb. It’s not about the end times or the antichrist.
Read The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert: “Wormwood” Revealed Published on Sep 1, 2018
Here’s the true fulfillment of the 3rd Trumpet – A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. God sent this great burning star,Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” He came from the area around a river in Illyricum which in Greek is called “Apsynthos” (Wormwood). Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 A.D., and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers.
Read Revelation 8 – 3rd Trumpet
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert: “Soon The 2 Witnesses Shall Come”
Paul Begley’s video description says “Moses, Elijah, or Enoch will arrive as the 2 witnesses”
The two witnesses testified against the antichrist Popes of Rome, which Paul does not tell you, because his role is to deflect blame away from the Pope.
The antichrist Popes banned and burned the Scriptures and the Saints, the Two Witnesses who exposed them. Here is a study that proves out who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11.
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert: “Star Called Wormwood”
In this video Paul Begley theorizes about the star called wormwood, which is part of the 3rd Trumpet judgment of Revelation.
3rd Trumpet Summary – A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. God sent this great burning star,Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” He came from the area around a river in Illyricum which in Greek is called “Apsynthos” (Wormwood). Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 A.D., and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers.
Here’s a study that provides it out. Revelation 8 – 3rd Trumpet
Paul Begley Prophecy Alert: “Abbas Ready Sign “PEACE DEAL” video
Palestinian President Abbas says “I am to sign a Peace Deal with Israel.”
Paul Begley cited Daniel 9:27, pointing to the supposed one-man antichrist making a peace agreement with Israel. “He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week”
The concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel is a deception from the Jesuits of Rome, who created it to deflect blame away from the Popes, as the Protestant Reformers had rightly identified them as the Son of Perdition and the antichrist beast.
There is no future 7-year tribulation period, as the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week; when Messiah and His disciples confirmed with the Jews that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood, as the Passover Lamb.
The seven years ended after the Jewish leaders stoned Stephen to death, marking their final rejection of their promised Messiah. Then the book of Acts clearly shows a dramatic shift, as the Gospel was also preached to the Gentile nations. Read The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception
Paul Begley cited the Abomination of Desolation, which supposedly is caused by the one-man antichrist in the middle of the 7-year tribulation.
Luke 21:20 tells us that the Abomination of Desolation was the Roman army surrounding Jerusalem; to desolate the temple, city and Jews. This took place in 66 A.D., and the Early Church saw the sign that Messiah had given them, and fled to the mountains of Pella for safety. Read The Abomination Of Desolation
Paul Begley said that the antichrist will rise after the Israeli peace agreement.
The antichrist beast of prophecy has been fulfilled by the Popes of Rome. There will be a final Pope, who will be captured and thrown into the fiery pit, but Scripture is not just pointing to one man, but the office of the papacy. Read Revelation 13 – Roman Sea Beast
The enemy has created a false narrative of how the end times will play out, so that Christians are expecting an Israeli peace agreement by the supposed one-man antichrist.
The enemy is going to play out their script. They are going to create a peace agreement, which is going to send Christians into a frenzy, as they believe that they will be raptured soon. Read The Pretribulation Rapture Myth.
But that narrative was created to fool the end times church, so that they will not understand how the end times will play out, and when Messiah will return.
Most of Revelation has already been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years, as the Satan-empowered Roman beast has fought against Messiah and His saints. We are close to Messiah’s return, but He will come as a thief in the night for those who do not understand Revelation.
Paul Begley is deceiving people about the fulfillment of Revelation, so that they’re not prepared for how the end times will play out.
On 01/14/21, I published my Revelation Timeline Decoded book.
Messiah’s apocalyptic vision is a war manual, designed to hide the explanation from those who should not understand it. It uses symbolic words that are defined in the Old Testament to point to a literal fulfillment. If you read Revelation only from a literal perspective, the interpretation is hidden.
Understanding the vision is like taking a Biblical final exam. If you’ve read the whole Word, you will have seen the symbolism that Messiah uses and can apply it to the fulfillment.
If you read Revelation as one chronological narrative, the prophecies seem out of sequence. That’s because it has four chronological layers, each of which spans from when it was written until Messiah returns.
This book explains the prophecies of Revelation on a timeline to help you see how the four chronological layers interact with each other, so that you can comprehend the whole vision.
You will learn how to identify who fulfills the role of the son of perdition, the antichrist beast, the false prophet, and the harlot called ‘Mystery, Babylon the Great.’ You will understand the proper context of the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments; the little book of Revelation 10, and the two witnesses of Revelation 11.
Whether you’re a novice at Bible prophecy or someone who has studied it extensively, I provide an explanation that is easy to understand yet has the depth of verse by verse explanations to provide you the evidence you need to prove it out.