Jonathan Kleck Is A False Prophecy Teacher

The end times deception study will show how what Jonathan Kleck teaches opposes the Word of God, which makes him a false prophet.

Jonathan Kleck has a very popular YouTube channel and a radio show. He sounds very authoritative, he cites scripture, he references the Hebrew and Greek, and if people don’t know the Scriptures and their proper context well, then they can be misled.

That said, any sound Christian should have enough discernment to know that the declarations about his salvation story and who he is, should cause red flags to go up.

Jonathan also goes by the name of “Bene Ha’Elohim,” a prophet of God. He claims to be the spirit of a fallen angel inside a human body.  A fallen angel is a demon, so Jonathan is telling you that he’s demon-possessed.

He claims that the Archangel Michael led him to salvation by praying the Lord’s Prayer, which is not a salvation prayer.

He claims that Michael had him pray the Catholic Hail Mary, which is an abomination to the Father, which I can’t imagine that Michael would ever do.

He says that God told him that all humans are part reptilian, with the seed of Satan in us.

Jonathan claims that God has chosen him to be the only one to whom He (the Lord) will reveal the identity of the antichrist. The antichrist beast, the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, were identified by the saints over a 1,000 years ago.

On his YouTube channel he uses an image of Egyptian Pharoah Akhenaten and and his wife Nefertiti. Would a prophet of God really use these images to represent himself?

akhenaten nefertiti

Jonathan Kleck YouTube profile image

He said that on 11/11/11, the Hoover dam would be blown up, but it didn’t happen.

As I watch his videos, I will cover the main points that he gets wrong, which are contrary to the Word of God, and the historical fulfillment of prophecy.

If you watch a video that keeps the camera on him, you will see that he is twitchy, he jerks around, like he is possessed.

He claims to be a fallen angel in a human body.  I do believe that he may have a satanic entity in him.

Review of the video, Oh My LORD,,IT IS Coming (Part 1), posted on 06/08/18

Jonathan says that it’s a 100% confirmation that locust from the pit are coming soon, pointing to the fulfillment of the 5th Trumpet.

Well, he may be being guided, but it’s by the wrong spirit; because the 5th Trumpet of Revelation has already been fulfilled. It represents the Lord using the Arabian (Mohammedan) army against the Western Roman Empire from 612-762 A.D., which is 150 years (5 months = 150 days). They wore turbans (crowns of gold); they had beards (faces of men); they had long hair like women; they wore chain-mail (breast-plates of iron); and they were fierce (teeth of lions). The falling star was Mohammed, the smoke out of Satan’s bottomless pit of lies is the Qur’an.

This man is a deceiver.

Read Revelation 9 – 5th Trumpet

Review of the video “LOCUSTS (((ARE))) Coming//Wanna see Proof”, posted on 06/03/18

Jonathan proclaims that the 5th trumpet represents locust type creatures, which will attack people in the future.

The truth is that the 5th Trumpet of Revelation has already been fulfilled. It represents the Lord using the Arabian (Mohammedan) army against the Western Roman Empire from 612-762 A.D., which is 150 years (5 months = 150 days). They wore turbans (crowns of gold); they had beards (faces of men); they had long hair like women; they wore chain-mail (breast-plates of iron); and they were fierce (teeth of lions). The falling star was Mohammed, the smoke out of Satan’s bottomless pit of lies is the Qur’an.

Read Revelation 9 – 5th Trumpet

Review of the video “You KNOW He’s the Antichrist”, posted on 11/22/16

Jonathan Kleck is proclaiming the President Obama is the antichrist of Revelation.

Come on people!  The Protestant Reformers all properly identified the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, as the antichrist beast of Revelation. Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

The sea beast of Revelation 13 is the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, who rose to power after Elohim caused the Roman Empire to collapse. They reigned for 1,260 years (1,260 prophetic days) from 538-1798 A.D.

They worked relentlessly to eliminate the Two Witnesses, the Word of God and the Church of Christ, both of which testified that salvation is by faith in Christ’s atoning sacrifice, not by works through the Papal Church; and that the Papal Church is the beast of Revelation, the Little Horn of Daniel, and the Pope, the Son of Perdition.

Its reign ended when the Pope was imprisoned by the Jesuits in 1798 A.D. Read Revelation 13 – Roman Sea Beast

The Popes are still around, but they are not in power; as the Jesuit General, the Black Pope, the earth beast of Revelation 13, controls the Vatican. Read Revelation 13 – Roman Earth Beast

Jonathan’s false prophecy explanations serve to deflect blame away from the Pope and Jesuit General, the antichrist and the false prophet.

Review of the video “Here Comes The ABOMINATION”, posted on 12/04/16.

Jonathan Kleck is pointing to a futuristic ‘abomination of desolation’; which is wrong.

Luke 21:20 clearly told us what it was, an army surrounding Jerusalem to desolate it; which was fulfilled in 66 A.D. Read The Abomination Of Desolation

That directly lines up with the prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27, which said that the ‘people of the prince‘, Roman Prince Titus, would desolate the city and temple; which Jewish historian Josephus witnessed and documented.  Read The People Of The Prince Of Daniel 9

Daniel 12 describes the 3 1/2 year period, from when the abomination of desolation would occur (in 66 A.D.), until the Roman siege was over (in 70 A.D.) Read Daniel 12 Desolation Fulfillment

In Messiah’s Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24) He clearly proclaimed that all of the warnings that He gave would be fulfilled in that generation, in the generation of the Jews who rejected Him and delivered Him up to be killed. In the generation of the Jews who proclaimed “let His blood be on us and our children“.

And so it was, as 1.1 million Jews died in and around Jerusalem; from famine, pestilence, infighting, suicide, crucifixion, and by the Roman sword.

Review of the video “Rise of the Second Beast in Babylon the Great” (Video #10 for

In this video Jonathan proclaims that Barack Obama is the second beast of Revelation 13, who has risen to power seemingly out of nowhere.  And that is completely wrong.  Obama is just a servant of Rome.

The earth beast of Revelation is the Jesuits of Rome, who took control of the Vatican in the 18th century.  Prior to that, the sea beast of Revelation 13, the antichrist Popes of Rome had reigned from 1,260 years, from 538-1798 A.D.

The Jesuit General, the Black Pope, controls the Vatican and the White Pope, and is using it to gather the world under his power. Read Revelation 13 – Roman Earth Beast

Once again, Jonathan’s explanation deflects blame away from the Popes and Jesuits Generals of Rome.  Read the home page of this website and you will see that they fulfill Revelation prophecy as the Antichrist and False Prophet.

Review of the video “The Son of Perdition: Barack Hussein Obama” *FULL PRESENTATION* by Jonathan Kleck and Clay Eudaly

In this video Jonathan proclaims that Barack Obama is the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2.

This is false, as it is the Popes of Rome, who rose to power after the last Roman Emperor (the restrainer) was removed from power in 476 A.D. Read this study to see Scriptural and historical proof Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2

Once again, Jonathan’s explanation deflects blame away from the Popes of Rome.

Review of the video, “The Unrolled Scroll”, Here Comes DEATH, “Shout it from the Roof Tops”

Here is the link to his video where he makes the false prophecy statements.
The Unrolled Scroll, Here Comes DEATH Guaranteed !!!

A good part of the video is based on Daniel, 12, which he says is talking about the end of the world and great tribulation, the time of jacob’s trouble.

This is false teaching, as the prophecy in Daniel 12 was fulfilled from 66-70 A.D., when the first division of the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem surrounded the city, which was the Abomination of Desolation.

1,290 days later, the Roman army flooded the city, just as Daniel 9 said they would and they stopped temple sacrifice and killed hundreds of thousands of Jews by the Roman sword, and 97,000 were taken captive and sold as slaves.

Read Daniel 12 Is Not About The Antichrist Or The End Times

He says the word’ trouble’ in Daniel 12:1 means a female rival. He says that Mary is the female rival.  But that is not the only explanation of the word, and saying that it is Mary is totally out of context with the prophecy.

The Hebrew says that it means adversary, adversity, affliction, anguish, distress, tribulation and trouble, which the Jewish people faced from 66-70 A.D.

He says that the ‘daily sacrifice‘ which will be taken away is Christians, erroneously citing 1 Peter 2:5 and Romans 12:1.

The ‘daily sacrifice’ was the temple sacrifice, which was stopped when the Roman army flooded the city in 70 A.D., 1,290 days after the Abomination of Desolation, the first Roman division, surrounded the city.

He says that “And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the book” in Daniel 12:1, is the referring to the book of death.

It is referring to the book of Life, not death. Daniel is telling us that those who are saved, who accepted Jesus as their Messiah, will be delivered. Josephus, the Jewish historian, tells us that all the followers of Christ escaped Judah and none were killed.

He says that Daniel 12:9 is declaring that the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.

It’s referring back to the prophecy in Daniel 9, which said that those who reject the Messiah would be desolated, which happened in 70 A.D. So the time of the end is the time of the end of the latter days of the Jews.

He applied Isaiah 29:11 to saying the same thing as Daniel about a 12 sealed book.

It’s merely saying that prophecies had been revealed to the House of Israel, but they don’t read them to understand them, so they are like a sealed book. Case in point. Today, Jews forbid one another to read the Gospels. It’s like a sealed book to them. But it’s available to read for people whom the Spirit is opening their heart.

Regarding Isaiah 29:15-16, he says that the secret is that things will be turned upside down in the end times.

God is speaking about the House of Israel’s perversion of all things. They had no just views of truth. They deemed mere formality to be all that was required. They attempted to conceal their plans even from Yahweh; and everything in the opinions and practice of the nation had become perverted and erroneous.

He says that this is the reason that Peter was crucified upside down. He says that Peter was given the key and if you turn it upside down, it opens the door.

He says that Peter is the rock on which the church would be built, which is the same doctrine of the antichrist Roman Catholic Church.

He confused the name of Peter and the word ‘rock’.

Peter means a large stone.  Petros a (piece of) rock (larger than 3037); as a name, Petrus, an apostle:—Peter, rock. Compare 2786. a large stone

On this rock means a mass of rock, pointing to Jesus. Petra a (mass of) rock (literally or figuratively):—rock.

In talking about the rock, Jesus was talking about Himself, the Christ, which Peter just proclaimed.

He says that in Matthew 7:24 “I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock,” that the house is built upon Peter.

Once again the word for rock is Petra a (mass of) rock (literally or figuratively):—rock, which points to Jesus

He says that another race of beings sowed their see in humanity. And that we are avatars for another race of beings, called Satan and the fallen angels.

At the end of the video he says that “the rapture is coming and the daily sacrifice will be taken away at the moment all hell breaks loose.”

He is saying that there is a pre-tribulation rapture before the 1,290 days of Daniel 12, the supposed 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation.

Since Daniel 12 was fulfilled during 3 1/2 years, from 66-70 A.D., we know he is teaching false prophecy.

Since the ’42 months’ and ‘time and times and half a time’ in Revelation 12 and 13 were fulfilled from 538-1798 A.D, we know that is now a future 3 1/2 year tribulation period.

Read this Bible study that shows that the Popes of Rome are the antichrist beast of Revelation, the Little Horn of Daniel, and the office of the Papacy, the Son of Perdition.

Review of his video Thy Kingdom Come ( Part 6 – CERN & The Locust Army) Sep 6, 2015

Jonathan opened by saying “you either believe me or not, if it’s right, you can count on the rest of it being right.”

Well as you can see above, he is wrong about many prophecy explanations.

And in this video he says that CERN will open up the bottomless pit and release the demon locust of the 5th Trumpet of Revelation.

Once again he is pointing to a future fulfillment of prophecy, when the truth is that the 5th Trumpet has already been fulfilled historically, as Messiah sent army after army against the Roman Empire.

The 5th Trumpet represents the Lord using the Arabian (Mohammedan) army against the Western Roman Empire from 612-762 A.D., which is 150 years (5 months = 150 days). They wore turbans (crowns of gold); they had beards (faces of men); they had long hair like women; they wore chain-mail (breast-plates of iron); and they were fierce (teeth of lions). The falling star was Mohammed, the smoke out of Satan’s bottomless pit of lies is the Koran.

Read a verse by verse explanation and watch a video about the fulfillment by clicking on Revelation 9 – 5th Trumpet





288 thoughts on “Jonathan Kleck Is A False Prophecy Teacher”

  1. Thank you for doing this service. As much as I supported Jonathan Kleck, I now must stand completely against him. I believed everything he said and took it to heart that he could not lie. When he did lie and then continued to lie regarding me and my family, I was left with only one conclusion…False Prophet. Out of his own mouth he has stated, if I lie even once, my gifts don’t work. Now, I must stand against his ministry.

    • Thanks for sharing your story Karen. I’m sorry about you and your family being lied about. Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!

  2. The Bible was written by failable humans, not God!! If you are a true Christian like myself, you do not follow the old testament!! Throw it away! Burn it! It’s called OLD for a reason, like the New is just that. You are not Christian’s. Look at the PEDOPHILES in the catholic joke church! Jesus would never live in the Vatican surrounded by gold and riches and a fortress wall. You’re nothing hippiecrtis! This sight is satan’s mouthpiece. In the name of Jesus, I condemn you all to the abyss of hell where you belong. In the name of Jesus, so be it, it is done!
    Praise the Lord!

  3. Jonathon Kleck is not what uou would expexpect to deliver the Lords message. I’m not exactly what he sense I felt the exact same way that’s a lot of people wondering if there was treats what he was saying there’s only one way to find out ask the Lord to show you I did I walked into my kitchen and the first thing I looked at with a container of salt with the label disguised to be a cornucopia but actually the dead sheep and it’s very clear I also looked at the emblem on my child’s School letterhead and it’s an alien head I’m sorry people but you can debate it all you want the Vatican is in the shape of a snake the audience Hall it’s manifested as a snake’s head he is not lying that is his ministering no lying you can Pick & Pack and pick out it but the fact is the Vatican is in the shape of a snake many many other things he says are true just asked the Lord to show you if he’s lying just like you says expect the Lord to answer and he will I’ll be very careful calling somebody the concealed these things and they are there a false prophet I don’t think he is being led by demons at all however I think some of these hearty prideful comments some very demonic his philosophy makes complete and utter sense anyway it’s not even debatable the only way to know Jesus the truth the word instead of exactly what Jesus told us through the scripture in a way that the serpent race cannot pollute change molest the Bible the message that we will all need to hear when the time comes and here it is we will have to answer to the Lord am I wouldn’t the Archangel Michael talk to Jonathan kleck in an alley is that not austere enough for some people no one ever said who and how we would receive these last warnings but I’ve been to all kinds of churches Catholic Protestant and none 350 years of searching have let me close enough to even remotely knowing anything about the real word of the Bible is Jonathan because he can back it up the things that are happening real-time all around us everyday all day long not just belly ache and puff hot air and I don’t see him trying to take off of anybody just give good luck people perhaps pursue something other than trying to trash somebody the Lord is clearly working through

    • Chelsea, the goal of this article is not the ‘trash’ Jonathan Kleck, but to expose that what he teaches about prophecy fulfillment is false. If that’s true, don’t you want to know? Or would you just like to stay ignorant?

      • Hey David. Do you know of any.followers of Jonathan kleck that have become so obsessed with end times that it has destroyed the whole family. Well here I am. My wife is so obsessed with his end times prophecy that she can barely maintain any.kind of normality. She blames demons for literally anything and everything. She claims to be under constant spiritual attack from satan and his demons. She has even taken on his mannerisms. She repeats over and over things she has told us literally 100s of times. She claims that she is a watchman for the lord and that the end is I am totally over hearing about it. At the end of the day, the Lord himself is the only one who knows the time and the day when he will return. I don’t think he would want our family being completely depressed and scared until he comes. She has completely lost the plot. Like mental health issues lost the plot. Would like to hear from others if they have have experiences the same as mine. Regards Craig

        • Hey Craig, I’m sorry to hear about your wife obsessing about end times prophecy! The stories of false prophecy teachers serve to stir up imaginations and torment people with scary scenarios.

          When people see that most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years, it brings peace and comfort.

          I pray that the Spirit moves in her life to heal her of this affliction.


          • Hey David
            Well it’s nearly 1am here in Australia. I can’t sleep. My wife has definitely lost the plot. She is still obsessed with Jonathan klecks teachings but has stepped it up another gear to a point where literally every day she does nothing but abuse me and our 2 daughters constantly. I got home from work yesterday and had to endure probably at least 5 to 6 hrs of put downs and accusations, name calling blame and verbal abuse. She claims that she is only shining a light on satan and his attempts to attack her and the girls. Apparently I am bringing a demon of tyranny into the house and it’s causing our daughters to not act godly enough. She also claims that I have been emotionally abusing her for the last 30 years. And that basically I am responsible for literally all of the problems we endure and the girls ungodliness. I now am not allowed to listen to music as that is idolatry and I can’t associate with anyone except those with the same beliefs as her. She won’t allow me to take the girls to see any of my family because of the same. I haven’t seen anyone in my family since my oldest sisters funeral. She is pretty much keeping the girls captive at home and not doing anything except lecture them and me. I’m nearly at the point of telling her to leave. By herself. She is not taking the girls that’s for sure. The only one in the house being a tyrant is her!!!

          • Craig, I’m sorry for the strife that the discussion about prophecy fulfillment is causing in your marriage. I pray that there’s a peaceful resolution. Perhaps that means ending discussions about prophecy fulfillment and just focusing on meeting each others needs. Grace, peace and love to you, David

        • This is exactly what has happened to my brother he is completely obsessed and terrifies me of the end times. He believes that he is here to spread the word. I agree with you fully that the Lord would not want this for anyone. God bless you and your family

        • My Brother has been brainwashed by J.K the same exact way as your Wife. He is not the same person who uses to be full of love, life, laughter and smiles. These days he estranged from our entire family, is full of gloom and doom and there’s no getting through to him. When you tell him his beliefs are wrong you are met with nothing but arguments. He is addicted to watching YT videos 24/7 about the world ending. He argues about how he will be raptured and anybody who doesn’t agree with him will be dragged to the pits of hell by giant locusts. I just want my Brother back, this person he has become is not my Brother and I feel nothing but anxiety and darkness when he is near me. Is there anyway to un-brainwash him ? I pray for him daily that he will wake up and realize that he has been fooled by Satan himself.
          He started watching J.K. videos in 2016 and has not been the same since and it is now March 15th, 2023. He is 64 years old and we have lost so much precious time with him, and we just want the person he was back. I often feel like my old brother is locked away somewhere and I am dealing with a cloned demon version of him. Our family needs the man he was before J.K. back not this person he is now who revels in negativity, just waiting for the world to explode. Please Help.

        • I don’t work for a website, I work for the Heavenly Father and Messiah. Your comments show that it is you who is a joke!

  4. There is no such thing as a salvation prayer listed in the Bible. Jesus disciples and those that believed in him were called Believers , a Christian, that is, follower of Christ:
    If you consider anyone / pastor who believes that they have a gift , or is wrong about something a false profit. Then I have never met a profit, or a pastor who is a christian. Most pastors and churches run their churches as entertainment centers, with a fund raising goal. While they play golf , and plan for their next fun raiser to take some widow’s last $5.00 for the month and go out to dinner after church while she goes home and eats oatmeal. Shame Shame on them. Unlike churches , Jonathan Kleck is not begging for money. He may be wrong on some of his thought processes but I believe he is loved by Jesus, and he is not a demon. He actually teaches scriptures and when is the last time a preacher did that. Most are very vague on scriptures , and are just motivational speakers.

    • Johnny, I’m not proclaiming that Jonathan is not saved, or that he doesn’t teach some truth. What I’m pointing out is that his explanations about prophecy fulfillment are wrong. This is extremely important to understand in these end times as the enemy seeks to deceive the saints.

      Here’s links to websites that prove out the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, Messiah’s Olivet Discourse and Messiah’s apocalyptic vision in Revelation.

  5. Daniel, you do a great job and I am grateful for this resource. I am a Christian, but only recently have I been “born again” and really found my faith. I was heavily involved in New Age and personal growth, and it has been a rigorous ride in the last 6-12 months re-learning everything.

    I ran across Jonathan’s videos, and it annoyed me that he was self-aggrandizing, claiming absoluteness of his teachings and also all over the place. I literally watched like 7 or 8 hours worth of his nonsense just to form a decent idea of what the hell he was talking about so that I could decide what to think about it.

    I am no theologian, however I am an author and have written 4 books. The most recent one is on all of the lies we’ve been told on history, science and spirituality. Research is no stranger to me, and I today I ask the Holy Spirit for guidance daily to be able to discern. I can’t believe there are so many false teachings, it’s crazy. I even saw a group online making videos that Jesus Christ is the Antichrist and beast, using numerology to add up the Christogram and arguing against all of the pagan practices incorporated into the church.

    People have to be weary of these types of half-truths, because they are the most dangerous. It’s the same with any New Age practice and why it is so deadly to our spirituality – something feels right, but it leads you nowhere.

    Jonathan is no exception, and after reviewing the comments on this thread I think a lot of people who still support him are missing some very important understanding. If you are one of those people, please consider the following:

    1.) Elohim is used throughout the old testament hundreds of times. It has several meanings, and it was adopted from Canaan (polytheists) to be used by the Israelis who were monotheists. The plural is indicative of the “royal plural” or magnifying power, and this is something we see in many other languages and by royal officials to elevate themselves in official situations (by referring to themselves as plural). It’s use in Genesis 1 is being SEVERELY taken out of context by Jonathan to put forth a theory that has no support whatsoever (as I will continue to support here). If it was the only time that this was used in the bible, it may have been questionable – but you could easily argue that it was a foreshadowing of the Trinity better than a rebel creation by fallen angels.

    2.) Moses wrote the 5 books of the bible, so there is no multiple author question, and many other books (like Daniel) show a drastic change in style from linear to poetic even abruptly in the text. This happens from Genesis 1 to Genesis 2, where a linear creation story is then re-described in a more poetic fashion.

    3.) God has over a dozen different names in the bible besides Elohim. If this wasn’t the case, and if it also wasn’t the case that Elohim was used hundreds of times and has a significance when applied to royalty or someone of grandness (i.e. it was used just in that singular instance of Genesis 1) then there would be more of a question of “why” it was used in Genesis 1. Not considering this context is just ignorance.

    4.) Regardless of what you believe, the litmus test always has to be whether it is consistent with what we know about God and whether it brings glory to God or not. This is very simple without getting seduced by fancy numerology, pictures of the Vatican or bible verses. If you are saying that fallen angels created man and the “prison planet” – then you are elevating angels to the creative power of God Almighty. Only God is the source of life, and there are several passages in the bible that are very clear that all things that were made were made by him. Simply look around you at the world and its beauty, intelligence and wisdom and it’s hard to believe that anything other than God could create such magnificence.

    Another thing is that Jonathan claims that “Elohim” (i.e. angels) rested on the 7th day. This is blasphemy in my opinion because then why would God command us to rest on the 7th day in honor of HIM creating the world? The whole point of this commandment is to remember this exact reason, yet by Jonathan’s standard we then honor the fallen angels who rested. This is ludicrous.

    Yet another point is the timeline that Jonathan creates through his hypothesis. If fallen angels created men, and THEN God created Adam, how does that work? Adam intermingled with cavemen? When did the Garden of Eden come into play? It doesn’t make sense the more you think about it.

    If fallen angels created men, and God created fallen angels, that means that mankind’s special and intimate relationship with God (which we were created for) gets diluted and less significant. We are either the creation of a creation, or God and fallen angels “teamed up” to create us. Both of these theories are preposterous and against sound theology.

    5.) “Image of God” is a hotly debated theological topic and I encourage many to look into it further and not buy into Jonathan’s nonsense. God is a being beyond time and space, so therefore to be made in His image is not an accurate depiction of what happened. It is also clear that other beings can create, not just us, so it is not about that either. Yet if you read CONTEXTUALLY, you will learn that to be the “imago Dei” (image of God) refers more to our purpose as representatives of God to take care of HIS creation, to subdue it and be caretakers.

    6.) Understanding what the forbidden fruit is, is also an important theological area of study in this case. Jonathan makes it out to be sexual intercourse with women and presents this notion that if you are here alive, it means you are a fallen angel that lusted after flesh and was tricked by Satan, now you are stuck in a fight for your life. This is nonsense. God created Adam and Eve, and directed our sexuality. He wanted us to enjoy this aspect of life, be fruitful and multiply. Obviously, this is to be done within a marriage, which is what God showed in the beginning, but the point is that God created sex and sexuality. And it was “good” as the bible states.

    When you buy into Jonathan’s nonsense, you are being deceived into the same self-aggrandizing attitudes that he has about himself being a fallen angel. Please don’t buy into this BS. These types of things only serve to grow your ego and pride, despite how much he may seem to want to “help” you learn about Jesus. None of his material is actually about learning about Jesus’ life or what Jesus taught, but rather about seducing you with some controversial secret knowledge hidden in plain sight that inverts reality. That’s Luciferean, not Christian. Subdue your ego and remember you are a child of God, don’t let this deceiver fool you into some romanticized notion of who you are as some powerful fallen angel that’s just trying their best to be enlightened again. This is Gnostic nonsense wrapped up as Christianity.

    The forbidden fruit, the “knowledge of good and evil” is obvious for anyone to see just by looking around: pride. It is the illusion of free will, because it is the illusion that YOU know how to choose between good and evil, and the moment you have that “awareness” – you forget to submit your will to God and you will die, because God is the source of all life. Nothing about what Jonathan teaches you brings you back to humility, but rather tempts you toward a path of “ascension” and treating your Christianity like some New Age practice of enlightenment so you can reclaim your inherent angel divinity. What a bunch of rubbish!

  6. Saddest bunch of comments ever! Arguing over what Jesus will or won’t do?! You should all just pray and thank Him for giving His life for us. It’s shameful of all of you! Trust GOD! He said many would deceive in the Last Days. Looks like most of you are! ENDURE to the end—NOT ARGUE!

    • We’re not arguing over what Jesus will or wont do. I’m exposing the false prophecy teachings of Jonathan Kleck, who is deceiving people. If you understood prophecy fulfillment then you would know why I made this post. So that makes your comment even sadder.

      • I am laughing right now because this is like the 5th or 6th time I have come across a site or a channel that I start to question, so I dig a little deeper. Each time, I am led to your teachings that expose these people. It’s so awesome! I have been leaving links to your YouTube videos in the comments of his videos for the past several hours. Then I’m just about ready to call it a night, I click on one last link and here I am. I love how God has been working in my life to help me discern through the massive amounts of content. Thank you once again David for being that constant light that speaks truth and helps steer me in the correct way to look at the Bible, a way I don’t know if I would have seen on my own. I had studied Revelation many times before and not until I heard one of your videos did it really click for me. God blessed you with a talent to communicate truth in a time of great deception. Keep up the great work. I don’t know if you have ever done anything on the teachings of Chuck Missler, I would love to hear your thoughts on some of his arguments for futurism. He had me pretty convinced for many years. I still find it difficult to comment on his content because he can get so deep into stuff that it intimidates me. I’m getting better the more I study and ask God to reveal more to me. Thanks David! K. Hollister

  7. Wow thank you. I’m young in Christ but the man got my back up right away. I discerned he is lacking in humility and displays false humility. That was enough for me, with my limited knowledge of scripture that would enable me to determine his blasphemies. I can’t watch him or even listen to his voice. I’d rather listen to Charles Spurgeon by a certain narrator with a commanding yet gentle voice. Or Richie from Boston [from the truth community] calling for a heartfelt impromptu prayer in the middle of a livestream, because he has sworn [cussed] due to sheer frustration of beseeching people to open their eyes to the reality of the fallen one’s world, and to turn to Christ & strive to obey God.

    Thank you God for the discerment we are blessed with, through the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.
    Thank you for your research & i’m happy to have found this site!

    • Tess, this man has mislead you. He has told you false information. Jonathan uses scripture to prove out everything he says, first of all. Secondly, what true believer in Christ runs around calling others false or not? It’s written to JUDGE NOTHING UNTIL THE TIME OF RESTITUTION. Also, we are told in the scriptures, “who cares if one preaches Christ with contention and the other with love Least Christ is being preached”. Christ is to judge his children. Not us! Repent, and read your bible for yourself. You’re elohim, in exile, who is to sojourn in fear of the Lord. We do this by knowing HIS word. In that you can see clearly, this man lied to you and everyone else. Blasphemed the Holy Spirit. And lied on someone in a couple of different ways.

      Shame on you author for leading people astray with lies.

      • You’re a hypocrite Rivera for proclaiming that we shouldn’t judge others, but here you are judging me. Scripture calls us to expose deceptions that mislead believers, so you’re wrong.

        If you understood prophecy fulfillment, then you would know that what I say about Jonathan Kleck’s prophecy fulfillment explanations are correct. Shame on you for failing to understand prophecy fulfillment and for making false accusations!

  8. I have 1 add on. If anyone thinks that the Bible is 100%, you’re wrong! One more thing re: Kleck he uses Gen 1 The face of the Earth for example. (Then he uses Strong’s which says “as the part that turns”) which is wrong. That “part that turns” wasn’t in Strongs 30 years ago! How do I know? Because Iooked! I have a 35 year old Strong’s exhaustive right here. Even Strong’s is being changed! So while that 1 issue isn’t useable (and I checked it all out), something is going on. I n my book below I said THESE people believe this (Vatican, Kabbalists, Elites, and more). That alone will tell you whatsw coming at the very least. I also said, he’s got a lot right that otherwise doesn’t fit at all. I have stopped judging what’s right and wrong because You can never be 100%sure. Think I’m wrong? Pick any major subject on earth right now! Go find the truth!
    You will get at least 5 completely different opinions and all with scripture or facts.
    Yahusha put in me before I saw Klecks stuff, these things whichy husband can attest to.
    1. Hey, do you think we did something bad which is why werew here? I was upset but I felt the question come out of my mouth. I hate this world and asked my mother to send me back to heaven “now please” when I was 8. I can’t wait to leave.
    I knew/felt it was a punishment.
    God would NOT have punished us all for Eve!
    He set up this prison planet for some real reason.
    Why do we need to be redeemed if we didn’t do anything wrong? Enoch tells us that 200 watcher Angels landed on My Hermon, Gen 1 shows Satan needed Eve’s seef,f, Gen 6 confirms the watcher/,giant issue and they are you in chains until the day of judgement? then later on, the Word exclaims that 1/3 of the Angels went with Satan in the war in heaven . Know what? After looking many times, These 3 issues Are not the same!
    2. Went from Mormon to Baptist to Evangelical over my lifetime and began to have questions. I asked my husband, which church is right? Something is wrong here. Didn’t take long to see that 100% of all churches are lacking. Yep, even the reformer recormation ones. Not even 1 teaches what happened to Yahusha” name. Know it or not, they aren’t teaching it. So many still teach pagan holidays, most teach Futurism. I can go on all day.

    WaS saying.
    3. Hey, if Yahusha knows the beginning from the end, etc , then he knows who’s coming home! Then I began to ponder that and read for myself.
    I had seen Jonathan Kleck in 2017 and didn’t get it
    I we t back to revisit the folded money stuff and something had me keep watching. So glad I did.
    I miss a lot of strange scripture that gave me questions. You have to read the whole chapter to test stuff. I found more and other stuff besides.

    Ask yourself why elohim created man, beasts, etc and then formed them again in Gen 2. Makes no sense .Don’t bother looking to the Reformers, they don’t get it either (as I said below).
    Someone (millions) know something we don’t or THINK they do . They think it’s the end of the world (except the few years they get before Yahusha burns it up).
    My take! We’re never gonna fully know it.
    I know who’s site I’m on…tell me these answers.
    1. Whos the end times female rival?
    2. Why do we have biblical locusts Here now?
    3. Explain St Peter’s Alter.
    4. Explain transmutation circles?
    5. Explain what Good d means by “emnity between his seed and the seed”

    6.Why is God against the women who hunt the souls of men to make their pillows fly? And why is he gonna snatch em all back, even those who did fly?
    7.What does duality mean in Freemasonry?
    You Tube mentions it often .what do they mean.
    8. What does doubke minded mean along with if your eyes be single, your body is full of light?
    Thats only a start. You didn’t watch the commercials all over the world.
    You are missing something my friend .

  9. You guys are being deceived by this website! I used to watch Kleck when I was a lukewarm Christian and something didn’t sit right. I will admit to this day Jonathans downfall seems to be arrogance. Its not as bad as it used to be but it rears its ugly head every once in awhile. He apologizes for it on occasion too. He is still a man like all of us. Even Satan had trouble with pride and God greatly trusted him at first. So why wouldn’t a man? Since I became newly repented and reborn in the spirit, I have been shown Jonathan is no deceiver. If anybody watches Jonathan more often than not, they will know that most of these lists on the site are taken out of context. Seemingly on purpose. He explains what he means by everything that this site refuses to cite.

    The only thing he was incorrect about is the 11,11, 11 thing. He did the same thing we all have done at least once. Thought a number shown by the enemy could be a date. While it was incorrect, it was NOT a prophecy. He even said MAY happen or COULD happen. If a demonic spirit was giving him his info, don’t you think he would have been correct about their demonic plans? Thus keeping more people deceived. You guys claim he is demonicly possesed. Jesus said test all spirits, those that deny I am the Christ are the bad ones. Well isn’t Jonathans main teaching about getting us all converted through Christ and born again. So that we are not double minded and living in the flesh but in the spirit.? I was made known all this only after I was repented and born again. All you double minded Christians may not understand this.

    • The point of this page is not to proclaim that EVERYTHING that Jonathan Kleck teaches is false. The point is that what he teaches about prophecy fulfillment is false, and I prove that out with the studies that are linked to on the page. If you understood prophecy fulfillment, then you would understand the point being made.

      This Bible Prophecy Made Easy summary study shows you how what Jonathan Kleck teaches is false, and the studies on the website prove it out verse by verse.

      • Had to say something. I’m not a new year Christian and I have to say that he’s opened my eyes a lot. ItsI correct that some of his stuff is out of context at times. I consider matters, learn and then go back and prove all against the word. But, he has shown me some things a out the KJV that are wacky by my own testing . The Bible is NOT perfect, therest a lot missing and I’ve even seen REFORMERS in error. o example is Gen 1. I read it like 50 times in several Bible’s . ItsI odd. I even read 35 comments from reforRefo that clearly spoke double talk .Clear that they had no idea why elohim was used. 1 reformer even commented that “it’s a mystery even now”. I came up with 2 thoughts. Either the creation was first done spiritually in heaven and maybe the elohim we’re allowed to participate, hence Gen 2 the physical creation or kleck is right. Seems like a there’s a ton of elaboration Missi miin the word, translation issues or transliteration issues .Like Eve and the serpent. Targums clearly show Eve desired the serpent. And that’s backed up by the need for emmity (and much more). Despite traditional .Christians who think 2 twins of 2 father’s are Gnostic/wrong. I disagree!
        My biblical search shows a twin issue with emnity. Sorry kleck hunters, hesh got some points. I came from a Mormon background and knew some stuff way before other Christians even though of them. And I found it in the Kjv to prove it too. Like pre-mortal existence. Theres 12 places of Hard scripture like ” before I formed thee in the belly, I knew there”.Yet, people looked right at it and denied it. Recently, I’ve found d 12.
        Next is pre-destiny which Mormons don’t teach..Today I can see 5 places. Very clearly too. “You didn’t choose me, I chose you ” is one. I fore-ordained you before the world was” is o e more. Can’t recall them all .ut 2 others are more clear than that. Hes right about Ezekiel too. “I have something against you women who steal the souls of men to make your pillows fly! And I will snatch them out of your arms, even those you made fly. Paraphrased but nobody else can answer this. I found more to support his theories too. Here’s the 2nd thought. AT The very LEAST, these people believe all of it . By these people, I mean the world! And they are DOING it. The Lord God put answers to me after a weird thought, the bible has issues! Not only that but the Vatican and The Jews (as it we’re), have hidden tons from us. Kevin Spac y sighted in a stupid movie once ” the greatest trick Satan ever did was to make us believe he doesn’t exist”(not sure who said the quote).
        He has changed so much that to me it seems lije a perfe and trick . Use the word God (Yahuha) and Lord and Jesus from Iesus,etc Why? To confuse us! ItsI possible to have mixed elohim in with it Just to mess it up. Here’s a 3rd idea .Satan mixed it up to make them, us, whomever think he created something? I have spent months trying to get to the bottom of Gen 1 vs 2. Good luck!
        The regormerr answers are the worst! They didn’t know it! Like politicians double talk.
        IveI watched 100 Kleck Videos now and He has something, including the shadow art stuff. Also, the money folded. If you can’t see what’s on the money, you’re Stupid or dilluded. And, He did not set a date, I’ve seen it! He said his guess of what HE thought was ..he never committed to a date.
        And… he’s right! The new $10 and $100 do show a nuke and water. The bible also says water as the walls of Jerusalem shall cover the City by the see and great will be the destruction of it! They will nuke NYC. Madonna did a Eurovision video on all of this. Oscars showed the wave, it’s on billboards too. O’Bummer said it too. I’m more worried a out a nuke in Manhattan than the terrorism overseas! Then we have Gruber, the prophet and others showing the USA being destroyed. But, itsi not Russian, Chinese,etc. It’s Satan (and God allowing it for judgement). And the Hoover dam too.
        I have not EVER seen or heard even 1 Christian preacher or church get it all 100% correct, ever! Not even the Reformers! Actually, as I study now, the Reformers are often out of date too. The Sda Church predicted the end wrongly too, let’s not even get started on their Wrong Sabbath! History has shown many things BUT futurism, pagan, evangelism or whatever else comes, THEY believe or push what they teach! So then, God may have done 1 thing, Satan will do his thing too. So don’t want even think his locusts, 3rd temple, Agenda 21 won’t happen! They will do these things! They are doing these things and they will kill us all and soon too. Earthquakes, hor sun, locusts (which Im sure they bred) already are here now! Enough locusts to eat all we grow. They are headed for us as we speak!
        Watch and see. They have nukes under water and wanna bet all over the US already? Madonna shows you and tells you
        Can’t see Klecks banned worldwide video on that now, was banned! I wrote and got hard copies. Learn from everyone and then debut k yourself. Good luck to ya. Kleck shows you what THEY are gonna do … that’s why I study it. And the man has something right.
        Saying it again. Much of our history, scripture and more is hidden and stolen from us. Woa be to you Christians who Only see the cannon .Do your homework! Churches lie to you. TheresT so many worthy worthy books that are even quoted in the cannon .Enoch, Jasher etc. And early fathers., Etc. There are hidden treasures.
        My X is Baptist and doesn’t even know that these books were I’m the bible once. So, watch more of kleck and use e sword!
        Sorry Im tired of everyone stopping at what theyret told .Wake up, pray and ask God. They have lied to you . Kleck has a lot to say
        Listen! Then pull out the good. If you really pay attention, you’ll leave every single church on earth. Not 100% right…then Wrong. We’d never have any teaching to ponder. I now search what they took away for answers. Take notes, learn!
        I just looked this up again . forgot where and have to paraphrased(too lazy to go look-long thing here). Yahusha says “a man who decides and doesn’t consider a matter, is a shame until himself”. Thanks

    • You are so right. There are so many misconceptions on this site it is unreal. First, he said that Michael told him to pray the HAIL MARY, and he did, yet, the author failed to recognize that Jonathan says LIGHT AND LIFE LEFT MY BODY and I knew where death came from. This is far from the statement above about this aspect of his testimony.
      Secondly, we ALL are fallen from grace. We are told to live our lives as SOJOURNERS IN A FOREIGN land. WHY?
      Why does Jesus make one new man out of the two? What two?
      Why does the bible talk about being “upright” like Jonathan does?
      The author of this page is going to hell. You can’t say that the Holy Spirit is a devil and think you’re going to dwell in heaven with him. You chose your own fate. Mr. Author, but consider all the blood on your hands by leading people astray.
      It’s written that the children of God would have people in the CHURCH who would kick them out of the synagogues. And here YOU are merely fulfillment of that prophecy. You have ears, and can’t hear, have eyes and can’t see.
      Jonathan also used to bug the crap outta me, however, I listened to the HOLY SPIRIT telling me KEEP WATCHING. Now everything makes sense! Litterally everything. From the Hosts of heaven being destroyed to the Cain and Able, Esau and Jacob lines, why the world is so evil, why the ‘god’ of this world isn’t the Most High. Why the Most High is a flaming fire and NONE of us are flaming fires, and why Jesus makes his ministers flaming fires. IT all makes sense. THE BIBLE IS PERFECT THOUGH and Jonathan proved that in his many videos. I feel sorry for those of you who read this lie from the pits of hell and believes it.

    • David, I agree some of the things he presents is information. I am not aware that he prayed to Archangel Michael or said he is being used to reveal the identity of the AC. I take the facts regarding the symbolism used by mass media and Hollywood, and in the US currency. That is factual and can be supported by other researchers. I ignore things he claims to “prophecy” , in fact I ignore any person’s predictions and dreams. But the first thing that stood out to me on this website is that they say we are IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION which is so clearly not true. We are in sorrows. The locusts are literally demons from the Abyss. Revelation is clear on that. The beginning of the Great Tribulation is marked by the covenant the AC signs with Israel and Palestines which will allow for rebuilding of the temple. That starts the BIBLICAL prophetic time clock. To make the assertion we are in Revelation is making the same speculation they are accusing this man of which makes them both false prophets. Period

      • Kathy, I’ve never said that Jonathan Kleck doesn’t teach some truth, that’s how he gets people to listen to him.

        I don’t believe that I’ve said that we’re in the great tribulation, so I’m not sure what you’re referring to.

        The locust of the fifth trumpet are not literal demons. Scripture uses the symbolism of locust to describe Arabs. The 5th Trumpet represents Elohim using the Arabian (Mohammedan) army against the Roman Empire from 612-762 AD, which is 150 years (5 months x 30 days = 150 days). They wore turbans (crowns of gold); they had beards (faces of men, as the Roman shaved); they had long hair like women; they wore chain-mail (breast-plates of iron); and they were fierce (teeth of lions). The ‘falling star’ was Mohammed, the ‘smoke’ out of Satan’s bottomless pit is the false religion of Islam, which hides the Gospel from Arabs eyes.

        Nowhere in Scripture does it say that the antichrist signs a covenant. Daniel 9:27 is about Messiah who came to confirm the covenant with His blood as the Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins, which ended the need for temple animal sacrifices. This website proves out the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9

        Your explanations don’t prove me to be a false prophet, they only reveal that you’ve been misled by the false, futuristic explanations of prophecy fulfillment that came from the enemy to fool the end times saints.

        I pray that you will search out the truth, as the enemy has created many deceptions to fool the end-times saints.

        • I think you should read deeper into your Bible before negating his gifts. I can prove he is right about Obama

          The number of the beast is 216. It will take wisdom and calculation… 6x6x6= 216 is an equation. Plato figured this out a long time ago. It is the cubed number, why the Muslims holy site is a cube.

          There is mathematical significance of the numbers. 27, 54,108 look at other religions for significance of 108. You can explain who they worship now… All numbers have a root of 9. Very important…

          Daniel 3 the idol in Dura, Babylon 60 cubits by 6 cubits. One cubit is 18 in

          6×18= 108 in

          72 is a multiple, think 72 virgins in Islam. Also represents the 1/3 of angels who fell. The 144,000 left to to spread the Lord gods word after tribulation, is represented of the 2/3 who stayed with lord god.

          I’m sure you’ve heard of the celebrity curse of 27?

          The 216th chapter in the Bible is Judges 4:6.

          Barak son of Abinoam. Anagram for Abinoam is IN Obama…

          Obama was born on Aug 4th 1961. The 216th day that year.

          The Zohar was published on Aug 4th 1588. The 216th day. Kabbalhaism is where much of the teaching of occultism is derived.

          Baphomet is the satanist god, using the Atbash cipher on Baphomet, you get the Greek word Sophia.

          In the Zohar, Jewish mysticism, they call their God Ein sof.

          Use this gematia calculator to show you they all share the same power number 68

          68 x 9=612. 216 reversed.

          So much has been hidden in the Bible. Maybe you don’t agree with Kleck. But he does speak In the Name of Jesus. And constantly tells his followers that Jesus is the only way.

          Don’t think the Bible can be hidden. Maybe it’s best you remember of the story of King James and Guy Fawkes. And the Catholic Church trying to blow up Parliament.

          The Catholic Church is the female riding the beast.

          • You proclaim that I need to go deeper in my Bible, and then your explanation is practically void of Bible verses and explanations. I think that you need to learn to apply the detailed description of the little horn of Daniel 7, the son of perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the antichrist beast of Revelation, and you will see that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill all of those roles.

            You’re right that the Catholic Church is the harlot of Revelation 17.

  10. Hi again,

    It has finally begun… Kleck is being transformed (by his brainchip handlers orchestrating thUgtopia) from an exposer of the Old World Order secrets… (the crowned divining serpent, EXITUS ACTA PROBAT on the Washington Peace Arch, and everything else that he has done in good-intensions (he was not personally trying to be wicked, he was tricked by the “word of god” weapon that Dr Duncan exposed on Jessie Ventura’s show.)) On April 17th (after the scam-demic that Dr. Andrew Kaufman exposed) Kleck is performing as a Judas Goat now.

    You posted my last comment, usually I am shadow-banned or just deleted off sites. I even caught Quora not only deleting my answers, but actually going in and changing my words… I noticed the change before logging out and changed it back to the words I used… suddenly my entire account there was deleted, never to be reopened because I caught a thUgtopian (one of the thUg-network rising their fake Utopia to delete all opposing religions to the Mystery School Cult). It is actually worse than this…

    This video is where Kleck begins to perform his true function as a Judas Goat
    “Did the”Frankie” Testimony ALERT Us ?? Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him “

    They are playing Kleck like a violin… and now he is being trained for a new mode that his techno-thUg handlers needed a few days to alter his presentation style.
    I can tell… in all his prior presentations I watched, the handler gave him the data and left it up to him to make a video about it using his own creativity. Now, the handler is telling Kleck exactly how he should present the data… it is a new phase of Kleck’s “feeding the sheep.”

    The thUgtopians enjoy Kleck exposing the Old World secrets, Kleck doesn’t realize how he is being played… He is convinced that the Creator-God is talking to him as much as Vincent Li though god commanded his attrocities, out of fear, he did it for thUgs, not a god. The thUgs like this because the only way that thUgtopia can wipe out the Christians is by tricking them into accepting their fake A.I. computer-voice god. Of course the brain interface can monitor whether Kleck is telling a lie or not… that is why “100% Nylon” is so important to Kleck… it convinces Kleck the voice must be supernatural or Kleck is a fantastically convincing liar. (Some people can sense the truth.) His “Lord” is just a wireless, nano, computer-brain-interface that Kleck can surgically remove off of his brain, or leave the micro-wave grid on a sailboat and there will be no voice of god giving him “supernatural” knowledge. The link will be severed.

    The brainchip is capable of rendering the brain unconscious… the zombie-chip can then take over the movement of the body, too. This is why Vincent Li did not murder Timothy McLean… Vincent was unconscious, if you understand the chip’s powers… the thUgtopian handler committed the murder and of course hasn’t been convicted for his crime.

    The Judas Goat wants the sheeple to now believe there are two souls inside each human… one for each eye or half of the brain. The numbers meaning stuff is just more cult dogma… which is like the position of the planets predict what is your gypsy horrorscope. The bees on the honeycone is Klecks excited purpose for serving his “voice of god” deception. The conversion or acceptance of becoming brainchipped and serving the new technocratic, Cult-system of living under dictatorship.
    He makes reference to the 5G… but that is for his future shows. Here is a video that tries to take your beliefs into what Kleck said he didn’t want to get into. “DNA Nanotechnology Mind Control Interface Links Humanity to Digital World Inside a Quantum Computer”
    These are more thUgtopians acting, trying to trick the sheeple that nanotech will link the “voice of god” without the need for a brainchip… this is a lie.
    Dr. Duncan is also doing the same thing in all of his fake “whistle-blowing” lectures. another Judas Goat. Like Alex Jones, Max Igan, Karen Hudes, Jordan Maxwell, David Icke… just to name a few Goats.
    There is so much packed into this video and Kleck has not been informed by the voice many of the deeper meanings. A big one is the replacing of reproducing humans with test-tube slaves. The Homo capensis skulls in Peru mostly exposed by Brien Foerster are the underground ancients that Philip Schneider discovered (they are not aliens). The “starchild” skull that Lloyd Pye championed was the sexless slave made for capensis to command because they did not have children. They were apparently able to stop most of their aging.

    Oh, the world gets even more strange as you begin to de-program what the thUgtopians have spent centuries ramming into our organized sheeple-beliefs through their “education” systems. It is all falling to pieces, hence the fake Covid-19 name.

    The thUgs will instead be using the microwave prison-grid and brainchips to terrorize the sheeple and then turn them into “Vincent Li” zombies. Li could not remember eating any body parts… yuk!
    I’ve had this page up since 2013
    but rarely go their anymore because of the Internet ghetto conditions… only comments from India were coming back… like all the comments… shadow banned.
    Now, with Musk making the device publically possible in the minds of the sheeple
    maybe now my efforts to help the joint effort to save our species from the hateful, greedy and horribly self-righteous… and thus self-annihilating, thUgtopian-empire (the world-wide network of thUgs) will be more fruitful.

  11. Good things come to those who wait! Jonathan Kleck is the angel of the church of Philadelphia! Obama is the son of perdition! The pope is the false prophet! Jonathan Cahn is the Servant of the most high FATHER! These are the end times spoken of in revelations in the king James holy Bible ! I am Daniel Lee Clingan sr. Here by swear these things are true!

  12. I used to watch Kleck’s videos years ago, fascinated, and even though he made some compelling connections here and there, something seemed off to me. I was pretty young in my walk, and God was revealing great and mighty things to me which I knew not (Jeremiah 33.3), so I stuck it out until his messianic arrogance became too disturbing. That was a few years ago, and now with our current tribulations upon us, I couldn’t help but wonder if Kleck was still deceiving people, seeing as none of his predictions came to pass. Hopefully many have turned away.

  13. Jonathon Kleck is hurting a lot of people who follow him. I’m afraid of what he might do in the next 2 weeks his countdown to the end as he discusses.

    • My sister watches him everyday all day long and he as her convinced that the end of the world is this year 2020. Someone said something was to happen on Halloween but of course nothing did. I just don’t know what to think of it. I always thought that it says in the Bible that no man knows the day nor the hour of Christ’s return. So tell me how all these people act like they know when he is to return?

  14. Very good to see you are taking caution with Kleck.
    I tried many times to inform Kleck that he had been brainchipped back when his confusion began. The voice in his head is the same hidden technology that was used to put the “voice of god” into Vincent Li. Li was bio-robot-ed to commit a murder on a Greyhound bus, but was also convinced that “god” was instructing him to cut the head off the target. Timothy McLean was a young carnie… they are gypsy-types or “travellers.”

    The Mystery School Cult is world-wide and expanding their microwave-tower prison-grid (study Dr. Barrie Trower). The Finish Dr. Rauni Kilde exposed the 1974 distribution of experimental brainchips to be placed into patients of the Medical Mafia… Like Wilder Penfield and Sem-Jacobsen’s “Race For The Brain”, and that Spanish bull-subdue-r, Delgato. Magnus Olsson gave a good attempt to expose brainchip voices in the head with Daniel Estulin’s documentary.

    There is so much to tell you about how the Christian’s defiance to the Mystery School Cult is very important and this is why the thUg-network created the opposition religions to hinder the universal good-will and good-intent to all mankind.

    Kleck is a tool of the thUg-network to help expose the secret origins within the Vatican or “Divining Serpent.” Kleck is propagating the Cult’s idealism hidden within the bible… always referring to the Strong’s concordances (which is also cult derived).
    Christians must understand that their good-intentions towards all mankind must be fundamentally upheld. Through such beliefs and desires the Cult will die-off and mankind will begin to progress towards our blueprinted design for great civilization-all achievements.
    But the Cult has rebuilt their “Tower-of-Babel” with AI and brainchips to recreate their hivemind of self-righteous greed and hatred… they are destine to dry-up and blow away, or self-annihilate them-selves.

    Be strong and learn well, good-souled people, from the thUgtopian failures that the Cult claims the new fiery phoenix rises from ashes in orbiting cycles of planets.

    • Thank you for sharing your insight James! That’s interesting about being brainchipped. He certainly has a lot of worldly illumination. Keep learning and growing in The Way! David

    • this is so devilish. Drink a lot of water my guy. I met satan at 14, 4 times in the spirit, and it’s nothing I’d wish on anyone. Watch Mary Baxters divine revelation of hell. People should think before they start calling people false prophets. The spirit running JK is Holy. He is jerkish in many ways. But he is freaking HUMAN. This is just shameful


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