Jonathan Cahn Is Deceiving You

Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn has been called America’s prophet, but you will soon learn that his prophecy explanations are wrong, and are deceiving people.

I read The Harbinger: the Ancient Mystery that holds the secret of America’s Future and believe that it is fiction, and not true fulfillment of prophecy.

He based the whole book on Isaiah 9:10, where the House of Israel made a defiant statement to rebuild after the Assyrians attacked them.

The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with hewn stones; The sycamores are cut down, But we will replace them with cedars.”

Isaiah 9:2 speaks of a light that will shine upon Zebulun and Naphtali.  That light is the coming Messiah, Jesus.

The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined. You have multiplied the nation And increased its joy; They rejoice before You According to the joy of harvest, As men rejoice when they divide the spoil.”

Isaiah 9:6-7 foretells the coming of the promised Messiah.

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”

When you read Matthew 4:13-16, it says that the first place that Jesus ministered was in Zebulun and Naphtali, the very places mentioned in Isaiah 9, the very places that were attacked first by the Assyrians.

And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles: The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.”

This is the area where Jesus, the Light of the World, found and called His disciples. That tells me that God was not upset by their statement in Isaiah 9:10, which is the basis of the story of the Harbinger.

The whole premise of his Harbinger book is flawed, because it is about the House of Israel, and the coming Messiah, Jesus; and it has nothing to do with 9/11 or America.

God did not cause 9/11, the Jesuits who control the CIA and Israeli Mossad did, to push the world towards their New World Order.

Jonathan Cahn has a new book called The Mystery of the Shemitah: The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future, the World’s Future, and Your Future!

It’s funny, most Christians don’t believe that the laws which were given in the Old Testament apply anymore, but they are buying into what Jonathan Cahn is teaching about the Shemitah, hook, line and sinker.

The Shemitah is the concept of giving the land a rest every 7 years, and if that doesn’t happen, then God will cause calamity.

Let’s be clear. The Schemitah was given to the Israelites to observe in the land which God gave them.  It does not apply to America.

He associates a pattern of financial collapses in the United States with the Shemitah. Of course in 2008, there was the housing collapse, which was caused be the Jesuits who control the major banks and financial institutions.

And he is warning that there will be a collapse in 2015 because of the Shemitah. I believe that the U.S. economy will collapse in September or October of 2015, but I do not believe it is the hand of God.

Jonathan Cahn said that “nobody could time the market so perfectly” as to match up with the 7-year cycle.  Really?

The leader of the IMF, which is controlled by the Jesuits of Rome, knows about the 7-year cycle. They control the world’s money supply. They control the International Bank of Settlements, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve and central banks in almost every country in the world.  They control the major banks and financial institutions.   They control the world’s interest rates. And they can crash the system on any day at any hour.

We know that the Jesuits of Rome control all of the financial institutions and the economy will collapse when their Federal Reserve raises interest rates, causing the quadrillion dollar derivatives market to crash. And maybe that is part of God’s judgment on us.

What Jonathan Cahn is doing is deflecting blame away from the Jesuits of Rome, the earth beast of Revelation 13, which control the world; and he is putting it directly on God.

If he really knew what he was talking about, he would be pointing his finger at the Society of Satan, which is fulfilling the prophecies in Revelation 13, 16 and 17.

And he said that America’s sins will lead to the destruction of Israel.

If Israel gets destroyed, it will be because it is a pagan nation, not because of America. If God really is behind the nation of Israel, He can protect it just fine without America’s help.

But let’s be clear about something…

The evil Jesuits, the earth beast of Revelation, control the financial system and they cause the financial collapses. The have setup a quadrillion dollar market of derivatives that are based on the interest rate.  And when the Federal Reserve increases the interest rates, it will cause the worldwide financial system to collapse.

It is the strategy of the Jesuits to cause a global economic collapse, to usher in their New World Order.

All the while, they will point to Jonathan Cahn’s book, and point to the God of the Bible as the cause of the financial collapse, making people hate Him and Christians all the more.

It’s ironic that most Christians don’t believe that they need to observe the Saturday Sabbath or the seven Holy Feast Days of God, which are to all of His followers…

But they believe Jonathan Cahn, maybe just because he is Jewish rabbi.

Follow the teachings of the Word of God, not a Jewish Rabbi.

That applies today as well as it did 2,000 years ago, when the Jewish Rabbi’s were misleading the people.

Our Messiah said to not call anyone Rabbi, which Michael Cahn should know, but he accepts the title from men anyway.

But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.” Matthew 23:8

The Scriptures tell us not to cover our head, yet Rabbi Cahn does exactly that, honoring his Talmudic Jewish beliefs over the Holy Scriptures.

Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God...” 1 Corinthians 11:4,7

Rabbi Cahn also uses the “V” hand sign, which he states is a symbol of blessing. The V hand sign represents the Hebrew letter, Shin. Its display is part and parcel of Jewish religion. It’s part of a Kabbalistic occult ritual.

Many Jews revere the Egyptian Kaballah. Rabbi Cahn has made references to the Zohar, which is used by Kabbalists.

Gershow Scholem (1897-1982), Professor of Kabbalah at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said that the Kabbalah contains a great deal of black magic and sorcery, to invoke the powers of devils to disrupt the natural order.


Kabbalism is Satanism because it says God is formless and unknowable, not even part of the universe. The essence of Satanism is to deny God. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists.

This version of the “V” salute is a greeting by Rabbis in the Hebrew tradition. The hand split down the center represents the 2 letters on each side of the “V” in deVil, as the initials DE and IL represent the fingers.

Related Study: Torah Jews Believe That The State Of Israel Is Illegitimate

252 thoughts on “Jonathan Cahn Is Deceiving You”

  1. Perry September 4, 2023 at 8:59 am>
    Why not go preach the gospel and quit trying to tear other ministries
    down!!! We’re you raised and educated in the Hebrew language and
    ways? What qualifies you to be judge and attacker of those who show
    you plainly Satan’s strategies and tactic?
    1) Reply of Jesus> Is this how you would treat your Maker of the way
    you treat God’s people who recall what He’s gifted them to live?
    “I’d like to help in the ministry of Yours to serve the church…”
    have you Perry replied to God? Why do you not let others
    be the same… is it the enemy doesn’t want the church
    of accord to the Bible. “Jesus be, the Bible is to be.,
    not in part… to whole.” You can be sure Perry… it
    was unkind your comment… bless church now.
    Is it you had all types of teachers male/female?
    Not exactly all are leaders… yet all made into
    God loves us & Jesus of whom we love.
    2) Reply To Perry>
    The only reply Jesus gives is He raised each who chose Him, safe.
    If a Child of God truly all in ministry in gifts are on the same team
    of Jesus to teach us to be obedient to Him. This is not to attack
    people to thru the Bible the Word sent one… learn to live. He’s
    only the Teacher. Jesus, never did He make us to be not the
    roles He made us for, then let Him use us where gifted. Be
    serving where no one has… Jesus commands, if led to He
    words thru you. His Holy Spirit leads… this is not tearing
    down ministries “Build up the church,” Jesus is leading.
    Only thru getting the will of God ongoing… is how to
    have the church accomplish Jesus be, the Bible is to
    be… not in part… to whole. If some have been of
    critical to others or of gender… how have you
    been with others “Watch Pistol Pete” movie.
    The differing views I’ve seen of attach the
    enemy puts out is this:

    1)One View>
    The critical> Not for a case of to be like
    Luke 10:25-37 story to bandage up. This
    of to the approach of those talk back.
    2)The Right View>
    Case> Jesus be, the Bible is to be
    not in part… to whole.

    Katy Joy Molenhouse

    • Edit… not a idea it posted differing the start to beliefs.
      I’ve been persecuted in my journey since I was born. 
      Only thru getting the will of God ongoing… is how to
      have the church accomplish Jesus be, the Bible is to
      be… not in part… to whole. If some have been of
      critical to others or of gender… how have you
      been with others “Watch Pistol Pete” movie.
      The differing views I’ve seen sided to let
      Jesus have occur & the Right view wins.

      1)One View>
      The critical> Not for a case of to be like
      Luke 10:25-37 story to bandage up. This
      of to the approach of those talk back.
      2)The Right View>
      Case> Jesus be, the Bible is to be
      not in part… to whole.

      Katy Joy Molenhouse

  2. To lesson for community to true people.
    Yr. 2010, story>while I was in church of sit/not met
    church/man. He & I had never seen each other since
    in person to yr. 2023. The man is not my one, true.
    Keep church to this> Jesus be, the Bible is to be…
    not in part… to in whole. For nature to of Jesus
    I do mind of people spent time while in dislike
    to be the church. 1 Thes. 4:11 I mind my own
    business. Release broken in heart Prov. 18:14.
    Pic. Jesus Hv. is for Real>

    Katy’s Healing/Journal

    Not the One/Never Met>
    In my life I faced a why again & again
    point. It like movie of “Amazing Love”
    Hosea. It was after Jesus threw back
    into the water some not the one. It
    seems we try to fight it back & then
    surrender bef. met. He was older
    by a yr. Alright then, I decide this
    Your will of if then a other one.

    I INFP/sense/hope/dreams

    True Future Husband To Come>
    Remark: Jesus be… the Bible be…
    not in part… but to in whole. Truly
    a woman is decided by the story of
    Adam-Eve biblical age order is the
    best. It not like some abductions in
    traffic of people to instead follow
    Jesus’ best plan. To decide age
    to true best friend… is someone
    who is mature who will live out
    2 Cor. 7:5 of a Child of God.
    I found Jesus helped myself
    give thought to my way &
    I was kept safe, pure ago…
    to ongoing.

    I INFP/sense/hope/dreams

    To Come the One…

    Jesus remarked / Word to Man:
    Eph. 5:25-27>1 Cor. 11:1-3>His godly life of God
    our Savior Jesus: Holy & blameless is what man
    must represent.

    Jesus Remarked / Word to Woman:
    Eph. 5:32>Women represent the Church.
    Of simply it’s of Jesus lets each woman to speak
    for the Church of topic. Relating to His godly life
    of to keep every Word of God, this: it truly life.

    Katy Joy Molenhouse A.D.A. / Eph. 5:11 Story

    Page 3 of 1-3

  3. This is about when our siblings Matt, Crystal,
    I Katy (youngest 2nd daughter) & John were
    orphaned of our Roy, Grandpa.

    Father’s Side:
    Never had met our true Grandpa Roy. He
    received some of army medals, not drafted
    yet, while on draft in the army Servicemen.
    He made their barracks for the men to stay
    in at the Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Roy & the
    drafted men along his side prepared to go
    to battle in gear for war. In army practice,
    they the men, would carry backpacks upon
    their shoulders, set on weapons & needed
    military essentials. It was a time to be the
    war against N. Korea regime. There to
    protect we the people, America soil, to
    keep unalienable rights, freedom & our
    Constitution. It for the good of to have
    God’s gift of life & to bless their families.
    I once had in a vision of Roy, Grandpa
    & Henrietta, Grandma. It was in a time
    when I needed their help alongside
    of God in Heaven… they meant it.

    Mother’s Side:
    Thru a dna test… I am related to the
    King Richard III. This could be how
    the family Richard passed into the
    story of the Mayflower passenger
    of the Warren name. Our grandpa
    passed info on of our G Grandma,
    his mother was almost all English
    and a little Dutch & taught some
    in a one room schoolhouse. In the
    family they owned a home in “NY,
    Hunt” of a farm & some horses. Of
    our story I grew up in… our family
    mysteriously moved our business
    to Warrenville. Time spent there…
    little did I know, after prayer to
    project, God spent to lead us
    to the family secret.

    Our mother, daughter in law to Hets
    Jim’s wife… story became to a King in
    the Holy Lands

    Nancy T. (William H. & Betty J.)
    -Molenhouse (our m. / f. Jim)

    July 25th, 2023 / Maternal>
    Holy Lands King 1109-1129

    To a King who in the Holy Lands
    maintained two knights. One said
    like of David ago: faithful, gentle,
    affable & kind, birth Jerusalem.
    Who being a experienced warrior
    soldier full of patience & wisdom
    in military affairs.

    Richard Warren’s Grandchild:
    Mercy Warren
    Feb. 20th, 1658 – Nov. 6th, 1727

    To have told… Jesus loves
    whom He is Maker of made.
    memoir shalom>

    Gifts whether Christmas or on Birthdays are to be personal to the
    heart of God Maker who is giving of good gifts to His own every
    child of God. Jesus our Maker loves each of us. The only gifts
    needed to share is our resources & the other ones kept special.

    I am Your besieged Princess of the Lord God, now in every stage
    of my life. Of small age, youth 9… then again & adulthood. To a
    climax of case the adult battery abuse happened of I woke up sad
    to feel backs & “unconscious” of someone’s intention. In year of
    2022, found I’m in the persecuted. Some tried to make myself in
    the slain of the Lord & I am now on melatonin “Jesus is refuge.”
    There’s the words at a ministry ago, Dr. Henry Right this way of
    words (passed) “(Katy) Your in a fight for your life.” This yr. to
    2023 found on a favorite pic. it had a word posted below “auto” unhelpful to thereafter later posts special to the
    will of the heart to God.

    Song>Blessed Be the Persecuted

    My Maker lives… My Maker lives… Jesus died… You died & rose
    again (repeat)! Your personally my own… in my heart kept… only
    it is meant to be told. All receive in meant too special to be shared.
    It true to believe.. received.

    page 2 0f 3

    • Legacy needs not the pg.

      This is a nice way to help life…
      Father Knows Best show like Boys Week,
      Bud faced the Law.

  4. Katy
    November 17, 2023 at 11:43 am
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Post 11/17/2023
    Luke 10:25-37

    Israel’s Messiah & Our Own to Promises J.C.>

    True Way Lord Jesus
    & Great Cloud of Believers,

    Roy, Grandpa & Hets, Grandma>

    Await Turn of Plans of God to His Will:

    Psalm 23 / August 15, 2010 (bef. to this) Ago I arrived… sat in church
    appointed to hear Psalm 23 read to ballet on stage. Song “Just to be
    with You…” they played. This one man I did not meet in talk had only
    sat a seat in a row in front of us (I alongside our parents how we sat
    in order.) Lastly, He made one time a prevented look my way. To the
    police I had told thought he’d been abused of due to concern. In life
    I had faced a why again & again point. It compared to Hosea’s like
    “this again, of concern” in the movie of “Amazing Love.” It there-
    after Jesus threw back into the water this not the one. It seems I’d
    try to fight it back & surrender bef. met. Alright then, I decide this>
    Your will of if then a other one, I Katy INFP/sense/hope/dreams.

    Prayed in 2018 & Jesus answered in 2021 in a reminder way in the
    how of date number. Prayed while 32 yrs. old of same age our own
    mother gave birth to I her daughter Kathryn Joy Molenhouse (Katy).
    I grew up Katie (child)-Katy (adult). The place I was in the Bible I
    had myself recall the word “children” in Isaiah.

    Prayer 2018: To a prayer “Can I possibly be married… have a family?
    Jesus 2021: After a place read in the Bible & child topic in… words
    came in talk “Yes!” It’s I believe He used I had believed Ps. 139:16
    plan to help him receive my prayer of the words turned my way.
    Meant: You are alright to marry Katy & have children>Jesus

    This November 2023 found out a way to describe future names
    of every child to God is of they first He births in the heart. Truly
    this is a romantic side of the story in the heart of a Child of God.
    It is thru a developed matured life… one knows while every year
    you grow & grow up into God. Wrote Poem “A Sweet Dream”
    of Heaven’s gift… proven He is of making this my future to my
    Maker. Every person must find out their own in Ps. 139:16.

    102:18 – 78:4
    Katy Joy Molenhouse (A.D.A)

    Page 1 break

  5. Israel is a people, not so much a state. Yes, they are given a place of milk and honey but that is secondary to being the “people” of Yah Way (God). The Jews were the first Israeli people. Christians are also Israel, as they believe not only in Yashua but also Yah Way. As a result, we are grafted into the nation of Israel via our belief. Sin, is actually Lawlessness, which is not following Yah Way’s commands. Yes, for the record we are to follow the Torah, the laws of God. See, Matthew 5:17-20.

    The entire story by Jonathan is based on our nation tuning away from God and His teachings. And the bible is repleat with stories of what happens when His people lose their way. We as a nation have turned our backs and more importantly turned our hearts on God. We are then (as a nation initially based on God and the belief) subject to the wrath of God, same as Israel in the bible. Whether the story in the book is true or not is anyone’s guess, but following along with the story and researching the parallel’s is somewhat scary. It is a “wake up” call regardless of one’s perspective.
    Now I can only speak for myself, but this has gotten me to read more and deeper into the Word of God. if Jonathan is a “false prophet” it has not worked to deceive me but rather, I am actually reading more of the bible than ever before!

    • Thank you for your comment Tim! Indeed, Israel is a people, not a state. The Jews are not the first Israeli people, as the tribe of Judah is but one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

      Thankfully, gentile believers have been grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel.

      That’s great that you’re reading more and digging deeper in the Word of God, but what Jonathan Cahn teaches about prophecy fulfillment is false.

      I prove that out in my 70th week of Daniel 9, Olivet Discourse and Revelation study series.

      • David,
        I agree with the scriptures you address in Daneil, however I believe the destruction of Israel is prophesied in Isaiah 9 and it follows the scriptures as to when and most importantly,, why Israel was destroyed.
        They turned their backs on Yah Way and He smites them for doing so.

        Israel is not the only nation that can be blessed by Yah Way.
        To think this way is to limit the Almighty and we can never do that.

        If a nation is conceived and created in the name of the Almighty and then turns a blind eye and deaf ear,, don’t you think the same destruction could befall such a nation?
        Seems to me we are certainly on the path of turning our eyes, ears and hearts away from God. And the result is the crap show we are watching today.

        I read the Harbinger and do not see a prophet (false or otherwise) stating such and such is going to happen on a specific day. I do see a history lesson one should be keen to remember. I also see a relationship between what has happened in the ancient past and a very concerning series of events in the recent past and “current” world we live in.
        Maybe we should all be on this band wagon to redemption/repentance verses fighting and calling each other names.

        The book in question is not calling for the “End Times” as mentioned throughout the bible. It is rather showing how our nation could be in the crosshairs of the Almighty’s wrath.
        I have prayed and hope that my voice/prayers will be heard and there will be at least 10 of us to save the country!! Yes, it’s a reference to Lott and Sodam and Gamora. 🙂

        My 2 cents worth.


        • Tim, Isaiah 9 is about the judgment of the House of Israel, which came at the hands of the Assyrians. And it’s about the promise that was made to them, that Messiah would shine the light of the Gospel on them.

          Messiah started His ministry in the very places mentioned in Isaiah 9 and called them to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Messiah found His disciples in the area where some from the House of Israel had regathered.

          The problem with Jonathan Cahn’s explanations is that he blindly supports the Zionist state of Israel, which rejects Messiah as their king. Israel is a very liberal nation and Tel Aviv the gay capital of the world.

          There’s much more truth about the Khazar Jews in modern Israel in the recent studies that I published on this website:


          • David,
            Your Jew hating “christianity” is showing!
            Do you hate America as well?? We have all the same issues just under the banner of christianity. Do you believe we are superior because we fly the “christian” banner?
            To simply dismiss someone because they are a Jewish is BS.
            Jonathan is a believer in Yashua Mashiach as are a lot of Jews with more converting every day.
            There is a website/YouTube channel called “One for Israel” you should check this out.

            Yes, the Assyrians took down the Israelites, but they were working on behalf of Yah Way whether they knew it or not. Yah Way will and does use whatever means He pleases to get His message across.
            The destruction of Israel was not so much about the future of Yashua but the fact that they were turning their backs to Yah Way and following and praying to false gods and idols. They were warned not do this and ignored the warnings. Thus, their destruction.

            Now I support Israel, the people of Yah Way, not the liberals in their state, nor the libs in ours. To cast the stones, you do, are stones that could be thrown right back at you. None of us are perfect, thus Yashua.

            Speaking to your Khazar Jews in modern Israel,, have you written the same message(s) concerning the cabals that run our country?

            I would suggest the following readings Jeremiah 33:3 and Isaiah 55:6-11.
            Just because Yashua has come doesn’t mean we are to ignore the Father nor His commandments.
            Yashua said it best in Matthew 5:17-22.

            Now with all this being said, my journey of reading and understanding the bible has only been happening for the last year or so. So, I am no expert and will never claim to be one. But the one thing I have discovered is that the entire bible is true and applicable to our lives today.
            I wish no hard feelings to anyone, but I stand by what little I currently know (I do reserve the right to learn and grow) and hope and pray for greater understanding each and every day! I do appreciate the links provided in our conversations above and will study them further.

            Currently, we shall have to agree that we have different points of views on a few topics as outlined in the above dialogs.
            I have enjoyed the conversation.


          • Tim, teaching the truth about the Khazar Jews in Israel is not hate. Was Messiah hating the Jews when He rebuked them in Matthew 23, calling them hypocrites, fools, blind guides, vipers and full on iniquity?

            I expose the evil people who control the USA in my Revelation Timeline Decoded video series:

            I focus on the modern state of Israel as many people base their prophecy fulfillment explanations around it. And it does fulfill Bible prophecy, but in a bad way:

            I suggest you read all that the Heavenly Father had to say about the Jews in Jeremiah and Isaiah in this study:


        • This site sounds like we need to be placing
          together the Help of Jesus for discussions.
          The Kingdom of light is abt. believers with
          Jesus, people & animals around us. Other
          Kingdom… not, it’s dark dark, dark, down
          like Daniel in the Lions Den. Call on God
          whenever the other place dark is against
          us positively “cope not judge.” Rest is of
          the Kingdom of Light of in the ark & to
          a rainbow of rest. Pray without ceasing…
          lets do for Jesus, He did for us praying
          us the works of His hands in Rev. This
          Whoever does for the least of these
          to give a glass of water to will lose
          not ones reward Mark 9:41 (NKJV).

          Proverbs 11:25 (NKJV)
          The generous soul will be made
          rich, and he who waters will also
          be watered himself.

          Mark 9:40 (NKJV)
          For he who is not against us is on
          our side.

          Thus says the LORD,
          The Holy One of Israel, and his Maker:
          “Ask Me of things to come concerning
          My sons; And concerning the work of
          My hands, you command Me.

          Faithful Ones… strong of loved by
          our Maker worded to us is maybe
          for close to Himself.
          Had seen a sight of our Gr-ma &
          Gr-pa a military PFC a couple in
          Heaven, then were also still…
          “Sons & Daughters of God” cool.

  6. Jesus Overcame “on all fronts”

    I love Jesus yes I know (2x), He has the kindest eyes you will you…
    you ever will know> Without sin… welcoming you in His arms of
    His Hug> Only look up & you’ll know He’s above Sovereign> Jesus
    does not delight robbery or in those destroying lives> Remember
    Jesus overcame on all fronts

    Song: Author Katy

    Those of the front lines ever of what for?
    Jesus be, the Bible is to be, not in part… to whole.
    To stand for those broken in heart fractured.
    alike to / Pistol Pete


    True Way the Lord Jesus God of Israel…
    Our Perfect King, Maker & Savior:
    Those of the front lines ever of what for?
    Jesus be, the Bible is to be, not in part… to Whole.
    To stand for those broken in heart fractured.
    alike to / Pistol Pete

    Every of the words
    the adversary who is
    adversity tried to be
    this missing word

    (Complete Copy)

  7. Jesus Overcame “on all fronts”

    I love Jesus yes I know (2x), He has the kindest eyes you will you…
    you ever will know> Without sin… welcoming you in His arms of
    His Hug> Only look up & you’ll know He’s above Sovereign> Jesus
    does not delight robbery or in those destroying lives> Remember
    Jesus overcame on all fronts

    Song: Author Katy

    True Way the Lord Jesus God of Israel…
    Our Perfect King, Maker & Savior:
    Those of the front lines ever of what for?
    Jesus be, the Bible is to be, not in part… to Whole.
    To stand for those broken in heart fractured.
    alike to / Pistol Pete

    Every of the words
    the adversary who is
    adversity tried to be
    this missing word

  8. Jesus Overcame “on all fronts”

    I love Jesus yes I know (2x), He has the kindest eyes you will you…
    you ever will know> Without sin… welcoming you in His arms of
    His Hug> Only look up & you’ll know He’s above Sovereign> Jesus
    does not delight robbery or in those destroying lives> Remember
    Jesus overcame on all fronts

    Song: Author Katy

    Those of the front lines ever of what for?
    Jesus be, the is to be, not in part… to whole
    To stand for those broken in heart fractured
    similar to Pistol Pete Movie.

  9. David,

    May God be honored thru your service to Him
    & the Saints in called Child of God. You & us
    will be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God!
    Israel become the praise of all the earth & to
    forever to come! Jesus be, the Bible be &
    not in part but in whole to He wrote this!
    From the True Church, we all love you!
    Thank you for allowing the church to
    contribute to your page & for kindly
    inviting people to contribute to your
    ministry! God bless!

    Child of the Lord Jesus, Katy

  10. David,

    Could you give us proof your there or are you on vacation?
    In dangerous times… what way can people give proof we’re
    all fine & to the times to come? Jesus loves us, never forget
    He overcame the world!

    John 16:33
    “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you
    may have peace.” “In the world you have tribulation,
    but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

    1 Peter 5:6-7
    6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of
    God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, 7 casting
    all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. 8 Be
    of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil,
    prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone
    to devour. 9 But resist him, firm in your faith,
    knowing that the same experiences of suffering
    are being accomplished by your brethren who
    are in the world. 10 After you have suffered
    for a little while, the God of all grace, who
    called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will
    Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen &
    establish you. 11 To Him be dominion
    forever & ever. Amen.

    The Fight of Jesus “THE BATTLE IS HIS OF OUR LORD!”

  11. 1 Peter 5:6-11

    6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time,
    7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
    8 Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
    9 But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.
    10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
    11 To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen.

  12. Lord Jesus, God of Israel… we pray truly in broken
    hearts. Yet what remains of your Word that will get
    us by is to be positive. Please do not allow light to
    paths to wrongdoing of any & in times of war.
    Instead light paths to only what is right.
    This be promised whenever you decide.

  13. To a post on IFCJ:

    If the church ever thought pointing at
    the covered in the blood of the Lamb
    condemning. Get Instead to Here:

    Never are we the true church unworthy…
    this due to the worth of SALVATION to
    reveal the SAVED sons of God. ALL OF
    MANKIND is to be S-trong S-ons in our
    Mighty Awesome Warrior Jesus (Zeph.)
    to well done! Good & Faithful servants…
    Luke 10:25-37.

  14. It is only Jesus who we let search what of
    mystery he has for us solved. In my life I’ve
    been thru being besieged of I a princess of
    the Lord God every stage of life. If of asked
    what for… Jesus be, the Bible be, not in part
    but in whole. If not thru, it fractures hearts
    Prov. 18:14.


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