This End Times Deception study will focus on Michael Rood, who positions himself as a Messianic teacher.
Some Christians tend to trust Michael because he cites Hebrew sources. Michael claims that one cannot understand the New Testament from Greek, or from a Greek translation.
The irony is that his Revelation prophecy fulfillment explanations are wrong, so apparently understanding the ‘Hebrew’ version of Revelation hasn’t helped him.
I’ve used the Greek and English and I understand it just fine. That’s proven out on the Revelation Timeline Decoded website.
Who is Michael Rood?
According to a brochure Rood produced to promote his seminars, “Michael John Rood is an ordained nondenominational Christian minister.” His “ordination” is from a cult called The Way International (TWI) required only minor instruction in an unaccredited TWI program.The Way International was a free love cult that was founded by Victor Paul Wierwille, who denied the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many of Rood’s teachings and practices are drawn from this cult which was widely denounced by Christian leaders and TWI’s ex-followers alike.
Michael Rood rose to fame when he dogmatically and bombastically predicted that the prophetic “Day of the Lord” would begin on the Feast of Trumpets in the fall of 2000. Of course that didn’t happen, so he made excuses.
Should you trust someone who got his education from a cult and who has past false prophecy teachings?
He points to a futuristic one-man antichrist, but the saints have been proclaiming that it is the office of the papacy for 1,000 years; many of them paying for their witness with their blood.
Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist
The Protestant Reformers rightly identified that the office of the papacy fulfills Bible prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation.
Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast
Micheal Rood is not telling you those things, which deflects blame away from Rome.
He points to a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, the supposed 7-year tribulation period.
The concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel is a deception from the Jesuits of Rome, who created it to deflect blame away from the antichrist Popes.
There is no future 7-year tribulation period, as the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week; when Messiah and His disciples confirmed with the Jews (for seven years) that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood, as the Passover Lamb.
The seven years ended after the Jewish leaders stoned Stephen to death, marking their final rejection of their promised Messiah. Then the book of Acts clearly shows a dramatic shift, as the Gospel was also preached to the Gentile nations.
Here’s a study series which proves that the 70th week was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week.
Read The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception
He teaches that Jesus ministry was only 1 year long, instead of 3 1/2.
Here’s three events in John where it records that Jesus went to Jerusalem.
At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, John 2:13, “And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem“
John 6:4 “And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.“
At the end of Jesus’ ministry, John 13:1, “And before the feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour hath come, that he may remove out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own who are in the world–to the end he loved them.”
Michael Rood claims that John 6:4 was added later and should not be in the Bible text. He says this leaves only two Passovers, one when Jesus started His ministry, and the other when Jesus was crucified, thus the one-year ministry. So let’s look to see if there is evidence that John 6:4 was added later.
In 175 AD Irenaeus wrote an opposing response to Gnostic teachers, who claimed the ministry was one year in an attempt to have it correspond to the pagan zodiac.
(Interestingly, Michael Rood’s calendar is based in part on the Zodiac calendar, and he also needs Jesus’ ministry to be one-year in order to make his teachings work.)
Irenaeus used John 6:4 as evidence to counter the Gnostic teachers, so the passage certainly existed in Irenaeus’ copy of John. This refutes Rood’s claim that it was added later.
Not only do we have the testimony of Irenaeus in Lyons that the passage existed but P66 and P75, the two most important manuscripts we have of John’s Gospel (both date from about the 200 AD), contain the verse.
Here’s a link to the P66 where it contains a list of verses that are on the manuscript, with John 6:4 included on the list
The top Bible scholars do not say that John 6:4 should not be included. This includes Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible, Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary, John MacArthur’s Study Bible, Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary and Pulpit Commentary.
Once you throw out Michael’s argument that John 6:4 shouldn’t be included in the Bible, you can clearly see that the book of John mentions three Passovers, which proves that Jesus ministry was more than two years long.
And that destroys Michael Rood’s theory about Jesus one-year ministry.
Also of note is that his teaching is in direct opposition to the Word of God in the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy, which clearly defines a 3 1/2 year ministry of the Messiah.
It says that the Messiah would appear after the 69th week, in other words in the 70th week, which is 7 years long. His ministry started when He was baptized and anointed, and He began preaching the New Covenant to the House of Israel.
Daniel 9:27 then tells us, “But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.” It’s saying that He would be ‘cut off‘ (Daniel 9:26), meaning crucified, in the middle of the 7 years, which caused the need for the temple sacrifices to end.
In this video, Michael Rood teaches about the futuristic “confirmation of the Covenant” that initiates Daniel’s 70th week.
This is false teaching, as the covenant of the 70th week of Daniel is the covenant that Messiah came to ratify with His blood as the Passover Lamb.
Here’s more detailed studies on the 70th week of Daniel, which prove that is lasted 3 1/2 years:
Proof That Jesus 3 1/2 Year Ministry Occurred In The 70th Week of Daniel
The Anointing Of Christ Started The 70th Week Of Daniel
Some of what Michael Rood teaches is true and he makes some excellent points about the Holy Feasts of God, but he has a track record of false teachings, and I would warn people to stay away from him.
Titus 1:10-11, 13-14 warn us, “For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach…For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith, not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth“
For the record, I don’t observe Easter, Christmas, Halloween and Sun-day worship.
I observe the Heavenly Father’s seven Holy Feast days which Messiah is fulfilling to redeem His set-apart saints, and I observe the Scriptural Sabbath. I don’t eat pork or shellfish, as our Heavenly Father forbade them because they are unclean animals due to the fact that their bodies are filled with toxins from being scavengers.
I’ve come out of Babylonian-Roman Christianity and on my Come Out Of Her website I expose those man-made teachings.
Sources for additional study about Michael Rood:
Rood has continued many of the themes and practices which made TWI theologically a cult of Christianity.
It is obvious that Michael Rood is another HEBREW ROOTS false teacher attempting to drag as many as possible back under the Law of Moses, which Israel did not keep LONG before the Pharisees came ( see Jeremiah) and cannot keep today.
This The LORD JESUS CHRIST ( Y’SHU+ the M’SHIKHA+ in Aramaic, YESHUA ha MASHIYACH in Hebrew, JESUCRISTO in Spanish, ‘ISA+ in Arabic, etc. ) told us in John 7:19.
The LAW was nailed to the CROSS, taking it out of the way, the Apostle told us in Colossians 2:14. The LAW was nailed to the Cross at the Crucifixion of Our LORD and SAVIOR+ JESUS CHRIST ( Y’SHU+ the M’SHIKHA+ in Aramaic, YESHUA ha MASHIYACH in Hebrew, JESUCRISTO in Spanish, ‘ISA+ in Arabic, etc. )
The Word says:
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to HIS+ Cross;
The HEBREW ROOTS camp — of which Michael Rood is a promoter — always RE-WRITES Scriptures in order to establish the Hebrew Roots’ doctrines, which is why he and HIS FOLLOWERS revert back to the Torah.
There are several RE-written New Testaments or Gospels from that school of thought and Michael Rood’s CHRONOLOGICAL GOSPELS is one of the WORST of the lot. … Hebrew names and terms notwithstanding.
[ His references to “ancient” manuscripts are not very ancient at all, if one checks the dates on Skypoint or even in the appendix in Nestle-Aland’s 26th edition of the Greek New Testament. ]
Like all the others in the HEBREW ROOTS camp, Michael Rood claims there is NO NEW COVENANT… only a “RE-NEWED” Covenant. He is wrong because he does not rightly divide the Word of GOD in Jeremiah 31:31-32…
31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a NEW covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32 NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT THAT I MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS …
Also, it is apparent he simply does not know the Aramaic nor did he avail himself of the many helps that are freely published on the internet.
Anyone can check the Aramaic on ( Peshitta Tools tab at the top ) to find the Aramaic words and grammar of each verse in the New Covenant — explained in English — to verify that NEW is only used as an adjective ( as in NEW COVENANT). When RE-NEWED is used, it is a VERB FORM ! So grammatically and linguistically, Scripture does NOT SAY “renewed” Covenant in the Hebrew or Aramaic.
But WORSE… page 135 of his ill-crafted Chronological Gospels, Mr. Rood says John 6:4 was OMITTED in “ancient” manuscripts , minuscule 472 and 850.
It is another lie, mingled with a sliver of truth. Neither minuscule manuscript ( GK ) is ancient, with 472 a 13th century ms and 850 a 12th century ms. Not too old, yes ? [ Neither is this information HIDDEN; it is found on Wikipedia, “minuscule 850” and “minuscule 472” , folks. ]
Manuscript 472 does OMIT John 6:4. He fails to mention , however, that John 6:4 is FOUND INTACT WITH NO VARIANTS in Papyrus 66 and Papyrus 75 … dating from 200 to 400 AD…. and in the THOUSANDS OF GREEK MANUSCRIPTS and Old Latin manuscripts and in the Early Versions, also, including the Peshitta.
Manuscript 850, however, has NONE of John 6 in it… nor John 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, etc. Ms. 850 has ONLY John 7:25 through 10:18 in it !
So it is irrelevant for Mr. Rood to say Ms 850 “omits John 6:4.” That is totally DISHONEST SCHOLARSHIP foisted upon the unknowing sheep.
The significance of John 6:4 is that it COLLAPSES the time frame of Mr. Rood’s Chronology.
Mr. Rood’s Gospel book is FULL of sleight-of-hand tricks like that. Perhaps he thinks no-one will take the time to CHECK OUT HIS STRANGE FACTS and statements ?
The sad part is that FEW DO… and when his followers are WARNED, they respond in anger to those attempting to warn them of the SNARE.
Remember: Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and BEING DECEIVED. 2 Timothy 3:13.
May the LORD open the eyes of the blind, once again.
You hold out P66 miniscule as evidence that John 6:4 is in the oldest known Greek text, yet recent studies point to the fact that P66 contained the Tau-Rho combined into a staurogram, a device that began being used in the 4th century. According to Dr. Brent Nongbri this shows a later dating of the P66 miniscule placing it squarely within the time frame for Eusebian modification of ancient Greek and the purging of anything Jewish from the christian religion by Constantine and his bishops.
The 4th century Synod in Laodicea set forth the edict to work on the Jewish Sabbath while honoring the day of the Sun, a day that has always been dedicated to the worship of Mithra and Ra. This Synod also ordered that no christian should partake of any of the Jewish Feasts.
A simple examination of the 4 synoptic gospels when aligned with the Feasts of the Lord bright lines the errors introduced with a 3 1/2 year ministry heresy.
The 3 1/2 year ministry was invented to explain a particular eschatology that is false. This concept destroys the beautiful chronology of scripture making it impossible to determine the exact days of His work along the seashores of Galilee.
Other scholars have disputed the validity of John 6:4 as well. It breaks the narrative setting up a scenario that cannot be supported when viewed from the perspective of ancient Judea and Torah compliance.
If John 6:4 is valid then Jesus never went up to the Feast, He is a law breaker and a sinner and cannot be our Messiah.
Forgetting that Matthew, Mark and Luke all indicate the feeding of the five thousand just before the Fall Feast of Tabernacles, to believe John 6:4 you must ignore any chronology whatsoever, Jesus was feeding the multitudes with leavened barley loaves, the people were not in Jerusalem where the Torah and the law commanded them to be. Its ridiculous unless you divorce yourself from anything Jewish and make up your own doctrine and dogma, then of course anything makes sense including a 3 1/2 year heresy.
It never occurred to me in all of my years as a Baptist that the ministry of Jesus was laid out in a particular chronological order or that the chronology was of any importance, the church certainly didn’t seem to care much about the length of his ministry as message after message propounded only that He lived, died and rose again as if that was all that mattered.
For sure the death, burial and resurrection of Messiah matters, for if He did not rise on the third day as promised we are all without hope of resurrection ourselves, there can be no life eternal without the Bread of Life or His Resurrection Power.
However, there is so much more to the story than just He lived, died and rose again. There is a much deeper understanding to experience if we but release pagan myths and lies that we have inherited from our fathers of ignorance and pride.
The Word which became flesh was not written in the English language, nor was it penned in the Greek but was first determined in the mind of the Hebrews that walked with him as the Ruach Ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit) directed and most likely inked in the language of the day which was not Hellenistic Greek contrary to popular belief.
The Bible we have in our hands has traveled a circuitous and at times perilous route, translated from Aramaic to Greek, to Latin, and then finally English there has been much that has been lost in translations, not to mention that deliberate manipulations and twisting of the meanings designed to force fit some denominational doctrinal dogma.
The Ancient, Pre-Nicene, Apostolic Church ALWAYS assembled on the FIRST DAY of the week to worship together, read from the Prophets and any of the Apostles’ writings that were in circulation, and to eat the weekly Passover Meal of Bread and Wine.
This was LONG before Constantine WAS EVEN BORN ( 272-337 AD ).
Remember, The LORD JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA+ ha MASHIACH+, stayed with HIS+ Disciples 40 days and nights AFTER HIS+ Resurrection, opening unto them the Scriptures concerning HIMSELF+ and teaching them those things concerning the Kingdom of GOD. Acts 1:3, Luke 24
The LORD JESUS set this up … NOT Constantine.
It was and is a totally NEW COVENANT, NOT a warmed-over Old Covenant. We now obey CHRIST who fulfilled the Law; we keep ALL of HIS+ Words, denying self and taking up the Cross and following HIM+.
David Bercot, in the Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, p. 405, writes: “What today is commonly referred to as Sunday was usually called The LORD’S DAY by the Early Christians.”
Here is what the Early Christians did :
Bercot, pg. 405-406 …. several quotes from several early Christian apologists, several of them living BEFORE CONSTANTINE, like Justin Martyr ( c.160):
“And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the MEMOIRS OF THE APOSTLES or the writings of the Prophets are read … But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which GOD … made the world. And JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR+ rose from the dead on that same day. ”
Justin Martyr , circa 160 AD, Ante-Nicene Fathers , vol. 1, pg 186. First Apology of Justin, chapter LXVII, Weekly Worship of the Christians.
It would behoove us all to be like the BEREANS, and to verify the information we are being told, for no group or author is going to stand in our place on Judgment Day.
Another fake report to discredit Michael Rood.
No worries, just pray to Yahovah and ask for truth.
HE WILL surely give it to you.
I pray that Yahuah gives you truth Hubert, as you are being misled about prophecy fulfillment.
The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception
The Olivet Discourse Deception
The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2
Islam In Bible Prophecy
Revelation Timeline Decoded
Perhaps you should listen to Rood’s teaching on “The Jonah Code”, you might change your mind.
I sat in a pew in different assemblies for over 20 years listening to these different teachers/preachers and finally got to the point where I said, “there has to be more to the gospels than this!
Someone introduced me to the “Hebrew Roots” teachings, Michael Rood being one of the teachers; it was at this time I finally began to understand what Jesus taught; and it wasn’t about the “greasy grace, sloppy agape” the church hears today.
In HIS service
I’ve listened to some of Michael Rood’s teachings, and he has some good insight, which you won’t hear in a Protestant Church. The point of this page is that much of what he teaches about prophecy fulfillment is false.
Here’s a list of my prophecy studies series, teaching you the historical view of prophecy fulfillment, which you won’t get from most teachers, as the deception is grand!
The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception
The Olivet Discourse Deception
The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2
Islam In Bible Prophecy
Revelation Timeline Decoded
As I look around the internet everybody is called false by someone. Those Bethel baptist across town with the green carpet instead of my first baptist red carpet are in error. Satan is at work sowing division among the churches’ over petty issues. Bottom line are we following our Messiah. He didn’t say to gossip or backbite. Jesus even says if they are not against us they are for us. LK 9:50 I personally have always had a hard time with Christmas easter and otherr pagan holidays being mixed with Christianity. Scripture says we are to flee from the appearance of evil. Also as the Bereans we are to search the scriptures to see if what is said is so. He who is without sin please throw the first stone. We have all had thoughts and beliefs except by the grace of God thru the Holy Spirit have been corrected. Also the Apostles were unlearned men and I see on here that if I don’t have a degree I must be wrong. really? Where is that in scripture. The Lord prefers to use un trained unskilled workers so the world knows it is of God and not the person.
O.K can someone please explain to me why Jesus would not go up to Jerusalem to prepare for the Passover if it says in John 6:4? He goes in the opposite direction to teach in the Galilee. He feeds 5 thousand men,women and kids leavened barley loaves. It was required that all males 13 and up were to travel to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover. Then a few days later He feeds 4000 more with leavened barley loaves. It was law to remove all leaven out of the land of Israel for the feast. I guess He broke the law of the Torah. How come when the Pharisees came to where He was, they did not confront Him for not being in Jerusalem for Passover? They berated him and His disciples for not washing their hands, according to their traditions or man made laws? Also, what were they doing 16 to 18 hours away outside of Jerusalem during the Passover? I am not very smart but 40 years as a Christian gives me some clout. yes. We have been sold a false set of goods by well intention-ed men through the many years of preaching, teaching and so on. I personally have fact checked Rood and have done my own research and digging. I do not follow a man or listen to one, even if he is at our church pulpit or on T.V. Jesus did not have no 31/2 year ministry. They wanted to kill Him after a few months after He began to preach. Your going to tell me that the corrupt powers that were in that day, were going to put up with Him getting in their faces for that long? Get real. John the baptist only lasted a few months and they killed him. If you combine all 4 gospel accounts in chronological order, its hard to find even a year of ministry. Christians better start thinking for themselves and not be afraid to venture out on the water. I thank Him that I have found out these ancient truths about who He really is in these last months. I am pissed off that here we are in the body still clinging to these errors that destroy the faith and warp peoples understanding. I guess you must still think that he died on good friday and rose on Sunday morning, just in time for our sunrise services too. never really looking at the sign of Jonah.
I understand the point about John 6:4, but even without it, there are three mentions of Messiah attending Passover, the last one of coarse was when He was sacrificed as the Passover Lamb.
Even if there are only two mentions of Passover, we can see that He started His ministry in the fall, and was sacrificed in the spring; so that proves that His ministry lasted 1.5 years.
But for arguments sake, let’s just say that His ministry lasted for only 1 year. What’s the point? What does that prove? How does that help us?
Daniel 9:26 proclaims that Messiah was killed halfway through the 70th week of Daniel, so He was killed 3.5 years into the 7 years.
In the book of the Acts, wasn’t the church first started as a cult. It does say they brought everything they had and gave it to the church to be spread equally amongst everyone.
The Bible does say woe unto the man everyone specks good to or about.
I know as a semi-retired pastor, just how easy it is to misunderstand somethings in Scripture, in daily life and practice as a Christian.
From a New Testament viewpoint we are wise if we learn, follow and truly practice the Apostolic teaching and practice. The Holy Spirit owns this, and works in and through people who follow the Apostolic doctrine and teaching.
Apart from that, one is, as can been seen in many Churches today are lead into a plethora of errors,spiritual delusions and dangers.
If we will not go the way of the Holy Spirit and the Apostolic doctrine and teaching
one only leans to their own understanding and opinions.
I suspect Micheal Rood is sincere enough, but in some points, sincerely wrong.
If he is as open to the Lord as he claims, let us pray for him that the Lord would truly fill him with the truth as it is in Christ Jesus and the Apostolic doctrine and teaching.
Outside of that, Micheal cannot claim any authority of God for to the Church.
Keep the faith guys! Let’s pray for each other always! Peace, David Strong.
Stop shouting at, and accusing each other you idiots! This is exactly what THE ENEMY wants us to do! If Rood is wrong, he will be both found-out, and, exposed, as they all are, whether they want it that way or not! Crikey! Even if he were a prophet, so what! Following him or any prophet, would not save anyone! Faithfully following GOD (only-GOD!), is the only way to salvation! And that, is the greatest instrution from our GOD’s-words that there is! Let’s give each other, the benefit of the doubt of well-meaningness shall we? But, follow only GOD! Obeying only, the words of GOD, especially, as they’re given to us, by GOD, in his HOLY-WORD! Gimminey-Cricket-Guys! Thanks for taking the time to read my words. May GOD be able by your faith, to bless you one-and-all! David Strong.
What the enemy wants is for people to just sit around and not find the truth, and not expose the many deceptions.
People need to know how prophecy is going to play out in these last days, so that they are not deceived by the antichrist, and so that they are ready for Messiah’s return.
Following a false prophecy teacher will cause you to be like a foolish virgin, unprepared. So if you want to be ignorant about prophecy fulfillment, then listen to David Rood. If you want to learn the truth, then here are my websites. I will always fight for the saints, so that they are not deceived.
The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception
The Olivet Discourse Deception
The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2
Islam In Bible Prophecy
Revelation Timeline Decoded
we should be praying that none will be deceived. Especially for those ones who are being deceived .
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind . Like 10:27
Thank you for your comment Dana! Yes, we should pray that none will be deceived.
david, I agree with you, but you lose all credibility when you yourself start your rant by shouting and calling names. I mean really, man? Talk about practice what you preach, you need to take your own advice. You started off by yelling “Stop shouting at, and accusing each other you idiots!”
Every sentence you end with an exclamation point because you are yelling at them thru your writing. THEN, you call them all idiots. Remember when Jesus said not to call your brother a fool? Cause you just did that.
So, you yell at them yourself, and call them idiots, which is the same as a fool. I mean, how hypocritical can you get?
I’m just pointing it out because you obviously are so unaware of your own hypocrisy that only calling you out in public will make you realize how blatant your own hypocrisy is. Please do better. If you want yelling and infighting to stop, I suggest you don’t yell and call names in your plea to others to stop yelling and calling names. You get it, right? Please tell me you get it.
To be clear, it was David Strong who commented with “Stop shouting at, and accusing each other you idiots!”, not me. My comments always have the Lies/Truth icon next to them.
If believers can t see through the deception of Michael Rood, then what hope do they have of knowing who the Antichrist is? Messianic believers in Israel wouldn t touch Rood with a 20 foot pole!!!
I really think Michael is a really very decent person, now he sometimes miss things from time to time and he comes clean when he does, he has been stab in the back twice , but he did get the Palestinians attacks in Israel in 2000 or 2001 he got that right, also the Chronological Gospels, i’m reading it from what i see Michael has really done a work of mastering, this is a book a long time in coming
Arthur, this article has nothing to do with whether Michael is a decent person or not. It’s about the fact that what he teaches about prophecy fulfillment is wrong. Read this Bible Prophecy Made Easy and you will see many of the things that he teaches about prophecy fulfillment is contrary to Scripture.
I can’t go along with your essay on Michael Rood. The Crucifixion, burial, and resurrection did not take 2 days. And the New Testament Matthew did NOT command [through Christ’s words] us to obey the WORDS of the Rabbis NOT found in the Torah (our bible) who sit in ‘Moses’ seat. And I don’t believe in the Easter Bunny, nor Santa, for that matter. And I don’t hold it against people who do–not yet, anyway. And no, Salvation is STILL NOT predicated on just believing, but on DOING the word (the commands of Jeshua–that’s Jesus, to you). You seriously can’t believe you’ll get your ticket punched by speaking a certain formulaic mantra (the famous John 3:16), do you? Really?
Charles, I am not a typical christian, who believes that Messiah died on Friday and rose on Sunday. But the scriptures do proclaim that Messiah rose on the third day.
Here’s a few examples: Luke 24:7, ‘The Son of Aḏam has to be delivered into the hands of sinners, and be impaled, and the third day rise again.’
and that He was buried, and that He was raised the third day, according to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:4
Here is a study that gives more information on the 3 days and 3 nights.
You call Him Jeshua? There was no J in the alphabet. Shua means ‘to cry’. I call Him Yahusha, which means ‘Yahuah, the Father, saves’. Here is the study
Not sure how you think that you know what I believe. Read the Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2 study series, and you will see that I don’t call myself Christian. But sadly, Christians don’t understand that the Roman religion of Christianity was created so long ago.
What about acts 11:26
Them being called Christians first at Antioch?
Peter, the title of ‘Christians’ in Acts 11:26 should be rendered as “Messianics”, as they were followers of the Messiah. The Scriptures Bible reads, “and having found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came to be that for an entire year they came together in the assembly and taught large numbers. And the taught ones were called ‘Messianites’ first in Antioch.”
(j). YHWH has 7,000 years of plan. But it is not just like you thought but in this way only.
4 days = 4111 BCE to CE 1889 = 4,000 Years.
2 days = CE 139 to CE 2139 = 2,000 Years according to Hoshea 6:1-2; John 4:40-44; Matthews 23:37-39.
3rd Day = CE 2139 to CE 3139 = 1,000 Years of reign by the Messiah according to Hoshea 6:1-2; Rev. 20:6-7.
The whole Jewish people will receive The Jewish Messiah after 2 days only (John 4:45; Hosea 6:1-2).
Therefore 7 Days = 4 days + 2 days + 1 day.
We should not count from 4231 BCE to CE 3139.
Or we should not count from 4111 BCE to CE 3139.
Or we should not count from 4000 BCE to CE 3000.
Or we should not count from 3761 BCE to CE 3239.
Thank you,
Michael Rood is giving you false prophecy fulfillment explanations, which makes him a false prophet. No, I don’t know truth 100%, but I can explain the book of Revelation to you. I can tell you what has been fulfilled, where we are at now on the fulfillment timeline, and what will happen next as we await Messiah’s return.