Michael Rood Is A False Prophecy Teacher

This End Times Deception study will focus on Michael Rood, who positions himself as a Messianic teacher.

Some Christians tend to trust Michael because he cites Hebrew sources. Michael claims that one cannot understand the New Testament from Greek, or from a Greek translation.

The irony is that his Revelation prophecy fulfillment explanations are wrong, so apparently understanding the ‘Hebrew’ version of Revelation hasn’t helped him.

I’ve used the Greek and English and I understand it just fine.  That’s proven out on the Revelation Timeline Decoded website.

Who is Michael Rood?

According to a brochure Rood produced to promote his seminars, “Michael John Rood is an ordained nondenominational Christian minister.” His “ordination” is from a cult called The Way International (TWI) required only minor instruction in an unaccredited TWI program.The Way International was a free love cult that was founded by Victor Paul Wierwille, who denied the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many of Rood’s teachings and practices are drawn from this cult which was widely denounced by Christian leaders and TWI’s ex-followers alike.

Michael Rood rose to fame when he dogmatically and bombastically predicted that the prophetic “Day of the Lord” would begin on the Feast of Trumpets in the fall of 2000. Of course that didn’t happen, so he made excuses.

Should you trust someone who got his education from a cult and who has past false prophecy teachings?

He points to a futuristic one-man antichrist, but the saints have been proclaiming that it is the office of the papacy for 1,000 years; many of them paying for their witness with their blood.

Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

The Protestant Reformers rightly identified that the office of the papacy fulfills Bible prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast

Micheal Rood is not telling you those things, which deflects blame away from Rome.

He points to a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, the supposed 7-year tribulation period.

The concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel is a deception from the Jesuits of Rome, who created it to deflect blame away from the antichrist Popes.

There is no future 7-year tribulation period, as the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week; when Messiah and His disciples confirmed with the Jews (for seven years) that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood, as the Passover Lamb.

The seven years ended after the Jewish leaders stoned Stephen to death, marking their final rejection of their promised Messiah. Then the book of Acts clearly shows a dramatic shift, as the Gospel was also preached to the Gentile nations.

Here’s a study series which proves that the 70th week was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week.

Read The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception

He teaches that Jesus ministry was only 1 year long, instead of 3 1/2.

Here’s three events in John where it records that Jesus went to Jerusalem.

At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, John 2:13, “And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem

John 6:4 “And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.

At the end of Jesus’ ministry, John 13:1, “And before the feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour hath come, that he may remove out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own who are in the world–to the end he loved them.”

Michael Rood claims that John 6:4 was added later and should not be in the Bible text. He says this leaves only two Passovers, one when Jesus started His ministry, and the other when Jesus was crucified, thus the one-year ministry. So let’s look to see if there is evidence that John 6:4 was added later.

In 175 AD Irenaeus wrote an opposing response to Gnostic teachers, who claimed the ministry was one year in an attempt to have it correspond to the pagan zodiac.
(Interestingly, Michael Rood’s calendar is based in part on the Zodiac calendar, and he also needs Jesus’ ministry to be one-year in order to make his teachings work.)

Irenaeus used John 6:4 as evidence to counter the Gnostic teachers, so the passage certainly existed in Irenaeus’ copy of John.  This refutes Rood’s claim that it was added later.

Not only do we have the testimony of Irenaeus in Lyons that the passage existed but P66 and P75, the two most important manuscripts we have of John’s Gospel (both date from about the 200 AD), contain the verse.

p66-manuscript-john-6-4Here’s a link to the P66 where it contains a list of verses that are on the manuscript, with John 6:4 included on the list http://www.earlybible.com/manuscripts/p66-Joh-33.html

The top Bible scholars do not say that John 6:4 should not be included.  This includes Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible, Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary, John MacArthur’s Study Bible, Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary and Pulpit Commentary.

Once you throw out Michael’s argument that John 6:4 shouldn’t be included in the Bible, you can clearly see that the book of John mentions three Passovers, which proves that Jesus ministry was more than two years long.

And that destroys Michael Rood’s theory about Jesus one-year ministry.

Also of note is that his teaching is in direct opposition to the Word of God in the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy, which clearly defines a 3 1/2 year ministry of the Messiah.

It says that the Messiah would appear after the 69th week, in other words in the 70th week, which is 7 years long. His ministry started when He was baptized and anointed, and He began preaching the New Covenant to the House of Israel.

Daniel 9:27 then tells us, “But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.” It’s saying that He would be ‘cut off‘ (Daniel 9:26), meaning crucified, in the middle of the 7 years, which caused the need for the temple sacrifices to end.

In this video, Michael Rood teaches about the futuristic “confirmation of the Covenant” that initiates Daniel’s 70th week.

This is false teaching, as the covenant of the 70th week of Daniel is the covenant that Messiah came to ratify with His blood as the Passover Lamb.

Here’s more detailed studies on the 70th week of Daniel, which prove that is lasted 3 1/2 years:

Proof That Jesus 3 1/2 Year Ministry Occurred In The 70th Week of Daniel

The Anointing Of Christ Started The 70th Week Of Daniel

Some of what Michael Rood teaches is true and he makes some excellent points about the Holy Feasts of God, but he has a track record of false teachings, and I would warn people to stay away from him.

Titus 1:10-11, 13-14 warn us, “For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach…For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith, not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth

For the record, I don’t observe Easter, Christmas, Halloween and Sun-day worship.

I observe the Heavenly Father’s seven Holy Feast days which Messiah is fulfilling to redeem His set-apart saints, and I observe the Scriptural Sabbath. I don’t eat pork or shellfish, as our Heavenly Father forbade them because they are unclean animals due to the fact that their bodies are filled with toxins from being scavengers.

I’ve come out of Babylonian-Roman Christianity and on my Come Out Of Her website I expose those man-made teachings.

Sources for additional study about Michael Rood:

Rood has continued many of the themes and practices which made TWI theologically a cult of Christianity. http://www.apologeticsindex.org/687-michael-rood

263 thoughts on “Michael Rood Is A False Prophecy Teacher”

  1. Dear Brother,
    All your explanations are false because you forgot the basics of YHWH’S FORMULA which is written in Leviticus 25:8. 70 WEEKS PROPHECY depends on 49 – Year Luni Solar Cycle BECAUSE (1). The Messiah born on the Full Moon day of 15th Etahanim. (2). The Messiah began His Ministry on the day of Jubilee Year which falls always on 10th day of 49th Yom Kippur. (3). Jubilee Year always falls on 7th Sabbatical Year (during 49th Religious Years).
    So you can’t prove all the three events . So your explanations are 100% false. For details visit http://www.yhwhcalendar.com because YHWH revealed me His Formula and 70 Weeks Prophecy.
    Could you please prove me 70 WEEKS PROPHECY according to Scriptural Astronomy (Formula of YHWH which is written in Leviticus 25:8?
    Thank you,
    Manasseh, Expert in 70 Weeks Prophecy.
    For details:yhwhcalendar@gmail.com

    • You greet me with Shalom, and then tell me that my explanations are 100% false. Try using tact, if you want to offer correction to a brother!

      This page is about Michael Rood, who teaches about the futuristic “confirmation of the Covenant” that initiates Daniel’s 70th week. That is false, as the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week.

      You can find my study series on the 70th week of Daniel on this website. http://70thweekofdaniel.com

      The main point is that false prophecy teachers say that the 70th week of Daniel is yet future, the supposed 7-year tribulation period; or they say the last half is yet future, the supposed 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation.

      That is false and that is what I am exposing.

  2. I’m in no way taking sides. What I find unsettling?
    I can’t say there is anyone that is 100% accurate about it all. I’ve been in church services listening to different individuals who I believe have a heart for God. And I’ll hear something that is taken out of context. God have mercy on us all. Please forgive us for are imperfections.

  3. Why are you all so concerned and “hung up” on certain feasts and Jewish customs / laws ? Please read Romans 10:4, Romans 14:1-23, and especially the entire book of Galatians.
    The whole point to remember and know is the purpose of God’s son coming to earth to save man from eternal separation and torment through the shedding of his blood that covers ALL sin. Jewish history is interesting and helps to magnify the need for redemption through Christ’s sacrifice. ALL have sinned and come short. NO ONE can say they follow all the commandments every day of their life while living. It’s impossible because of the “fall”. Why do people make it so difficult ? To the un-believer, all this rhetoric will just confuse and turn off a would be believer. Why do you all make it so difficult for the poor soul looking for relief from sin and the consequences without Christ ? Souls are more important than all this banter. God bless all of you and please use your energy to spread the good news of Christ’s love and simple plan of redemption through confession and “faith that passes all understanding”.

    • Your comment is the very reason why I teach about the Feast Days, because people like you are ignorant of them. They are not just Jewish customs, they are the Father’s seven Holy Feast Days. They are divine appointments that the House of Israel rehearsed, as they pointed to their redemption.

      Messiah is still fulfilling them, so they are not done away with. Easter is not Scriptural! Messiah died on the Feast of Passover, He was in the grave on the Feast of Unleavened Bread (signifying His sinlessness) and He rose on the Feast of First Fruits. These are the days that the saints should observe and celebrate, not Easter, which is based on the pagan fertility goddess Ishtar, thus the reason rabbits and eggs are associated with it.

      Messiah was conceived on Hanukkah (in early December), as He is the light of the world. He was born in on the fall feast of Tabernacles, as He came to dwell among us. His followers should be celebrating that, not Christ-mass.

      12/25 is the worst day to celebrate Messiah’s birth, as it is the day that the pagans celebrate the birth of their sun god.

      Messiah will return on the fall Feast of Trumpets. We should celebrate that. The Feast of Tabernacles represents His marriage to His bride. We should celebrate that.

      Here me clearly! The beliefs of Christians are one reason why Jews don’t come to faith in Messiah. They know nothing of Easter and Christmas, as they are pagan and not Scriptural.

      But the Jews certainly know the Holy Feast Days, because the Father declared them. And when we show them that the Messiah is fulfilling the Holy Feast Days in exact detail, then Jews can see that He is their Messiah.

      So it is people like you who are holding Jews, and others, back from the true faith.

      Does Messiah really know you if you don’t even know how He is fulfilling the Holy Feast Days for your redemption?

      I pray that you come to know the glory of the Holy Feast Days, for they are extremely important to our Father.

  4. John 6:4 was an early drop into an ancient manuscript by those attempting to promote an eschatology that placed Christ’s earthly throne in Rome. It is a clear break in the narrative completely destroying the beauty of the chronological message so succinctly presented in the synoptic gospels. The extra Passover created by the blatant forgery in John makes Jesus a law breaker as He never goes up to Jerusalem for this important pilgrimage feast. He is seen feeding multitudes with leavened bread, another Torah violation for this time and even the most devout Torah observers, the pharisees are seen away from the Holy city during a time they are required by Torah to be there. If John 6:4 is legitimate Jesus cannot be the Messiah. If it is a forgery the ministry of Jesus cannot be 3 1/2 years. So many continue to twist the meaning of scripture to force fit a particular doctrine or eschatology. Try receiving the good news the way it was first delivered to the saints. Jesus fulfilled every aspect of the Torah within the context of the Spring Feasts. There is a gap in the Daniel prophecy because there is a gap in the Fall Feasts. His first coming was foretold in the imagery of the spring rehearsals and His return is foretold in the imagery of the fall rehearsals.

  5. Miles,

    After over 40 years of study, going to both Bible College and Seminary, and been fortunate to study under and been the personal friends of some mighty men of God and scholars, I have to disagree with you about Michael Rood. I know Greek and Hebrew. I know history very well, and the cultures the Bible. I have seen many of the resources Michael references. I also know Nehemiah Gordon. I was seeing this decades before I knew of Michael Rood, in fact, taught some of it in churches and college.
    For you to make the assessment of Michael Rood only tells me you dismissed him right off without desiring to know what he was teaching. You researched nothing, likely only listening to sound bites with a pre-biased view.
    Whe I first heard of Michael Rood, my daughter and husband had been watching for months. She exclaimed, “Dad, I found a man who teaches just like you do!” It took a few months to get around to listening to him, I was more interested in protecting my daughter from heresy than anything else. I spent 5 solid months examining his teaching. I wanted to rip him apart. I couldn’t. Since then, Michael and I have become friends and I have gotten to know him quite well. There is no deception in him.

    • David, the irony of your statement amuses me. Did you read my explanations of prophecy fulfillment, to know why I claim that Michael Rood’s prophecy fulfillment explanations are false? I doubt it.

      Michael teaches a lot of great things about the Hebrew names, the Holy Feast Days, the paganism of Christianity, etc.

      I teach those same things on my ‘Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2’ Bible prophecy study series. http://christianitybeliefs.org/the-falling-away/

      Is he teaching you that the entire 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week, when Messiah and His disciples confirmed with the Jews for seven years, that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the everlasting covenant as the Passover Lamb of Elohim? http://70thweekofdaniel.com/

      Is he teaching you that the prophecies in the Olivet Discourse were fulfilled in the first century? http://theolivetdiscourse.com/

      Is he teaching you the role that Islam and Muslims play in Bible prophecy fulfillment? http://christianitybeliefs.org/islam-in-bible-prophecy/

      Is he teaching you that the Popes of Rome are the antichrist leader of the Roman Catholic Church?

      Is he teaching you that the Jesuit General is the false prophet leader of earth beast of Revelation 13, the Jesuits of Rome?

      Is he teaching you that the most of the prophecies in Revelation have already been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years; as Messiah and His saints have fought against the Satan-empowered Roman beast? http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/

      The answer is no, he is not teaching most of those things, therefore his explanations about the prophecies are false.

      It matters not how sincere he is, if his prophecy explanations are false, his followers are being deceived.

      • I’m neutral but I agree with lots you say. I will study whether Yochanon 6:4 is an interpolation early on like Matt. 28:19 is. It did happen but we need two or three witnesses before we throw out a scripture or added words.

  6. most of us agree that MESSIAH was cut off in the middle of the 70th week but what about the last 3-1/2 years, when was that fulfilled and how ? anybody.

  7. David , i noticed in an earlier post you mention that the messiah was cut off 3-1/2 years into the 70th week and according to Dan. 9 -27 the sacrifices would cease . But did not the sacrifices continue for another 40 years before the destruction of the temple ! So then messiah didn t stop the sacrifices by his death or was the text saying that the sacrifices were no longer of any benefit to the jews ?

    • Joseph, the point I made is that the need for sacrifices was ended. When Messiah died the temple curtain was torn in two. Messiah’s sacrifice as the Passover Lamb covered all sin, so there was no need or value in sacrificing animals anymore.

  8. iron sharpens iron , you all make good points! …. but am I missing something , if you continue reading daniel 9:27 doesnt it say ‘ ON THE WING OF THE TEMPLE , HE ( JESUS ) WILL SET UP AN ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION ” . WHY WOULD HE DO THAT ?

    • Daniel 9:27 is continuing the description of verse 26, that He would cause the ‘people of the prince’, the Roman army to desolate the city and the temple. Messiah exacted vengeance against the Jews who rejected Him as their promised Messiah and delivered Him up to be killed. The ‘abomination of desolation’ that Messiah was referring to in Matthew 24 is the Roman army. The pagan Romans were an abomination to the Jews, and they were sent to desolate the city, temple and Jews. Here is a study on the ‘abomination of desolation’ that explains it in more detail. http://theolivetdiscourse.com/the-abomination-of-desolation-deception/

  9. I came to your post after enjoying some of Rood’s video teaching and wanted to get some opposing viewpoints. I like him but something feels off if you know what i mean. But i’m concerned with some of your arguments your using to prove he’s a false prophet. Then there’s that. False prophet conjures up the idea he’s turning people away from the Messiah. Is that what you think or are you being a literalist. I read you above saying he’s false or incorrect therefore he’s a false prophet. That would mean anyone with whom you disagree is also by definition a false prophet. A bit absurd i think.

    The HE in Dan 9:27 is referring back to the coming prince in vs. 26. Are you suggesting that the coming prince whose people destroys the temple is the Messiah?

    Dan 9:26 “As for the city and the sanctuary, the people of the coming prince will destroy them…”
    I think you might want to revisit this. Pretty sure the people (followers) of Yeshua didn’t destroy any of those. More like Titus.

    I did read your essay on Danial 9:27 70weeks but there are other problems with your analysis that maybe you need to revisit.

    I believe you’re in error for thinking this covenant that is being confirmed is either mosaic or abrahamic. Hebrews 10:16 which is quoting Jer 31:33 is the NEW covenant that Messiah was delivering the news of. This is not the one of Daniel 9 and CAN NOT be. Even in your post above you left out vs. 34.

    Jer 31:33 But I will make a new covenant with the whole nation of Israel after I plant them back in the land,” says the Lord. “I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts and minds. I will be their God and they will be my people.

    34 “People will no longer need to teach their neighbors and relatives to know me. For all of them, from the least important to the most important, will know me,” says the Lord. “For I will forgive their sin and will no longer call to mind the wrong they have done.”

    This is obviously not happened yet or we wouldn’t be talking about these issues at all. If that covenant has been fulfilled by the Messiah why don’t we have his Law written on our hearts? Why do i need to ask questions? This is obviously at a time after our resurrection and living with Messiah as ruler. You can not have it any other way unless you take “on their hearts and minds” away. The people receiving this letter, the hebrews (jews) would be well aware of the consequences of verse 34. Torah study was something you and I can’t even begin to understand. It was a life long endeavor and for there to be a time when it was no longer needed would have been almost unimaginable to a jew/hebrew. Vs. 34 i would argue also hasn’t come to pass. People are still seeking God. People are still teaching about God. Pretty sure not everyone Knows Him.

    We are all seekers of His truth not for our own gratification but to proclaim his Glory. It’s an easy path to desire knowledge for our own sake. I do not know if Michael Rood is a false prophet. Not sure that he’s even predicted anything to be wrong about, but someone else did make a great point about using that as the title of your essay. It’s arrogant and pretentious. He maybe a fraud, i don’t know, but have you contacted him to talk about it? Could you not reason together?

    I think the most vicious people on the web can be so called christians defending their viewpoints. Ask God to reveal any pride, stubbornness, animosity and replace those with the fruit of the spirit. If i were a non-believer and I was interested in following Messiah and had somehow started listening to Rood and was on the balance point of committing my life to Messiah but wanted to check another source and came across your post saying he was a false prophet, read it and then continued reading the comments… would i be closer or farther away from following messiah? Consider carefully how you respond in your mind. Because isn’t that the entire goal? To represent the best we are able the Messiah in love?

    • Hi Bryan. Someone who gives false prophecy fulfillment explanations is a false prophecy teacher, a false prophet. I’m not saying that he is THE false prophet who turns people away from Messiah. It’s not about them disagreeing with me. What I teach is the same as the great theologians of the 16th-20th centuries. Sadly, the enemy has hid their witness, so that people are deceived about prophecy fulfillment.

      As for Daniel 9:26-27, Messiah sent the ‘people of the Prince’, the Roman army, to desolate the city, temple and Jews, in 70 A.D. So I am not applying it to the future. The 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy have nothing to do with the end times.

      So Daniel 9:25 tells us that Messiah would appear after the 69th week, meaning in the 70th week, and then one verse later it mentions a covenant. How can you not think that it is referring to the everlasting covenant, which Messiah ratified with His blood as the Passover Lamb? It ended the need for sacrifices, just as the prophecy foretold.

      Here is a study series that provides more explanation. http://70thweekofdaniel.com/

      I do know prophecy fulfillment, so I know that what Michael Rood teaches is false. Here is a Revelation Timeline Decoded study series which proves the point. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/

      Here is an Olivet Discourse study series which proves the point. http://theolivetdiscourse.com/

      I’ve tried reasoning with teachers like Michael Rood, but they have so much invested in what they teach, that they simply don’t listen to other perspectives.

      Though this website is called Christianity Beliefs, I no longer call myself Christian, just a follower of Messiah.

      Learn the true fulfillment of prophecy, which the great theologians taught for many years, and then you will understand why I proclaim that Michael Rood is teaching false prophecy fulfillment explanations.

      And then you will see that what I proclaim is not pride, stubbornness or animosity; it’s just caring enough to share the truth, so that others are not deceived.

      True love is sharing the truth, so that people are not deceived. If that means that people attack me, so be it.

  10. actually what michael’s complaining about is the feast “OF THE JEWS” bulsht. its supposed to be feasts “OF THE LORD”…..not just for jews but for everyone. thats where the problem is.

    none of these verses prove…or deny…a 3 year or 70 week thing. in fact else where there is mention of that special one year old lamb for sacrifice. this would suit the one year ministry theology.

    but that isnt the issue. its always been feasts of the lord & now some moron is translating it as feast of the jews in the gospel of john….it should be feasts of the lord….that is michael’s concern….& he would be right in this case.

  11. I have to laugh. I don’t know Michael Rood, have only heard half of one presentation of his — “Michael Rood Exposed” – the story of his life (very very interesting) — and he left the TWI a long time ago, for good reasons, and since that isn’t mentioned here, it is clear that this article is not necessarily meant to search out the truth, but to sling as much mud as possible. The reason I laugh is while Rood may have some unusual understandings of some scriptures, the examples given are so unimportant to me as a Christian, that I am not convinced that God doesn’t use Rood as His servant to reach others for him. I haven’t yet heard a person, not one single person, whom I believe has everything straight. It doesn’t mean I don’t listen to what that person has to say; I listen, then search the scriptures for myself. We’re all growing, including Michael Rood.

  12. It is not easy to explain things that happened 2000 years ago, where none of us live at that time.
    Michael Rood is a unique Bible researcher, he lived in Israel for many years to see also the archeological evidence. I don’t know him, but I see his teaching is make sense.
    John 6:4 is a mysterious verse, since when we follow the event with synchronize to Jewish feast, this verse seems independently has been written there.
    To understand this, you need to learn the cycle of Jewish festival.
    John 6:1-3 indicate Yeshua went to Tiberias Lake /Kineret.
    In this place, He made a miracle to feed 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves, Until verse 59, we know He stay in Capernaum, close to Tabgha in Kineret.
    John 7:1 After these things… Jesus walked in Galilee. Please see verse 2 of John 7 ; The feast of Tabernacles was at hand… this is month of Tishri. (7)
    Passover is the month of Aviv/Nisan (1).
    If we see John 5:1 After this, there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.. What feast ?
    John 2:23 It is clearly mentioned Passover.
    What feast after passover, that people MUST go up to Jerusalem ?
    If you read Exo 34, A Man MUST go up to Jerusalem on Passover/feast of unleavened bread, then Shavuot = Pentecost , then The feast of Tabernacle.
    If we see the chronological event, John 5:1 is Shavuot, which is in month of Sivan (3).
    John 2:23 Passover – Month of Nisan (First month)
    John 5:1 Shavuot – Month of Sivan (third month)
    John 7:2 Feast of Tabernacles – Month of Tishri (seventh month).

    You need to read the Gospel of John, with compare to other 3 gospels, with using miracle of 2 fishes and 5 loaves as a common event that only this miracles was written in all 4 Gospels.

    Then you will find out John 6:4 is a “stand alone verse”…
    Yeshua / Jesus, MUST go to Jerusalem in the feast of unleavened bread, HE comply to ALL Torah (GOD Instructions). He Fulfilled all the Torah rules.
    It is impossible Yeshua went outside Jerusalem when Passover was nigh, He never broke the Torah. And we know, He was in Tiberias, after this verse (6:4), and stay there, until the feast of tabernacle was nigh, and He come down to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast on month 7 (Tishri).

    Who add this verse ? I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure this verse is not supposed to be there.
    Documents evidence above is not enough to proof which one is original. Which one is older ? We don’t know…
    You need to learn the cycle of Jewish Feast to understand this.


    • Thank you for your comment Binsar. We can all debate about the meaning of John 6:4 and the cycle of Elohim’s Feast Day’s, to try to figure out the timing of Messiah’s ministry, but there are other proofs that give context.

      First of all, the Apostle John concluded his Gospel by proclaiming “Now there is much else that יהושע did. If every one of them were written down, I think that the world itself would not contain the written books. Amĕn.

      That tells me that John didn’t attempt to describe every event or teaching of Messiah’s life, which meant that he may have left out mentions of the other Passovers that occurred during Messiah’s ministry.

      Secondly, the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy clearly tells us that Messiah would appear after the 69th week, meaning in the 70th week. And it declares that Messiah would be killed midway through the 70th week, meaning 3/1/2 years after it began.

      It declares that for seven years it would be confirmed with the Jews that He is the promised Messiah whose blood as the Passover Lamb would atone for their sins. By that we know that Messiah declared these things to the Jews for 3 1/2 years, and that after His death and resurrection, that His disciples continued to preach the resurrected Messiah to the Jews for the remaining 3 1/2 years.

      Then after the Apostle Stephen was stoned to death by the Jews, marking their final rejection of Messiah, the early church scattered and the gospel was also preached to the Gentiles.

      Here is a Bible study series about the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel. http://70thweekofdaniel.com/

      By knowing the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel, we know the length of Messiah’s ministry.


  13. David,
    Before you label a servant of the Most High a false prophet, you must first look at your own ‘credentials’. I have tasted GOOD fruits from Michael Rood’s life and testimony. Where are YOUR good fruits, David? They called the Messiah a false messiah also, and how are YOU any different from those ‘learned’ Pharisees and Sadducees of old? Study of Scripture and history avails nothing without the Holy Spirit and He seems to be absent in your studies and thinking. Have YOU put your flesh to death? Remember, if your flesh and ego are still alive, you TOO will join the ranks of those who will be sent away by Yeshua HaMashiach. Remember, God hides His Truth from the wise and prudent, so for your own good, REPENT and get off your high horse while you still have the opportunity. You are in GREAT danger David, because you cause MANY to err and you are fighting the Almighty Himself, without knowing it. Elohim has set His seal on Michael Rood and any disciple of Yeshua will be able to sense it.


    • The irony Henk! Tell me, have you read the studies on this website to see my fruit, before you made your accusations?

      Have you read the studies on Revelation Timeline Decoded? http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/

      Have you read the studies on The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2, which documents the creation of the false religion of Roman Christianity? http://christianitybeliefs.org/the-falling-away/

      Have you read the studies on the 70th Week Of Daniel? http://70thweekofdaniel.com/

      Have you read the studies on Islam In Bible Prophecy? http://christianitybeliefs.org/islam-in-bible-prophecy/

      I would bet that you have not, and that you have falsely accused be before you looked at my ‘credentials’.

      Michael Rood teaches many good things about the Holy Feast Days, obeying Torah, etc.

      Try reading the studies that I provided links to, to see the historical fulfillment of prophecy, and then you will see why I say that Michael’s prophecy explanations are false.

      • David,
        Your ‘fruit’ are fruit from human wisdom:your studies! But the real GOOD fruits that Elohim is looking for, come from a SANCTIFIED life, from WALKING in the footsteps of Yeshua with a clean and pure heart ( 1 John 2:6). And that can only come when we DIE to SELF! And YOU are still very much ‘alive’, sad to say.

        Remember, the (written) Law kills but the Spirit gives life. And the Spirit can only reign in us when we DIE to ourselves. Satan uses intellect and human wisdom to take God’s people OFF the Path of Righteousness. What will you tell Yeshua when you have to give account of your life? You will try to tell Him that you were a ‘good’ student of Scripture and history, at least how YOU understood it! Don’t you even know that ALL of us are subject to the POWERS of the prince of the air? We are NO MATCH against Satan’s wiles, conniving and lies! My advice to you is to REPENT and come into a RELATIONSHIP and communication with God (Elohim) through repentance, while this is still the Day of Grace, rather than rely on your own human ‘wisdom’.

        I am not condemning you, that is God’s jurisdiction. I was only trying to warn you.

        • Well Henk, most of what I teach was also taught by Spirit-led theologians throughout history; so if I’m wrong, they were wrong.

          My mentors are:

          Albert Barnes’ Notes on the New and Old Testaments.
          Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible.
          Commentary from the 1599 edition of the Geneva Bible, from the Protestant Reformers.
          John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible.
          Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible.
          Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary.
          Matthew Poole’s Commentary on the Holy Bible.
          John Wesley’s Bible Notes.

          As for my ‘fruit‘, well the studies prove that out. If you understood the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel http://70thweekofdaniel.com/

          If you understood the fulfillment of Revelation http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/

          Then you would understand that my fruit is good, because those studies teach the truth about prophecy fulfillment.

          These are the same explanations that the saints gave for 1,700 years, before the futuristic deceptions of the Jesuits of Rome took hold.

          You proclaim that you’re not condemning me, but your words proclaim that I am not in relationship and communion with Elohim.

          You don’t know me brother!

          • David, I apologize.
            Michael Rood had said many good things and I came to the wrong conclusion that he is a true servant of God. But when I started reading the Chronological Gospels, he justifies re-marrying after one is divorced, claiming that the ‘hardness of heart’ was ‘accepted’ by Yeshua, hence allowing a person to remarry. As long as BOTH agreed to divorce. I believe Mr Rood is remarried and has justified his adultery in the eyes of Elohim. What Yeshua tells us, is to stay SINGLE, after we are divorced, rather than commit adultery in the Eyes of Elohim!

            This is what he wrote on page 99 of the Chronological Gospels: ‘When a man and woman divorce for hardness of heart, they are no longer married; they are single and as such are free to marry anyone – even each other. He claims that Yeshua would in no way ‘nullify’ the instructions the Almighty had given through Moses’. This is FALSE teaching, and therefore, he is not a prophet of Yehovah!

            I therefore no longer believe that Mr Rood is a servant of God, despite the many good things he had said. I therefore have come to believe that he is remarried himself and is therefore living in adultery. I tried to communicate with him on his website but there is no way to get through to him.

            Shalom David, and please forgive me.

            PS: I will try to read and understand what you suggested. Thank you for your patience.

          • No worries Henk. Yeah, that is a sketchy explanation about ‘hardness of heart’ being a justified reason for divorce.

            I take no pleasure in revealing these things about Michael Rood and others, but they are so convincing that people just blindly trust them, and we are to test all things with Scripture.

            Read the studies about the 70th week of Daniel and Revelation, to see how amazing our Father is in fulfilling these things in exactly detail. And you will see that what Michael Rood and most Pastors are teaching about prophecy fulfillment is false. Contact me anytime with questions or insight about the studies. Shalom my friend!

    • If as you say “God hides His truth from the wise and prudent – then if you consider Michael Rood “wise and prudent” then God is hiding His Truth from Michael Rood? Hmmmmm

      • Well I see a lot of judging going on here especially if people that have suffered the malady of no fault divorce without having hoNE though it or knowing who had the hard heart or violated their marriage vows in each individual case just generalizations, I wouldn’t want to be any if you on judgement day. I will stand and say I plead the blood of YaSHUA knowing I need it for my sin’s both before and after I gave my life to him. Whatever He decides in that Great day will be what counts !


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