Michael Rood Is A False Prophecy Teacher

This End Times Deception study will focus on Michael Rood, who positions himself as a Messianic teacher.

Some Christians tend to trust Michael because he cites Hebrew sources. Michael claims that one cannot understand the New Testament from Greek, or from a Greek translation.

The irony is that his Revelation prophecy fulfillment explanations are wrong, so apparently understanding the ‘Hebrew’ version of Revelation hasn’t helped him.

I’ve used the Greek and English and I understand it just fine.  That’s proven out on the Revelation Timeline Decoded website.

Who is Michael Rood?

According to a brochure Rood produced to promote his seminars, “Michael John Rood is an ordained nondenominational Christian minister.” His “ordination” is from a cult called The Way International (TWI) required only minor instruction in an unaccredited TWI program.The Way International was a free love cult that was founded by Victor Paul Wierwille, who denied the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many of Rood’s teachings and practices are drawn from this cult which was widely denounced by Christian leaders and TWI’s ex-followers alike.

Michael Rood rose to fame when he dogmatically and bombastically predicted that the prophetic “Day of the Lord” would begin on the Feast of Trumpets in the fall of 2000. Of course that didn’t happen, so he made excuses.

Should you trust someone who got his education from a cult and who has past false prophecy teachings?

He points to a futuristic one-man antichrist, but the saints have been proclaiming that it is the office of the papacy for 1,000 years; many of them paying for their witness with their blood.

Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

The Protestant Reformers rightly identified that the office of the papacy fulfills Bible prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast

Micheal Rood is not telling you those things, which deflects blame away from Rome.

He points to a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, the supposed 7-year tribulation period.

The concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel is a deception from the Jesuits of Rome, who created it to deflect blame away from the antichrist Popes.

There is no future 7-year tribulation period, as the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week; when Messiah and His disciples confirmed with the Jews (for seven years) that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood, as the Passover Lamb.

The seven years ended after the Jewish leaders stoned Stephen to death, marking their final rejection of their promised Messiah. Then the book of Acts clearly shows a dramatic shift, as the Gospel was also preached to the Gentile nations.

Here’s a study series which proves that the 70th week was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week.

Read The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception

He teaches that Jesus ministry was only 1 year long, instead of 3 1/2.

Here’s three events in John where it records that Jesus went to Jerusalem.

At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, John 2:13, “And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem

John 6:4 “And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.

At the end of Jesus’ ministry, John 13:1, “And before the feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour hath come, that he may remove out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own who are in the world–to the end he loved them.”

Michael Rood claims that John 6:4 was added later and should not be in the Bible text. He says this leaves only two Passovers, one when Jesus started His ministry, and the other when Jesus was crucified, thus the one-year ministry. So let’s look to see if there is evidence that John 6:4 was added later.

In 175 AD Irenaeus wrote an opposing response to Gnostic teachers, who claimed the ministry was one year in an attempt to have it correspond to the pagan zodiac.
(Interestingly, Michael Rood’s calendar is based in part on the Zodiac calendar, and he also needs Jesus’ ministry to be one-year in order to make his teachings work.)

Irenaeus used John 6:4 as evidence to counter the Gnostic teachers, so the passage certainly existed in Irenaeus’ copy of John.  This refutes Rood’s claim that it was added later.

Not only do we have the testimony of Irenaeus in Lyons that the passage existed but P66 and P75, the two most important manuscripts we have of John’s Gospel (both date from about the 200 AD), contain the verse.

p66-manuscript-john-6-4Here’s a link to the P66 where it contains a list of verses that are on the manuscript, with John 6:4 included on the list http://www.earlybible.com/manuscripts/p66-Joh-33.html

The top Bible scholars do not say that John 6:4 should not be included.  This includes Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible, Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary, John MacArthur’s Study Bible, Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary and Pulpit Commentary.

Once you throw out Michael’s argument that John 6:4 shouldn’t be included in the Bible, you can clearly see that the book of John mentions three Passovers, which proves that Jesus ministry was more than two years long.

And that destroys Michael Rood’s theory about Jesus one-year ministry.

Also of note is that his teaching is in direct opposition to the Word of God in the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy, which clearly defines a 3 1/2 year ministry of the Messiah.

It says that the Messiah would appear after the 69th week, in other words in the 70th week, which is 7 years long. His ministry started when He was baptized and anointed, and He began preaching the New Covenant to the House of Israel.

Daniel 9:27 then tells us, “But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.” It’s saying that He would be ‘cut off‘ (Daniel 9:26), meaning crucified, in the middle of the 7 years, which caused the need for the temple sacrifices to end.

In this video, Michael Rood teaches about the futuristic “confirmation of the Covenant” that initiates Daniel’s 70th week.

This is false teaching, as the covenant of the 70th week of Daniel is the covenant that Messiah came to ratify with His blood as the Passover Lamb.

Here’s more detailed studies on the 70th week of Daniel, which prove that is lasted 3 1/2 years:

Proof That Jesus 3 1/2 Year Ministry Occurred In The 70th Week of Daniel

The Anointing Of Christ Started The 70th Week Of Daniel

Some of what Michael Rood teaches is true and he makes some excellent points about the Holy Feasts of God, but he has a track record of false teachings, and I would warn people to stay away from him.

Titus 1:10-11, 13-14 warn us, “For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach…For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith, not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth

For the record, I don’t observe Easter, Christmas, Halloween and Sun-day worship.

I observe the Heavenly Father’s seven Holy Feast days which Messiah is fulfilling to redeem His set-apart saints, and I observe the Scriptural Sabbath. I don’t eat pork or shellfish, as our Heavenly Father forbade them because they are unclean animals due to the fact that their bodies are filled with toxins from being scavengers.

I’ve come out of Babylonian-Roman Christianity and on my Come Out Of Her website I expose those man-made teachings.

Sources for additional study about Michael Rood:

Rood has continued many of the themes and practices which made TWI theologically a cult of Christianity. http://www.apologeticsindex.org/687-michael-rood

263 thoughts on “Michael Rood Is A False Prophecy Teacher”

  1. You need to know about the feast and what you can’t have on those holy days. John 6:4 would not include bread that has yeast and can’t be Passover.

    • agree, it was not Passover. The temple priests could not join Jesus where he was feeding people as they would be preparing for Passover….along with Jesus was serving leavened bread.

  2. I think it’s a bit harsh to call him a false prophet. That is a capital offense in the Torah. Deuteronomy 13 defines a false prophet as one who leads people away from obedience to the Instructions. I don’t see Michael every teaching this; in fact, quote the opposite – that’s his main platform.

    Could he be wrong in his theory? Sure. Is he claiming new revelation from God? No, only that he studies and reads. Does he teach rebellion against any of Yehovah’s instructions? Not at all.

  3. Thanks for your “insight” however I take what you’ve said with a grain of sand as it’s like reading the National Enquirer, full of speculation & slander. You come across as jealous & threatened by Rood. Move along, there’s no story here. Disappointing.

    • Jealous and threatened?!? Um, no. Just teaching the truth about prophecy fulfillment. Try reading the studies on this website before condemning me, otherwise your statement is speculation and slander.

  4. There was only one sign given. Not two but one. That was three days and three nights. All this stuff about 3.5 years as opposed to 1 year are honestly beside the point , because none of them were given as signs but only like looking through a glass darkly, good points but nothing more. Here is the bottom line to rood. The jews were ejected from the promise land because of the pharisee movement. Their Prophet was sent. He told them and was rejected off hand as was normal. When this man insinuates that God Almighty would place the same bunch of people, with their same traditions of telling the world they have the right to judge and rule over other men, just formally written down as the talmud, back into the land is nothing short of ludicrous. To tie anything to do with The Messiah, or God Almighty, going out before their army and fighting their battles, or had the least thing to do with the forming of israel it is bounding on insanity. This man is just another zionist. They only need to give us a little more truth to bate’em in. I think I tend to go with the timeline in Daniel on the middle of the week, or 3.5 years. Maybe the midst means somewhere in the timeframe. I’m not sure but it is beside the point. The ram lamb thing…..well Abram didnt sacrifice a lamb now did he? This is all looking through a glass darkly. He also mentioned the star conjunction that is mentioned in Revelations but, he mentioned in in the past tense. Well it hasnt happened yet and it is not mentioned anywhere from Genesis 1:1 to Revelations 12:1. It is never given to look for as a event connected with Jesus prophetically or otherwise. Here is a date for you to consider…..April 7, 1998….or Nissan 11, 5758.

    • Thank you for sharing your insight Lloyd! 🙂 I’m not understanding what I am supposed to consider about April 7, 1998. Can you please clarify?

      • The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. my husband started following Michael Rood 4 years ago became a Messianic Jew trying to follow the law which caused him to sin more. It caused so much confusion he forgot about the cross the grace of God the Lord had delivered him from alcohol and drugs six years before that we ended up divorced he’s back on drugs and alcohol about to lose everything that he has maybe even his life all because of a false teaching be careful Michael Rood is a false prophet that confuses people and if you really have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you you would know that.

        • Hi Brenda,
          How can following the Law, given by God Himself, cause anyone to sin? It is an oxymoron! Yeshua followed the Law and HE did not sin. Remember sin is TRANSGRESSION of the Law of God! I am sorry to hear about your husband’s weakness, but don’t blame Michael Rood as the cause of your husband’s falling away. And, Brenda, what has been YOUR role in his demise? Have you been a comfort and help-meet to him when he was weak? Or did you engage in carnal battle? You bear responsibility as well, Brenda.

          • henk, How can one who has been Born Again live under the Law? Because if you live by the Law as given by Moses, you have to live by ALL of it. Are you saying that we should be sacrificing animals to atone for sin? Are you saying we cannot even cook on the sabbath, or tie our shoes? Cause that is what the Law would require.

            Also, under the Law, as long as you didn’t physically sin, you were fine. You could have lust in your heart for another person, but as long as you didn’t act, you didn’t sin. But under the New Covenant, if you even think about it, you sinned.

            So, following the Law of the Old Covenant after being saved, could get you in trouble with a false sense of security. You think, “I didn’t do the act, so I didn’t sin” but you thought about it, which is clearly sinful in your heart. So it could cause you to sin, to live under the Law.

            Again, If you live by the Law, then you have to live by all it. And that requires ceremonial acts, sacrificial acts, and other things that if you don’t fulfill, you are sinning. The whole point of Jesus death was to liberate us from the Law. According to God himself, we could never live up to it and keep it at all times. Now, knowing we will fail, we are covered and forgiven.

            I am not saying we have license to sin. Far from it. We are to live Holy lives. But if you bet your salvation on your ability to keep Every single jot and tittle of the Law, you will fail and there is no animal sacrifice to atone for your failure to keep every part of the Law. What was Jesus’ death for if not to liberate us from failure? He liberated us from failure to keep the Law. Gave us the power to overcome sin in our lives. And, if we do sin, forgives us just by our act of confessing our sins and asking for forgiveness. Again, I am not saying we don’t have to obey the ten commandments and the other commandments that deal with sin. I am saying we can no longer follow the Law to be saved. To do so would be to put your faith in the flesh and your ability to keep the Law. And we know that is impossible.

            \Let me put it this way: your salvation is because of your faith in Christ and His ability to forgive your sins. You salvation is not based on your ability to not sin. I have to truly trust in Jesus for my salvation because I mess up a lot. I always thought if I sinned, he would leave me behind. So I thought, “oh my gosh, what am I going to do? There is no way I can live perfectly and never sin again.” I put my salvation in my own hands by trying not to sin and live perfectly. I thought if I could do that, I would be fine. Then the scripture that says “put no confidence in the flesh” came to me and I realized, “I am going to fail. My ability to keep from sinning is not going to hold up and I cannot put my confidence for my salvation, in myself to not do sin. My confidence in my salvation is in Jesus and Him alone.” So now, I don’t worry that I need to be perfect, like the Law requires, to be saved. I just need to believe and trust in Jesus, and his work on the Cross. Just like the Bible says. I still abhor my sinfulness. I try not to sin. I don’t live the old life I used to live. But, everyday I screw up. And everyday my flesh is weak and I do things I hate. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
            Like John says “if you are faithful in confessing your sins, He is faithful in forgiving them”. THAT is liberating. And that is nothing like living by the letter of the Law. Living by the Law you are putting your trust in your ability to NOT sin. And that is going to lead to failure. Period. Not trusting in Jesus, but trusting your ability to keep the Law, IS A SIN. If it isn’t Jesus, it is sin. So that’s how living by the Law can cause you to sin.

  5. Only time will tell when many of his followers become his ex-followers. Asinine and ridiculous that he wears the Levi Sanhedrin efod but is not himself Jewish.

    • You are judging him because of his clothes? Paul tells us.if you want to learn about the law to go to the synagogue. If you were to walk in to a synagogue in Jerusalem without the proper clothes.you would be put out until you dressed appropriately. Just like most churches today, if you walked in wearing a logo t shirt, shorts and filflops you would not be taken seriously. If you went to the west wall in Jerusalem without your head covered, you would be removed! YHWH looks on the hart, if your hart is judging on clothes (the external appearance of people) and Michael Rood wears the clothes because he is convicted in his hart to try to follow YHWH’s laws and learn in the synagogues. Where is your hart to judge from the outward appearance? At least.he is trying to follow and learn, all we can do is our best. To learn from the synagogue is what Paul told us to do.

  6. If it was 3.5 years, Jesus was to old to be a lamb in the first year, and a 3 year old ram is only a peace offering, not a sin offering. So if you have a 3.5 year minister you only have a peace offering and not a salvation saved sin offering. You would still be in your sin, and excluded from the kingdom of heaven.

    • Thanks Lowell for sharing that perspective. The Scriptures say that Messiah would appear AFTER the 69th week, meaning in the 70th week. The Scriptures says that He would be ‘cut off’, killed, halfway through the seven years, after 3 1/2 years. Taking that information into consideration, if His ministry was one year, it would point to Messiah appearing at the two and 1/2 year point of the 70th week, and then He would have been sacrificed the next Passover. All of that still fits into the time frame of the 70th week of Daniel.

      • I see you point but John said he was “the LAMB of GOD” so he need to die before he was 31 to be a lamb in the first year, a 3 year old sheep would not be a lamb. And the 50 miricals consider with a one year ministry. And he Jesus told his mother at the wedding “It is not yet my time” telling us he was not yet 30 years old or in Hebrew the first year of manhood.

        • The math just isn’t right, you can’t be a 3.5 year old lamb. Any farmer could tell you a lamb becomes mutton after 12 months. Now I haven’t studied all of the Chronicle synchronization of the gospel that rood has put out there. But there is some very good info there,

          Now to move on why you don’t understand this..
          If you came across 2 verses in the cannon that contradicted 80 other verses, as a good student what would you do? Take the 2 and throw out the 80? Or take the 80 as truth then try to understand the 2 in light of the 80.

          Exiduce is clear on taking a lamb. A lamb HAS to be less than a year old or it is not a lamb. So to have a 3 year ministry Jesus would have had to start at 27 years old, and every commentator agrees that he was around 30 years old. And he would have not been aloud to speak in the synagogue at 27-29 he would have been a teenager, or not of age to address the congregation. So we know he taught in the synagogues so he had to be 30, and to be a lame he had to be less than 31. Now 70 weeks of Daniel you keep coming to as years of 7, ?? I’m not following that thought process because we know that a day is of a 1000 years and 1000 years is as a day. So who came up with the 3.5 half week of a 7000 days? Again the math isn’t right. Granted I have not done exstentive study on Daniel but I know what a one day is, and I understand the number 1000, so to take scriptures for what is says and not what someone tells me it means, a day is as 1000 years. And GOD created day by day, not milllianias as the world would have you believe. You have to believe the beginning to understand the end.

          • The text of Daniel 9:25-27 clearly states that the Messiah would appear AFTER the 69th week, meaning in the 70th week.

            It clearly says that He will confirm the everlasting covenant with the Jews. He confirmed that He was the promised Messiah with His miracles, His wise teaching, His exact fulfillment as the Passover Lamb, His resurrection and His ascension. The Apostles confirmed with the Jews that He was the promised Messiah by preaching His resurrection and with their miracles.

            It clearly tells us that Messiah would be ‘cut off’, sacrificed, at the mid-point, meaning 3 1/2 years into the 7 years. And that His atoning sacrifice would end the need for temple sacrifices.

            The covenant that was ‘confirmed’ was not a 7-year covenant. It was the everlasting covenant that was made with Abraham, by which Abraham was saved. By faith in the promised Messiah who would atone for his sins.

            Messiah co-authored the Abrahamic Covenant, to redeem Abraham’s spiritual seed, those of all races who believe in God, by faith.

            Hebrews 12:2, “looking unto Jesus, the author(originator) and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

            Hebrews 12:24, “Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.”

            Hebrews 13:20, “Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant.”

            In Hebrews 9:15-17, the covenant delivered to Abraham is identified as the New Covenant or the Eternal Covenant that Christ “confirmed” by the shedding of His blood.

            Then the writer of Hebrews goes on to identify Christ not only as the One who validated that covenant, but also as its author!

            “And for this reason Christ is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives.”

            It’s telling us that the New (or Abrahamic) Covenant could not be confirmed or ratified until the One who made it died.

            Hebrews 9:28 states that “Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many,” which is a perfect match to Daniel 9:24-27. Jesus’ sacrificial offering covered all of the sins that are listed in Daniel 9:24, and His sacrifice made to save many.

            So I trust Scripture which proclaims that Messiah was ‘cut off’ at the midpoint of the 70th week of Daniel;. Isaiah 53:8 foretold this event, “for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.”

            Messiah fulfilled all that was demanded in Daniel 9:24 http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/jesus-fulfilled-daniel-924-during-the-70th-week-of-daniel/

        • John the Baptist proclaimed this just before Messiah was baptized and started His ministry. So if Messiah’s ministry was indeed one year, John’s statement didn’t invalidate anything.

          • To be a lamb you must be “of the first year”. If he is the lamb he had to be of the first year. If he is the Messiah he had to be of the first year. There is no other than Yashua he is the LAMB of YHWH, if any one comes and preaches another Jesus even a 33 year old jesus, do not listen to them. Is is simple first grade understanding of “a lamb” is anyone questioning the Exodus lamb as a 3 year old no we all understand as first graders that the Exodus lamb was a lamb in the first year. There can be no other sacrificial lamb then a lamb in the first year if you are reading other verses that indicate that he was older than the first year as in a simple 3rd grade understanding of the first year lamb then you are not understanding those verses correctly I’m sorry to tell you this but because I love you I am willing to reason with you that a lamb can only be 12 months old anything other than 12 month old lamb would be considered a ram and not a lamb that is simple biblical fact lambs have to be less than 12 months old its been that way from the beginning it is that way till the end.

          • I understand the point that you are making about the lamb needing to be of the first year. I also understand that a 70 week prophecy has to be completely fulfilled in 70 weeks or it is invalid. I understand that Daniel 9 proclaims that Messiah would appear after the 69th week, meaning in the 70th week, and that He would be killed at the midpoint of the seven years.

            I understand that Messiah’s sacrifice as the Passover Lamb ended the need for sacrifices, just like the text says. I understand that because the Jewish leaders rejected Messiah and delivered him up to be killed, that the ‘people of the prince’ of Daniel 9, was the Roman army and Prince Titus, who desolated the temple and the city and the Jews, just like it was foretold in Matthew 23 and 24.

            So your point does not invalidate any of that. There has to be an explanation of how Messiah fulfilled the role of the Passover Lamb in the 70th week of Daniel.

          • Because you don’t understand Abraham sacrifice a ram in the thicket you don’t understand the Lamb of the first year of Exodus therefore you are confusing the lamb for RAM and taking someone’s opinion about Daniel without looking at the obvious scriptures. You need to understand the difference between a lamb and a ram then things will become clear to you but though much teaching and much reading have followed the teachings of someone else to misunderstand the lamb, you have believed the lies that we have inherited from our fathers and not the scriptures which clearly says Lamb of God.

          • I understand the point that you’ve made it over and over.

            You need to understand that the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week, from 27-34 A.D.

            So Messiah’s perfect fulfillment as the Passover Lamb had to be fulfilled during that time frame.

  7. David, I have not followed Mr. Rood’s teachings but only recently was referred to something he taught years ago. In trying to confirm it I came across your posts. You are quite well versed in bible passages and make some good points but I would like to make one comment about the year 2000 that was mentioned. This covenant has not reached the year 2000 yet. Our current calendar did not start at Pentecost and therefore is not accurate to prophetic time. There have been other errors in dates over the last millennium+ but I can’t quote them at this time. The current events going on around the world would indicate that the end is coming with the great deceiver being unleashed after a 1000 years from the Middle East. That’s just one example of prophetic happenings.

  8. Sorry to say but contrary to Christian teaching, the original NT writings were NOT compiled in Greek but Arameic.

    Ever heard of the “Peshitta”?
    Please, see http://www.aent.org . As close to 2nd Temple time as you can get.

  9. You have misquoted Michael Rood, you have twisted the truth, if you listen to him and his teachings you would quickly find this out. Shame on you for spreading your deception.

    • Shame on you for not understanding the truth about the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel, when it was clearly presented to you using Scripture.

      • You people can’t even be decent. I can tell by your tone that you have nothing righteous about you. Just arrogance. Almighty God is not the author or chaos or confusion, which by your arrogant attitude, you force on people, That should be a clue that you’re not inspired by God but by chaos. If people can’t discern that fact, pity them.

        • Oh the irony! You accuse me of twisting the truth and said shame on me for spreading deceptions, but then accuse me of not being decent? All I’ve done is shared what I’ve learned. There’s no confusion in my studies, which prove that Messiah fulfilled the 70th week of Daniel, on time, after the 69th week. Move on sister, for you are the one who is creating confusion.

    • Coleen: I have misquoted no one. I read the Scriptures – that’s where I get the insight, It comes from no man. I gave you Scriptures to support the point I was making. You people are so arrogant you can’t see the truth but just want to push your arrogant theories.

  10. You missed all my points and have complicated them all. You really should study the scriptures more. Since you misquote what I wrote by not seeing the point I have nothing more to say. What you replied did not address the points I made. I don’t think you’re capable of seeing it.

    • I replied with Scripture which proves that it was Messiah confirming the covenant, not a future antichrist. That validates that HE, Messiah, was cutoff halfway through the seven years, just as the text proclaims. Halfway through 7 years is 3 1/2 years.

  11. Tony: Yeshua was on a strict timed mission. He had 70 wks, as was told by Gabriel to Daniel, to complete his ministry. Almighty God is not the author of chaos. Throughout the Bible is mentioned strict timed appointments. The original records are accurate. It’s the translations that were in error. The KJ translators used the word “Easter” not acknowledging Passover. They did not understand the Feasts of the Lord and what they meant. They translated “feasts of the Jews” all wrong. They interpreted “feasts of the Jews” mentioned several times as Passovers when they should have been noted as, Shavuot, Trumpets and Tabernacles. They got Tabernacles right. You have to study in chronological order what Rood discovered to be fair. I challenge you to show where “the feasts of the Jews” was translated with the word “Passover.” It doesn’t say “Passover” -that’s where the confusion is. That’s how they assumed those random “feasts” were Passovers. So they counted in John 3.5 Passovers. The other gospel authors didn’t have this problem. When in fact, his ministry was 70 wks. It all adds up.

  12. Rood’s claim about John seems to be wrong. If John 6:4 was added or altered it was done much earlier. But still he makes some good observations. After Jesus fed the 5000 He went to Capernaum and gave teaching related to the Last Trumpet which is a fall feast (Passover is a spring feast) According to Deut 16:16 everyone should be in Jerusalem during Passover/FUB but while it was “near Passover” Jesus took a 2 day trip to Capernaum stayed there. Stayed at least 8 days in the mountains (transfiguration) while He should be in Jerusalem. In Luke 9:33 He’s asked if Tabernacle huts should be build. Tabernacles is a fall feast.
    A few days after Capernaum Jesus feeds with leavened barley loaves. Something forbidden a whole week after Passover.
    So besides the fact Rood messed up supporting his John 6:4 forgery claim he does have Scripture to support his claim.
    Elsewhere he correctly notes that Jesus ministry was busy. Every few days a miracle, teaching or at least something to mention. But there are two gaps around Passover of a who year of nothing recorded.
    Those gaps also mean Jesus was alone during the first year of His ministry because He hadn’t any disciples yet.
    So besides of his mistake still something to study I think…

  13. Pretty sure you also forgot the part of Daniel 9:26 where is states “And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood and to the end there shall be war.” ESV…How does this fit into your theory?

    • Thank you for your comment David 🙂 Daniel 9:27 was cited because it says that Messiah was cut off, killed, 3 1/2 years after His ministry began. I’m not really understanding your reference to Daniel 9:26, in regard to Michael Rood. Please clarify.

    • Thank you for your comment Danny 🙂 What about all of the Greek manuscripts that do include it? My point is that just because one manuscript does not have it, is not a valid reason to not include it, when many manuscripts do include it. David

      • Matthew was originally written in Hebrew. MRood has proven this in his Chronological Gospels P. 46. Matthew’s gospel proves the Messiah’s authentic lineage.
        Rood never claimed the Day of the Lord was on Sept 2000. He wrote his book The Mystery of Iniquity circa 1990 stating what he believed long before this falsehood was perpetrated. He has Never said he’s a rabbi rather a Baptist. He’s been upfront about all his past. His former ministry-partners were trying to steel his ministry. That charge was thrown out of court. Lambeth Palace guards under lock and key the ancient minuscule fragment depicting John 6:3-5 which does not contain the infamous words of John 6.4. If Messiah had more than 70 wk ministry then the burden of proof of 3.5 yrs is on you. Where are the records?

        • The proof is easily found in Daniel 9:25-27. Daniel 9:27 says “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.” The week represents 7 years, just as it did in the previous 69 weeks.

          The middle of the week is 3 1/2 years. When Messiah died as the Passover Lamb, his atoning work ended the need for temple sacrifices.

          We also know that Messiah would have turned 30 in 27 A.D., and He started His ministry when He was baptized, and when He proclaimed that the passage in Isaiah was fulfilled in Him. This happened during the Fall Feasts.

          We know that He died in the Spring of 31 A.D. on Passover.


          • David:
            Here is my response: Where is your proof Yeshua was the age you say? By what time frame? I don’t believe you know of have any logical explanation.

            Also. Dan 9:27 states He will CONFIRM a covenant (something already made) with MANY (the Jews that want to recognize Him) for one week (last week of Daniel). Zech. 12:10 and Matt 23:39 states Yeshua said the Jews will not see (they will be blind) him again UNTIL they say, Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. Zech 12:10 states they will look on Him whom they’ve pierced. This prophecy is for the last days. When He walked away from them, He was not finished with them. Dan 9:27 depicts this as stated in Matt and Zech. There is a 2000 yr gap in 9:27 passage, Yeshua will have a supernatural visitation with His Jews b4 the end. THEN comes the desolator. Yeshua was crucified mid week. He also said Your house (Temple) is left desolate. Luke 13.35. (He was crucified mid week what we call Wednesday)

            Thereafter nothing in the Temple functioned including the sacrifices. This is a fact. The rabbis will tell you this. Then the Temple came down 40 yrs after the Crucifixion. They never repented. The Isaiah passage, if you do a close reading, states He PROCLAIMED the ACCEPTABLE YEAR (SINGULAR YEAR) of the LORD. Not 3.5 years of the Lord. He also was the Passover Lamb which had to be one year old. Not a 3.5 year old lamb. Ex 12:5 Also the instructions for the Passover lamb was not to have the bones broken which was fulfilled at the Cross. Ex 12:46. You can say anything but you have to prove your interpretation. You obviously don’t know the Scriptures, and have never studied them in-depth.

            It didn’t take Yeshua 3.5 years to make His point. He was on a strict timed mission. Where He conducted His ministry was a small radius area. That 3.5 years syndrome was an invention of the Roman Empire. It made way for the vicar of Christ (the pope) to rule with an iron rod.

            The other 3.5 was when Peter was instructed to go to Cornelius. The Roman Empire says this is when the torch of the Jews was taken over by the gentiles. (Until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled). That last week, in their teaching, had been fulfilled in ancient times. The pope is
            Christ vicarious and there is no 2nd coming or book of Revelation. They say the book of Daniel and Revelation is ancient history. The pope is in place of Christ for 1K + yrs.
            Hope this helps.

          • Got news for you. If there is a 2,000 year gap in a 490 year prophecy, the prophecy is invalid. You’re proclaiming that God could not fulfill His own 490 year prophecy in 490 years. Why would He give a specific timeline for it’s fulfillment, if it wasn’t going to be fulfilled during that time frame? That is all most illogical!

            Then you point out that ‘confirming’ means it is pointing back to a previous covenant. That is exactly what Messiah did. He confirmed the covenant made with Abraham, that those who believe by faith that the promised Passover Lamb of God would atone for their sins.

            The Father made a covenant with Abraham that He would provide a lamb for their sins, Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb of God.

            And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.” Genesis 22:7

            John the Baptist identified Messiah as the fulfillment of that promise to Abraham:

            The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29

            Isaiah 49:8 foretold that the Messiah would be a covenant to His people,

            Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages.

            Ezekiel 37:26-27 confirms that it was Jesus who ‘cut’ an everlasting covenant, that established peace between God and man. And He setup a spiritual temple that can never be abolished, which is made up of His people.

            Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them, and it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; I will establish them and multiply them, and I will set My sanctuary in their midst forevermore. My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

            Isaiah 42:6, “I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness, And will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the Gentiles.

            Jeremiah 31:31-34 foretold the time when Jesus would offer a new covenant to the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. In Hebrews 8:8-10, Paul confirmed that this was fulfilled by Jesus.

            Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says the LORD. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

            Christ, by whom the covenant was made and ratified, is called the angel or messenger of the covenant, because he reconciles us to his Father.

            Malachi 3:1, “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.

            Paul confirmed that is was Jesus who confirmed the covenant promises.

            Romans 15:8 says, “Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers.

            Galatians 3:17 says, “And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect.”

            Then the writer of Hebrews goes on to identify Christ not only as the One who validated that covenant, but also as its author!

            And for this reason Christ is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives.

            It’s telling us that the New (or Abrahamic) Covenant could not be confirmed or ratified until the One who made it died.

            Hebrews 9:28 states that “Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many,” which is a perfect match to Daniel 9:24-27. Jesus’ sacrificial offering covered all of the sins that are listed in Daniel 9:24, and His sacrifice made to save many.

            Jesus co-authored the Abrahamic Covenant, to redeem Abraham’s spiritual seed, those of all races who believe in God, by faith.

            Hebrews 12:2, “looking unto Jesus, the author(originator) and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

            Hebrews 12:24, “Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.”

            Hebrews 13:20, “Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant.”

            The Scriptures clearly declare that Messiah confirmed the covenant made with Abraham.

            Nowhere does scripture every say that the antichrist will make a covenant, that is just speculation.

          • THere where never a person in the hebrew scripture named jesus. all of the fictitious characters in King James Revised Version of 1611 bible are all falsified characters and can never be trusted… also, during the first version of KJV there where never a man named jesus there. search for it and learn it yourself because you just have been lied by a false identity of the Hebrew Messiah. Shalom

        • Amen!
          Michael Rood is the best teacher I’ve heard in the 17 years of my faith.
          Another good teacher is Jim Staley.
          Christians will always mock Messianic teachers as they cannot accept the truth, especially when it comes to the Christmas & Easter lie and the 70 week ministry… they go crazy about that.

          • Ba’aal worship. That’s what Christianity turned into. The sect of nicolaus pegan worship mixed with Yeshuas teaching. Worlds economy will fall when you remove all the holidays. Merchants will stand off a far to bad u great city.

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