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For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on
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Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you in Yahusha/Jesus name!
David Nikao Wilcoxson
I am enjoying your teaching since discovering your website a few days ago. I have been a believer in a post trib rapture for many years and have preached sermons on Daniel’s 70 week prophecy that agree with your teaching. I have yet to read many of the articles and look forward to doing so.
In your article concerning the two interpretations of Dan 9:26-27 that compare Christ to Antichrist there is a typo that I’m sure you will want to correct.
Here is the passage that needs to be corrected:
“The Roman Catholic Church has been seated in the temple and proclaiming to be God since 538 A.D. Antichrist doesn’t just mean against Christ, but it also means ‘in place of Antichrist.’ The Pope calls himself the ‘Vicar of Christ’ which means substitute Christ.”
I’m sure you meant to say, “in place of Christ”.
As I continue reading your articles, I’m sure I will have some question and probably some disagreement, but it seems you are a lover of the truth and that the Word of God is your authority.
Thank you for your comment Don 🙂 And thank you for the correction, I hate typos! I’ve updated the page.
Yes, I just seek the truth through the Word of God, and not to defend beliefs.
Contact me anytime with questions, insight and corrections 🙂
Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name, David
I just found your web site and am relieved and impressed by your conclusions from Scripture. I have had a rather lonely time for the last 10 years or so because my reading of Scripture does not agree with Zionism and many of the pretribulation rapture doctrines that are so entrenched in the American Churches. We are partakers of a better covenant who have been brought from death to life by the blood of our lord Jesus Christ. The old covenant is obsolete (Hebrews, chapters 8-10) and there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. To ascribe some divine favor to the satanic Zionist state of Israel is according to my understanding of the Bible, a blasphemy against the Most High. I am looking forward to reading your articles in the future.
Thanks for being there, Karl
Thank you for your comment Karl 🙂 I’m blessed to know that the studies are helping you. It’s a lonely road to be sure, as most people have been programmed by the enemy, to support Zionist Israel, and to believe in futuristic prophecy explanations. Contact me anytime with questions or insight about the studies. The studies are listed on the right side of the page and also on the Study List page. Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name, David
As I am in complete agreement with you regarding the prophecies of the Book of Daniel and Revelation…I strongly urge you brother to review and study trinity/Godhead doctrine,it is another deception….I studied and researched all scriptural evidence also including history and said origins which is dubious at best.
Thank you for your comment Stefan 🙂 Did you document your research about the trinity/Godhead doctrine on a website or in a Word document? If so, please let me know how I can access it. Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name, David
I just found your website and I am glad to find a study on the historical truth of bible prophesy. I was wondering if you had some downloadable audio files for my study while driving and or working during the day?
Thank you for your blog and I look forward to a more in depth study of it.
Brian Sutton
Pasco WA
Thank you for your comment Brian 🙂 I do not have downloadable audio files yet. I may look at doing that along with videos in the near future. There are programs such as NaturalReader that will translate text to voice to create an audio file for you. Contact me anytime with comments or insight on the studies. Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name, David
I really like your work. The best by far concerning your understanding of the bible, prophecy and history. I have a Talkshoe show “Nothing But the Truth”. I really want to interview you folks and share your work and research with others. Please consider coming on the show. http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=135399&cmd=tc Thank your faithful work
Sincerely, Michael H. Adams
I have just come across this site and I thank God for it because only this morning, before settling down and reading your articles, God gave me a revelationary thought about the mind and I wrote in my ‘revelation’ booklet……”Our minds for so many years have been infiltrated and programmed by Satan, who has also created denominations, thus programming our minds further with lies within these church buildings”. I was an orthodox Jew in name only, whom God has now called out of the denominational church and is teaching me by His Spirit the truths of His Word. He showed me that the ”once saved always saved” is a lie from the devil; that only our PAST sins have been forgiven; that we are BEING saved and that we must repent daily from our heart. Blessings and Joy and love.
Thank you for your comment Abigail 🙂 Praise God that He is re-programming your mind with truth, for His historical fulfillment of prophecy is glorious indeed, and the enemy seeks to hide it from the followers of Christ. Contact me anytime with questions or insight about the studies. Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name, David
I have been searching for a church that teaches these truths for years. I started a home bible group about 6-7 years ago and have had about 20 baptisms in my backyard. Unfortunately I have been unable to find any churches. Any ideas on where I can find one? I’m located in southern California orange county area
Thank you for your comment Stephen 🙂 Sorry to say that I don’t know many people teaching the historical fulfillment of prophecy, so I don’t have any Church recommendations. I think that given what’s happening in America, house churches are the way to go. Keep up the amazing work for the Kingdom! Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name,
I stumbled across this website and have wondered about many of these things for some time. I have come to the same conclusions as have you and others have come to regarding the prophecies etc. I am wondering if you have any printed books, as it is hard for me to read on the internet. Thanks.
Thank you for your comment Ellen 🙂 I do not have any books, but on the bottom of each study page is a green Print PDF button, which you can use to easily print the study to read it on paper. I hope that helps!
Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name,
First, I would like to say Thank you for your obedience to our Lord, Jesus Christ. The more and more we (myself & my husband) find out the truth the more we realize there are so few willing to speak it! Not to say it is easy by any means, as the previous comment states knowing the truth sometimes feels like a curse and I know this feeling all too well. I landed on your page as the first link to pop up (certainly not by coincidence) while looking for truth about why Christians should not support Israel, knowing this is truth…but looking for scriptural backing and guidance and wow, what a wealth of truth I found that I was not looking for nor expecting regarding Eschatology.
My husband and I have known the truth about the catholic church, the Jesuits, Illumnati, etc. for a couple of years now….but of course our knowledge continues to increase with our prayer and study of these things. Within the last year, I had a paradigm shift from Pre-trib (because that’s what I was always taught and never questioned) to Post-trib. I have spent the last 8 months at least, studying the scriptures to understand and be able to explain, direct and help others to understand it…including my husband. I was pretty confident in what I believed to be true…completely rejecting Pre-trib theory no doubt and had begun planting seeds with family members and close friends. It’s not a “fun” place to be…the rejection, the doubt from others, questions, crazy looks, the doubts the enemy tries to place in your own mind because you feel alone in this belief. But I continued, believing what I was sharing to be truth and knowing the Lord would not have me keep it to myself. Then WHAM…..out of nowhere the truth of God’s word jumps out at me from your website when I was not even looking for it (isn’t that how He usually works?)
Truth is, my husband and I have continued daily without fail to pray for truth to be revealed, for our eyes to continue to remain open and even if it means starting over with an entirely new belief in what we have taken for granted all of our lives, so be it…we want the truth. So, why did I expect any less from God when answering our request?
I’ll be honest, when studying the different views of Eschatology I looked into all of the commonly known theories and what I am seeing in your pages ring true to the Preterist (whether partial of full) and that is the one view I rejected almost immediately. But, although I am still learning this and allowing the Lord to deprogram my mind….I am realizing that one does not have to hold an acceptable “view” of anything….I don’t have to fit into the mold of what the world has said “If we believe this, then we are this” thinking. That is one of those other delusions I believe the world has given us…that we must fit into a category of some sort or we are wrong, we can’t be right because who are we to know the truth if it doesn’t line up with an already established belief/way of thinking, etc.
But to go even further in my complete transparency, there is still a bit of doubt in completely embracing this view, why?? Because there are several false doctrines, teachers, movements that I have also studied for over a yr. (doesn’t seem like long, but feel like a lifetime to me) So much so, in Feb of this year my family (husband and 2 children) left our church and have not returned to a “church institution” as of yet and do not feel led to any time soon if at all. The majority of these false doctrines hold to the “preterist” view and again, that makes me question. When I see the names of these false leaders associated with the beliefs I see here on your page, my eyes and ears certainly perk up and I am on guard…looking, praying and discerning. So, I need to study, study and study some more to understand the truth of what all of this really means. I have tripped down rabbit holes more times than I wish to admit and spent time thinking I had found the truth only to find out once again, the master deceiver almost had me convinced.
Although I have not been waiting for Jesus to return at any moment to rapture us before the tribulation, I have been waiting to see the Anti-Christ rise and the AOD in the temple letting me know we have approx 3.5 yrs left until Jesus returns for His church. Now, all of that is in question to me…..kind of shakes ones foundation. I told my husband this morning, its like going back to the beginning AGAIN…like when we realized the truth about our government, the Jesuits, NWO, 911, etc….that was a huge wake up call that sent me spiraling into a depression of sorts. Although it did not last long because of my hope in Jesus, it is not something to be taken lightly and seems that just as you take one step forward in this pool of grotesque deception, you realize the next step is much deeper than the one before. Then the question begins…Lord, why have you revealed this to us and what are we supposed to do with it?
I read a number of pages from this site and most of it outloud to my husband….because it goes perfectly hand in hand with what we know to be truth about the Jesuits, etc. it just seems to be possible that the one “view” I rejected immediately in the beginning of my searching may be the one that is truth?
I am curious to find out what your thoughts are on the Millennium, whether you believe scripture says it is literal, figurative has already happened or we are living in it right now??
It’s very surreal to feel overwhelmed with thoughts in my head, but overwhelmed with peace in my spirit…..I appreciate your words on each page to ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes and guide/teach us in these things. Truly, without His guidance seeing the truth is utterly impossible.
ps, sorry for the long comment….could have been longer, but I stopped myself 🙂
In love and truth in Christ Jesus,
Thank you for your comment Misty 🙂
Yeah, I’ve had quite a bit of traffic from people who are looking for the truth about Israel, which is such a major deception. I never know if people are getting it or not, so I’m glad you see the truth.
And the pre-trib deception is huge too. The main thing that invalidates it is that the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, so it’s not a future 7-year tribulation period. If the Church could understand that, they would know they have been deceived by the enemy.
I understand about being opposed by people’s strong beliefs. You’re blessed that the Lord is showing you truth! And He does that because you long for it. The Spirit of Truth has had to remove most of my previous beliefs about prophecy.
There’s been many times where I was researching one thing and the Lord opened up a new area of understanding, through someone’s studies.
I’m a historicist, meaning I believe that most of the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled historically. Some of those were fulfilled during the first century, such as the 70th week of Daniel and Daniel 12. People say that makes me a Preterist, but that is just a label, that lets them dismiss the teaching.
Most of the theologians through history have believed the historical fulfillment of prophecy.
The Lord pulled my out Church Institutions several years ago and I haven’t been back.
The Church has been programmed with ideas about the AOD, a peace agreement from AC, the rebuilding of the temple, the 7-year trib, 3.5 of Great Trib.
And all of those markers are false, so that Christians don’t know where we’re at on the timeline and what will happen next. And they no doubt will be caught off-guard by what will happen.
I tell people that prophecy fulfillment is fairly easy and straight-forward. It’s all of the deceptions and speculations from deceivers that make it difficult to see the truth.
The enemy is overcome with the truth. The Church of Christ has historically had two missions. To share the pure Gospel of salvation by faith in Jesus atoning work. And to testify against the Antichrist RCC. The Protestant Reformers did that and took back control of nations.
Most people don’t see the Jesuits as the second beast of Rev. 13. But Daniel told us the last beast would be Roman. It has changed forms over the years, but it will always be Roman.
The Millennium seems to be literal. Jesus hasn’t returned, so I don’t believe that we are in it. And when you read the Revelation Fulfillment Timeline, you see that we are waiting on the 7th Trumpet, which is before the Millennium.
I pray for the visitors on the website for the Lord to grant them eye salve to see His truth. I certainly don’t know everything, but I’ve been shown much, and I’m happy to share it in a format that helps make it easier for people to understand.
I hope that I answered your questions.
Contact me anytime to let me know how I can help you.
Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name,
You said, “People say that makes me a Preterist, but that is just a label, that lets them dismiss the teaching.”
So, you can dismiss a label other’s have used for you while you dismiss others with your own labels.. Not that I’m here to argue… just an opinion..
I read and I can discern for myself if I agree with whatever I read. I do agree with the idea that God’s ‘revealed’ will is clear – in the gospels and epistles. When it comes to secret knowledge or specific interpretation of future events, that is obviously God’s sovereign knowledge and a more with-held or secret will.
“The hidden things belong to God, but the things He has revealed (clearly) belong to us and to our children.” I’m sure you are aware of the myriad ideas of just how it will all go down in the end times. I love the ones who ‘set a date’ and the date passes.
Therefore, I do not feel the need to ‘think’ I have it ‘all figured out’ and anyone who thinks different is wrong. I don’t know what the future holds specifically, but I know who holds the future.
So I find this whole realm of ‘wanting to think I know’ what will happen generally very tedious.
I do see the growth of Islam, the children of Ishmael, so against the Jews and Christians, that it is easy to see the killing of believers happening now and increasing in the future. The spread of Muslims into Europe may motivate more Jews to return to Israel. That is as far as I will go.
You would do well to limit yourself to topics that are clear and specific from Scripture. The end time scenario is always open to debate but since I’m not here to argue any of it, I see it as a waste of time, energy and, frankly, typing.
Since you left your church, you are not obedient to ‘not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as is the habit of some…” unless you have surrounded yourself with ‘like-minded’ (sic) people who agree with you and meet in homes.
Either way, part of the function of the ‘body’ is to keep us from drifting off into right or left field, and I fear that is just what has happened to you. Not that I care. I’ve read enough to know I won’t be reading any more.
It’s sad that some people think they have all the answers so it’s ‘us’ against ‘them’ mentality. I’ve lived long enough to know I don’t have all the answers and long enough not to worry about it either.
Thank you so much for your hard work. It is eloquent and written so anyone can understand…from a theology major to a humble girl who never had a chance to go to college and has worked since high school (aka me) =) I have been nothing but confused and bombarded by Revelations interpretations. If I read it on my own, I am hopelessly lost. The large churches I have attended in the past don’t even teach this! Nothing…not a word. They stomp their feet, quote about three verses and tell silly stories for laughs and I am very much tired of it. We look to these “teachers” to help us prepare and help us understand. I feel like everyone is very unprepared. They are not stupid, they are ignorant like I was. I have spent a year searching for answers and waking up from my sheeple state and it is hard work. People don’t want to work hard anymore. They want their pastor, media, and news to spoon feed them a wishy washy world view.
I still take everything with a grain of salt if it is opinion from anyone. But the truth is I need help with scripture. I may have a demon putting a mental block some days because I can’t get through the prophecies on my own and put them together. They are over whelming. But I think I found some good starts here. I found things I already knew but learned even more about , (Roman Catholic equals Bad news and major player in end of times) and things I had no idea about. (All those prophecies that have been fulfilled that I have been sitting here waiting on to happen because I have never been told better). I was living in a “Left behind” mentality and thinking this stuff won’t happen to me in my life time because we still have to get our flying cars, hover boards, and space colonies first. That is what happens when you look at things in man’s very limited perspective. I am now pretty convinced I am going to live to see very hard times in America. An unprecedented third world status is going to happen. Mass populate wipe outs, fema camps, military state. They predict it and explain it in the movies Hollywood makes (Hunger Games anyone?). It is like they are making fun of us by publishing the hidden agendas in plain sight as entertainment. They know as a whole, America is dumbed down, crippled without social media and material items, and a slave to money.
I am very grateful for finding out so much about…well everything! But at the same time it has been a curse. I get very sad and a little paranoid and lose sleep. Please pray for me to find my place in life. I am hurting and am literally dying to find out what my predetermined plan is HE gave me. I don’t know what to do with the knowledge and my closest friends and family roll their eyes at me. =( It is like not being of the world I guess.
Thank you for your comment Ariel 🙂 I’ve tried to take what I’ve read and learned, and make it concise and easy to understand.
It’s crazy to me that Churches don’t teach about these things, especially at this late hour. Satan is working diligently towards his master end times plan, and Christians are busy playing Church.
The Church is woefully unprepared for what lies ahead, as most of what they’ve been taught about prophecy fulfillment is a deception from the enemy.
I appreciate that you’re willing to read studies and make an effort to find truth.
The evil ones have a code of ethics, if you will, that they must foretell what they are going to do ahead of time. Of course, it can be coded in movies, etc. And no doubt they mock us with these things in movies.
I understand about how knowing the truth can seem like a curse. Family and friends reject what I teach. It’s a narrow road to be sure. Just keep in mind how blessed you are to know the truth, instead of being deceived.
I could spend all day on Facebook trying to convince people, but most people have blinded themselves to truth, and they reject what I teach. I could walk into every Church and talk to the Pastors, but they already believe that they know the truth.
My point is not to waste time trying to convince people who don’t want to learn. Pray that the Lord puts people in your life who are searching for truth.
The Church of Christ has been called to do two things: First and foremost, to witness about salvation through Christ’s atoning work on the cross. Second, to testify against the antichrist Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church. They lose power over people when their deceptions are exposed.
1.2 Billion Catholics needs our witness, as most of them trust in salvation by the seven sacraments, through the Papal Church, which is not true salvation.
My other website called is Roman Catholic Beliefs, and it’s designed to help them see how what the Pope’s teach opposes what the Bible teaches. http://romancatholicbeliefs.org/ http://romancatholicbeliefs.org
If you know Catholics, it helps to wake them up to the truth.
Read the Share page to get tips on sharing the information with others. http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/share-prophecy-fulfillment-bible-studies/
I will send you a personal email. Feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions about a study, and to let me know how I can help you.
Grace and peace and love to you in Christ’s name,
Your article on the Names is a worthy one. It seems all your email button links are broken, so I thought I should let you know. Typo alert above- woefully prepared, or did you mean woefully unprepared? You sign off in the name of Christ, without using His Name. How about signing off in the Name of Yahusha Meshikha, the Savior and Son of YHWH, which they could comprehend, all in all. Idea humbly submitted to you, as most haven’t even thought about the Names. I also want to let you know that the ISR has its problems and inaccuracies too, like refusing to pronounce or write out Yahuah so people will know it, like the fact that they abbreviate the Divine Prefix to Yah, cutting off the ending of all the biblical men’s names with yah, instead of yahu as they had been ( another way of hiding the Vav), using the masoretic text which is strategically compromised by the masoretes, and by using the TR, another greek rewrite source, rather than the aramaic, ( not Andrew Roth’s where he wrote his own Galatians, as a judaizer), like the term “Messianites” which is false. Like you, I am not of the Hebrew Roots “movement” (strategy/agenda) to funnel souls into messianic judaism for endtime noahide purposes. I notice you, and the ISR are using the modern Babylonian square script, not the true Hebrew, not surprising for ISR’s publisher, but you at least should know the difference, just letting you know. So you know, Aramaic was the mother tongue of most all languages, including ours going all the way back, English having numerous remnants of it, our Double-U included, as relating to the Vav. All the western languages contain remnants of it. I have studied the Names, the history and the linguistics at great length, and share this with you. Trimming the Divine Prefix, and all the other Name alterations, were purposeful priestly prohibitions done over time for the purpose of hiding the Name. Because using the Name they still hold as prohibited, it could be tempting to obey man rather than Yahuah, so it matters. I hope you direct the ears that hear to it. You’re right, He has but One Name. Please see why the second Vav cannot be. It was not an issue of femininity, because Moses renamed “Joshua”, Yahushua when he needed Divine rescue/salvation, his original name being the Savior’s, as one Who did Not need Salvation, Being Salvation, Yahusha. The modern so-called Hebrew is not relevant to Bible issues, being a contrived construct for purposes of corruption and mixture, created in the era between the early church and Constantine, for agenda goals. I hope you are willing for me to share this with you. I would have emailed you this particular post, but all the links appear to be broken. My post on the Names on the other page was for them, the people, not for you per se at all, but with love for those that love Him.
Thank you for your comment CA 🙂 I’m not sure why the comments are not working on the Falling Away study, I will work on that. Thanks for the typo alert. As for updating the names on the End Times Deceptions, it’s a process. I really only learned about the true names this year, so it’s been a learning process. You have to step people through the deceptions, so only using the name of Yahuah and Yahusha on the End Times Deceptions website might throw people off, causing them to reject the prophecy studies. Yeah, the ISR isn’t perfect. I like it because it translates the titles of Lord and God properly, it fixes translation errors that are found in the KJ, and when you know the symbols for the Father and Son, it reads well. Thanks again, David
do you have the video clip where Palmer makes the statement that Luther was the source of all the division? I have heard he said it at a conference sponsored by Copeland for pastors. I do not want to watch an hour of palmers deception to just get the clip where he makes the statement about Luther. Thanks,
Thank you for your comment and encouragement Rick 🙂 This page has a 3 minute video from Tony Palmer, http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/spiritual-racists/ though I’m not sure it contains the info on Luther. He pretends that Luther’s only protest that was they taught salvation by works, but Luther had many things to say about the Roman Catholic Church and their false doctrine, and that they were the antichrist beast of Revelation, the Little Horn of Daniel, and the office of the Papacy, the Son of Perdition. Blessings to you! David.
Hi David.
First of all, Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for the truth of the cross of Calvary, and his undying love, mercy, and grace!
I want to congratulate you on the website, as I just recently found it, by what I believe to be the work and grace of God. It was no coincidence that I found it, as your explanation of the deception growing in this world, has sectioned and put into words, what I have suspected for some time now but was not able to fully comprehend.
The moment I finished the Intro and End Times Deception, I forwarded it to my parents and pastor, and was shockingly met with disagreement and challenge. And rightfully so, as this material is shocking, but was not to me. I have read the majority of the material you have, and it reads to me like a simple instruction manual of truth. I’ve come to the conclusion, that older generations, walking in the Holy Spirit or not, may have a hard time deciphering this truth, after potential decades of church propaganda, spiritual darkness and deception. The more I’ve persisted this week, the more I’ve been able to get through to my Mother, especially regarding the Catholic Church, the beast money system, and different interpretations of what it means to take the mark of the beast. I believe the Lord has unlocked the last piece of the puzzle, through you and your site, in my life, and I am well on my way now to fulfilling God’s plan for me.
If I had to question anything from you personally, I would ask what do you think would be the most effective way to get this stance on prophecy to the multitudes of self-proclaimed christian churches in America?
It is to my understanding, that FEMA has established already, it’s plans with pastors for a peaceful resolution to the camps. Would it be safe to say, that by challenging these false teachers and sell-outs, that I would be potentially jeopardizing my life, if I haven’t already?
I’m trusting in the Lord that no matter what happens, I will be caught up to be with Him for eternity, but now thanks to this material, I believe the evangelist-field has just shifted from the lost to my own “Christian” family.
Finally, what is eternal salvation without death?
My Mother and I are battling on what eternal salvation means for a person who is alive, claims to be Christian, but not walking in the Spirit. And, whether or not making a decision to believe in Him twenty years ago, is valid in salvation in the eyes of the Lord, if today, that person is not born from the Spirit above. I believe this is substantial when considering the end times, and the possibility that what pastors have been teaching for decades [eternal salvation in belief] is not going to be sufficient for those whose lives and realities are shattered when they are literally caught with their pants down in these next two years, as the Lord returns in the sky. These people are looking to the future, always, for signs, when I believe the signs are all around us now, and have been for our entire modern lives.
Thank you for your work in the Lord, and I pray now for the truth to set everyone free before it is too late!
Hi David.
Well praise our Lord Jesus Christ that you can see the truth, because as you know, it’s hidden from most Christians.
Thank you for your encouragement. 🙂
Prophecy gets pretty simple, once you put aside all of the programming you’ve received before, and simply look to see how the Bible defines prophecy terms and learn how the prophecies have been fulfilled historically.
Sadly, the deceiver has programmed Christians minds through repetition. He had his people infiltrate seminaries to corrupt their teachings of prophecy. And Christians hear the same deceptions over and over, from their pastor, on TV, on the radio, in the Left Behind movies, etc.
The Lord has put my past experience in marketing to use in my ministry. To be effective you have to put yourself in front of people who are looking for what you have.
If I confront Pastors and Christians about these concepts, they just get defensive and reject it.
If I put the truth out there, the people who are searching for truth will find it. Those are the people who hunger for truth and are open to learning.
So for the most part, I let the Holy Spirit bring people, like you, to the truth.
Do I believe that my teachings may put me in jeopardy? Maybe, but my God is bigger than their god, so if something happens to me, it was God’s will for me.
When you read Revelation, you’ll note that the followers of Christ overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Many of them were killed, and Jesus honors them.
The “Once Saved Always Saved” is a deception from the devil. Many Christians will hear Jesus say “Away from me, I never knew you.”
Read the studies on the 70th week of Daniel, which prove that the covenant was Jesus’ New Covenant, not an end-times covenant with the state of Israel.
That invalidates that the 70th week of Daniel is about an end-times antichrist, and it invalidates the concept of a 7-year tribulation period.
Check out this new series on the seals, trumpets and bowls of Revelation, which have been fulfilled historically, instead all happening during the last few years of time. Click on http://christianitybeliefs.org/revelation-fuel-project-guide/
Grace and peace and love to you in Jesus name,
Hi David,
Regarding your question about getting truth to Christians, here’s what I’ve learned:
If you tell people that they’re wrong, their pride will cause them to defend their beliefs.
If you try to teach someone who is not open to learning truth, you’re casting pearls before swine.
Just like Jesus was rejected by people who knew Him from His childhood, people who know you will reject your teachings, thinking “what can he possibly know, he hasn’t been to cemetery” I mean seminary 😛
So don’t position yourself as the expert, point people to the Bible studies on this website.
Engage people by asking if they would like read a historical fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel.
Ask them if they would like to read about the true meaning of the abomination of desolation.
Ask them if they would like to read about the historical fulfillment of the seals, trumpets and bowls of Revelation.
If they are a Roman Catholic, ask them if they would like to read about how the Bible speaks specifically about the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope. Then give them the link to this Roman Catholic Beliefs study http://romancatholicbeliefs.org
All you can do is invite people to take a look, give them the link to the study, and then let the Word of God and the Holy Spirit guide them.
The right people will get it, others will reject it.
I hope that helps! 🙂
Why do you hide your identity? Your name is David? David who? What is your last name? What are you hiding?
I love the irony Glen. You accuse me of hiding my last name, and then you don’t include yours. 😛
What are you hiding?
What does my last name matter?
Does it change the truth that is given on the End Times Deceptions studies?
Hi, David~
Thank you for your blog.
I saw your comment at William Frederick’s blog (The End Times Forecaster).
After growing up in Catholicism, I became a Christians in 1974 at the age of 28 and also have come to understand who the players are in End Times and why I have not been able to find fellowship all of these years.
In the early 80s I heard about an ex-Jesuit who became a Christian and was able to meet with him briefly. He confirmed what I was seeing in the Word of God. This helped me stay on track over the years, while I lost home, family, etc. to follow Christ.
Do you have a list of dvds? Since I do a lot of reading and writing, I am building a dvd library so I have something to watch while I am resting away from the computer in addition to getting some information from youtube.
While I have been checking out various end time views and current events, I have had this nagging feeling that we are much farther along on God’s timetable than we think. I am very interested in your perspective on current events and the study you are working on about eschatology. Will you also please add my email address to your mailing list and notify me when your new study is posted?
I sincerely appreciate all of the work you have put into your web site and will be coming back to study more of your posts in the days ahead.
I hope you will find a few minutes to check out my blog.
Thank you again for sharing this most important information.
Remember to pray for the suffering children.
He is our Peace,
Hi Kay 🙂
Thank you for your encouragement. I sent you a personal email, so look for that, and let’s keep in touch.
Grace and peace to you in Jesus name,