Revelation Seals, Trumpets And Bowls Timeline

On this End Times Deceptions page you will see a timeline of how most of our Messiah’s Revelation to His church has been fulfilled throughout history:

This overview summarizes the fulfillment of the seals, trumpets and bowls, to help
you see the big picture.  To watch short videos that give you a verse by verse
explanation of the historical fulfillment of the Revelation seals, trumpets and bowls,
click on Book of Revelation Prophecy Fulfillment Videos.

Warning: Your previous programming may cause you to not be able to accept these answers yet, because they don’t line up with what you’ve been taught by Pastors.

But we are called to be like the Berean’s, and search the Bible to prove the things that Pastors teach us. And you definitely need to do that on this or any website.

It will help you see the big picture of how 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 5 bowls, have been historically fulfilled during the three different phases of the Rome beast, that the followers of Christ have faced.

And it will help you see that our Lord is not lax in exacting vengeance against the people who have killed His followers.

Note: this is just an overview, so it won’t contain detailed explanations of the events.  Those will be provided in the upcoming study series.

Satan caused the Roman Empire to kill millions of Christians from 66 – 313 A.D.

Rome is the fourth kingdom of the prophecies in Daniel 2 and 7, and it was at the height of its power, when white horses were used in victory parades, and the Cretan Emperors wore a wreath, representing a crown. The Early Church would have been familiar with those symbols, so they would have understood that the seal judgments were about the Roman Empire.

John couldn’t say that the seals were about the fall of the Roman Empire, as that would have invited severe persecution from the Romans, so he used symbols to convey the message.

John was given the Revelation in 96 A.D., and in Revelation 1:1 Jesus told him that these things would take place shortly.

1st Seal – The white horse represents the conquering Roman Empire, from 96 – 180 A.D., as it was a time of its greatest expansion and their military conquests were celebrated by riding white horses in their victory parades. Cretan Roman Emperors Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, each had a bow as their symbol. The crown represents the laurel wreathes of victory that were worn by the Caesars after their armies had won a military battle.

During the time of Rome’s rule, Jesus set up His kingdom which grew into millions of followers in a short period of time, because the Apostles and Early Church were scattered due to persecution, so the Gospel was spread around the Roman Empire.  Each of the Apostles traveled to other countries, sharing the Gospel.  Paul’s missions expanded the kingdom and established many Churches.

 “And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” Daniel 2:44

Christ was going forth on His victorious mission of taking control of countries with His Gospel, and of avenging the martyrs deaths by causing the Roman Empire to collapse during the rest of the seal judgments. Christ is overthrowing the greatest power the world has ever known, the mighty Roman Empire, and He is doing it not with weapons, but with the sword of His Word.  Jesus will return on a white horse to destroy the last phase of the Roman beast.

2nd Seal – The Red horse represents a bloody time in the Roman Empire from 185-284 A.D., as it went into a phase of revolution and civil war for 90 years, during which there were 32 emperors and 27 contenders for the throne.

3rd Seal – The Black horse represents a period gloom and despair, as the Romans suffered under excessive taxes that were needed to pay for wars. The prices for wheat and barley that the Lord decreed were the exact prices from 222-235 A.D.

4th Seal – The Pale horse represents 1/4th of Romans dying from famine, plague, pestilence and violence, from 250-300 A.D.  The word ‘earth‘ means land, not the whole Earth.  The Roman Empire is the land/earth of prophecy.

5th Seal – It represents the millions of martyrs who were killed by the Roman Empire, especially the Smyrna church martyrs who Emperor Diocletian persecuted for 10 years, from 303-312 A.D. Their blood is crying out for the Lord to avenge their deaths.

6th Seal – Earthquakes in the prophecy represent great political upheavals. Eastern Emperor Constantine defeated Diocletian’s army in 312 A.D., which ended the persecutions. Diocletian (the Sun) was so panic stricken, he died insane. Constantine defeated emperors Maxentius and Licinius to become sole ruler of both west and east by 324 A.D. The Roman leaders (stars) fell and their power receded as a scroll. The mountains and islands that were moved out of place, were the countries and people that were affected by this political change.

7th Seal – It represents the Lord sealing His servants before He sounds the 7 trumpets of judgment against the Pagan Roman Empire.

After several centuries of the Roman Empire brutally persecuting Christians, Emperor Constantine changed strategies and in 321 A.D., he made Christianity the state religion.

Satan caused Constantine to do this, to create a new way to try to destroy true Christianity. Satan realized that the more he caused the Roman Empire to kill Christians, the faster the Church of Christ grew. So his new strategy was to infiltrate the church and destroy it from the inside.

Constantine combined Pagan idolatry with Christianity, forming the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church. They changed the names of idols like Isis to Mary, Jupiter to St. Peter, etc. They changed the Sabbath to SUN-day, because they worshiped the Sun god. This is the harlot (the apostate church) of Revelation 17.

The appeal of the prestige and power of Rome caused many Christians to compromise their beliefs. Instead of refusing to align with the Pagan Roman Empire, they joined with them, which was the Falling Away that Paul referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2.

This was the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church, which Satan would use to persecute Christians even more relentlessly.

After the leadership of the Roman Empire was desolated, our Lord sent army after army to attack and conquer the different areas of the vast Roman Empire.

1st Trumpet – Hail means war in Bible symbolism, and the Lord caused the Goths, who were led by Alaric, to move in the direction in which literal hail came (north to south). They attacked the Roman Empire from 400-410 A.D., in Greece, Gaul, Spain, and then 300,000 Goths invaded Italy. The fire represents their scorched earth policy in their invasions of enemy territory.

2nd Trumpet – A mountain in Biblical symbolism represents a great nation and a sea is a large group of people. It represents the Lord sending the Vandals, led by Genseric, to attack the coast-lands on the Roman territory of the Mediterranean and all the islands from 425-470 A.D., leaving bloodshed and confusion in their wake.

3rd Trumpet – A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. God sent this great burning star, Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” He came from the area around a river in Illyricum which in Greek is called “Apsynthos” (Wormwood). Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 A.D., and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers.

4th Trumpet – The Sun, Moon and Stars symbolizes leadership structure. Here it represents God using Odoacer and the Heruli, a branch of the Goths, to cause the downfall of Roman leadership when Romulus Augustalus, the last Roman Emperor (the Sun) of the West was captured in 476 A.D. The hierarchy of Roman leaders (moon and stars) would have lost their power too.

When the Roman Emperors were removed, the Empire split into 10 kingdoms. This paved the way for the Roman Catholic Church to rise to power, which fulfilled two prophecies:

Daniel told us in Daniel 7 that the Little Horn would rise up amongst the ten horns and that he would pluck out 3 of the horns. This was fulfilled when the Papal Church eliminated 3 of the 10 Roman kingdoms (the Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths), because they would not bow down to their authority.

Paul told us in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 that “He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.” Paul was talking about the Roman Empire, but if he had written that, it would have invited severe persecution on the Church. Paul is telling us that the Son of Perdition would be revealed when the Roman Emperors were removed. The office of the Papacy pretends to be Christian, he sits as God in the midst of the temple of God (followers of Christ), showing himself that he is God.

The Lord continued to pour out His wrath on the vast Roman Empire.

The 5th Trumpet represents the Lord using the Arabian (Mohammedan) army against the Western Roman Empire from 612-762 A.D., which is 150 years (5 months = 150 days). They wore turbans (crowns of gold); they had beards (faces of men); they had long hair like women; they wore chain-mail (breast-plates of iron); and they were fierce (teeth of lions). The falling star was Mohamed, the smoke out of Satan’s bottomless pit of lies is the Qur’an.

The 6th Trumpet represents the Lord releasing the Turks to cross over the Euphrates River to conquer 1/3rd of the Roman Empire for 391 years (prepared for the hour and day and month and year, 1 + 30 + 360 = 391) from 1062-1453 A.D., which ended when they used large cannons (out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone) to knock down the thick protective walls of Constantinople.

Satan caused the Roman Catholic Church sea beast of Revelation 13, to kill 50-100 million Christians during 1,260 years of Great Tribulation from 538-1798 A.D.

The Little Book of Revelation 10 represents printed Bibles in English and other languages, which John would have called a Little Book compared with the long scrolls he was used to. They were desperately needed as the Catholic Church had banned and burned the Scriptures, and killed those who had them. They were the sweet words of our Lord, but they were bitter because these printed Bibles caused the Papal Church to intensify their war against the followers of Christ.

From 538-1514 A.D., the Roman Catholic Church had worked so relentlessly to eliminate the Two Witnesses of the Word of God and the Church of Christ, that the Papal Church pronounced them as being dead in 1514 A.D.

And there was silence for 3 1/2 years (3 1/2 prophetic days), when nobody testified against the Papal Church, which caused them to celebrate with feasts.

During this time the Lord had a Catholic Monk named Martin Luther read the Scriptures, to see who was the true church and the false church.

And exactly 3 1/2 years after the Papal Church had proclaimed that the Two Witnesses were dead, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses, which sparked the Protestant Reformation, and led to millions of people coming out of the false Papal Church, to be saved by the pure Gospel of Christ. With the advent of the printing press, many Bibles were printed, and the Two Witnesses were alive again.

The followers of Christ then used the rod of iron, the Word of God, to take back control of the nations, such as England, which had been held by the Papal Church.

Satan countered in 1545 A.D., by empowering the Jesuits at the Council of Trent, to create a counter-reformation plan.

The Jesuits are the covert military arm of the Papal Church, and their role was to do whatever was necessary to:

Bring the Protestants back under the power of the Papal Church. Look around today and you’ll see that they’ve been very successful, as many churches now partner with the Papacy in the name of unity and peace.

Corrupt the Word of God. Since they couldn’t stop the spread of printed Bibles, they took action to create a corrupt Greek Bible and then modern Bibles which are missing key words that validate the deity of Christ.

To deflect accusations that they are the antichrist. The Protestant Reformers had all proclaimed that they are the beast of Revelation, the Little Horn of Daniel, and the Pope, the Son of Perdition. A Jesuit Priest created an end-times 70th week of Daniel featuring a one-man antichrist. This deception has worked beyond their wildest imagination, as most Christians today believe it as truth.

And the Jesuits made war with the Protestants through the Inquisition and by using the leaders of France, Spain and other countries, to persecute them.

The Jesuits were so ruthless in their killing, stealing and destroying, that many countries expelled them, including countries that were predominantly Catholic. (Portuguese Empire, France, the Two Sicilies, Malta, Parma and the Spanish Empire)

The King of France encouraged Pope Clement XIV to suppress the Jesuits, which he did on July 21, 1773.

This caused the Jesuits to seek revenge on the Pope, on the King of France, and on the countries that had banned them.

Pope Clement XIV died from poisoning in 1774 A.D.

Our Sovereign Lord used the Jesuits desire for revenge, to avenge the killing of His followers in France, Spain and the other countries, during bowls 1-5.

Revelation 14 foretold the harvest of Catholics who were ripe for the pure Gospel, as they had been suppressed by the Pope, who forbid Bible reading, taught only in Latin, and only offered salvation by works through the Papal Church.

Millions of Catholic were saved by the preaching of the pure Gospel of salvation, through the atoning sacrifice of the blood of the Lamb of God.

Revelation 14 gave a special blessing for the Protestants who were preaching the everlasting gospel and were martyred during the Papal Inquisition.

And it gave warning to those who had the mark of the beast, as the Lord poured out His wrath on France, Spain and other countries, who had killed the Protestants.

There are two separate mentions of the mark of the beast in the Bible, this one in the 17th-18th centuries; and one that comes during the reign of the earth beast in the last days.

France and Spain had many Catholics, including their kings, who worshiped the Pope, they bowed to his authority and they obeyed his commands.

They had the mark of the beast on them, not physically, but symbolically. Their worship of the Pope is the mark on their forehead. Their obedience of his commands is the mark on their hand. This tells us what the mark really means.

France was called the Eldest Son of the Papal Church, because their leaders diligently followed the Pope’s orders.

France was split between Catholics and Protestants called the Huguenots, so the Pope caused the King of France to have his people make war with the Protestants.

At the St. Batholomew’s Day Massacre, they killed 10’s of thousands of Huguenots.

The persecution in France was so severe, that no Protestants were left, as a million of them had either been killed or they fled.

Because France, Spain and other countries worshiped the Pope, bowed to his authority and followed his commands to kill millions of Protestants, they had the mark of the beast on them, so our Lord poured out His wrath on them with the bowl judgments.

The 1st Bowl was poured out when the Jesuits caused the foul and loathsome sore of atheism to spread across France. The French Protestants had been killed, so the Catholic religion was all that was left. And the Lord allowed the abomination of atheism to turn the people away from the Papal Church.

The 2nd Bowl was poured out as the Jesuits incited the French people to revolt against the Catholic Church leaders and France’s leaders, and their heads rolled. During the French Revolution 250,000 were killed in the very places that the French Protestants had been killed. Water symbolically represents people, here the sea of people represented the people in the large cities being killed.

The 3rd Bowl was poured out as the bloody French Revolution spread out from the major cities (seas) to the more rural areas (rivers and springs, smaller groups of people) where they had shed the blood of saints and prophets, and now it was time for them to drink the same fate.

The 4th Bowl was poured out as the Jesuits caused the bloody Napoleonic wars with countries that had previously banned them, so they were getting their revenge. Our Sovereign Lord used it to exact revenge against the countries that had shed the blood of His followers. But the leaders of the countries did not repent, they blasphemed God for His punishment, and they later came back under Catholic/Jesuit control.

The 5th Bowl was poured out on the seat of the beast, as the office of the Papacy lost their power in 1798 A.D. Shortly after the French Revolution, the Papal States were invaded by French forces, and they removed Pope Pius VI, who died in exile in Valence (France) in 1799. Their 1,260 year reign was ended by the hand of the Lord, but they repented not. They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and sores of losing their power.

The 6th Bowl was poured out to dry up the Ottoman Empire, the people (river) of the Euphrates who had been released during the 6th Trumpet. During the 18th and 19th centuries, they lost control of the territories that they had occupied, such as Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait; the kings of the East. They lost control of Palestine to General Allenby of Great Britain in 1917 A.D.

As the reign of the sea beast was ending, Satan caused the earth beast of Revelation 13 to rise to power.

Satan had used the Roman Empire to persecute Christians, until the Lord opened the seals, to cause it to collapse. Then He sounded the trumpets, sending many armies to conquer the vast Roman Empire, causing with the last Emperor to be deposed in 476 A.D.

Then Satan used the Roman Catholic Church to persecute Christians, until the Lord poured out bowls 1-5, causing it to lose power in 1798 A.D.

In 1776 A.D., the third phase of the Rome beast rose to power in two ways.

First, the Jesuits created the order of the Illuminati to use as a front organization, since they had been banned by many countries.

Though the Papal Church had lost its power over the countries, the Jesuits seized control of them, which represents a shift in power.

With the powerful monarchs who had called for the suppression of the Jesuits no longer in power, the Jesuits had Pope Pius VII issue an order in 1815 A.D., restoring the Society of Jesus in the Catholic countries of Europe.

The Jesuits now control the Papacy and have since brought it back to life, thus the deadly head wound has been healed.

In 1929 A.D., the Jesuits established the Lateran Treaty, which was a political treaty recognizing the full sovereignty of the Holy See in the city-state of Vatican City.

The Jesuit General, called the Black Pope because he is hidden behinds the scenes, controls the Vatican, the Catholic Church and the Pope. The White Pope is the front man that is being used to gathering the world under their control.

The city-state nation of the Vatican currently has political relations with almost every country, and they deceive 1.2 Billion people with a false salvation of works through the Papal Church.

The third phase of the Rome beast rose to power in a second way.

In 1776 A.D., the United States of America declared their independence.

Before the Bill of Rights was written, Catholics were not allowed to vote, and we’re forbidden to practice their Babylonian Mass ceremony.

The Jesuits help change that when the first Amendment was written that said, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Christians believe that Amendment was put there for them, but they already had religious freedom in America.  It was designed to give Catholics and Jesuits the right to practice their false religion, and to hold political office.

At the time of the Declaration of Independence, 98% of Americans were Protestants whose descendants had fled Europe to escape the persecution of the Roman Catholic Church.

Since then the Jesuits have taken control of America by flooding America with Catholics, initially through the immigration of Irish, Spanish, Dutch, German, etc. Catholics. Now the borders of Mexico are open, as it is 95% Catholic.

The Jesuits infiltrated and now control America’s government, educational system, financial system, media and news, and major corporations.

They have done this through the Rothchild and Rockefeller families, Jewish bankers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, etc. These are all front organizations to hide who really controls America.

The city-state of Washington D.C. is the military arm of the Jesuits, as the military and intelligence agencies promote their agenda to overthrow the leaders of other countries, to install New World Order friendly puppets.

The Jesuits use the intelligence agencies to cause militant rebels such as Al Qaeda (CIA-duh) to kill Christians in each country. The world blames the militant rebels, but the Jesuits supply them with funds, training and weapons.

So the Rome beast is still making war with Christians, only in a covert way.

The Jesuits are causing Muslims to kill Christians, which causes Christians to hate Muslims so much that they support our military in killing them, even wiping Muslim countries off the map.  Of course that goes against everything that our Lord taught us.

The Jesuits have stirred up this emotional hatred of Muslims in Christians, by creating the modern state of Israel.

Revelation 16 foretold that during the 6th Bowl, the path of the people of the Euphrates, the Ottoman Empire, would be dried up, so that “the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.”

They lost control of the territories that they had occupied, such as Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, who may be called the Kings of the East.

The Ottoman Empire lost control of Palestine in 1917 A.D., and the last Sultan lost power in 1922 A.D.

Since then the Jesuits have created events that pushed Ashkenazi Jews into the Palestine area, to justify the creation of the state of Israel.

The Jesuits control Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.  It will be the place where they will position their False Messiah, to join the world’s major religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, together in their New World Order, in the name of peace.

The Jesuits cause Christians to militantly defend Israel as “God’s Chosen People,” but DNA research proves that they aren’t even the descendents of Abraham.

97% of the Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi Jews whose forefathers from the Kingdom of Khazaria (from Eastern Asia) converted to Judaism.  They are not the Jews of the Bible.

Torah Jews in Jerusalem and around the world, believe that the Zionists have illegitimately seized the name Israel and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people! They believe that the Zionist state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of God and that it DOES NOT represent Jews or Judaism.

This deception causes Christians to support military action against Muslims countries like Iran, and it will no doubt lead to WW III, where many Christians and Muslims are killed.

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”

This represents Satan (dragon) empowering the Jesuit General (false prophet) who control the Pope of the Catholic Church(beast).

Together they have caused two World Wars, which dramatically moved the world forward towards to their New World Order. The third World War will cause the creation of their New World Order in the name of peace, but it will create persecution against Jesus and His followers, thus the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

The Jesuits fomented World War I, causing the overthrow of the Czars of Russia, which brought in atheistic Communism, which has been used to destroy other governments and to weaken the religions. They caused the Ottoman Empire to lose control of Palestine, to prepare the way for the Ashkenazi Jews to populate it.

The Jesuits fomented World War II by empowering Hitler and the Nazi regime to persecute Jews, in order to strengthen political Zionism, and justify the creation of their sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. This caused Ashkenazi Jews to migrate to Palestine/Israel.

This is where we are at on the Revelation timeline.

The Jesuits are gathering the major religions against each other by pitting the Muslim Kings of the East (Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, etc.), against Israel. This will lead to World War III, where Muslim countries and Israel will war against each other.

WW III and a worldwide financial collapse will cause the world to beg for solutions for food and water, and for peace.

Of course, the Jesuits of Rome will have solutions at the ready, to provide food and water, and pace and safety, to those who submit to their New World Order

In their New World Order, they will force people to bow and worship the image of their beast leader.

Then the Jesuits could cause people around the world to blame Christians for the world’s woes, and cause people worldwide to seek to exterminate Christians, which sets up the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

At this point, many Muslims, Christians and Jews (all the monotheistic religions) may have been killed, and the pure doctrine of Lucifer will be brought in, where he is worshiped by the whole world.

In Revelation 16:15 Jesus is warning His followers that He is coming soon. This tells us that He will not have come until after the 6th bowl.

Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”

And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.” The 7th bowl represents the New World Order.  The great city in Revelation 16:19 is not Jerusalem or Rome. Revelation 18:21 tells us that it symbolically represents Babylon the Great, the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Church, whose influence is worldwide.

Satan’s followers and the great city of Babylon, which opposes Christ’s followers who make up the great city of New Jerusalem.

Ultimately it comes down to Satan vs. Christ, Satan’s false church vs. Christ’s true Church, and Satan’s deceptions vs. Christ’s truth in the Word of God.

Earthquakes in prophecy represent government upheaval, so this mighty and great earthquake in Revelation 16:18 symbolizes the forming of the New World Order, which is split into three parts.

The religion part is already based in the city-state of Vatican City; the financial part is already based in the city-state of London; and the military part is already based in the city-state of Washington D.C.

The cities of the nations fell” and “every island fled away, and the mountains were not found” speak of the time when the great countries and cities will lose their independent powers, and be subservient to the New World Order.

Hail” in prophecy means war, so great hail may indicate nuclear war.

Revelation 17 describes the Mother of Harlots, the Roman Catholic Church, who is propped up on top of the Satan-empowered Jesuit beast.

Revelation 17:16-17, “And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.”

The Jesuit leaders who govern the 10 divisions of the world, will give their power to the Jesuit beast, meaning they will follow its commands.

The Jesuits will hate the harlot, the Roman Catholic Church, and burn her, as they were just using the Pope and the church to take control of the world.

Once they are in power in the New World Order, they will wipe her out, which is according to the Lord’s plan. They think that they are executing their plans, but the Lord is in full control and they are fulfilling prophecy.

Revelation 18 continues the narrative of our Lord avenging the martyrs deaths by destroying the great harlot church, Mystery Babylon, which shall not be found anymore. But He is still calling Catholics to come out of the false harlot church, so there is still opportunity to be saved by the pure Gospel of our Lord.

In Revelation 18:4, Jesus warns “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”

The kings of the earth, all of the world leaders who became rich through the Jesuits, will weep at her destruction.

Daniel 2:44 says “And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.”

The followers of Christ make up this kingdom of God, as it was setup at Jesus first coming, in the days that the Roman Empire was in power.

Daniel 2 foretold that “a stone was cut out without hands” would destroy the Babylonian statue, which ended with the Rome kingdom.   It says “the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”

In Revelation 18:21, it foretells that “a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So will Babylon, the great city, be thrown down with violence, and will not be found any longer.”

Christ could destroy the Babylonian Jesuits at any time, but I am going to suggest that His purposes may be to do that through His followers; who use the rod of iron, the Word of God, to overcome the enemy.

Christ’s Church is the great mountain that filled the earth, the great millstone that Christ may use to destroy Babylon.

Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.” Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, “The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone,” and “A stone of stumbling And a rock of offense.” 1 Peter 2:4-8

Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, Having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, In whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, In whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:19-22

Christ’s Church can overcome the enemy in the power of our Lord, when they understand how greatly they have been deceived about prophecy, about the state of Israel, and about the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church.

Revelation 19 tells us that Lord will be on a white horse, and just like the Roman leaders who rode a white horse to celebrate their army’s victories, I believe that the Lord will come to celebrate His victory of conquering His enemies, through His end-times warriors.

He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

The Satan-empowered Jesuits cause Christians to fear the end times and hope for a rapture, instead of fighting against them in the power of the Lord, with the rod of iron, the sword of the Word of God, exposing their deceptions and removing their power over the world.

You may have noticed that there is no mention of the rebuilding of a Jewish temple, no  antichrist peace agreement with Israel, no pre-tribulation rapture, no 7-year tribulation period, and no 3 1/2 year great tribulation period, mentioned in our Lord’s Revelation.

Those are deceptions of the enemy, to blind Christians to the truth of prophecy fulfillment. The Jesuits will no doubt cause events like an Israel peace agreement, the rebuilding of the temple, and even a fake rapture scenario is possible. They would do those things to promote their deception, but those concepts are not biblical.

Friend, can you now see the grand deception of the enemy? Can you now see how the prophecies have been fulfilled from the time our Lord had John write them until now?

Are you going to be used by the Lord to overcome the enemy, to bring our Lord honor and glory?

Or are you going to shrink back, revert to your old beliefs and be lukewarm?

The battle will happen with or without you, but you will stand before the Lord to account for what you did with the truth that has been given to you.

Christ will capture the Beast and False Prophet and throw them in the lake of fire, and the rest of His enemies will be killed.

Revelation 20 tell us that Satan will be bound for a thousand years, then released for the Gog/Magog battle, where they will all be consumed by fire. Satan and his followers will be cast in Lake of Fire.

Revelation 22 tells us that the Revelation prophecies have never been sealed, unlike what False Prophets teach, but the deceiver has worked hard to blind you to its truths.

And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand.

When our Lord comes, will you be blessed for knowing and obeying His prophetic words?

Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.”

Friend, you can look at all this and dismiss it because you’ve been taught differently.  Or you can pray about it, to ask the Lord if you’ve been deceived by the enemy.  Please understand that the deceiver has been working on these plans for thousands of years, and they are so grand that the mind can hardly conceive them.

Barton Johnson wrote the People’s New Testament Bible commentary in the late 19th century, which provides greater detail on the fulfillment of Revelation. Click on

To watch short videos that give more information about the historical fulfillment of the Revelation seals, trumpets and bowls, click on Book of Revelation Prophecy Fulfillment Videos

References for this study:

Robert Carignola’s book “The Present Reign Of Jesus Christ” explains much of the fulfillment of Revelation.

John Gill’s Exposition of the Whole Bible, Revelation.

BibleorTraditions YouTube Video Series on Revelation.

The Book of Revelation by Charles A. Jennings.

120 thoughts on “Revelation Seals, Trumpets And Bowls Timeline”

  1. In Rev 13 we read, the first beast comes out of the sea. The sea in scriptures refers to people where as the second beast comes out of the land and has two horns like a lamb but speaks as a dragon. David, you believe this refers to the Jesuits. From my understanding, the land refers to a place not inhabited by the previous beasts/nations. The beast has two horns but no crowns, so it has no king. This more closely fits with the nation of America. Like Christ is referred to as the Lamb of God, America was at least outwardly established by predominantly protestants believers fleeing Catholic teaching. The two horns represent the republic and protestant movement. As is evident today, this beast which resembled a lamb spoke like a dragon. From my understanding, the second beast, ‘America’ which is controlled by the Jesuits, will give power to the second beast ‘Roman Catholic Church’ which is the ‘Great Harlot’. The Pope is the false prophet.

    • Hi John, I’m rewriting my study on the earth beast of Revelation, but here is the link to the current study.

      The earth is pointing to the land of The Vatican, out of which the Jesuits were empowered. The Society of Jesus was created out of nothing, by one satan-empowered man, Ignatius Loyola.

      The first problem with saying that America is the earth beast is that Daniel 2 clearly tells us that Messiah will return to cast an uncut stone at the iron/clay feet of the statue. The iron is Rome, as the legs were Rome; and the clay is the Muslims, whom the Roman beast has used to carry out their agenda. Read The Iron/Clay Feet Of Daniel 2

      The Roman beast has changed forms over the years from the Roman Empire, to the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church which reigned for 1,260 years from 538-1798 A.D., to the Jesuit Generals who took control of the Vatican and are using it to gather the world under their power.

      Secondly, Scripture is pointing to a ‘he’, a man; not a country. It’s pointing to the leader who controls the Roman beast.

      Satan used the Roman Emperors to try to wipe out the Early Church through 10 persecution periods, killing 10 million saints.

      Satan then used the Popes of Rome, described in Revelation 13, to try to eliminate the Two Witnesses, the Scriptures and the saints; and they banned and burned the Scriptures and caused over 50 million saints to be killed.

      And now Satan is using the Jesuit Generals, who command the military organization of the Jesuits of Rome, who will seek to wipe out Messiah’s church, once and for all, in their One World Government.

      Just like the description of the sea beast points to a ‘he’, to a man, to the office of the papacy, to the Popes of Rome; so too does the earth beast, which is fulfilled by the Jesuit General, the Black Pope, who is referred to as the false prophet.

      Daniel told us that the last beast power that exists until Messiah returns to destroy it, is Roman.

      The Apostle John points to the man who controls the Roman beast.

      When John wrote Revelation, the Roman Emperors (the 6th king of Rev. 17) were in power. Revelation 12 points to the Emperors being used to persecute the Early church, killing 10 million saints.

      The ‘he’ of the sea beast in Revelation 13 is the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, who ruled for 1,260 years, from 538-1798 A.D.

      Look at how many times it describes a man: and the dragon gave him his power; and his deadly wound was healed’; who is able to make war with him?; And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months; And it was given unto him to make war with the saints.

      The Pope removed the authority and power of the Jesuits in 1793, so the Jesuits poisoned that Pope to death; and then they used Napoleon’s army to take the next Pope captive, ending his reign in 1798.

      So we see the clear ending of the Pope’s authority, and the rise of the Jesuit General to power over the Satan-empowered Roman beast.

      The ‘he’ of the earth beast of Revelation 13 is also a man, the office of the Jesuit General, the Black Pope of Rome, aka the false prophet. It is not pointing to a country like the U.S.A., but a man.

      Look at how many times it describes a man: and he had two horns like a lamb; And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him; And he doeth great wonders; And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast; And he causeth all… to receive a mark;the number of the beast… the number of a man.

      Revelation describes the historical battle between the leader of the Roman beast and his army, fighting against Messiah and His saints.

      The Jesuit General, the Black Pope; controls the Vatican and the White Pope. Interestingly, the White Pope is a Jesuit for the first time, which is very significant.

      it was the Jesuit General who had the Pope removed from power, and the Black Pope took control of the Vatican.

      The Jesuits were so ruthless in their killing, stealing and destroying, that many countries expelled them, including countries that were predominantly Catholic. (Portuguese Empire, France, the Two Sicilies, Malta, Parma and the Spanish Empire)

      The King of France encouraged Pope Clement XIV to suppress the Jesuits, which he did on July 21, 1773.

      This caused the Jesuits to seek revenge on the Pope, on the King of France, and on the countries that had banned them.

      Pope Clement XIV died from poisoning in 1774 A.D., by the Jesuits, as revenge.

      And the Jesuits had Napoleon’s army take the next Pope captive in 1798 A.D., removing them from civil power, ending their reign. Since then, the Jesuit General, the Black Pope, has covertly controlled the Vatican and the white Pope.

      So we clearly see the transition of power from the Pope to the Jesuit General.

      The Jesuits were integral in the foundation of America, through the Carroll family, who donated the land which became the District of Columbia. The land bordered VIRGINia and MARYland. Virgin Maryland. D.C. is located on a tract of land that used to be called Rome.

      The Jesuits control the 50 states via their city-state corporation of the District of Columbia, which is not part of the 50 states, but is it’s own country. They did this by using the Civil War to bankrupt the U.S.A., and then got a treasonous Congress to pass the Act of 1871, creating the city-state of the District of Columbia, with a new constitution. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, is the President of their corporation. He works for the Jesuits interests, not the American people’s interest.

      All roads lead to Rome my friend! There is much more to the explanation, but I don’t want to overwhelm you.

      I pray that you will search out truth, instead of defending long-held beliefs, as the enemy has deceived most Christians about prophecy.

      Blessings to you,

      • We understand the beasts to represent nations or empires. The second beast, was like a lamb but had the voice of a dragon. America is controlled by the Jesuits, who both give power to the first beast. It was outwardly established on protestant Christian values but in reality was planned and controlled by the Jesuits via the illuminati and other masonic groups. Therefore, we can see that America is a proxy for Rome.

  2. Hi David, I am seeking out the deeper meat of God’s word and already believe many of the truths you have presented. My late father was called to forsake all and study the scriptures after being challenged by God about the very dogma’s he had been previously teaching in the church.

    His obedience was met with immediate opposition from the elders who asked him to denounce these new teaching’s without even discussing them. They were offended at the thought they may have been teaching a false doctrine so decided to cast him out of the local church and call him a heretic. This was because he challenged the congregation one Easter morning to consider the true teaching about Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Clearly, Christ could not fulfil three days and three nights in the grave if He died on a Friday and rose on a Sunday as is currently taught. This led to full time study and a number of books, including, “The Calendar Key of Holy Scripture”. If you have any interest, we can perhaps talk further via email. John

  3. You have some interesting material on your site however you appear dogmatic that you have it all correct on the basis of the Holy Spirit revealing such to you. This reminds me of a debate involving Gail Riplinger.

    On YouTube you mentioned the locusts of the fifth trumpet but failed to address the matter of these having “breastplates of iron” making them flying machines or as the Holy Spirit revealed to me – helicopters.

    I believe much of your belief system is in error whereby you should consider reconsideration.

    • So presenting information in a straight-forward way is dogmatic? Good grief!

      What I teach is based on what the great theologians taught from the 16th-20th centuries. So they are not just my interpretations, like I’m someone special. I’m just explaining them to help people see the fulfillment.

      The video was not a verse by verse explanation of the 5th trumpet. It was just a summary. Try reading the explanation and then comment. Here is the link

      • What I was suggesting is by saying the Holy Spirit revealed something then it must be right. I am convinced the Holy Spirit revealed to me the locusts were indeed helicopters. I came to discover the following web posts though I have a slightly different interpretation in that the 6 trumpets are these 6 significant events being revealed to John that precede the second coming. My Good News version even mentions at 4 hearing an eagle very high (airliner). Many suggest 3 is a comet but they are quite wrong.

        1 – Aerial Warfare WW2.
        2 – The Atomic Bomb.
        3 – Chernobyl.
        4 – Global Dimming.
        5 – Kuwait War.
        6 – WW3 Bound by Iraq/Turkey/Syria 1/3 mankind destroyed tying in with the 1/3 references in the preceding Trumpets.

        Little Scroll – Account of the Most Excellent Way…
        7 – Second Coming

        It fits perfectly.

        2 interpretations close to what was revealed to me:

        Ken Raggio 7 Trumpets

        The Book of Revelation is Happening NOW

        The US set fire to the Kuwait oil wells:

        Did not intend to offend – hope you find interesting.

        • Yes, I’m aware that you were proclaiming that you heard from the Holy Spirit, so you must be right.

          The sad irony is that your explanations are wrong. How’s that for being dogmatic?

          You said “I believe much of your belief system is in error” but it is your explanations that are in error!

          The trumpet judgments are the easiest to see the historical fulfillment.

          After the leadership of the Roman Empire was desolated, our Lord sent army after army to attack and conquer the different areas of the vast Roman Empire.

          1st Trumpet – Hail means war in Bible symbolism, and the Lord caused the Goths, who were led by Alaric, to move in the direction in which literal hail came (north to south). They attacked the Roman Empire from 400-410 A.D., in Greece, Gaul, Spain, and then 300,000 Goths invaded Italy. The fire represents their scorched earth policy in their invasions of enemy territory.

          2nd Trumpet – A mountain in Biblical symbolism represents a great nation and a sea is a large group of people. It represents the Lord sending the Vandals, led by Genseric, to attack the coast-lands on the Roman territory of the Mediterranean and all the islands from 425-470 A.D., leaving bloodshed and confusion in their wake.

          3rd Trumpet – A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. God sent this great burning star, Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” He came from the area around a river in Illyricum which in Greek is called “Apsynthos” (Wormwood). Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 A.D., and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers.

          4th Trumpet – The Sun, Moon and Stars symbolizes leadership structure. Here it represents God using Odoacer and the Heruli, a branch of the Goths, to cause the downfall of Roman leadership when Romulus Augustalus, the last Roman Emperor (the Sun) of the West was captured in 476 A.D. The hierarchy of Roman leaders (moon and stars) would have lost their power too.

          The 5th Trumpet represents the Lord using the Arabian (Mohammedan) army against the Western Roman Empire from 612-762 A.D., which is 150 years (5 months = 150 days). They wore turbans (crowns of gold); they had beards (faces of men); they had long hair like women; they wore chain-mail (breast-plates of iron); and they were fierce (teeth of lions). The falling star was Mohammed, the smoke out of Satan’s bottomless pit of lies is the Qur’an.

          The 6th Trumpet represents the Lord releasing the Turks to cross over the Euphrates River to conquer 1/3rd of the Roman Empire for 391 years (prepared for the hour and day and month and year, 1 + 30 + 360 = 391) from 1062-1453 A.D., which ended when they used large cannons (out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone) to knock down the thick protective walls of Constantinople.

          Those are just summaries of the fulfillment, the verse by verse explanation are provided on the studies.

          I’m not offended, just sad that you believe the futuristic lies of the enemy, which deflect blame away from the Pope and Jesuit General of Rome; who are the enemy of Messiah and His saints.

          • Actually I thought it was the devil who was the enemy.

            What you actually do is fail to provide any reasoned justification for your position. If you truly knew your scriptures you would know God does not regularly roll out a plan as things occur but provides His bulk of prophesy as pertaining to significant events hence the many prophesies pertaining to the first coming and likewise the many prophesies pertaining to the second coming some 2000 years later.

            God has shared His plans with me but I shall not be sharing such with you.

            I am no stranger to encountering experience laid out in Mat 7.6 and you are right in one respect I did spend many months filled with the Holy Spirit but dealing with far greater issues than that of church history and no I am not deceived by pastors my being no stranger to opposing entire congregations on the subject of what He is doing.

            I pray you may soften your heart to be open to what God is doing today (as well as He was doing in His word) and not see man’s record of history as absolute especially as such is so completely vague as to be of no significance.

            I shall move on and thank you for some of your material albeit it appears to point in the wrong direction as others have reported on your site.

          • You proclaim that I don’t provide any reasoned justification for my position, yet I have provided over 50 studies on the Revelation Timeline Decoded website, which prove it all out, verse by verse.

            I have provided a 70th week of Daniel studies series that proves that the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, and that it is not a future 7-year tribulation period.

            I have provided an Olivet Discourse fulfillment study series, that proves that the warnings in Matthew 24 were fulfilled in the first century, and are not about the end times.

            I have provided an Islam In Bible Prophecy study series which shows how the Roman Church has used Islam and the Muslims to carry out their agenda.

            I have provided a study series that shows how the ‘falling away’ of 2 Thessalonians 2 was fulfilled in the 4th century, when Emperor Constantine created the Roman religion of Christianity.

            All you do is share an opinion, with no proof. You’re the one with the hard heart, who spends your time criticizing me, instead of actually reading the studies to see if they line up with the Scriptures.

            Maybe you should start by learning the Father’s name. God is a generic title. He has a personal name. It’s documented in the ancient manuscripts, but the enemy has hidden it well.

  4. Great work. What about literal heavenly signs any timeline for those? Blood moon, falling stars, etc. Also, I would be interested in your views on the sons of God in Genesis 6. They say nephilim will walk the earth in the last days as in the days of Noah?

    • We’re in the 6th bowl, there’s not much prophecy yet to be fulfilled. I see no future prophecies that point to blood moons, falling stars, etc. I believe that the Sons of God in Genesis 6 were simply set-apart people who mated with a foreign race who were tall, so that had tall children. I do not subscribe to the angels mating with women, as there is no reason that an angel would have reproductive organs, as they don’t mate or have children. No prophecy that I know of says that nephilim will walk the earth in the last days. If you are referring to Messiah’s mention of Noah in the Olivet Discourse, he was simply saying that people would eat, drink marry, etc., instead of heading the warning signs.

  5. Hello, David,

    I stumbled across this website and I am blown away. There is so much new information that I feel very ignorant. It will take me months to digest the details presented here. Would you kindly explain in just a few sentences your position on the rapture?

    Also, does not the pope understand that the Jesuits will do everyone in? Also, the current pope is a Jesuit. It’s a little confusing.

    Thank you for any information you can share:

    • Hello Diane 🙂 I’m blessed to know that the studies are helping you. I created a new study series called Revelation Timeline Decoded, which gives more explanation about the fulfillment of Revelation.

      The rapture is based on the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, the supposed 7-year tribulation. But that is just a deception from the Jesuits of Rome who created it in the 16th century to deflect blame away from the Popes of Rome, as the Protestant Reformers had rightly identified them as the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the antichrist beast of Revelation 13.

      The truth is that the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week, from 27-34 A.D.; when Messiah and His disciples confirmed with the Jews that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the Everlasting Covenant with His blood as the Passover Lamb. Here is a Bible study series that proves that the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time

      Because it’s already been fulfilled, it is not future, and there will be no 7-year tribulation period. So the pre and mid trib positions are invalid.

      Messiah will return at the end, just like He said. He will return on the fall Feast of Trumpets. Here is a study about the pre-trib rapture myth.

      The Jesuits have controlled the Vatican since the late 18th century, so every Pope knows that the Black Pope, the Jesuit General, controls them.

      It is significant that Francis is a Jesuit, as they have now taken the public role of White Pope. Francis is no doubt fully aware of the agenda and is part of it.

      I hope that help! Blessings to you!

    • Hi Colin. The sign in the heavens described in Revelation 12:1 occurred when Messiah was born. Revelation 12 is talking about the birth of Messiah and His Church during the Satan-empowered Roman Empire.

      The next occurrence of that sign is Sept 23, 2017; which is interesting because we know that Messiah is fulfilling His Father’s Holy Feast Days, and that He will return on the fall Feast of Trumpets; which is around that time.

      We are in the 6th bowl, waiting on WW III and then the formation of the One World Government, which is described in the 7th bowl. So it is conceivable that those things could happen within the next year, which would seem to line up with the stars.

      We’ll just have to see how it plays out.

      You can read more detailed studies about the fulfillment of Revelation @

    • Great question Serene! The context of Revelation 10 is the Little Book, which foretold the Scriptures being translated into English, German, etc.; and the advent of the printing press; which led to printed Bibles, the Little Book, being spread around the world.

      The context of Revelation 11 is the Two Witnesses, which are the Word of Elohim and the Church of Messiah; both of which testified against the Popes of Rome.

      They witnessed about true salvation by faith in Messiah’s atoning work, instead of by the sacraments through the papal church. And they testified that the Popes of Rome are the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, the antichrist beast of Revelation 13; and that the Roman Catholic Church is the Harlot of Revelation 17.

      During the Dark Ages the Popes worked relentlessly to confiscate and burn the Scriptures; and to convert or kill the saints.

      So I believe that the seven thunders may have been Elohim proclaiming judgment on the Papal Church, which happened during the Protestant Reformation.

      Or it could have been seven statements or bulls issued by the Popes in defiance, who were angry that the Scriptures had been released again.

      I hope that helps give context to it!

      • Thanks David.

        I have examined other passages that crossed-parallel to Rev. 10 & Rev. 11. Please bear with me as we work through this long reply

        Notice in Zech. 4, one lampstand + two olive trees.
        Zerubbabel was “the lamp of Israel” + two olive tress

        In Rev. 11, two lampstands and two olive trees.
        House of Israel (wild olive tree and House of Judah (cultivated olive tree)

        Jeremiah (11:16) identified for us the two lampstands are the House of Israel and of the House of Judah.

        In Rom. 11:16, 25. Two olive trees are mentioned in this passage of Scripture from Paul: one that is cultivated, and one that is wild. The cultivated olive tree depicts the House of Judah, which was the foundation for the early church (Acts 2:41; 21:20). The wild olive branches will continue to be grafted in to the cultivated olive tree to replace those branches broken off until the fullness of the Gentiles has been added.

        Your view: Two Witnesses, which are the Word of Elohim and the Church of Messiah.

        In the Apocalypse, this two-witnesses theology affirms that there is a unified testimony portraying a twofold aspect of OT prophetic prediction and a NT apostolic proclamation.

        The identification of these lampstands with the olive trees depicts the Holy Spirit’s fitting role in both the OT and NT divine messages to House of Israel and the House of Judah until the fullness of the Gentiles has been achieved.

        a. The Lord told John, “Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.”(10:11), It seems John is not done yet. John must continue to prophesy and he will speak about the nations?

        b. Also, 11:12 these two witnesses — “they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.” Who are “they”?

        How do we reconcile #2a and #2b if the two witnesses are the Word of Elohim and the Church?

        Eating the scroll is a picture of being ready to prophesy God’s message. When Ezekiel was told to eat the scroll he finds it to be sweet as honey in his mouth. The word of God is described as sweet. “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” (Psalm 19:10 KJV)

        Notice that when John eats the scroll he also finds it as sweet as honey in his mouth. However, after he had eaten the scroll his stomach was made bitter. The bitterness comes because of the judgments that had happened or are still to come.

        Perhaps John is not done. John must continue to prophesy and he will speak about the nations? Would it be possible that he is one of the “two prophets”?

        I look through your Seals, Trumpets judgment on the Papal Church, which happened during the Protestant Reformation. But there was not mentioning about the Seven Thunders judgement.

        Could these Seven Thunders judgement be revealed during the #Bowl 7?

        Hope we will arrive at some kind of understanding to Rev. 10 & Rev. 11.

        God bless you, David.

        • Hi Serene. Thanks for the interesting feedback. This Revelation summary page is just that, a summary. Have your read the verse by verse study on Revelation 10?

          And the verse by verse study on Revelation 11?

          If not, that will clarify why I point to the Scriptures and Church of Messiah.

          As for the seven thunders, the context of them is the time when the Protestant Reformation was bringing the Church back to life, and the advent of the printing press was putting the Scriptures into the hands of the people again. So I can only imagine that they were seven bulls from the Popes of Rome who were outraged.

          Let me know what you think after you read those two studies. Blessings to you!

          • Hi David, yes it did look through. Hence, I can’t reconcile your views with those questions that I have posed 🙁

          • Serene, what is the context of the Two Witnesses? That they would testify during the 1,260 year reign of power of the Popes of Rome.

            Messiah identified the two lampstands in Revelation 1:20, “The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.

            The two church eras that endured persecution during the reign of the Popes is the Church of Thyatira and Sardis. They were deemed as dead in 1514 A.D., meaning nobody was protesting against the Popes of Rome. Then 3 1/2 years later Martin Luther posted his 95 Thesis, which sparked the Protestant Reformation, which brought the church back to life.

            The Scriptures were banned and burned by the Popes during the Dark Ages; then they were translated and with the advent of the printing press, they have been spread around the world.

            Both of them, the Scriptures and the Church, did prophesy/witness again. They proclaimed the truth, that the Popes of Rome are the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation 13.

            I can’t say it any better than Martin Luther who wrote, “We are not the first ones who applied the anti-Christian kingdom of the papacy; this, many great men have dared to do many years before us and that, frankly and openly, under the greatest persecution. The old divinely-ordained witnesses confirm our doctrine, and the bodies of the saints arise as it were among us with the newly vivified Gospel, and awaken much confidence.”

            The Little Book, the printed Bible, was sweet to John as many were saved by its message; after many hundreds of years of there being a famine for the Word. But it was bitter because it incited the Popes of Rome to counter the Reformation with the Inquisition and the saints were tortured and killed for their witness.

            The seven thunders may have been the utterances of Elohim in His judgment of the Papal Church. Or they could have been the Popes of Rome issuing Bulls in defiance of Elohim, as they were angry that the witnesses had come back to life to torment them with the truth of Scripture.

            Read the testimonies in this study from people who were a part of the church eras of Thyatira and Sardis, who testified against the Popes of Rome, many whom paid for their witness with their blood.

            I hope that helps clarify it for you.

          • Hi David,

            Thanks for clarifying. Appreciate it.

            I am reading the article on Revelation timeline on Seals, Reumpets and Bowls.

            After the Papacy “head” ended in 1798AD, what were the timeline of events that would that linked us from that period up to the present timeline –6th Bowl, i.e. from Rev. 13 to 21.

            You mentioned key events in 1776AD where the Rome beast rose to power.
            So what happened after 1776AD ….to 1798AD?

            Jesus warned he is coming back until after the 6th Bowl then the War of Armageddon or WWIII will take place.

            So if 6th Bowl had been released on the Ottoman Empire, which means the Advent of Jesus is any moment now. So which are the events or prophecies that needs to be fulfilled before the return of our Lord.

            God bless, David.

  6. “”Popes have proclaimed to perform many miracles. The description of the earth beast of Revelation 13 is pointing to the Jesuits of Rome, in particular the Jesuit General, the False Prophet.

    Not all of the descriptions of the earth beast have been fulfilled yet. The Jesuits control the weather via HAARP. They control the military systems of the world. They can cause lighting to come down from heaven.

    Please! Most Christians have no clue about any of this!””

    What miracles??
    The Bible says the world is deceived by the miracles – Revelation 13:13-14
    Matthew 24:24-26, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
    The Bible says “he makes fire come down from heaven, in the sight of men”
    Revelation 13:13 And John knew what lightning is, so he saw fire come down from heaven, not lighting. John is writing down the things that he sees – Revelation 1:11.
    The seeming miracles are something the anti-Christ uses as a tool to deceive the masses. They are not secretive things such as HAARP, which will be used to stage a fake rapture, which your theories are right in line with, for if the pope is the anti-Christ then all we are waiting on is the rapture, no?
    But all of that is a deception, there is no possible rapture until we see the clear abomination of desolation SET UP by the anti-Christ in a temple in Jerusalem.
    In Mark it clearly says “standing where it ought not” Another clear reference to the holy of holies inside of the temple. Mark 13:14

    Reasonable arguments include the Dome of the Rock, or some other thing as the abomination currently, however Christ hinted that when we see the abomination there would be little time left, such that we should just stay put, literally on our roof if that is where we are. Matthew 24:15-18(40)

    “The abomination was the pagan Romans, who were an abomination to the Jews, who laid waste to the temple and the city and the Jews.”

    Your saying the abomination of desolation happened already?
    Christ says that when we see the abomination, to just stay where we are, unless we are in Jerusalem – Matthew 24:15-18(40), Mark 13:14-16, so it makes absolutely no sense at all to think that hundreds of years would pass between that time.

    • Well Amy, I’ve provided a lot of your answers, and it would seem that you only offer up objections. You haven’t said anything to indicate that you’ve learned from what I’ve shared, so there’s no sense in me continuing to reply to your many comments. You have my replies and the links to the studies which provide more information. And of course you have access to all of the studies on the website. I hope that you pray and seek truth, instead of seeking to prove your beliefs, for the enemy has worked had to mislead us all. Grace and peace to you, David

  7. ” The Scriptures command us to observe the Father’s seven Holy Feast Days, which Messiah is fulfilling to redeem His set-apart people; but the enemy has Christians observing the pagan-based Easter and Christmas. ”

    You said that without giving any verses to back it up.
    How does following certain feast days (the Torah) line up with the doctrine of Christ?
    For they that are led by the Spirit are not under the law. Galatians 5:18.
    So it can’t be that we must follow feast days.

    The deception is much worse than that.
    They deceive people into thinking that all they need to do to go to heaven is go to church, pray before meals and generally be good.
    As Tony Evans puts it “regular” vs “super-size”
    Tony says, it’s ok to be regular, you still go to heaven, a regular Christian, “believes”, goes to church, pays tithes, prays before meals and is generally good. A “super sized” Christian actually focuses on following the teachings of Christ.
    See the clever deception? Making the audience feel like it is ok to not follow the teachings of Christ.
    Tony will also tell you that “inherit the kingdom” in Galatians 5:19-21 is therefore not the same as “enter” Much blaspheme and nonsense is coming even from mainstream protestant pulpits.

    For a Christian, someone who truly believes Christ died for them and rose again, therefore focuses on following all the teachings of Christ, because they love Christ.

    And what about supposed aliens David?
    Don’t you see that the world is being geared up for a revelation of supposed aliens? All the movies, t.v. shows, documentaries… It all leads up to one great deception, a deception strong enough to convince the whole world to unite under one government and to worship one person/religion. There is no deception strong enough today, to do that, however, supposed aliens, would be strong enough.
    The Bible specifically says! “And he opened his mouth in blaspheme against God, to blaspheme His name, and His TABERNACLE and THEM THAT DWELL IN HEAVEN” Revelation 13:6
    So clearly, the deception has something to do with the FALSE idea of something up in… heaven! Aliens??!! The Bible is direct and clear!
    And time itself all around us is testifying to the directness of Gods word.

    The devil is a liar, aliens are the devils lie.
    The truth is that the children of God will inherit all things and reign forever.
    Revelation 2:26-28, Revelation 13:6, Revelation 21:7-8, Revelation 22:3-5

    So, I think the coming seeming revelation of supposed aliens is the fullness of the falling away Paul was speaking of. A powerful world wide turn away from even the idea of God. A thing powerful enough to even turn some so called Christians (Matthew 24:12) away from true belief.
    A seeming revelation of aliens fits this bill rather well, and we can clearly see
    the gear up for it happening.

    The devil is a liar, aliens are the devils lie.
    The truth is that the children of God will inherit all things and reign forever.
    Revelation 2:26-28, Revelation 13:6, Revelation 21:7-8, Revelation 22:3-5

    • I have to provide you Scriptural references about the Father’s Holy Feast days? Really? That’s how far off the mark most Christians are because of the Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2.

      We should observe the Feast of Passover, not pagan Easter. We should observe the Feast of Tabernacles for Messiah birth, as God came to dwell with us; not pagan Christmas. 12/25 is the day that the pagan believe that their Sun god was born. It’s the last day believers should use to celebrate the birth of Messiah.

      Easter and Christmas are teachings of Rome, part of the Falling Away from truth in the 4th century.

      Here are the three Spring Holy Feast Day appointments, that our Messiah fulfilled at His first advent:

      The Feast of Passover pointed to the Messiah as our Passover lamb whose blood was shed for our sins.

      The Feast of Unleavened Bread pointed to the Messiah’s sinless life (as leaven is a picture of sin in the Bible).

      The Feast of First Fruits pointed to the Messiah’s resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. (1 Cor. 15:20)

      The summer Feast of Pentecost represented God pouring out His Holy Spirit on the disciples.

      Below are the fall Holy Feast Day appointments, which represent the harvest, and are yet to be fulfilled by our Messiah:

      The Feast of Trumpets represents His return for His bride, where trumpets are blown and the elect are taken up.

      The Feast of Atonement occurs ten days after the Feast of Trumpets, when Christ will make judgement.

      The Feast of Tabernacles occurs fifteen days after the Feast of Trumpets, when we celebrate the wedding feast.

      The story of Messiah returning during the fall Holy Feast Day of Trumpets has been hidden by the enemy, so that believers are unprepared.

      Every believer show know the proper context of Messiah’s return, in the fall, on the Feast of Trumpets.

      The Apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:2:

      For you yourselves know very well that the day of Yahuah comes as a thief in the night.

      But then he said in 1 Thessalonians 5:4:

      But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.

      Those who don’t know these things will be caught off-guard, as they don’t understand the context of His return.

      But the Apostle Paul declared that those who are in the light of truth, will not be caught off-guard, because we know when to expect our Master to return, on the fall Feast of Trumpets.

  8. “You may have noticed that there is no mention of the rebuilding of a Jewish temple, no antichrist peace agreement with Israel, no pre-tribulation rapture, no 7-year tribulation period, and no 3 1/2 year great tribulation period, mentioned in our Lord’s Revelation.”

    But David, as you say, we must be Bereans, we must let scripture interpret scripture. Both Christ and Paul spoke of the anti-Christ sitting in the Jewish temple – Matthew 24:15-18(40) 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-11.
    It is very clear that;
    Matthew 24:24 == 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 == Revelation 13:13-14.
    They all speak of the one who will use seeming miracles to fool the world;
    the anti-Christ.

    David, note these verses and time itself and the things you know of the Jesuits.

    Matthew 24:27 “For as the lightning…” 24 + 27 = 51.
    Luke 12:39 “If the goodman of the house had known what hour…” 12 + 39 = 51.
    Luke 17:34 “In that night two shall be in the field…” 17 + 34 = 51.

    Revelation 2:13 to 3:22 (Christ stops talking on 3:22)
    Let 2:13 be 2013 and count till Christ stops talking…… 2051.

    Area…. 51.

    1 Corinthians 15….. 51 to 58! 58 is the last verse!

    Behold, 2051 to 2058 is the seven years of the final anti-Christ.

    Been saying so since….. 2015.

    1 Corinthians 15:51-58.

    Yes, it is the Jesuits. Chuck….. Swindoll? Really?
    Followed up by David….. Spiker? Really…?
    What was that Jesuit oath again?? Oh yeah, um, make up a fake name, have a fake wife, infiltrate the protestant churches…

    But what are they leading up to? The idea of aliens from outer-space, don’t let people fall for it. The devil is a liar aliens are the devil lie. Revelation 13:6.

    But we are not in darkness that that day should overtake us as a thief.
    David, one of the seven heads of the beast will be wounded by the end of this year, or by next year, that head is most likely the Pope. Note my words David. Please remember them. – Here they are all summarized neatly –

    • The antichrist Popes of Rome already sit in the temple. Keep in mind that when the Apostle Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, the Jewish temple was still standing, as it wasn’t destroyed by the Romans until 70 A.D., so any reference to a physical temple would have been to that temple, not an end times temple.

      “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”

      So what does Paul mean?

      To understand that, let’s look at how Jesus defined the word “temple.”

      In John 2:14, Jesus spoke of the physical temple. The Greek word for the physical temple is hieron.

      “And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business.”

      Then just five verses later in John 2:19-20, Jesus spoke of the spiritual temple. The Greek word for the spiritual temple is naos.

      “Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” But He was speaking of the temple of His body.”

      Whenever Paul used the word naos, he applied it to followers of Jesus, the Christian Church, which is a literal temple, but not a physical building.

      1 Corinthians 3:16-17 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.”

      1 Corinthians 6:19 “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”

      2 Corinthians 6:16 “And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”

      Ephesians 2:19-22 “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

      The spiritual temple is made up of followers of Jesus, Christians.

      In 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4, where Paul is telling us about the Son of Perdition, he again uses the Greek word naos.

      “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple (naos) of God, showing himself that he is God.”

      Paul is saying that the Son of Perdition would sit in the temple of God, that is, in the Christian church.

      Paul is telling us that he would pretend to be Christian in order to deceive the world, which lines up directly with the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope who pretend to be Christian.

      Instead of being an infidel who doesn’t believe in God, like so many pastors teach, the Antichrist does not reign outside of the Church, but in the very bosom of the Church.

      Pope Innocent III declared “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God.”

      Pope Pius V blasphemed that “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.”

      Pope John Paul II said “Don’t go to God for forgiveness of sins: come to me.”

      Current Pope Francis I said “You cannot find Jesus outside the Church.”

      Paul places the Son of Perdition nowhere else than in the very sanctuary of God.

      The Pope sits (assumes a position of authority) as God in the temple of God.

      The Pope is called the ‘Vicar of Christ’ which means ‘substitute for Christ.’

      He proclaims to forgive sins.

      He proclaims that salvation is only available through the Roman Catholic Church.

      He preaches a message of ‘salvation by works’, instead of through the blood of Jesus.

      The Pope of the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church misleads 1.2 Billion Catholics into believing that salvation is through them, not Jesus Christ.

      And the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church are pushing the world into a New World Order, where they will cause everyone in the world to worship them or die.

      • Matthew 24:15-18
        “When ye therefore see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel (Daniel 9:26, Daniel 11:31) stand IN THE HOLY PLACE .. let them which be in Judah flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop, not come down … neither let him in the field turn back …” Matthew 24:40 “..then shall two be in the field, one shall be taken; the other left”

        2nd Thessalonians 2:4 ” … So that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God”
        His words go on to match up perfectly with what is said in
        Revelation 13:13-14 == 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11.
        Clearly, very clearly, connecting all three passages.
        Matthew 24:24 == 2 Thess 2:9-11 == Revelation 13:13-14.

        Christ said, the temple, as spoken of by Daniel!!!
        So, that is clearly a reference to a physical temple.
        As is also clear at the end of Revelation, due to the fact that it gets specifically measured, that the city is a literal, physical city, that comes literally down out of literal spiritual heaven. – Revelation 21:1-27.

        • Messiah was pointing to Daniel 9 which foretold that the temple and the city would be desolated, because the Jews would deliver Messiah up to be killed.

          Read Luke 21:20 and it tells you that the AOD is when an army surrounds the city to desolate it.

          Daniel 12 describes the 1,290 and 1,335 days between 66-70 A.D., when the Abomination of Desolation occurred in 66 A.D. The Early Church saw the sign and fled to the mountains of Pella. Then 1.1 million Jews died from famine, pestilence, infighting, suicide, crucifixion and by the Roman Sword. And the temple that Messiah was talking about in Matthew 24 was destroyed. That is the perfect match.

          As for 2nd Thessalonians 2:4, Paul wrote that when the temple was standing, so if he was referring to a physical temple, it would have been to that one, not a future one.

          So what does Paul mean?

          To understand that, let’s look at how Jesus defined the word “temple.”

          In John 2:14, Jesus spoke of the physical temple. The Greek word for the physical temple is hieron.

          “And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business.”

          Then just five verses later in John 2:19-20, Jesus spoke of the spiritual temple. The Greek word for the spiritual temple is naos.

          “Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” But He was speaking of the temple of His body.”

          Whenever Paul used the word naos, he applied it to followers of Jesus, the Christian Church, which is a literal temple, but not a physical building.

          1 Corinthians 3:16-17 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.”

          1 Corinthians 6:19 “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”

          2 Corinthians 6:16 “And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”

          Ephesians 2:19-22 “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

          The spiritual temple is made up of followers of Jesus, Christians.

          In 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4, where Paul is telling us about the Son of Perdition, he again uses the Greek word naos.

          “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple (naos) of God, showing himself that he is God.”

          Paul is saying that the Son of Perdition would sit in the temple of God, that is, in the Christian church.

          Paul is telling us that he would pretend to be Christian in order to deceive the world, which lines up directly with the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope who pretend to be Christian.

          Instead of being an infidel who doesn’t believe in God, like so many pastors teach, the Antichrist does not reign outside of the Church, but in the very bosom of the Church.

          Pope Innocent III declared “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God.”

          Pope Pius V blasphemed that “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.”

          Pope John Paul II said “Don’t go to God for forgiveness of sins: come to me.”

          Current Pope Francis I said “You cannot find Jesus outside the Church.”

          Paul places the Son of Perdition nowhere else than in the very sanctuary of God.

          The Pope sits (assumes a position of authority) as God in the temple of God.

          The Pope is called the ‘Vicar of Christ’ which means ‘substitute for Christ.’

          He proclaims to forgive sins.

          He proclaims that salvation is only available through the Roman Catholic Church.

          He preaches a message of ‘salvation by works’, instead of through the blood of Jesus.

          The Pope of the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church misleads 1.2 Billion Catholics into believing that salvation is through them, not Jesus Christ.

        • “”Read Luke 21:20 and it tells you that the AOD is when an army surrounds the city to desolate it.””

          We must put all the verses about the abomination of desolation together to get a clear picture of what it is.

          Daniel 11:31 – “And armies shall stand on his part, and they shall defile
          the sanctuary fortress, and shall take away the daily temple sacrifice and they shall PLACE the abomination that maketh desolate.”

          Matthew 24:15-18 “and when ye shall SEE the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, STANDING in the HOLY PLACE…”

          So, very clearly, the abomination is something that is placed by armies, not the armies themselves.

          • Not all verses about the Abomination of Desolation are talking about the same event. Daniel 11 is pointing to Antiochus Epiphanes, the vile person, who surrounded Jerusalem with his armies (the abomination of desolation) and killed 10’s of thousands of Jews. They defiled the sanctuary and caused the daily sacrifice to be taken away for 2,300 days (Daniel 8:14). His persecution of the Jews began in 171 B.C. and the temple was cleansed on December 25, 165 B.C., which is 2,300 days.(described in Daniel 8)

            Matthew 24:15-18 “and when ye shall SEE the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, STANDING in the HOLY PLACE…” The holy place is Jerusalem, Holy Jerusalem.

            The Abomination of Desolation had to be something that the Early Church could see, as it was the sign that Messiah gave them to flee to the mountains. Placing something in the temple would not allow it to be seen by everyone, but I’m sure that every person in the city of Jerusalem knew that the Roman army had surrounded the holy city of Jerusalem.

            The ISR 98 literal translation reads, “So when you see the ‘abomination that lays waste,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up in the set-apart place” – he who reads, let him understand.

            The abomination was the pagan Romans, who were an abomination to the Jews, who laid waste to the temple and the city and the Jews.

      • The Pope is merely, and most likely the head of beast #1 that will get mortally wounded and then healed. The Pope is not the anti-Christ. What the Pope begins to say and teach after his wound, will lead up to the final anti-Christ. So, yes, the Pope is an anti-Christ figure, i’m telling you the Pope is beast #1, but beast #2 must come first before we can expect the real savior to return. And it is as it is written!!! “the patience and faith of the saints” – Revelation 13:1-10 That is how verse 10 ends, when describing the time of beast #1. Matthew 24:48-51 “and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, my Lord delays His coming…” My dear brother, my message is basically to tell you that this period of thinking that the Lord should come right now, and be confused as to why He is not, is about to start NOW, this year or next, the Pope will be wounded then seemingly healed. And most mainstream Christians will therefore feel that he is the ultimate anti-Christ, but such is not the case! he is merely the runner up… beast #1. Mark my words. The devil is a liar, aliens are the devils lie.

        • “exalts himself above all that is called God” 2 Thess 2:3-4

          Current Pope Francis I said “You cannot find Jesus outside the Church.”

          So, the Pope says you need to find Jesus, not that he is Jesus.
          Understand that the Bible says the anti-Christ will claim TO BE Jesus,
          with seeming miracles also —
          Matthew 24:5,24 == 2 Thess 2:3-11 == Revelation 13:13-14, 19:20

          • The Popes have proclaimed the be Jesus Christ in the flesh. Wake up!

            Pope Boniface VIII said “We declare, assert, define and pronounce to be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every creature altogether necessary for salvation… I have the authority of the King of Kings. I am all in all, and above all, so that God Himself and I, the Vicar of Christ, have but one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do. What therefore, can you make of me but God?

            Pope Pius IX said, “I alone… am the successor of the apostles, the vicar of Jesus Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life…

            Pope Pius X declared, “The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, he is Jesus Christ Himself, under the veil of the flesh. Does the Pope speak? It is Jesus Christ who is speaking, hence, when anyone speaks of the Pope, it is not necessary to examine but to obey.

            Pope Pius XII said, “…recognize the Holy, Catholic, Roman Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither sanctity nor salvation can be found. Call them to the unity of the one fold, granting them the grace to believe every truth of our holy faith and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.”


          • Pope Boniface VIII said “We declare, assert, define and pronounce to be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every creature altogether necessary for salvation… I have the authority of the King of Kings. I am all in all, and above all, so that God Himself and I, the Vicar of Christ, have but one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do. What therefore, can you make of me but God?”

            Even that is not a statement of one claiming to actually be God,
            he said “I am able to do almost all that God can do”
            That statement puts him below God, at least a little.

            And ok, I have never seen some of those other statements, they are blasphemous indeed. But when have any of the Popes done great miracles, like make fire come down from heaven in the sight of men?Christ said the miracles would be such that they would try to fool even the elect – Matthew 24:24-26
            And Paul said it would be a strong delusion – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
            The world will be deceived because of the seeming miracles – Revelation 13:13-14. No Pope has done any seeming miracles on that kind of level.

            “”The antichrist Popes of Rome already sit in the temple. Keep in mind that when the Apostle Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, the Jewish temple was still standing, as it wasn’t destroyed by the Romans until 70 A.D., so any reference to a physical temple would have been to that temple, not an end times temple. “”

            The temple spoken of by Paul is clearly a literal one, Paul clearly spoke of the temple that is to be on a certain spot in Jerusalem.
            During his time a building was in that spot, even though there is no building there now, we know which spot Paul would have been referring to.
            Whenever a new temple is built on that spot, according to the outlines in the Torah, it is therefore the same temple Paul would have been potentially pointing to, definitely, the same spot.

            The Pope is not literally inside of anyone.
            The Holy Spirit is literally inside of believers.

            Spirituality is real, is actual, it’s not metaphysical. 1 Kings 17:17-21
            We have a literal spiritual soul inside of our bodies.

            Spiritual = Some sort of particles of light
            equal to or greater than the speed of light.
            Physical = Less than the speed of light.

            So you can’t even just say, that this or that is “spiritual”
            The Spirit that dwells in us is real, literal and actual.
            God literally embodied Joshua in Exodus 33:11, Joshua being one of the first to experience the Holy Spirit. { How else can you reconcile Exodus 33:11 and 33:20? 33:11 – Holy Spirit through a believer 33:20-34:9 – Direct contact with the Father. And Moses asks twice for God to physically manifest Himself to the people also – Exodus 33:15-16, Exodus 34:9, and God promised to do so – Exodus 33:17 }
            These things are real, Abraham believed that God could do anything, including raise Isaac from the dead. Genesis 22:1-10. And God can do anything and everything. God is the Father of all existence.

            Therefore, for what your saying to be true, the Pope must actually/literally reside inside of people spiritually, if
            that is what the ‘temple’ is, our bodies.

            And this is not the case with the Pope, he does not literally reside inside of anyone, he is just one physical man, however the Holy Spirit of God does literally reside inside of believers.

            All the more showing that the temple spoken of in Daniel 11:31, Matthew 24:15-18 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-11, will be a physical one.

          • Clearly, they have proclaimed to be God.

            Pope Pius V blasphemed, “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.”

            Pope Innocent III said “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God.”

            Pope Leo XIII declared, “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”

            Popes have proclaimed to perform many miracles. The description of the earth beast of Revelation 13 is pointing to the Jesuits of Rome, in particular the Jesuit General, the False Prophet.

            Not all of the descriptions of the earth beast have been fulfilled yet. The Jesuits control the weather via HAARP. They control the military systems of the world. They can cause lighting to come down from heaven.

            Please! Most Christians have no clue about any of this! They think that all of Revelation is fulfilled during the last few years. They think that they will be raptured before it all happens. They have no clue about the Antichrist and False Prophet are. They have been deceived!

            The Falling Away that Paul is referring to in 2 Thessalonians 2 was fulfilled in the 4th century, when Emperor Constantine and the Roman Bishops created the Roman religion of Christianity, which has cause people to fall away from Scriptural truth.

            The Scriptures command use to observe the Father’s seven Holy Feast Days, which Messiah is fulfilling to redeem His set-apart people; but the enemy has Christians observing the pagan-based Easter and Christmas. The Scriptural calendar was replaced with the Roman calendar. Today 1.2 billion Catholics are deceived by their teachings, and most Protestants are as well.

            Paul said that it would happen before the Son of Perdition was revealed. That all occurred before the Popes of Rome took power in 538 A.D.

            Today most Christians are following the teachings/traditions of the Roman religion, verses Scriptural commands.

            The temple that Paul is referring to is a physical one, it’s just not a physical building. Ephesians 2:19-22 “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

            The spiritual temple is made up of followers of Jesus, Christians.

            In 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4, where Paul is telling us about the Son of Perdition, he again uses the Greek word naos.

            “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple (naos) of God, showing himself that he is God.”

            The Popes proclaim that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true Christian church. The Popes sit in the middle of that church. 1.2 billion Catholics think that they are the true church.

            Read the study about measuring the temple in Revelation 11, and you see that it was not about measuring a physical temple. It was fulfilled by Martin Luther, a Catholic monk, whom Messiah had read the Scriptures (the ruler) and he found out that the Catholic Church is the Harlot of Revelation 17.


          • I don’t understand how you can read Daniel 11:31 and Matthew 24:15-18 and see them as unrelated. Clearly Daniel 11:31 says they “place” the abomination of desolation, so it is a thing, not the armies. And Daniel 12:11 says the abomination is “set up” And Christ specifically said He was talking about the abomination of desolation, as “spoken of by Daniel.”
            The “holy place” is the Holy of Holies –
            Exodus 26:33, 1 Kings 6:16, Leviticus 16:16-17
            Which is……………………. Inside, The building of The Temple.

            “”The spiritual temple is made up of followers of Jesus, Christians. “”

            However, Paul was quite literally simply saying that the Holy Spirit inhabits each believers physical body. 1 Corinthians 6:19
            This is literally evident in many other passages –
            John 20:22, Acts 2:4, Acts 10:44-46.
            Paul’s meaning is clear because of 1 Corinthians 6:15-18.

            Each believer is a temple. Each believer has a personal relationship with Christ.
            His Spirit literally resides inside of each believer.

            Therefore, it is not a spiritual temple!
            It is a physical temple(our bodies) FOR a spirit. A Naos.

            God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:24

            So, any physical building built for God, is also a naos, because God is a Spirit.

            Clearly, Paul was saying that someone will sit inside of the physical building that is supposed to be for God. He clearly meant what He said, literally, and not figurative in any way shape or form.
            This is extremely clear because Paul begins his words by saying;
            “let no man deceive you”
            I don’t think Paul would follow that up with confusing/figurative statements,
            no rather, direct ones.
            For the Bible is Direct –
            Daniel 9:26 “And after 32 weeks shall Messiah suffer the death penalty”
            John 8:28 “When you have crucified the Son of man then you shall know that I am Him.”

          • I don’t understand how you can read Matthew 24:34 and not understand what Messiah clearly stated, that all of the things He just described would take place in THAT GENERATION.

            The Roman army did ‘set up’ around the Holy city of Jerusalem.

            Did you read the whole Daniel 12 study to see the verse by verse explanation, and the fulfillment timeline, with witness account from Jewish historian Josephus. The 1,290 and 1,335 days and the Abomination of Desolation are accounted, in in the proper context.

            Daniel 9:26-27 foretold the event.
            Daniel 12 described the event.
            In Matthew 24 Messiah foretold the event.

  9. Job 38:4 = Creation
    Job 38:17 = Christ (Rose from the dead then started the horses)
    Job 38:22-23 = Hitlers loss due largely to winter.
    Everything ends perfectly in Hebrew year 7000.
    Isaiah 46:10, Genesis 2:2, 2 Peter 3:8.

    The horses of Revelation 6 represent 4 periods of time.

    Christ is first and last – Revelation 1:11
    The resurrected Christ is worthy to open the seals – Revelation 5:5-6
    The resurrected Christ opens a seal and a white horses goes out – Rev 6:1-2
    White – Conquest of Death to Conquest and formation of the major countries.
    Climax = Napoleon/’holy’ Roman Empire
    Red – End of Napoleon era to End of Cold War.
    Climax = Hitler (sword coming from his mouth!)
    Black End of Cold War to Our Time Now.
    Climax yet to happen? (2008 first ‘black’ president and economic collapse)
    Grey – Deaths last moments of rage, the last anti-Christ period of time.
    Christ rides on a white horse and defeats the anti-Christ Rev 19:11-20
    Christ is first and last! Revelation 22:13

    It is not the anti-Christ that receives the deadly wound.
    A false messiah comes Before the real Messiah returns –
    Matthew 24:24 == 2 Thessalonians 2:3-11 == Revelation 13:11-14.
    Beast #1 does not do miracles, one of its heads is seemingly
    wounded to death and healed Revelation 13:1-3.
    Beast #2 does seeming miracles and makes the world get a mark
    Revelation 13:11-18.
    Beast #1 is a kingdom with 7 major kings and 10 minor kings.
    Revelation 17:8-18.
    Beast #2 is the false prophet, the opposite of the True Prophet
    ( Deuteronomy 18:18-19 ) Revelation 19:20
    Matthew 24:24-25 == 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 == Revelation 13:11-15.
    It is one of the 7 major kings, one of the 7 heads,
    that gets wounded to death and then healed Revelation 13:3
    (This wounded head is then referred to as a beast in Revelation 17:8-11 and Revelation 19:19-20)

    Beast #1 is the Empire of the 3 city states;
    Vatican City, Washington D.C., The City Of London.
    Beast #2 is the final anti-Christ, he will claim to be Christ, he will do seeming miracles, he will champion evolution and claim to be a humanoid “alien” from the supposed planet that “evolved” first.
    Please don’t fall for his lies.

    • That’s an interesting perspective, but I respectfully disagree. Daniel, Paul and John all described the same thing, the antichrist Popes of Rome rising to power after the Roman Empire collapsed.

      Notice the commonality of the prophecies, that the Popes would rise to power, that they would speak against God, and that they would reign for 1,260 years.

      After the internal collapse from civil war, famine and pestilence; and after the Roman Empire was attacked by many armies; the last Western Roman Emperor was removed in 476 A.D.

      The Little Horn of Daniel describes the Popes, who rose to power after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

      Daniel 7:8 “I considered the (10) horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.”

      The 10 horns of the 4th beast of Daniel 7 foretold that the Roman Empire would split into 10 civil kingdoms, and that a Little Horn, the Popes of Rome, would rise up among them, and pluck out three of the kingdoms that did not bow down to his authority. They subdued and destroyed three of the ten kingdoms, the Heruli, the Ostrogoths and the Vandals.

      Daniel 7:25 “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”

      Daniel foretold that the Little Horn, the Popes of Rome would speak against Elohim, and reign for 1,260 years.

      The ‘restrainer’ of 2 Thessalonians 2 described the Roman Emperors who restrained the Popes from taking power.

      “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” Verse 4

      The Roman Emperor was the restrainer, because as long as he was in authority, the Popes could not take power.

      Shortly after the last Roman Emperor was removed in 476 A.D., the Son of Perdition, the Popes of Rome, rose to power in 538 A.D. They sit among the followers of Messiah, which is the temple of God, and they proclaimed to be God.

      The sea beast of Revelation 13 rose up out of the people groups, out of the 10 civil kingdoms, that were created when the Roman Empire collapsed.

      “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.” Verse 5

      The Popes were given civil and ecclesiastic power as a church/state, and they took the Emperor’s title of Pontifex Maximus, and the ‘deadly head wound‘ was healed.

      John is telling us the same thing as Daniel, that the Popes of Rome would reign for 1,260 years, and speaking blasphemies, proclaiming to be God and to forgive sins.

      Revelation 17 tells us that five forms of Roman government, referred to as kings, had passed when John wrote Revelation.

      “So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.” Verse 3

      Here is the same beast as Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 described, with 10 horns.

      “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.” Verses 10-11

      The seven kings represent the seven forms of government that existed in the Roman Empire, and the 8th represents the Popes of Rome who took power.

      Five had passed. One was at the time, the Emperors of Rome. And one existed during the ‘short space’ between 476, when the last Roman Emperor was removed, and 538, when the Popes of Rome took power.

      The antichrist is not just one man, it is a position, like the President of the United States. It has been fulfilled by many Popes.

      Messiah said that many would come in my name, and the many Popes proclaim to be the “Vicar of Christ” or the “substitute Christ.”

      The Popes reigned during 1,260 years of civil and ecclesiastic power, from 538-1798 A.D., until the Jesuits caused Napoleon’s army to take the Pope captive, removing his civil power.

      The Jesuit Generals, the black popes, are the earth beast of Revelation 13, who control the Vatican and the White Pope.

      • “”The Popes were given civil and ecclesiastic power as a church/state, and they took the Emperor’s title of Pontifex Maximus, and the ‘deadly head wound‘ was healed.””

        Hmmm, however it is clear from Revelation 19:20, that the beast and false prophet culminate as two people. And it is clear that whatever the wound/healing is causes the whole world to marvel – Revelation 13:3, 17:8
        So it is most likely some sort of physical wound, seeming death, and seeming resurrection. That is why the text describes him as being “was, and is not and yet is” Revelation 17:8

        • “” Messiah said that many would come in my name, and the many Popes proclaim to be the “Vicar of Christ” or the “substitute Christ.” “”

          The Messiah said – “Many will come in my name, saying ‘I am Christ’, and shall deceive many” Matthew 24:5.

          Christ was referring to people like, Jim Jones, David Koresh, etc… and ultimately the final anti-Christ who will claim to be Christ himself, not just to be representing Christ, but he will pretend to actually be Christ, with fake miracles and all, and your theory fits right into his plan.
          For if everyone thinks the wounded head and/or the Pope is the anti-Christ, they will be deceived when the real anti-Christ arrives, claiming to be Christ, championing evolution and claiming to be from some other planet.
          But both Christ and Paul were very clear, a false messiah working seeming miracles and sitting in the temple of God, will come Before the real Messiah returns –
          Matthew 24:24-26 == 2 Thess 2:3-11 == Revelation 13:13-18

        • The Popes are the sea beast of Revelation 13, which reigned from 538-1798, until the Pope was removed from power by the Jesuits. The Popes didn’t cease to exist, they just lost power. That is because the Jesuits of Rome, the earth beast of Revelation, took control of the Vatican. The Black Pope controls the Vatican and the White Pope.

          The Jesuits are using the Vatican and the White Pope to draw the world under their power. 1.2 Billion Catholics are loyal to the Pope. They are drawing the Orthodox Church, and Protestant Churches under their power. They are drawing Muslims under their power.

          So the Black Pope, who is the False Prophet; and the antichrist beast White Pope work together, to deceive the world.

          The Jesuits spread around the world and teach a false salvation message. The Jesuits created the false prophecy explanations of preterism and futurism, to deflect blame away from the Popes of Rome, as the Protestant Reformers had rightly identified them as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the Antichrist sea beast of Revelation 13.

          As for the deadly head wound, that happened in the 5th century when the last Roman Emperor was removed from power in 476 A.D. The Roman Emperors were the ‘restrainer’ that Paul was talking about in 2 Thessalonians, who prevented the Popes of Rome from taking power. But after the Roman Emperor was removed in 476, the Popes of Rome gained power shortly in 538 A.D.

      • And also, respectfully, this little bit can not be refuted by anyone no matter how hard you try:

        Job 38:4 = Creation.
        Job 38:17 = Christ. (Christ did rise from the dead, and can say yes to this question, this verse clearly foreshadows the resurrection of Christ)
        Job 38:22-23 = Hitlers loss due largely to winter.
        (Simply look up “why did Hitler lose the war” find the top 10 list, the winter is number 4)

        Everything ends perfectly in Hebrew year 7000 –
        Isaiah 46:10, Genesis 2:2, 2 Peter 3:8

        The only reasonable argument against anything i’m revealing is that we can’t be exactly sure of what true date it is.

        • Note that therefore both Job and Ezekiel foreshadow the time order of the horses of Revelation 6 –
          Job 38:17 = Christ White horse
          Job 38:22-23 = Hitler Red horse
          Job 38:25-27 = Famine reference Black horse

          Ezekiel 3:26-27 = Christ { Matthew 13:43 }
          Ezekiel 4:1-3 = War
          Ezekiel 4:9-17 Very extremely clearly goes with Revelation 6:5-6
          “wheat and barely” and famine!
          Ezekiel 5:17 and Revelation 6:8 almost say the exact same thing!

          Clearly the passages are foreshadowing the order of the horses, which clearly represent periods of time. Christ started those periods of time as soon as He went up to heaven. Revelation 5:5-6, 6:1-2!
          Christ is the first event of the end times, and the last event of the end times. Revelation 1:11, 22:13

          • During the time of Hitler one could have literally looked around and seen literally red everywhere – blood on the streets/dead bodies, Nazi red flags, Russian red flags, China red flags AND mandatory little red books that children had to carry around, teaching them about communism; there are rather glorious looking documentaries with video of this, all ablaze… in red, quite literally! And also quite literally, the whole world was at war, with a man using his mouth as a weapon against the masses, trying to dominate the world, a man, LITERALLY GIVEN, his speaking ability by a Jewish “mystic”, recent documentaries have been made on the subject! “And he was given a great sword” Revelation 6:4 – Goebbels’ discussion of Hitler’s speaking ability.

            And now what do we have today?? The first BLACK president. And during his first term…. economic collapse. Supposed “Isis” has…. black flags, and for the second time in history… genocide has been announced, so it looks like the world may be fighting against…. those… Black.. flags.

            Coincidence?? Or clear prophecy??

            “When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightaway ye say, There comes a shower, and so it is. And when ye see the south wind blow ye say, There will be heat; and it comes to pass. ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that you do not discern this time?”

            Therefore prophecy is not complicated.
            God wants us to know what time it is.

      • Ultimately we are not saying anything too very different. I agree, the Pope is an anti-Christ figure, i’m just saying he, or whoever it is that gets wounded, is not the final anti-Christ figure. Whoever the final anti-Christ figure is, is someone claiming to be Christ, and doing seeming miracles;
        Matthew 24:24 == 2 Thessalonians 2:3-11 == Revelation 13:13-14

  10. How about quoting your sources so others can check for themselves, since everything you wrote about the three world wars was taken directly from Albert Pike’s “Morals and Dogma”.


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