The Earth Beast Of Revelation 13 Are The Jesuit Generals Of Rome
This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study focuses on the earth beast of Revelation 13, the Jesuit Generals of Rome, the False Prophet.
Many people teach that the earth beast is America, but remember that the last beast of Daniel is Roman.
It has changed forms over the years from the Roman Empire, to the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church which reigned for 1,260 years from 538-1798 A.D., to the Jesuit Generals who took control of the Vatican and are using it to gather the world under their power.
Summary: The Jesuit General caused Napoleon’s army to capture the Pope and take him prisoner in 1798 A.D., ending the reign of the Popes of Rome. The top Jesuits pretend to be Christians (lamb-like), but they worship Satan the dragon. Jesuit priests have spread around the world to now cause 1.2 Billion Catholics to revere/worship the Pope. And Jesuit Pope Francis is now drawing Protestants, the Orthodox Church, Muslims, and all people groups under the power of Rome.
The Jesuits control the city-state of the District of Columbia, through which they control America. They use their intelligence agencies and the American military, to take control of the other countries of the world, which is why America has military bases around the world, and why America is almost always involved in some sort of war.
Revelation 13:11 “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth.”
The Popes rose to power out of the 10 kingdoms, thus the water/sea reference. The Jesuits rose to power out of the Vatican, which is the earth that is being referred to.
The Greek word is ge; contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application):—country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.
It’s telling us that this reigning power would rise up out of the previous reigning power, and that is exactly what the Jesuits did.
As a beast has already been shown to be the symbol of a reigning empire, the rising up of this second beast must consequently represent the rising up of another form of the Roman beast.
This beast did not rise up out of a people group (Popes rose up out of a sea of people), but were created by Ignatius Loyola. The Jesuits are the military order of the Vatican who were empowered at the Council of Trent in 1545 A.D. to counter the Reformation, to bring Protestant Churches back under their power and to kill the followers of Christ. When the Roman Catholic Church lost its power in the 18th century, the Jesuits seized control of the Vatican.
Ascending out of the earth denotes his rise from a small beginning to a mighty height. The Society of Jesus started with one man, Ignatius Loyola, and has grown into an army of priests who are subservient to the Jesuit General, who have been trained to carry out his orders without question.
This beast is called the false prophet, (Rev. 19) than which there cannot be a stronger or plainer argument to prove that false teachers were particularly designed.
Like the title of ‘Antichrist,’ the name ‘False Prophet‘ represents a position, not just one person; much like the President of the United States or the King of England.
The False Prophet represents all of the Jesuit Generals, Black Popes, who lead the Society of Satan to deceive the world with their sorcery.
The Jesuits act Christ-like (lamb-like), but spread around the world teaching a false salvation message of following the seven sacraments through the Papal Church.
They are False Priests.
The Jesuits are the source of false prophecy teaching of a future 70th week of Daniel featuring a one-man antichrist, and a futuristic fulfillment of Revelation; as to deflect blame away from the Roman Church.
They are False Prophets.
Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible says “For the false prophet no more than the beast is a single man, but a body or succession of men, propagating false doctrines, and teaching lies for sacred truths.
Another beast, or the same power under another form, appears, like a lamb with two horns, the symbol of his dominion temporal and spiritual, who, with all pretended meekness and humility, has all the pride and rage of the old dragon, exercising all the power of the first beast, and causing all the earth to worship him, and own his universal, temporal as well as spiritual, jurisdiction, with lying miracles supporting his idolatrous worship, deceiving the inhabitants of the earth, and leading them to erect the image of the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed, and pay their adoration to the idol, blindly and implicitly submitting to the authority of the Pope, and the constitutions of Paganism revived in the church of Rome; giving life to the image of the beast, enforcing all the canons and laws of his idolatrous worship, by excommunications, fire, and sword; making it death to refuse obedience to the Papal power; setting a mark upon all the votaries of the beast, and excluding those who would not submit to make profession of this system of error and blasphemy, from all intercourse with the worshipers of the beast, as unworthy of every blessing of society.”
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says “And I beheld another beast, The same with the first, only in another form; the same for being and person, but under a different consideration; the same antichrist, but appearing in another light and view: the first beast is the pope of Rome.”
Revelation 13:11 “and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.”
Horns represent leaders, so it is saying that this form of the Roman beast would have two key leaders. We can clearly see that the Black Pope controls the White Pope, since the Jesuits took control of the Vatican in the last 18th century.
The Jesuit Order is a military organization. They infiltrate countries under the guise of being priests, but they work to gather intelligence through the confessions of the leaders of countries. Then they use the intel to find corrupt people that they can use, to blackmail people into carrying out their orders, to take control of countries.
They call themselves the “Society of Jesus” and on the surface they appear to be priests who spread around the world ministering, but behind the scenes they serve Satan and they subversively do his work. They are lamb-like in pretensions, but dragon-like in character.
Here is part of the Jesuit Oath which testifies to their wicked mission. “I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth;… I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”
Revelation 13:12, “And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed“
The Jesuit General, the Black Pope, controls the Vatican, not the white Pope, which everyone sees. They do not take credit as the leader, rather they work behind the scenes to hide their power.
They are using the authority of the Roman Catholic Church to draw the world under their power.
The Jesuits of Rome are empowered by Satan, and they are using the power of the major military’s and intelligence agencies, especially those of America, to make war with other countries, to push the world into the their New World Order, where Satan will be worshiped.

Father Adolfo Nicolas, Jesuit superior general, welcomes Pope Francis as he arrives to celebrate Mass at the Church of the Gesu in Rome Jan. 3. The pope celebrated Mass with 300 of his Jesuit confreres in thanksgiving for the recent canonization of Jesuit St. Peter Faber.
Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible says “He holdeth imperium in imperio, an empire within an empire; claims a temporal authority as well as a spiritual; and enforces canons and decrees with the sword of the civil magistrate. As the first beast concurs to maintain his authority, so he, in return, confirms and maintains the sovereignty and dominion of the first beast over his subjects; and causeth the earth, and them who dwell therein, to worship the first beast.
He supports tyranny, as he is by tyranny supported: he enslaves the consciences, as the first beast subjugates the bodies of men. Such is the power and authority of the beast.”
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says “to worship the first beast; to be subject to the temporal power of the Papacy, or to submit to the pope as a temporal lord, to give homage and tribute to him, and the like, in order to support his worldly power and grandeur; and this was caused or brought about by his emissaries, his spiritual vassals, his legates, cardinals, priests, etc. by their exhortations, persuasions, and commands, delivered both in writing and preaching.
Whose deadly wound was healed; which deadly wound was given the Roman empire under its sixth head, the emperors, when they ceased, and was healed by the pope, the seventh head, being set as a temporal monarch over the ten kingdoms in it.”
Revelation 13:13, “He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.”
In 1917 A.D, the Jesuits caused an event where 70,000 witnesses supposedly saw the sun, contrary to cosmic laws, twirl in the sky, throw off colors and descend to earth. This event, which occurred in Fatima, Portugal, caused even non-believers to immediately dropped onto their knees and beg for forgiveness.
That ‘Miracle of the Sun‘ supposedly confirmed the validity of the “Message of Fatima,” a message from the Virgin Mary, which gave warning of future calamity if people did not participate in the Eucharist communion. It served to draw the Muslim community towards the Roman Catholic Church, as they too revere Mary and believe that she was speaking through Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad.
Or it could refer to a future deception from the Jesuits using HAARP or other technology to cause fire to come down from the heavens.
Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible says “He pretends, like other false prophets, to shew signs and wonders, and even to call fire from heaven, as Elias did. Miracles, visions, and revelations, are the mighty boast of the church of Rome; the contrivances of an artful cunning clergy, to impose upon an ignorant or credulous laity”
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says “And he doeth great wonders, Or miracles; not real, but pretended ones, lying wonders, which the Popish legends are full of the accounts of, as done by the priests, or by this or the other saint”
Revelation 13:14 “And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.”
Since 1798 A.D., the Jesuits have propped up the Roman Church, creating an image of what it used to be.
In 1929 A.D., at the Lateran Treaty, the Jesuits caused the leaders of Italy to establish Vatican City as an independent state, giving her civil power again.
Since then, Jesuits have spread around the world teaching the false Catholicism message of salvation, so that now 1.2 Billion Catholics revere the Pope.
In Pope Francis the Jesuits have taken the White Pope position, as Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope. He is gathering Protestants, the Orthodox Church, Muslims, and the whole world under his power.
So in effect, the Jesuits have created an image of the beast. They have created a power structure in the form of the Catholic Church, which they have revived. They are using it to gather the world under their control.
It could refer to a future deception from the Jesuits using satellites such as Project Blue Beam, which is designed to create holographic images in the sky, to create a worldwide message supposedly from God, or Mary.
Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible says “In short, he is the most perfect likeness of the ancient Roman emperors; is as great a tyrant in the Christian world, as they were in the Heathen; presides in the same city; usurps the same powers; affects the same titles; and requires the same universal homage and adoration.
The influence of the two horned beast, or corrupted clergy, is farther seen, in persuading and inducing mankind to make an image of the beast, &c. that is, an image and representation of the Roman empire, which was wounded by the sword of the barbarous nations, and revived in the revival of a new emperor in the West.”
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says “by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; the secular power of the Papacy encouraging, confirming, and giving a sanction to those lying miracles, and obliging all to believe them, and come into the things, doctrines, or practices, they are designed to promote:
saying to them that dwell on the earth: the apostate church, or the carnal inhabitants of the empire: ordering and commanding them.
Revelation 13:15 “He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.”
They are using Pope Francis, who is a Jesuit, to draw the world unto the “universal church” and those who don’t unite with her are becoming the enemy of the world.
Look at the recent history and you see that the leaders of countries who would not bow down to the authority of the Jesuits, who did not have a Jesuit-Rothchild central bank; were killed and their country is now in chaos where many have died.
Recall them demonizing Saddam Hussein to justify military action in Iraq. Saddam was killed, the oil and gold were stolen, more than a million Iraqis died, a Rothchild central bank was set up to control their money supply, and Iraq is in shambles.
Recall them demonizing Muammar Gaddafi, to justify military action in Libya. Muammar was killed, the oil and gold were stolen, many Libyans died, a Rothchild central bank was set up to control their money supply, and Libya is in shambles.
Look at how they have demonized President Assad in Syria. They have inserted militants in Syria to cause a civil war. They have inserted the CIA-created ISIS into Syria to fight against Assad. And now the militaries of America, France, Russia, Israel, etc., are engaged in destroying Syria, because they have not bowed down to the authority of the Jesuits.
Look at how they demonize Iran, who has not attacked another country in 200 years. They are setting the stage for a future attack on Iran.
They have to control the money supply of every country, in order to control the world.
Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible says “This image and representation of the beast, most probably, is the Pope. He is properly the idol of the church. He represents in himself the whole power of the beast, and is the head of all authority, temporal as well as spiritual. He is no more than a private person, without power, and without authority, till the two-horned beast, or the corrupted clergy, by choosing him Pope, give life unto him, and enable him to speak and utter his decrees.”
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says “and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed: that is, the beast causes, or orders all those that will not worship the image, to be killed; that is, that as many as will not embrace and profess the Popish religion shall be put to death; and these are the known orders and decrees of the Papacy, which have been executed by the Inquisition, and other hands, in innumerable instances; the blood of all the saints and prophets is found in Rome Papal, and will be avenged.”
Revelation 13:16 “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads.”
These False Prophets now deceive 1/6th of the world’s population with a false salvation message. These people have the mark of the beast on them, as they obey the commands of the Pope and trust in him for salvation. And the Jesuits are drawing Protestant Churches to the Papal Church, along with Muslims and people of all religions.
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says “those who were obliged to receive the mark in the right hand seem to be the clergy, such who entered into holy orders; who lifted up their right hand, and swore and vowed allegiance to the pope, and testified they were ready to defend and support his religion and interest; and who in their ordination are said to have an indelible character impressed on them: and those who received the mark in their foreheads are the common people in general, who one and all have the same impress upon them; which may intend either the sign of the cross in baptism, or rather their open confession of the Popish religion, which they as publicly avow and declare as if it had been written on their foreheads.”
Revelation 13:17 “and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
The Jesuits covertly control the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank of Settlements, the Federal Reserve Bank, and Central Banks in almost every country. In their New World Order, they will control the monetary system, to dictate who buys and sells.
Note: The Jesuits use Zionist Jews to control many areas of finance, as they use them as a front organization, so that if the world wakes up to see that they have had their wealth stolen, they will blame the Jews, instead of the Jesuits.
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says “And that no man might buy or sell, Either in an ecclesiastical sense, as to, be in any church office, or perform any such service, to say Mass, hear confession, give absolution, sell pardons and indulgences, etc. or in a civil sense, as to trade, and exercise merchandise, and this was forbidden by several Popish councils and synods; the Lateran council, under Pope Alexander, decreed against the Waldenses and Albigenses, that no one should presume to retain or encourage them in their houses or countries, or “trade” with them; and the synod of Tours in France forbid any reception of heretics, or protection, and that any communion should be had with them “in buying and selling”, as Mr. Mede has observed; and it was ordered by a bull of Pope Martin the Fifth, that no contract should be made with such, and that they should not follow any business and merchandise:
save he that had the mark; took the oath to be true to the pope, or made a public profession of the Popish religion:
or the name of the beast; Papists, so called from the pope; thus the antichristians are called from antichrist, as the Christians from Christ:
or the number of his name; which is either the same with the number of the beast in Re 13:18, or is something distinct it; and those who have it may be such persons who neither have the indelible character of the Romish clergy, nor are open professors of the Popish religion, but are in heart inclined to it, and privately and secretly promote it, by their doctrines and practices; and so are numbered, reckoned, esteemed, and accounted of by the Papists, and receive favours from them; or rather such who openly “furnish the drink offering” in the Mass.”
Revelation 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
The Pope’s title is Vicar of Christ, which in Latin is ‘Vicarius Filii Dei’, which equates numerically to the number 666.
Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible says “No name appears more proper and suitable, than that famous one mentioned by Iraeneus, who lived not long after St. John’s time, and was the disciple of Polycarp, the disciple of John. He says, “that the name Lateinos contains the number six hundred and sixty-six.
For, after the division of the empire, the Greeks and other Orientalists called the people of the Western church, or church of Rome, Latins, and they latinize in every thing: mass, prayers, litanies, canons, decretals, bulls, are conceived in Latin: the Papal councils speak Latin: women themselves pray in Latin; nor is the scripture read in any other language under Popery than Latin”
Here are some prophecy explanations of the earth beast of Revelation 13 from as far back as the 5th century, which describe the Jesuits of Rome, which of course did not even exist yet.
Andreas, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and expositor in the Greek Church during the latter of the fifth century, explains after Iranaeus the two-horned beast as Antichrist’s false prophet, “exhibiting a show of piety, and with pretense of being a lamb when in fact a wolf.” (History Unveiling Prophecy, Henry G. Guinness)
Primasius, Bishop of the Carthaginian province, in his 6th century “Commentary on the Apocalypse” lays stress on Antichrist’s affected impersonation of, or substitution of himself for Christ; and blasphemous appropriation to himself of Christ’s proper dignity.
That of course refers to the first beast of Revelation 13, the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, who call themselves the Vicar of Christ, the substitute of Christ. They proclaim to forgive sins and that salvation is only through the Catholic Church.
Then Primasius seems to view the second beast of Revelation 13, the two-horned beast, as ecclesiastical rulers, “hypocritically feigning likeness to the Lamb, in order the better to war against him: and by the mask of a Christian profession, under which mask the devil puts himself before men, acting out the Mediator.” (Elliot, Horae, IV, p. 342)
This describes the Jesuits of Rome, who call themselves the “Society of Jesus” but are really the “Society of Satan.”
The venerable Bede, who died in 735 A.D., similarly interprets in his “Commentary on the Apocalypse,” the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13, as meaning “Antichrist’s pseudo-Christian false prophets.”
“He shews the horns of a lamb, that he may secretly introduce the person of the dragon. For by the false assumption of sanctity, which the Lord truly had in Himself, he pretends that a matchless life and wisdom are his. Of this beast the Lord says, ‘Beware of false prophets’ which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.” (Bede on the Apocalypse, Ch. XIII, p. 11)
Ambrose Anspert, a Latin expositor in the 8th century, interpreted the second beast of Revelation 13 as “signifying the preachers and ministers of Antichrist; feigning the lamb, in order to carry out their hostility against the Lamb; just as Antichrist too, the first beast’s head wounded to death, would, he says, exhibit himself pro Christo, in Christ’s place.” (Elliot, Horae, IV, p. 351)
The celebrated Joachim Abbas in his “Commentary on the Apocalypse,” written in 1183 A.D. declared that the harlot city reigning over the kings of the earth undoubtedly meant Rome, and that the false prophet foretold in the Apocalypse would probably issue out of the bosom of the Church. (History Unveiling Prophecy, H, Grattan Guinness)
This video lists the many quotes about the Jesuits of Rome, from people who were warning us about their Satanic agenda.
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible Revelation 13
Geneva Bible Footnotes Revelation 13
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible Revelation 13
Matthew Poole’s Commentary on the Holy Bible Revelation 13
Additional Reference Materials About The Jesuits:
The Most Powerful Man In The World – The Black Pope
The Secret History Of The Jesuits – Edmond Paris
Rulers of Evil : Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies – F. Tupper Saussy
Codeword Barbelon – Danger in the Vatican: The Sons of Loyola and Their Plans for World Domination and Codeword Barbêlôn, Book 2: Anti-Christ is a Woman – Alive and Well, Again! by P.D. Stuart
Famous quotes about the Jesuits
Next Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible Study: Revelation 2-3 Seven Church Eras
{ 22 comments… read them below or add one }
Praise the Lord! Hope you are well brother David. Thank you for your service and devotion in the Lord’s vineyard. May I ask, do you believe that the great tribulation started during the inquisition? I ask this because the Bible talks of a great tribulation before the end of the age and history shows that the inquisition was responsible for the death of millions of christians. I seek to learn and grow everyday.
Thank you Kiiru! There are two times of great tribulation, one from 66-70 A.D., when 1.1 million Jews died from famine, pestilence, infighting, suicide, crucifixion and by the Roman sword. Read this study
The other time of great tribulation was the 1,260 years, when the Popes of Rome ruled from 538-1798 A.D., and they killed over 50 million saints. That timeframe included the Inquisition. Read this study
Keep learning and growing in The Way!
Amazing research with historical accuracy and references. I can’t wait to read more, and see more videos.
I was half listening to the news last night and there was a report from England showing Catholics pilgrimage through a town (sorry didn’t catch the name) for the first time since it was stopped at the time of the reformation in the 1500s. There were protestors there and the reporter asked a man why he was protesting. He said something like “the Catholic Church worships satan”. My head came up straight away and the camera cut the report. I was educated in an Anglican convent as a child and was taught the word of Jesus. So I was immediately on the internet wanting to know what he was about. I found your web site. I knew some of the appalling catholic history but wow were my eyes opened. You have answered so many of my questions I have pondered over the years and I’ve been awake most of the night reading. I was always asking “where did satan go when he was cast out of heaven? It never made sense to me and I had the view that it was symbolic. I feel ignorant. Now I have quantifiable evidence why evil is winning. it can’t continue like this indefinitely. How much worse does it have to get before Jesus returns. Why is it taking so long?
Have you ever considered that the Virgin is the Image of the Beast since she seems to be the object of worship that the church has been pointing to for the past 1000 years and more so over the past century? And through her special visitations like Fatima and Lourdes and so many others especially in Latino countries, she has cased many to be deceived. So in that sense she also seems like a false prophet.
That’s an interesting perspective Dennis, but the Virgin Mary does not fulfill the description of the earth beast, aka the False Prophet, in Revelation 13. She is simply part of the false salvation message of the antichrist Popes of Rome, which the Jesuits of Rome teach around the world, causing Catholics to revere the Pope.
Interestingly it is the Jesuits who created the futuristic false prophecy explanations in the 16th century, to deflect blame away from the Popes, as the Protestant Reformers had rightly identified them as the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist Beast of Revelation 13.
Read this Revelation Timeline Decoded study series and you will see many proofs that the Jesuits are the earth beast, the Jesuit General the false Prophet.
I’m very grateful for studies such as this! I’ve been aware for quite some time about the Catholic Church however, this really helps me put it all together in my mind, not just bus and pieces from information all over the place! It’s so very important to know the wiles of satan so that you can fight against him and always keep your faith in Christ! Thank you for providing this study. I’m very interested to learn more.
Thank you for your comment Larissa! I write the study for people like you, who are searching for truth. I put all of my Revelation fulfillment studies on this website, to make it easier to navigate.
One of the things I’ve tried to do is help people see the big picture. Here is a prophecy fulfillment summary study that shows you the historical fulfillment’s, so that you know what is false futuristic teachings.
On the bottom of that page is a green Print/PDF button that lets you save the study and print it in an easy-to-read format. I would suggest printing it as a reference.
The study pages give the verse by verse explanations.
Keep learning and growing in The Way! Contact me anytime with questions or insight about the studies. David
David, I quote you,
\\This beast did not rise up out of a people group (Popes rose up out of a sea of people), but were created by Ignatius Loyola.//
Did not the Jesuits rise up in the same locality as the Papacy? If Rome is the beast, is not the papacy only the head and mouth of the beast during its asendency in Rome? That the Jesuit order has risin to ascendency in the Apostate Church does not make it a separate beast. And, Did not the Papacy rise up from a single man in Rome? Simon Magus? see:https://
\\This beast is called the false prophet, (Rev. 10) than which there cannot be a stronger or plainer argument to prove that false teachers were particularly designed.//
Could you please give me the verse on that?
I find the opposite in Rev 16, 19 and 20 where the false prophet is explicitly differentiated from the beast and therefore cannot be the beast. Now the popes and the jesuits can be of the same false prophet spirit as are many evangelical futurists and others.
more latter, peace Nicklas
Nicklas, the Popes rose to power out of the 10 kingdoms, thus the water/sea reference. The Jesuits rose to power out of the Vatican, which is the earth that is being referred to. A beast is simply the ruling power. It doesn’t have to be a separate country. The Popes ruled from 538-1798, now the Jesuits are the ruling power.
The false prophet reference is in Rev 19, the Rev 10 was a typo. Rev 19:20 says “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.”
It is declaring that the two entities, the antichrist beast and the false prophet work together, to deceive the world. Is that not what we see happening in Rome? The Black Pope controls the Vatican, and has the White Pope gathering the world under their power.
The earth beast of Revelation 13 has two horns, which means that it has two leaders; the Black Pope Jesuit General and the antichrist White Pope, who is now a Jesuit.
Who created all of the false prophecy explanations? Was in not a Jesuit, to counter the Reformation?
Who spread around the world teaching false gospel, so that now 1.2 Billion Catholics revere/worship the Pope? The Jesuits?
Who controls the world via their three city-state corporations of Vatican City, the City of London and the District of Columbia? The Jesuits!
When you understand the fulfillment of the bowl judgments, you see that it is the Jesuits who are used to carry them out; once again proving that the Jesuits are the earth beast.
Read the comments on the bottom of the study from theologians from as far back as the 5th century, and they describe the Jesuits of Rome; who act like priests (lamb-like), but are really of Satan (the dragon)
You of all people should know that Daniel foretold only four beast kingdoms which would rule the earth, and the last one is Rome, not the USA!
You should know that it is the Jesuit Superior General who controls the world via three city-state corporations of Vatican City, the City of London, and the District of Columbia.
By that, we know that the great city of Rome controls the world in the end times, including D.C.
And we can prove out that it is the Jesuit Superior General who is the false prophet. He and the antichrist beast Pope, are the two horns, the two leaders, of the end-times Roman beast; who pretend to be priests of Messiah (lamb-like), but really serve Satan (the dragon); which once again proves that the earth beast is another phase of the Roman beast kingdom.
The Jesuit Superior General rose to power out of the earth (land) of the Vatican.
I appreciate how much truth you teach Nicklas, but you are misleading people about the earth beast and the false prophet!
As the ‘sea’ is symbolic in this instance, so the ‘earth’ is also symbolic. The only other place I find in the Rev. where the ‘earth’ is used symbolically is ch. 12:16.
Verse 14 tells us what the end of this “earth” swallowing up the flood would be a wilderness refuge. Does this not verify the ‘earth’ being the opposite of the ‘sea’ rather than an integral part of the ‘sea’?
What you are ignoring is all of the evidence that proves that the Jesuits are the earth beast, which controls the world in the end times. They brought an end to the rule of the Popes by causing Napoleon’s army to take the Pope captive, removing him from civil power. That was the fulfillment of the 5th bowl.
The 1st-4th bowls were caused by the Jesuits of Rome against the Pope of Rome, and France. They did this because the King of France got the Pope to remove the Jesuits authority and power. They did it out of vengeance, as they never forgive and never forget.
Thank you for this teaching. I know in my heart and in my soul, that you are correct about all of this. My two very best friends in the world are both Catholic, but I am Protestant. Do you have any advice on how to help open their eyes to the truth, without alienating them from me. I do not want to lose their friendship of 40 + years. Thank you
Thank you for your comment Kimberly. It’s a tough topic to approach Catholics with, that’s for sure. Maybe a better way is to show them this website, which shows how what the Popes of Rome teach is contrary to the Scriptures.
Excellent presentation. However I might expound the history of the vatican to its beginning. Acts 8 tells us of simon magus a magician from samaria. simon magus and the roman emperor joined forces to create the RCC back in Jesus time here on earth. So satan started his ministry at same time as Christ did. (Christ always allows the enemy to have equal time so they can’t complain at the judgement.)
The 2 forces joining together is why the there is religion and sorcery (paganism) combined in the RCC. humbly…allan
Thank you for sharing your insight Allan! I cover Simon Magus and the ‘mystery of iniquity’ in the 1st century in my upcoming Revelation Timeline Decoded book.
A question regarding the mark of the beast. I’m about to accept a job as a federal employee and will be required to take the oath of office to “Solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Since you say DC is one of 3 city states would this be equal to taking the mark? Is it the Constitution and the American people I would be swearing allegiance or would it be to the beast? I was a former federal employee who resigned for a while and was saved in the interim. Now that I’m saved, would I be risking damnation for taking the oath of office? Would I still be able to retain the saving Grace of Yeshua? Here is a link to the oath:
John, the antichrist beast is the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome. If you revere and obey the antichrist beast Pope, who is the enemy of Messiah, then you will have the mark of the beast on you.
So working for D.C. is not the mark of the beast. That said, the leaders of D.C. are working for their boss in Rome, not the American people; so just be discerning about the work that you’re doing.
Keep learning and growing in The Way!
once again i thank you for all your hard work and insight, i study scriptures daily and have made great gains with bible prophecy and truth because of you, you have literally saved me many years of study and research, I love to study and discover the truth and how nice it is to have a trusted source like you to show me so much in so short of time.. i am in awe how you come to the truth in so many areas in so short a time period.. your work is that of many scholars, theologins, historians and prophets over hundreds of years so i just want to say a big thank you, you are my #1 source of truth other than the word of God, the holy scriptures.
Now because of your amazing accuracy and scriptural knowledge and all the time and effort you saved me in understanding the bible and the prophecies, because of your great work, i have had time to also research one of my other favorite subjects, the world on which we live.. and what i have found is that science, media, military, hollywood, acedemia, big tech, big corp, big pharma, and pretty much everyone and everything we have been taught is a big fat lie, nasa, space force, Copernicus, Einstein, Galileo, and many more supposed trustworthy agencies and brilliant men are just workers of iniquity.. workers of satan!!.. the holy scriptures to me are very clear and the many experiments like morley experiment and others are also very clear and in my opinion easy to understand, logical, sensical, and provide overwhelming evidence about the world we live upon. I believe We live on a stationary, relatively flat earth.. even crazy flat earth dave has come to much truth and can now answer the hard questions with ease.. i am not 110% convinced we live on a flat earth but i am sure they have lie about the curvature of the earth, lied about the movement of the earth, and lied about many things about this earth THATS A FACT, The earth will never move but now with all these lies and the facts that point way more to a flat earth than a ball of water or that if we realize the stationary erath that the sun would need to travel at over 290 million miles a day!!! i can only wish that you would revisit the very possible fake globe earth subject and please understand that i respect you more than any other person or institution about the word of God and this is why i have such a hard time understanding a globe earth!! i read and study and always come up with flat earth… i have read your 2 books and they are just not solid, in my opinion they fall short of this globe earth theory.. i have studied and studied and even tried to prove globe earth but the more solid evidence is always in flat earth for sure, so much more evidence, over whelming evidence. i apologize for the arrogance and for taking this to an open platform but i trust you will show us anything new that comes to show the truth whether it proves out a globe or a flat earth.. i am open but i call balls and strikes with clear vision and right now the globe earth is the strike out king..
God bless you and all the work you do
Thank you for your comment Marco. I’m blessed to know that the prophecy fulfillment explanations have helped you in your research!
Yeah, the enemy has created many deceptions in the end times. Supposed experts Copernicus and Einstein were deceivers. Copernicus in his book declared that the astronomers of his day would mock his heliocentric explanation as they believed in the geocentric model with the globe earth at the center. Einstein was used to try to hide the findings of the Michelson-Morley experiments which show that the earth is not moving.
Having read my two books, you should know that I believe that the universe is geocentric with a non-moving earth at the center.
You’re welcome to disagree with my explanations about what the Bible is describing in regard to the design of the earth. I understand that videos provide many explanations that make the earth seem flat. But my research shows that it’s a globe.
I present my evidence on my flat earth deception website, where I ask flat earthers some questions and nobody does, because they don’t have answers.
I don’t do much research on the topic as I have my hands full teaching prophecy fulfillment.
Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah,